Version 2011-1


DISCLAIMER.  The following summary of the Metro Private Line Access Service Level Agreements is provided for illustrative purposes only.  The Metro Private Line Access Service Level Agreements applicable to Customer are located at the hyperlink specified in Section 2 below.


1. Service Level Agreement Summary Page.  The following is a high level Summary of the Service Level Agreements (SLA) for Metro Private Line (MPL) Digital, MPL SONET, and MPL Optical Wave Services in the United States.


2. Terms and Conditions. For full service level agreements, please see the table of contents at the following hyperlink: Service Level Agreements


3. Service Level Standard Performance Measures.  The MPL SLA standards for services ordered with a term commitment of at least one year are:


MPL Service


SLA Parameter

Network Type


MPL Digital


DS0, DS1, DS3


Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)

1, 4a

2 hours

2, 3, 4b, 4c

4 hours

Service Availability

1, 4a


2, 3, 4b, 4c


Service Installation

1, 4a

DS0/DS1 = 14 Business Days

DS3 = 20 Business Days

*MPL Optical SONET


OC3, OC12, OC48, OC192


Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)

1 (DMS Only)

2 hours

1, 4a

2 hours

2, 3, 4b, 4c

4 hours

Service Availability

1 (DMS Only)


1, 4a


2, 3, 4b, 4c


Service Installation

1, 4a

The longer of (i) the period specified for installation in the Customer order or, (ii) 30 days, excluding weekends and Company holidays.

*MPL Optical Wave


1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, 2.5 Gbps, 4 Gbps, 10 Gbps, 40 Gbps


Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)

1 or 4a Protected or Unprotected

4 hours

Service Availability

1or 4a Protected


1 or 4a Unprotected


*Except as noted by Type 1 (DMS Only) this SLA does not apply to any dedicated base or dedicated multi-point services (DMS), or any MPL Optical Wave services made available on an individual case basis.  SLAs for dedicated base, dedicated multi-point services, and MPL Optical Wave services may be offered on an individual case basis.






4. MPL Network Types. The MPL SLA covers the following MPL Network types:


·          Type 1:  Both customer designated locations are located outside Verizon Telecom franchise areas and, connections at each end of a circuit are at locations provided via Verizon Business (MCI Legacy Company) facilities.  .

·          Type 2:  Both customer designated locations are located outside Verizon Telecom franchise areas and, one connection on a circuit is at a location provided via Verizon Business facilities, and the other connection of that circuit is not at a location provided via Verizon Business facilities (i.e., Off-net).  Off-net locations are connected to Verizon Business’s MPL network by a Verizon Business managed connection with an ILEC through an ILEC Central Office. 

·          Type 3:  Both customer designated locations are located outside Verizon Telecom franchise areas and, both customer designated locations are served by Verizon Business managed connections with the ILEC(s) though the ILEC(s) Central Offices.  A portion of the inter-office network circuit is provisioned on the Verizon Business’s MPL network.

·          Type 4a:   Both customer sites are located within Verizon Telecom franchise areas and, connections at each end of a circuit are at locations formerly provided via Verizon Business facilities and are now provided via either Verizon Business facilities, Verizon Telecom Company or Verizon Telecom Company-affiliate facilities, and the circuit itself is provided by one or more of the following: Verizon Business facilities, Verizon Telecom Company or Verizon Telecom Company-affiliate facilities.  .

·          Type 4b:  Both customer sites are located within Verizon Telecom franchise areas and, one connection on a circuit is at a location formerly provided via Verizon Business facilities and that connection is now provided via Verizon Business facilities, Verizon Telecom Company or Verizon Telecom Company-affiliate and, the other connection of that circuit is not at a location formerly provided via Verizon Business facilities and that connection is also provided via Verizon Telecom Company or Verizon Telecom Company-affiliate facilities. The circuit itself is provided by one or more of the following: Verizon Business facilities or Verizon Telecom Company or Verizon Telecom Company-affiliate facilities. 

·          Type 4c:  Both customer sites are located within Verizon Telecom franchise areas and, the connections at each end of a circuit are at locations not formerly provided via Verizon Business facilities and are provided via Verizon Telecom Company or Verizon Telecom Company-affiliate facilities and, the circuit itself is provided by one or more of the following: Verizon Business facilities, Verizon Telecom Company or Verizon Telecom Company-affiliate facilities.  Type 4c is only available for Corridor circuits. 


5. Definition of Terms:


Service Installation:  The Company guarantees installation of qualifying service within a Service Installation Period which does not exceed the longer of (i) the period specified for installation in the Customer order or (ii) the above listed number of days, excluding weekends and Company holidays, based on circuit type.  If, at any time during the Service Installation Period, the Company ascertains that it lacks the facilities necessary to install service and so notifies the Customer, the Company will be relieved of any obligation to issue any SLA credits to the Customer with regard to the affected service.