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Internet DSL and Internet Cable Services


PLEASE NOTE:  Effective December 1, 2016, no new or renewal Orders for Internet DSL and Internet Cable Services will be accepted.


I.          SERVICE DESCRIPTION: Internet DSL and Internet Cable Services (Internet Cable) provide Internet access via Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and cable using broadband technologies.

1.         Availability. Internet DSL and Internet Cable are available in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii only and are subject to availability based on Customer’s geographic location. There can be instances where service was prequalified and estimated to be available, but ultimately cannot be delivered.

2.         Service Options. The following service options are available. For each of the following service options, Customer is responsible for the operation and configuration of its own Local Area Network (LAN).

2.1       Internet DSL Office. Internet DSL Office (DSL Office) is a multi-user service provided via DSL modem or DSL router in symmetric bandwidth.

2.2       Internet DSL Solo. Internet DSL Solo is a single-user service provided via DSL modem using asymmetric bandwidth DSL (ADSL) line-sharing technology, or, at Company's discretion, a dedicated loop. Static, pre-assigned IP addressing is provided. Customer is responsible for operation and configuration of its own computer. Customer must provide ILEC analog voice (also known as “plain old telephone service” or “POTS”) for use with the service.

2.3       Internet DSL Solo Resale 1.5 Mbps or 3.0 Mbps: Service is delivered via DSL router using ADSL line-sharing technology. Static, pre-assigned IP addressing is provided. Customer is responsible for operation and configuration of its own computer. Customer must provide POTS phone line for use with the service.

2.4       Internet Cable: Internet Cable is provided via third-parties in their respective areas of service. Cabled local loop connections between Customer’s location and Company will be arranged by Company, and are provided through a third party provider and the local cable provider. Customer is responsible for the operation and configuration of its own computer. Customer is not required to already have or maintain cable television service separately from the Internet Cable service.

3.         Installation:

3.1       Internet DSL Office and Internet DSL Office Enhanced: Standard installation by Company may be scheduled between the hours of 8 A.M. and 8 P.M. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Onsite installation includes set-up of the DSL equipment referenced below and may include inside wiring, depending on building conditions, wiring requirements, and Customer’s ability to obtain the cooperation and assistance of the landlord. Company’s installation will not include inside wiring, in Company’s sole discretion, if such work requires drilling through walls or extensive runs through raised ceilings or other construction-type activities. In such cases, Customer will be responsible for installation of inside wiring.

3.2       Internet DSL Solo and Internet DSL Solo Resale: Internet DSL Solo is installed by Customer. Company provides Customer an installation kit with an instructional guide that includes installing the modem, connecting to PCs, and setting up phone jacks for ADSL line sharing. Onsite installation includes the set-up of Equipment for an additional charge.

3.3       Internet Cable: Company will provide up to two hours of time for onsite installation which includes cabling and installation of a wall jack. Additional charges apply to additional installation time beyond the initial two hours.

4.         Equipment: For initial DSL and cable service orders, Customer must purchase a modem or router (Equipment) from Company. Equipment purchases are thereafter optional for contract renewals. However, DSL Office and DSL Office Enhanced tier (speed) upgrades/downgrades will require new Equipment if the upgrade/downgrade uses a different line technology than the initial service tier.


II.         DEFINITIONS: The Online Definitions apply.


III.        RATES AND CHARGES:  The following monthly recurring and non-recurring charges apply.


1.         Service Fees



Start-up Charge

Monthly Recurring Charge

Internet DSL Solo 384 kbps



Internet DSL Solo 768 Kbps



Internet DSL Solo 1.5 Mbps



Internet DSL Solo 3 Mbps



Internet DSL Solo 6 Mbps



DSL Solo Resale 1.5 Mbps



DSL Solo Resale 3Mbps



Internet DSL Office 128 Kbps



Internet DSL Office 192 Kbps



Internet DSL Office 384 Kbps



Internet DSL Office 768 Kbps



Internet DSL Office 1 Mbps



Internet DSL Office 1.5 Mbps



Internet DSL Office 2.3 Mbps



Internet DSL Office Enhanced 384 Kbps



Internet DSL Office Enhanced 768 Kbps



Internet Cable Resale




2.         Customer Equipment



Purchase Price

DSL Solo 384 Kbps Modem


DSL Solo 768 Kbps/1.5 Mbps, 3 Mbps and 6 Mbps /Resale Router and Self-install Kit (New Edge)


DSL Solo, 1.5Mbps, 3Mbps, and 6Mbps Router and Self-install Kit (Covad)


DSL Solo, 1.5Mbps, 3Mbps, and 6Mbps Modem and Self-install Kit (Verizon)


DSL Office Modem/Bridge


DSL Office Router


DSL Office Enhanced Router


Cable Resale Modem



3.         Additional IP Addresses


3.1       DSL Solo 768K/1.5M/3M/6M and Resale:



Number of Static IP Addresses









Monthly Recurring Charge









3.2       Cable Resale:



Number of Static IP Addresses




Monthly Recurring Charge




4.         Other Fees: The following hourly charge and non-recurring charges apply.




Professional Installation (DSL Solo 768 Kbps, 1.5 Mbps, 3 Mbps, and 6 Mbps only)


Professional Installation (Customer initiated Trouble Ticket Dispatch) - DSL Solo 384 Kbps only


Non-Standard Hours Installation (DSL Office and DSL Office Enhanced only)


Extended Installation (Cable only) Installation requiring more than two (2) hours of technician time (“Extended Installation”) will be billed at an hourly rate (in 15-minute minimum intervals) and will include necessary cable wiring

$80 per hour

Missed Appointment


Relocation/ Retermination (DSL Office and DSL Office Enhanced only)*


*     For DSL Solo and Cable Resale services which can be relocated only by ordering new Service and disconnecting the old Service.


5.         Administrative Non-Recurring Charges apply.

6.         Paper Invoice Charge applies.

7.         Convenience Payment Charge applies.


IV.        TERMS AND CONDITIONS: In addition to the Online Master Terms - Terms and Conditions of Service, the following apply: Terms are specific to this service.

1.         Service Commitment. Customer must commit to a minimum 12-month service period for each Internet DSL and Internet Cable site, and where a site has multiple circuits, Customer must commit to the 12-month minimum for each circuit for that site. Customer’s service commitment commences on the date Company notifies Customer that the DSL local loop connection or Cable connection is available to route IP packets at Customer’s site.

2.          Early Termination. If Customer terminates Internet DSL and Internet Cable before the applicable minimum service commitment has expired, except for termination for Cause, such termination shall not be effective until 30 days after Company receives written notice of termination (Termination Date). In addition to paying all accrued but unpaid charges for the affected service incurred through the Termination Date, Customer may be required to pay, within 30 days after such Termination Date: (a) an amount equal 75 percent of the monthly recurring charges remaining in Customer’s service commitment, if any; plus (b) all fees or early termination fees imposed by the access line provider, if any; plus (c) a pro rata portion of any and all credits received by Customer. However, in no event will Customer’s total termination liability exceed the full contract value of the terminated Internet DSL and Internet Cable service.

3.         End Users, Resale and Hosting. Customer is responsible for all end users’ compliance with the applicable terms of Customer’s Agreement. Connectivity is provided to Customer’s organization only. Customer may not resell the Internet DSL or Internet Cable service to another person or entity without the express prior written consent of Company.

4.         Use of Facilities and Customer Equipment. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Company’s obligation is to furnish Internet DSL or Internet Cable through facilities and equipment that are exclusively of the Company’s choosing. Company may substitute facilities or equipment used to furnish Internet DSL or Internet Cable at any time.

5.         Failed Dispatch. Company may bill for a missed appointment when a technician is dispatched and cannot complete the task for which the service call was required because Customer (a) was not present; (b) rescheduled or cancelled less than two business days prior to the already scheduled appointment; (c) did not arrange for access to an inaccessible telephone box or network interface device (i.e., “NID”).

6.         Equipment Terms and Conditions. Company acts only as a reseller with respect to equipment required for Internet DSL and Internet Cable (e.g., the modems and routers), which are manufactured by a third party (Manufacturer). Company may provide first-level support for Equipment, but will not repair or replace it. Customer’s use of the Equipment is subject to the terms and conditions of the Manufacturer’s end user agreement, if any.

7.         U.S. Services for Mass Market Customers.  Mass-market customers, as defined by the Federal Communications Commission, should view important information regarding Network Management Practices and Service Performance information for the internet access service by visiting


V.         SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT. Company provides service level agreements (SLA) for Internet DSL and Internet Cable Services which are set forth on the Service Level Agreements website at (or other URL designated by Company).