CARRIER COST RECOVERY CHARGE (formerly, Federal Annual Regulatory Fee Charge)


The Carrier Cost Recovery Charge (CCRC) is a charge equal to 3.45% of all eligible telecommunications and interconnected VoIP service charges, excluding Taxes, appearing on a Customers invoice. Company imposes the CCRC to recover regulatory costs it incurs for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing-impaired and local number portability. This is a Company charge, not a Tax or fee that the government requires Company to collect. The Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) charge applies to the CCRC.






The Carrier Annual Regulatory Charge (CARC) is a charge equal to 0.75% of all eligible telecommunications and interconnected VoIP service charges, excluding Taxes, appearing on a Customers invoice. Company imposes the CARC to recover amounts it incurs for Annual Regulatory Fee payments to the Federal Communications Commission. This is a Company charge, not a Tax or fee that the government requires Company to collect. The Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) charge applies to the CARC.