Prior to February 1, 2003, Dedicated Access Service was furnished under MFS Telecom, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 2 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning February 1, 2003, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.


Please note the following regarding this important change.


·         Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former under MFS Telecom, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 2 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on February 1, 2003.  This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found in under MFS Telecom, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 2 and currently contained in this Guide.


·         Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former under MFS Telecom, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 2 on January 31, 2003.


·         If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.


·         The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.


·         Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”

1.         DEFINITIONS


            Certain terms used generally throughout this tariff for the Network Services of this Company are defined below.


            Alternate Access:  Alternate Access has the same meaning as Local Access except that the provider of the Service is an entity other than the Local Exchange Carrier authorized or permitted to provide such service.  The charges for Alternate Access may be subject to private agreement rather than published or special tariff if permitted by applicable governmental rules.


            Advance Payment:  Part or all of a payment required before the start of service.


            Bit:  The smallest unit of information in the binary system of notation.


            Channelized:  Subdividing the bandwidth of a circuit into smaller increments.


            Concatenated:  Joining several fibers together end-to-end resulting in full bandwidth.  Concatenated circuits are noted by a "c", e.g., OC3c.


            Dedicated:  A facility or equipment system or subsystem set aside for the sole use of a specific Customer.


            Duplex Service:  Service which provides for simultaneous transmission in both directions.


            Fiber Optic Cable:  A thin filament of glass with a protective outer coating through which a light beam carrying communications signals may be transmitted by means of multiple internal reflections to a receiver, which translates the message.


            Full Bandwidth:  Entire width of a communications channel.


            Hub:  Traffic aggregation location.


            Individual Case Basis:  A service arrangement in which the regulation, rates and charges are developed based on the specific circumstances of the case.


            Local Access:  Local Access means the connection between a Customer Premises and a Company Point of Presence.


            Low Speed Service:  Analog and/or digital service at a rate of less than 1.544 Mbps.


            Multi-Point Service:  Multi-Point Service is unswitched full-time transmission service utilizing the Company's facilities to connect a Customer location to two or more Customer designated locations or Company Points of Presence.


            MUX:  Traffic aggregation or disaggregation function.


            Network:  The Company's digital fiber optics-based network.


            Network Services:  The Company's telecommunications access services offered on the Company's Network.


            Node:  The Company office where all Customer facilities are terminated for purposes of interconnection to trunks and/or cross-connection to distant ends.


            Point to Point Service:  Point to Point Service is an unswitched full time transmission service utilizing the Company's facilities to connect two or more Customer


designated locations.


            Retermination:  The Customer-requested move of a single end of a circuit to another location the same metropolitan


area. Monthly recurring charges based on actual location will apply to reterminated circuits.


Service Commencement Date:  The first day following the date on which the Company notifies the Customer that the requested service or facility is available for use, unless extended by the Customer's refusal to accept service which does not conform to standards set forth in the Service Order or this tariff, in which case the Service Commencement Date is the date of the Customer's acceptance.  The parties may mutually agree on a substitute Service Commencement Date.


            Service Order:  The written request for Network Services executed by the Customer and the Company in the format devised by the Company.  The signing of a Service Order by the Customer and acceptance by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this tariff, but the duration of the service is calculated from the Service Commencement Date.


            Services:  The Company's telecommunications access services offered on the Company's network.


2.         REGULATIONS


            2.1       Undertaking of the Company


2.1.1    Scope


                                    Network Services consist of furnishing dedicated communications service in connection with one-way and/or two-way information transmission.


2.1.2    Shortage of Equipment or Facilities






2.1.3    Terms and Conditions








                                                   Customers may be required to enter into written service orders which shall contain or reference a specific description of the service ordered, the rates to be charged, the duration of the services, and the terms and conditions in this tariff.  Customer will also be required to execute any other documents as may be reasonably requested by the Company.


                                                   At the expiration of the initial term specified in each Service Order, or in any extension thereof, service shall continue on a


month-to-month basis at standard tariffed


rates unless terminated by either party upon


30 days prior written notice.  Any termination shall not relieve Customer of its obligation to pay any charges incurred under the service order and this tariff prior to termination.  The rights and obligations which by their nature extend beyond the termination of the term of the service order shall survive such termination.


                                                   In any action between the parties to enforce any provision of this tariff, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its legal fees and court costs from the non-prevailing party in addition to other relief a court may award.

















               2.1.5             Notification of Service-Affecting Activities


                                    The Company will provide the Customer reasonable notification of service-affecting activities that may occur in normal operation of its business.  Such activities may include, but are not limited to, equipment or facilities additions, removals or rearrangements and routine preventative maintenance.  Generally, such activities are not specific to an individual Customer but affect many Customers' services.  No specific advance notification period is applicable to all service activities.  The Company will work cooperatively with the Customer to determine the reasonable notification requirements.  With some emergency or unplanned service-affecting conditions, such as an outage resulting from cable damage, notification to the Customer may not be possible.


            2.1.6                Provisions of Equipment and Facilities


                                       The Company shall use reasonable efforts to make available services to a Customer on or before a particular date, subject to the provisions of and compliance by the Customer with, the regulations contained in this tariff.  The Company does not guarantee availability by any such date and shall not be liable for any delays in commencing service to any Customer.






                                       The Company shall use reasonable efforts to maintain facilities and equipment that it furnishes to the Customer.  The Customer may not, nor may Customer permit others to, rearrange, disconnect, remove, attempt to repair, or otherwise interfere with any of the facilities or equipment installed by the Company, except upon the written consent of the Company.


                                       The Company may substitute, change or rearrange any equipment or facility at any time and from time to time, but shall not thereby alter the technical parameters of the service provided the Customer.







                                       The Customer shall be responsible for the payment of service charges as set forth herein for visits by the Company's agents or employees to the Customer Premises when the service difficulty or trouble report results from the use of equipment or facilities provided by any party other than the Company, including but not limited to the Customer.






            2.1.8                Special Construction


                                    Subject to the arrangement of the Company and to all of the regulations contained in this tariff, special construction of facilities may be undertaken on a reasonable efforts basis at the request of the Customer.  Special construction is that construction undertaken:


                                    (a)        where facilities are not presently available, and there is no other requirement for the facilities so constructed;


                                    (b)        of a type other than that which the Company would normally utilize in the furnishing of its services;


                                    (c)        over a route other than that which the Company would normally utilize in the furnishing of its services;


                                    (d)        in a quantity greater than that which the Company would normally construct;


                                    (e)        on an expedited basis;


                                    (f)         on a temporary basis until permanent facilities are available;


                                    (g)        involving abnormal costs; or


                                    (h)        in advance of its normal construction.


                                    Special construction charges will be determined as


described in 4.11 following.









2.1.9                Ownership of Facilities











             2.2.2               The Company may require applicants for service who intend to use the Company's offerings for resale and/or for shared use to file a letter with the Company confirming that their use of the Company's

                                    offerings complies with relevant laws and PUC regulations, policies, orders, and decisions.






2.3                   Obligations of the Customer













                                    2.3.3                If a Customer requests service provisioned by the use of facilities being used to furnish service to another Customer ("Hosting Customer"), the requesting Customer must provide the Company with a valid letter of agency and a carrier facility assignment ("LOA/CFA") prior to its receipt of service. If the service being provided to the Hosting Customer is discontinued or terminated for any reason, the requesting Customer's LOA/CFA will be deemed to be revoked, and its service may be interrupted or terminated without notice. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Company will not be liable to the requesting Customer in any amount for interrupted or terminated service.






            2.4.2                Station Equipment


                           Customer provided terminal equipment on the Customer Premises, and the electric power consumed by such equipment shall be provided by and maintained at the expense of the Customer.


                           The Customer is responsible for ensuring that Customer-provided equipment connected to Company equipment and facilities is compatible with such equipment and facilities.  The magnitude and character of the voltages and currents impressed on Company-provided equipment and wiring by the connection, operation, or maintenance of such equipment  and wiring shall be such as not to cause damage to the Company-provided equipment and wiring or injury to the Company's employees or to other persons.  Any additional protective equipment required to prevent such damage or injury shall be provided by the Company at the Customer's expense.










                                       Network Services may be connected to the services or facilities of other communica­tions carriers only when authorized by, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of the tariffs of the other communications carriers which are applicable to such connections.



2.4.4                Inspections




                           If the protective requirements for Customer- provided equipment are not being complied with, the Company may take such action as it deems necessary to protect its facilities, equipment, and personnel.  The Company will notify the Customer promptly if there is any need for further corrective action.  Within ten days of receiving this notice, the Customer must take this corrective action and notify the Company of the action taken.  If the Customer fails  to do this, the Company may take whatever additional action is deemed necessary, including the suspension of service, to protect its facilities, equipment and personnel from harm.


2.5              Payment Arrangements


2.5.1    Payment for Service


                                       Taxes, Other Government Fees and Surcharges







                        2.5.2                Billing and Collection of Charges















                                       When service does not begin on the first day of the month, or end on the last day of the month, the charge for the fraction of the month in which service was furnished will be calculated on a pro rata basis.  For this purpose, every month is considered to have 30 days.


                                                   Billing of the Customer by the Company will begin on the Service Commencement Date, which is the first day following the date on which the Company notifies the Customer that the service or facility is available for use, except that the Service Commencement Date may be postponed by mutual agreement of the parties, or if the service or facility does not conform to standards set forth in this tariff or the Service Order.  Billing accrues through and includes the day that the service, circuit, arrangement or component is discontinued.







                           The Customer will be assessed a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each check submitted by the Customer to the Company which a financial institution refuses to honor for insufficient funds or a non-existent account.





                        2.5.4                Deposits  




























                        2.5.5                Discontinuance of Service     


                           Upon nonpayment of any amounts owing to the Company,the Company may, by giving 24 hours prior written notice to the Customer, discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability.


                                                   Upon violation of any of the other material terms or conditions for furnishing service the Company may, by giving 24 hours prior notice in writing to the Customer, discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability if such violation continues during that period.


                                                   Upon condemnation of any material portion of the facilities used by the Company to provide service to a Customer or if a casualty renders all or any material portion of such facilities inoperable beyond feasible repair, the Company, by notice to the Customer, may discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability.


                           Upon the Customer's insolvency, assignment for the benefit of creditors, filing for bankruptcy or reorganization, or failing to discharge an involuntary petition within the time permitted by law, the Company may immediately discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability.


2.5.6                Cancellation of Application for Service for Special Cancellation of Application


               Applications for service are noncancellable unless the Company otherwise agrees.  Where the Company permits Customer to cancel an application for service prior to the start or completion of any special construction, no charges will be imposed except for those specified in Section, immediately following, ancillary charges for Metro Frame Relay Access Service.






                                       Where the Company incurs any expense in connection with special construction, or where special arrangements of facilities or equipment have begun, before the Company receives a cancellation notice, a charge equal to the costs incurred, less net salvage, applies.  In such cases, the charge will be based on such elements as the cost of the equipment, facilities, and material, the cost of installation, engineering, labor, and supervision, general and administrative expense, other disbursements, depreciation, maintenance, taxes, provision for return on investment, and any other costs associated with the special construction or arrangements.


                        2.5.7                Changes in Service Requested  


               If the Customer makes or requests material changes in circuit engineering, equipment specifications, service parameters, Customer Premises, or otherwise materially modifies any provision of the application for service, the Customer's installation fee shall be adjusted accordingly.


            2.6       Allowances for Interruptions in Service


                        Interruptions in service, which are not due to the negligence of, or noncompliance with the provisions of this tariff by, the Customer or the operation or malfunction of the facilities, power or equipment provided by the Customer, will be credited to the Customer as set forth in 2.6.1 for the part of the service that the interruption affects.


                        2.6.1                Credit for Interruptions


                                                   A credit allowance will be made when an interruption occurs because of a failure of any component furnished by the Company under this tariff.  An interruption period begins when the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be interrupted and releases it for testing and repair.  An interruption period ends when the service, facility or circuit is operative. If the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be inopera­tive but declines to release it for testing and repair, it is considered to be impaired,


but not interrupted.


                                       For calculating credit allowances, every month  is considered to have 30 days.  A credit allowance is applied on a pro rata basis against the rates specified hereunder and is dependent upon the length of the interruption.  Only those facilities on the interrupted portion of the circuit will receive a credit.


                                       A credit allowance will be given for interruptions of 15 minutes or more.  Credit allowances shall be calculated as follows:


                                                Interruptions of 24 Hours or Less


                                                Length of Interruption              Interruption Period

                                                                                                              to be Credited   


                                                Less than 15 minutes                            None

                                                15 minutes up to but                                       1/10 Day

                                                 not including 3 hours

                                                3 hours up to but not                           1/5 Day

                                                 including 6 hours

                                                6 hours up to but not                           2/5 Day

                                                 including 9 hours

                                                9 hours up to but not                           3/5 Day

                                                 including 12 hours

                                                12 hours up to but not                         4/5 Day

                                                 including 15 hours


                                                Length of Interruption              Interruption Period

                                                                                                                 to be Credited

                                                15 hours up to but not

                                                including 24 hours                                           One Day



                                                Two or more interruptions of 15 minutes or  more during any one 24-hour period shall be considered as one interruption. 


                                                Interruptions Over 24 Hours and Less Than 72 Hours.  Interruptions over 24 hours and less than 72 hours will be credited 1/5 day for each 3-hour period or fraction thereof.  No more than one full day's credit will be allowed for any period of 24 hours.


                                                Interruptions Over 72 Hours.  Interruptions over 72 hours will be credited 2 days for each full 24-hour period.  No more than 30 days credit will be allowed for any one month period.







                                    (f)         during any period when the Customer has released service to the Company for maintenance purposes or for implementation of a Customer order for a change in service arrangements;






                         2.6.3               Cancellation For Service Interruption  


                                    Cancellation or termination for service interruption is permitted only if any circuit experiences a single continuous outage of 8 hours or more or cumulative service credits equalling 16 hours in a continuous 12-month period.  The right to cancel service under this provision applies only to the single circuit which has been subject to the outage or cumulative service credits. 


            2.7       Cancellation of Service/Termination Liability


                        If a Customer cancels a Service Order or terminates services before the completion of the term for any reason whatsoever other than a service interruption (as defined in 2.6.1 above), Customer agrees to pay to Company termination liability charges, which are defined below.  These charges shall become due and owing as of the effective date of the cancellation or termination and be payable within the period set forth in 2.5.2.


                        2.7.1    Termination Liability


                                    Customer's termination liability for cancellation

                                    of service shall be equal to:


                                    (a)        all unpaid Non-Recurring charges reasonably expended by Company to establish service to Customer, plus;


                                    (b)        any disconnection, early cancellation or termination charges reasonably incurred and paid to third parties by Company on behalf of Customer, plus;


                                    (c)        all Recurring Charges specified in the applicable Service Order for the balance of the then current term discounted at the prime rate announced in the Wall Street Journal on the third business day following the date of cancellation;


                                    (d)        minus a reasonable allowance for costs avoided by the Company as a direct result  of Customer's cancellation.















            2.10     Customer Service Availability  


                        The Company's 24-hour toll-free numbers for Customer service are as follows:


                        Repair and Maintenance: 1-800-MFS-CITY (1-800-637-2489)


                        Billing Inquiries:  1-800-MFS-CALL (1-800-637-2255)


                        Representatives qualified to resolve billing questions and other routine administrative matters may be available only during weekday hours of 9:30 a.m. through 5:30 p.m.




            3.2       Customer Specific Contracts


                        The Company may provide any of the services offered under this tariff, or combinations of services, to Customers on a contractual basis.  The terms and conditions of each contract offering are subject to the agreement of both the Customer and the Company.  Such contract offerings will be made available to similarly situated Customers in substantially similar circumstances.  Rates in other sections of this tariff do not apply to Customers who agree to contract arrangements, with respect to services within the scope of the contract.  The rates provided under such contract offerings are listed in the

                        attached appendices.


                        Rates and terms for services that the Company offers to Customers may vary depending on a number of factors, which may include:


                                    -           length of circuit(s)                                                                              

                                    -           volume and/or term commitments                                                    

                                    -           varying equipment types and configurations

                                    -           type of service(s)

                                    -           cost differences(labor,taxes,fees paid to LEC or interconnection,etc.)

                                    -           Customer-specific billing arrangements

                                    -           other miscellaneous fees and charges (e.g. rights of way charges, franchise fees and building rights of way costs,etc.)

                                    -           market conditions and/or competitive  considerations

                                    -           availability of existing Company facilities


                        3.2.1    Specialized Customer Arrangements: 


Each Specialized Customer Arrangement (SCA) is an individually negotiated contract offering tailored to meet the tele­commun­ications needs of the Customer for whom the offering was designed.  Each SCA contains a service, or combination of services, and includes supplemental terms and conditions.  An SCA may address one or more of the following Customer needs related to the provision and receipt of telecommunications service(s) under this Tariff: special provisioning flexibility; special network monitoring; special outage credit provisions; special "turnkey" operation; and other specially developed features, functionalities or undertakings.  An SCA may also address, or be responsive to, special competitive conditions that exist at the time an SCA is agreed to between the Company and a Customer. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in Appendix O of this Tariff, each SCA is available to all similarly situated Customers for a period of 30 days following the date of issue of the Tariff provision reflecting the SCA or the SCA contract date of the initial Customer for whom the SCA was designed, whichever comes first, and the Customer must agree to service installation no later than ninety (90) days following enrollment in the SCA.  When SCA terms and conditions not affecting charges are inconsistent with this Tariff, the terms and


conditions of the SCA will control. If, prior to the expiration of the term of service of a Special Customer Arrangement, the Company voluntarily or involuntarily as a result of government or judicial action cancels in whole or in part any Tariff in which the affected provisions prior to such cancellation applied to any service(s) provided under the Special Customer Arrangement, then effective on such cancellation and for the remainder of the term of service, the Special Customer Arrangement shall consist of the following, in order of precedence from (a) through (c):


(a) the Tariff provisions establishing or affecting charges that remain in effect (Effective Tariffs), as the Company may amend them from time to time in accordance with law; and,


(b)  specific provisions contained in the Special Customer Arrangement that expressly apply in lieu


of, or that apply in addition to, provisions contained in Effective Tariffs and/or in any Company containing the terms, conditions or rates that formerly had been tariffed (“Service Publication and Price Guide


 (“Guide”) or ); and,



(c)  Provisions contained in the Guide to the extent that (a) and (b) above are not applicable.  The Company may amend the Guide from time to time and, when made, such


modifications will be binding upon the Customer.


In all events, the applicable rates and rate schedules shall continue to be subject to any discounts, waivers, credits, or restrictions on rate changes that may be contained in the Special Customer Arrangement. Where rate adjustments would have been made by referencing any canceled tariff rate or rate schedule, these


adjustments shall instead be made by reference to the Guide.  To the extent that any adjustment to tariffed rates and rate schedules is permitted under a Special Customer Arrangement, such adjustment


may be made by the Company to the Guide.


            3.3       Frame Transport Service (FTS)


                        3.3.1                Frame Transport Service (FTS) is a high-speed, statistically multiplexed data communications service that permits the transmission of data between a Customer's geographically dispersed locations. FTS facilitates the exchange of variable length information units (frames) between end user connections (ports) by way of assigned virtual connections. Each frame is passed through the network with an address that specifies the virtual connection. FTS offers access at the following high capacity port speeds: 56/64 kpbs, 128 kbps, 256 kbps, 512 kbps,1.536 Mbps and up to 6 Mbps. FTS is offered where MFS facilities exist.


                        3.3.2                If it is necessary to construct facilities to satisfy service requests at other locations, it may be provided on an individual case basis.


                        3.3.3                Data communication between FTS ports is provided over dedicated software-defined connections with addresses identified by Data Link Connection Identifiers (DLCIs). The DLCIs identify the destination address information and route the Customer's data over a communications path called a permanent virtual circuit (PVC). PVCs are bi‑directional channels that define end-to-end service for a specific path for data sent by the Customer from one site location to another. Multiple PVCs can be established from one port to others over the ATM network. A separate PVC must be established to each site location that the Customer desires to transport data.


                  3.3.4                Since all PVCs need to be in use at the same time, it is possible for the total bandwidth of all PVCs associated with one FTS access line to exceed the bandwidth access line.  This relationship is referred to as over- subscription and when this occurs, there can be no guarantee that the bandwidth defined for that PVC will be available at any point in time. A PVC must be associated with at least one FTS port. A single FTS port can be associated with multiple PVCs.


                        3.3.5                The Company's FTS complies to the frame relay standards approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), formerly CCITT (Consultive Committee International Telephone and Telegraph). Customer provided equipment must comply with the same.


                        3.3.6                Service Parameters including terms and rate elements are established on an Individual Contract Basis(ICBs).  The ICBs are reflected in the tariff using the following variable service parameters.


                                                (A)       Contract Number


                                                (B)       Service Description:


                                                            L =       Low Speed Access Of 56 Kbps

                                                            M =      Medium Speed Access over 56 Kbps

                                                                        up to, but not including 1.536 Mbps

                                                            H =      High Speed Access of 1.536 Mbps

                                                            V =       Very High Access over 1.536 Mbps

                                                                        up to 6 Mbps


                                                (C)       Contract Terms


                                                (D)       Number of Customer Locations


                                                (E)       Service Class:


                                                            1 = On-Net Building

                                                            2 = On-Net City

                                                            3 = Off-Net Building

                                                            4 = Network to Network Interface


                                                (F)       Service Delivery Zones


                                                            1 = Eastern Time Zone

                                                            2 = Central Time Zone

                                                            3 = Mountain Time Zone

                                                            4 = Pacific Time Zone


                                                (G)       Monthly Rate Package


                        3.3.7                Rates


                                                Rates charges for the following services, which may include optional features and functions, will not exceed the amounts listed below.




                                                Port Speed Rate                                                               MRR


                                                Low Speed                                                                      $165.00

                                                Medium Speed                                                                $675.00

                                                High Speed                                                                  $1,440.00

                                                Very High Speed                                                          $5,000.00


                                                PVC Rate                                                                         MRR


                                                Low Speed                                                                      $352.00

                                                Medium Speed                                                             $2,603.00

                                                High Speed                                                                  $5,479.00

                                                Very High Speed                                                        $19,000.00





                                    FTS nonrecurring rate is $1,000.00 per site


3.5       Metro Frame Relay Access Service


3.5.1    See Section 4.14 for service description.  Beginning January 1, 2003, this service is not available to new Customers of the service.


3.7       Metro Wavelength Access Service


.01       Service Description:


Metro Wavelength Access Service provides Customers with a capability to originate or terminate data transmission at a speed of 2.5 Gbps.  The service, which is available only for use with Type 1 network configurations, utilizes the wavelength component of the Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) and Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing (OADM) network infrastructure offering up to 32 protected wave channels.


.02       Service Availability:


Service will be available until May 22, 2002, unless extended to some later date or made into a permanent offering of the Company.  Customers who subscribe to service during the original or any extended availability period will be entitled to continue to receive that service after it no longer may be available to new Customers.


.03       Rates and Charges


            Service will be configured and priced on an Individual Case Basis and reflected in Appendix K of this tariff.


.04       Repairs


The Company will repair service, as necessary within a reasonable time of being notified by the Customer of a service deficiency.


.05       Other Conditions of Service


.051     Title to any equipment situated at Customer locations will remain in the Company. 


.052     Customer will furnish electrical power, including backup power, and such other environmental amenities that are required to provide service.


.053     Customer, upon reasonable request, will permit representatives of the Company to enter Customer locations at which service is provided in order to maintain or repair service.  Failure on the part of the Customer to allow for such entry will release the Company from its service obligation.



4.         RATE INFORMATION                                                                                                            


            4.1       Dedicated Access Service - STATES - Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Minnesota


                        4.1.1                Voice Grade Service


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                                                                                    Charge                              Charge


                                    2 Wire                                     $16.47                               $89.10

                                    4 Wire                                     $23.97                               $89.10


                                    1st Mile                                    $26.60                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                                 $0.15                                 $0.00


                                    Conditioning                              $0.18

                                    Signaling                                   $3.24


                        4.1.2                Digital Data Service


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                                                                                    Charge                              Charge


                        2.4-4.8 Kbps                                       $56.70                             $202.50

                        9.6-19.2 Kbps                                     $59.40                             $202.50

                        56-64 Kpbs                                         $66.60                             $202.50


                                    1st Mile                                    $22.50                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                                 $0.18                                 $0.00


                        4.1.3                High Capacity Service - DS1


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                                                                                    Charge                              Charge


                        1.544 Mbps                                       $103.50                             $281.93


                                    1st Mile                                    $79.20                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                               $12.20                                 $0.00


                                    Multiplexing                            $300.06                             $349.43


                        4.1.4                Very High Capacity Service - DS3


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                                                                                    Charge                              Charge


                        44.736 Mbps                                  $1,215.00                             $281.93


                                    1st Mile                                  $297.00                             $274.50

                                    Each Add'l                               $38.70                                 $0.00


                                    Multiplexing                         $1,444.50                             $461.93


4.2       Dedicated Access Service - STATES - Indiana, Michigan, Ohio


            4.2.1                Voice Grade Service


                                          ZONE 1                 ZONE 2                 ZONE 3             ZONE 1,2&3

                                        MONTHLY             MONTHLY             MONTHLY      NONRECURRING

                                        CHARGE               CHARGE               CHARGE               CHARGE


            2 Wire                   $51.30                   $51.30                   $51.30                 $630.00

            4 Wire                   $77.09                   $77.09                   $77.09                 $630.00


                 1st Mile             $47.78                   $47.78                   $47.78                     $0.00

                 Each Add'l            $.93                       $.93                       $.93                     $0.00



                                            $8.91                     $8.91                     $8.91                     $0.00

                 Signaling             $9.86                     $9.86                     $9.86                     $0.00


            4.2.2                Digital Data Service


                                          ZONE 1                 ZONE 2                 ZONE 3             ZONE 1,2&3

                                        MONTHLY             MONTHLY             MONTHLY      NONRECURRING

                                        CHARGE               CHARGE               CHARGE               CHARGE


            2.4-64 Kbps        $149.40                 $149.40                 $149.40                 $602.10


                  1st Mile            $23.89                   $23.89                   $23.89                     $0.00

                  Each Add'l           $.93                       $.93                       $.93                     $0.00


            4.2.3                High Capacity Service - DS1


                                          ZONE 1                 ZONE 2                 ZONE 3             ZONE 1,2&3

                                        MONTHLY             MONTHLY             MONTHLY                 NRC


            1.544 Mbps         $269.75                 $278.73                 $299.70                 $472.95


                 1st Mile           $103.21                 $103.21                 $103.21                     $0.00

                 Each Add'l        $18.54                   $18.54                   $18.54                     $0.00



                                        $409.37                 $409.37                 $409.37                     $0.00


                                        $409.37                 $409.37                 $409.37                     $0.00


                                          ZONE 1                 ZONE 2                 ZONE 3             ZONE 1,2&3

                                        MONTHLY             MONTHLY             MONTHLY                 NRC


            44.736 Mbps    $4,446.00              $4,570.20              $4,860.00              $1,035.00


                 1st Mile           $634.10                   $63.10                 $634.10                     $0.00

                 Each Add'l        $97.79                   $97.79                   $97.79                     $0.00



                                     $2,781.00              $2,781.00              $2,781.00                     $0.00


4.3       Dedicated Access Service - STATE - Connecticut


            4.3.1                Voice Grade Service


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                                                                                    Charge                              Charge


                                    2 Wire                                     $42.10                             $365.22

                                    4 Wire                                     $65.84                             $403.96


                                    1st Mile                                    $22.39                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                                 $2.01                                 $0.00


4.3.2                                                           Digital Data Service


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                                                                                    Charge                              Charge


                        2.4-9.6 Kbps                                       $99.13                             $994.45

                        56 Kbps                                             $149.76                          $1,041.86


                                    1st Mile

                                      2.4-4.8 Kpbs                         $46.76                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                                 $1.05                                 $0.00


                                    1st Mile/9.6 Kbps                    $53.91                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                                 $1.05                                 $0.00


                                    1st Mile/56 Kbps                     $64.80                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                                 $1.98                                 $0.00


            4.3.3                High Capacity Service - DS1


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                                                                                    Charge                              Charge


                        1.544 Mbps                                       $333.00                          $1,108.46


                                    1st Mile                                    $71.10                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                               $21.60                                 $0.00


                                    Multiplexing                            $351.00                                 $0.00


            4.3.4                Very High Capacity Service - DS3


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                                                                                    Charge                              Charge


                        44.736 Mbps                                  $6,300.00                          $3,195.67


                                    1st Mile                                  $765.00                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                               $99.00                                 $0.00


                                    Multiplexing                            $779.40                                 $0.00


4.4       Dedicted Access Service -  STATE - Illinois


4.4.1    Voice Grade Service


VOICE       ZONE 1           ZONE 2           ZONE 3           ZONE 4          ZONE              ZONE 4

GRADE     MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY     1,2,3 NRC       NRC


2 Wire                               $51.30             $51.30             $51.30             $64.98           $630.00           $360.00

4 Wire                               $77.09             $77.09             $77.09             $84.78           $630.00           $360.00


            1st Mile                  $23.89             $23.89             $23.89             $83.70               $0.00               $0.00

            Each Add'l                 $.93                 $.93                 $.93               $8.10               $0.00               $0.00


            4.4.2    Digital Data Service


                  ZONE 1           ZONE 2           ZONE 3           ZONE 4          ZONE              ZONE 4

DDS (kbps)                       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY     MONTHLY       1,2,3 NRC           NRC


2.4-19.2     $149.40         $149.40           $149.40           $126.00           $602.10           $540.00

56-64                               $149.40           $149.40           $149.40           $144.00           $602.10           $540.00


2.4-19.2        1st Mile        $23.89             $23.89             $23.89           $103.50               $0.00               $0.00

            Each Add'l                 $.93                 $.93                 $.93               $8.10               $0.00               $0.00


56-64            1st Mile        $23.89             $23.89             $23.89           $103.50               $0.00               $0.00

            Each Add'l                 $.93                 $.93                 $.93               $9.90               $0.00               $0.00


                        4.4.3    High Capacity Service - DS1


                  ZONE 1           ZONE 2           ZONE 3           ZONE 4          ZONE              ZONE 4

DS1                                   MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY     MONTHLY       1,2,3 NRC           NRC


1.544 Mbps                     $269.73           $278.73           $299.70           $414.00           $472.95           $720.00


            1st Mile                $103.21           $103.21           $103.21           $108.00               $0.00               $0.00

            Each Add'l             $18.54             $18.54             $18.54             $16.20               $0.00               $0.00



                                        $274.50           $274.50           $274.50           $243.00               $0.00               $0.00


                                        $424.50           $424.50           $424.50           $424.50               $0.00               $0.00


                        4.4.4    Very High Capacity Service - DS3


                  ZONE 1           ZONE 2           ZONE 3           ZONE 4          ZONE              ZONE 4

DS1                                   MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY     MONTHLY       1,2,3 NRC           NRC


44.736 Mbps                $3,726.00        $3,850.20        $4,140.00        $2,745.00             $45.00           $450.00


            1st Mile                $634.10           $634.10           $634.10           $819.00               $0.00               $0.00

            Each Add'l             $97.79             $97.79             $97.79             $99.00               $0.00               $0.00


            Multiplexing          $502.00           $502.00           $502.00           $540.00               $0.00               $0.00



4.5  Dedicated Access Service - STATES - Texas, Missouri


            4.5.1    Voice Grade Service


            VOICE                ZONE 1                 ZONE 4                 ZONE 1 ZONE 4

            GRADE               MONTHLY             MONTHLY            NRC                      NRC


            2 Wire                   $72.00                   $79.20                 $311.40                 $360.00

            4 Wire                   $99.00                   $111.60                $374.40                 $360.00


                  1st Mile            $15.71                     $0.00                     $0.00                     $0.00

                  Each Add'l           1.01                     $4.05                     $0.00                     $0.00


            4.5.2    Digital Data Service


                                       ZONE 1                 ZONE 4                 ZONE 1                 ZONE 4

            DDS                    MONTHLY             MONTHLY            NRC                      NRC


            2.4 Kbps              $100.80                 $103.68                 $561.60                 $450.00

            4.8 Kbps              $100.80                 $103.68                 $633.60                 $450.00

            9.6 Kbps              $100.80                 $103.68                 $586.80                 $450.00

            19.2 Kbps            $100.80                 $103.68                 $495.00                 $450.00

            56 Kbps               $129.60                 $151.20                 $642.60                 $450.00

            64 Kbps               $129.60                 $151.20                 $588.60                 $450.00


            2.4-19.2 Kbps

                  1st Mile            $36.00                     $0.00                     $0.00                     $0.00

                  Each Add'l         $0.50                     $4.05                      $0.00                     $0.00


            56-64 Kbps

                  1st Mile            $40.50                     $0.00                     $0.00                     $0.00

                  Each Add'l         $0.59                     $4.05                     $0.00                     $0.00


            4.5.3    High Capacity Service - DS1


                                       ZONE 1                 ZONE 4              ZONE 1                 ZONE 4

            DS1                    MONTHLY             MONTHLY         NRC                      NRC


            1.544 Mbps         $291.60                 $468.00              $1,092.60              $1,062.00


                 1st Mile             $45.00                   $54.00                     $0.00                     $0.00

                 Each Add'l        $15.12                   $13.50                     $0.00                     $0.00



                                        $162.00                 $171.00                     $0.00                     $0.00


             4.5.4     Very High Capacity Service - DS3


                                          ZONE 1                 ZONE 4                 ZONE 1                 ZONE 4

            DS3                    MONTHLY             MONTHLY                 NRC                      NRC



                 Mbps            $3,510.00              $2,160.00                 $550.00              $1,620.00


                 1st Mile           $733.50                 $398.07                     $0.00                     $0.00

                 Each Add'l      $106.20                   $54.00                     $0.00                     $0.00



                                        $733.50                 $325.07                 $181.80                 $405.00


4.6       Dedicated Access Service - STATES - California


            4.6.1    Voice Grade Service


               ZONE 1           ZONE 2           ZONE 3           ZONE 4           ZONE                ZONE 4

VOICE    MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       1,2,3 NRC        NRC


2 Wire                               $55.67             $55.67             $55.67             $79.20           $904.50           $360.00

4 Wire                               $80.87             $80.87             $80.87             $80.87           $904.50           $360.00


            1st Mile                  $22.50             $22.50             $22.50               $0.00               $0.00               $0.00

            Each Add'l               $0.38               $0.38               $0.38               $3.34               $0.00               $0.00


            4.6.2    Digital Data Service


               ZONE 1           ZONE 2           ZONE 3           ZONE 4           ZONE                ZONE 4

DDS                                MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY        1,2,3 NRC           NRC


2.4-64 Kbps                      $90.00             $90.00             $90.00                 --                $678.00                 --

2.4-19.2 Kbps                                                                 $117.45                 --                $450.00

56-64 Kbps                                                                                             $153.00                 --                $450.00


            1st Mile                    $4.50               $4.50               $4.50               $0.00               $0.00               $0.00

            Each Add'l               $4.95               $4.95               $4.95               $3.50               $0.00               $0.00


            4.6.3    High Capacity Service


               ZONE 1           ZONE 2           ZONE 3           ZONE 4           ZONE                ZONE 4

DS1                                MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY        1,2,3 NRC           NRC


1.544 Mbps                     $223.20           $244.80           $270.00           $468.00        $1,140.30        $1,620.00


            1st Mile                                          $53.69             $62.69             $76.19             $54.00               $0.00       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                     $13.50             $13.50             $13.50             $11.60               $0.00       $0.00


            Multiplexing                                  $277.50           $270.00           $270.00           $171.00               $0.00       $720.00


            4.6.4    Very High Capacity Service


               ZONE 1           ZONE 2           ZONE 3           ZONE 4           ZONE                ZONE 4

DS3                                MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY        1,2,3 NRC           NRC


44.736 Mbps                $4,500.00        $4,500.00        $4,500.00        $2,160.00        $5,400.00        $1,620.00


            1st Mile                                        $472.50           $472.50           $472.50             $54.00               $0.00       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                     $39.33             $39.33             $39.33             $11.60               $0.00       $0.00


            Multiplexing                                  $292.00           $312.75           $312.75           $325.00               $0.00       $405.00


4.7       Dedicated Access Service - STATES - Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Washington DC


            4.7.1    Voice Grade Service


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                        VOICE                                                 Charge                              Charge


                                    2 Wire                                     $55.80                                 $1.80

                                    4 Wire                                   $100.80                                 $1.80


                                    1st Mile                                    $13.50                                 $0.00

                                    Each Add'l                                 $0.45                                 $0.00


            4.7.2                Digital Data Service


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                        DDS                                                    Charge                              Charge


                        2.4 Kbps                                              $63.00                                 $1.80

                        4.8 Kbps                                              $72.00                                 $1.80

                        9.6 Kbps                                              $81.00                                 $1.80

                        19.2 Kbps                                            $90.00                                 $1.80

                        56 Kbps                                               $99.00                                 $1.80

                        64 Kbps                                             $108.00                                 $1.80


                        2.4 Kbps          1st Mile                        $45.00                                 $0.00

                                                Each Add'l                     $1.35                                 $0.00


                        4.8 Kbps          1st Mile                        $54.00                                 $0.00

                                                Each Add'l                     $1.44                                 $0.00


                        9.6 Kbps          1st Mile                        $63.00                                 $0.00

                                                Each Add'l                     $1.53                                 $0.00


                        19.2 Kbps        1st Mile                        $72.00                                 $0.00

                                                Each Add'l                     $1.62                                 $0.00


                        56 Kbps           1st Mile                        $81.00                                 $0.00

                                                Each Add'l                     $2.03                                 $0.00


                        64 Kbps           1st Mile                      $108.00                                 $0.00

                                                Each Add'l                     $2.25                                 $0.00


            4.7.3    High Capacity Service


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                        DS1                                                     Charge                              Charge


                        1.544 Mbps                                       $378.00                                 $1.80


                                                1st Mile                        $54.00                                 $0.00

                                                Each Add'l                   $15.93                                 $0.00


                                                Multiplexing                $162.00                                 $0.00


            4.7.4    Very High Capacity Service


                                                                                    Monthly                         Nonrecurring

                        DS3                                                     Charge                              Charge


                        44.736 Mbps   $5,544.00                      $1.80


                                                1st Mile                      $810.00                                 $0.00

                                                Each Add'l                 $162.00                                 $0.00


                                                Multiplexing                $450.00                             $517.50


4.8                                      Dedicated Access Service - STATES - Florida, Georgia




    Voice Grade Service


                    ZONE 1          ZONE 4          ZONE 5           ZONE 1           ZONE 4           ZONE 5

VOICE        MONTHLY     MONTHLY     MONTHLY       NRC                NRC                NRC


2 Wire                               $68.40             $84.74           $125.64           $565.83           $360.00           $259.20

4 Wire                               $96.30           $120.47           $168.84           $576.16           $360.00           $259.20


            1st Mile                                          $24.30               $0.00             $64.80               $0.00               $0.00       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                       $1.62               $4.57               $2.25               $0.00               $0.00       $0.00


            4.8.2    Digital Data Service


                    ZONE 1          ZONE 4          ZONE 5           ZONE 1           ZONE 4           ZONE 5

DDS                                  MONTHLY     MONTHLY       MONTHLY       NRC                NRC                    NRC


2.4-19.2 Kbps $108.00    $129.44           $234.00           $720.00           $450.00           $410.40

56-64                               $169.20           $167.36           $257.40           $720.00           $450.00           $410.40


2.4-19.2 Kbps

            1st Mile                                         $16.65               $0.00             $66.60             $40.50               $0.00       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                       $1.58               $4.95               $3.51               $0.00               $0.00       $0.00


56-64 Kbps

            1st Mile                                          $39.60               $4.95           $105.08               $0.00               $0.00       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                      $3.60             $14.95               $4.95               $0.00               $0.00       $0.00


4.8       Dedicated Access Service - STATES - Florida, Georgia


            4.8.3    High Capacity Service


                    ZONE 1          ZONE 4          ZONE 5           ZONE 1           ZONE 4           ZONE 5

DS1                                   MONTHLY     MONTHLY       MONTHLY       NRC                NRC                    NRC


1.544 Mbps                     $252.00           $597.10           $340.20        $1,560.55        $1,620.00           $648.00


            1st Mile                                          $81.00             $54.00             $75.60               $0.00               $0.00       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                       21.15             $13.50             $16.20               $0.00               $0.00       $0.00


            Multiplexing                                  $166.50           $171.00           $270.00           $121.50           $720.00       $127.80


                        4.8.4    Very High Capacity Service


                    ZONE 1          ZONE 4          ZONE 5           ZONE 1           ZONE 4           ZONE 5

DS3                                   MONTHLY     MONTHLY       MONTHLY       NRC                NRC                    NRC


44.736 Mbps                $4,122.00        $2,160.00        $2,633.40        $2,106.00        $1,620.00           $658.80


            1st Mile                                     $1,521.00           $398.07           $382.50               $0.00               $0.00       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                   $180.00             $60.71             $99.00               $0.00               $0.00       $0.00


            Multiplexing                                  $403.20           $441.00           $540.00           $459.00           $405.00       $81.90


4.9       Dedicated Access Service - STATES - New York, New England


            4.9.1    Voice Grade Service


                    ZONE 1          ZONE 2          ZONE 3           ZONE 4           ZONE              ZONE 4

VOICE        MONTHLY     MONTHLY     MONTHLY       MONTHLY       1,2,3 NRC       NRC


2 Wire                               $83.47             $83.47             $83.47             $79.29           $474.93           $118.80

4 Wire                             $123.26           $123.26           $123.26           $106.47           $676.22           $118.80


            1st Mile                                          $30.05             $30.05             $30.05

            Each Add'l                                       $3.50               $3.50               $3.50


            1/4 Mile                                                                                                                    $0.00               $0.00       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                                                                                             $18.00               $0.00       $0.00

   1/4 Mile


            4.9.2    Digital Data Service


                    ZONE 1          ZONE 2          ZONE 3           ZONE 4           ZONE              ZONE 4

DDS                                  MONTHLY     MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       1,2,3 NRC           NRC


2.4-9.6 Kbps                   $135.00           $135.00           $135.00           $144.63           $649.80           $765.00

56 Kbps                           $135.00           $135.00           $135.00           $147.80           $649.80           $765.00

64 Kbps                           $135.00           $135.00           $135.00           $120.11           $649.80           $757.53


            1st Mile                  $30.06             $30.05             $30.05

            Each Add'l                                       $3.50               $3.50               $3.50


2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 56 Kbps

            1/4 Mile                                                                                            $0.00               $0.00               $0.00

            Each Add'l                                                                                                             $18.22               $0.00       $0.00


64 Kbps

            1/4 Mile                                                                                            $0.00                                       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                                                                                             $18.22                               $0.00

   1/4 Mile


            4.9.3    High Capacity Service


                    ZONE 1          ZONE 2          ZONE 3           ZONE 4           ZONE              ZONE 4

DS1                                   MONTHLY     MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       1,2,3 NRC           NRC


1.544 Mbps                          $360.00          $442.80           $360.00        $388.80             $367.20       $1,342.80


            1st Mile                      $59.40            $59.40             $59.40                                      $0.00

            Each Add'l                                        $18.00             $18.00          $18.00                                       $0.00


            1/4 Mile                                                                     $40.50                                      $0.00

            Each Add'l                                                                                     $36.00                                       $0.00

              1/4 Mile


            Multiplexing              $162.00          $162.00           $148.28        $216.00                 $0.00          $608.40


            4.9.4    Very High Capacity Service


                    ZONE 1          ZONE 2          ZONE 3           ZONE 4           ZONE              ZONE 4

DS3                                   MONTHLY     MONTHLY       MONTHLY       MONTHLY       1,2,3 NRC           NRC


44.736 Mbps                     $2,912.40       $3,013.20        $2,790.00     $5,292.00                 $0.00       $2,934.00


            1st Mile                    $807.03                                  $807.03                                      $0.00

            Each Add'l                                      $175.23                                $175.23                                       $0.00


            1st Mile                                           $751.50

            Each Add'l                                                              $119.70


            1st Mile                                                                                     $1,514.70                                       $0.00

            Each Add'l                                                                                                             %56.70                              $0.00

              1/4 Mile


            Multiplexing                                     $733.35           $733.35        $733.35             $342.00          $181.81       $1,485.00


4.10     Nonrecurring Charge


            4.10.1  Nonrecurring charges will be charged on a time and materials basis.


4.11     Special Construction


               4.11.1           Basis for Rates and Charges


                                    Rates and charges for special construction will be based on the costs incurred by the Company and may include (1) non-recurring type charges, (2) recurring type charges, (3) termination liabilities, or (4) combinations thereof.


               4.11.2           Basis for Cost Computation


                                    The costs referred to in 4.1.1 may include one or more of the following items to the extent that they are applicable:


                                    (a)        cost installed of the facilities to be provided, including estimated costs for the rearrangements of existing facilities.  Cost installed includes the cost of:


                                                            (1)        equipment and materials provided or used,


                                                            (2)        engineering, labor and supervision,


                                                            (3)        transportation, and


                                                            (4)        rights-of-way;


                                    (b)        cost of maintenance;


                                    (c)        depreciation on the estimated cost installed of any facilities provided, based on the anticipated useful service life of the facilities with an appropriate allowance for the estimated net salvage;


                                    (d)        administration, taxes and uncollectible revenue on the basis of reasonable average costs for these items;


                                    (e)        license preparation, processing and related fees;


                                    (f)         tariff preparation, processing and related fees;


                                    (g)        any other identifiable costs related to the facilities provided; or


                                    (h)        an amount for return and contingencies.


4.12     Frame Transport Service


            4.12.1  See Section 3.3.7 for rate information.


4.14     Metro Frame Relay Access Service


                        4.14.1              Description


                                                Metro Frame Relay Access Service allows Customers to connect two customer locations within the same LATA, wherever suitable facilities are available.  Metro Frame Relay Access Service is offered in conjunction with the Company-affiliate interstate WorldCom Relay Service and MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Service, as reflected in WorldCom Network Services, Inc. Tariff FCC No. 9, and MCI WORLDCOM Communications, Inc. Tariff F.C.C. Tariff No. 1, respectively, or any successor tariffs. Customers may request Service for Service Commitment Periods of one, two, three, four or five years, and will receive discounts based upon the term of Service Commitment Period and committed volumes measured by the aggregate dollar volume of Base Rate Charges. 


                        4.14.2              Definitions Applicable to Metro Frame Relay Access Service



                                                Alternate Mark Inversion.



                                                Access Service Request.  An order placed with a Local Access Provider for Local Access.



                                                Bipolar with eight zero substitution.



                                                The total frequency band, in hertz, allocated for a channel.


                                                Base Rate Charges

                                                The non-discounted monthly recurring Network Port base rate charges, plus the non-discounted monthly recurring CIR base rate charges.


                                                Committed Information Rate (CIR)

                                                The maximum guaranteed transmission speed over a link to the Frame Relay Network.


                                                DDS Service

                                                Digital Data Service which is an all digital, dedicated Interexchange Service designed for full-duplex data transmission at a synchronous speed of 56/64 kbps, with accompanying DDS 56/64 kbps local access.



                                                Extended Super Frame.


                                                Frame Relay

                                                ANSI ITU interface standard in which Customer translates variable length frames to the frame relay transport vendor.



                                                The connection of a PVC or port for new, changed or additional Service.


                                                Local Access

                                                The portion of Service between a Customer location and a Company designated Point-of-Presence.


                                                Local Access Provider

                                                An entity which provides Local Access.





                                                Network Node (Node)

                                                A Customer's physical location at which there is an associated Port Connection and PVC.


                                                Physical Change

                                                The modification of an existing PVC or port at the request of the Customer.


                                                Port Connection

                                                Physical connection (located on a frame relay switch) which allows access to the Public Frame Relay network of an affiliate of the Company.


                                                Public Frame Relay Network

                                                A Company affiliate's telecommunications network operated to provide Frame Relay Access Service to the public.



                                                Permanent Virtual Circuit, which provides connectivity between Customer locations.



                                                Super Frame.


                                                Transmission Speed

                                                Data transmission speed or rate, in bits per seconds (bps).


                        4.14.3              Service Components


There are two components of Metro Frame Relay Access Service:


                                                            Metro PVC, which connects two customer locations situated within one LATA (determined by NPA/NXX); and,


            Metro Port, which supports Metro (intraLATA) PVCs


The following Port Speed options are available for Metro Ports:





























































The following CIR options are available for Metro PVCs:



















































































                        4.14.4              Collocation of Customer Equipment


                                                The Company will consider requests from Customers or prospective Customers, if space is available and uncommitted, to collocate Customer equipment at space owned or controlled by Company solely for the purpose of interconnecting such Customer equipment with Service at the Company's Points-of-Presence, subject to (A) the Company's current and forecasted physical space requirements, taking into account available space, at the Company's Points-of-Presence, (B) any applicable lease or occupancy restrictions imposed on the Company, (C) the technical and operational compatibility of the Customer's equipment with the Company equipment and Services, (D) the Company's security and revenue requirements, and (E) other terms and conditions to which the Customer contractually is willing to commit.


                        4.14.5              Systems Security


                                                Where Customers are permitted access to the Company's computer systems and data (hereinafter "Systems") to manage and maintain their telecommunications network, the following requirements apply:


                                                .1         Customers may access the Company's Systems only to the extent required by and incident to the administration and management of the Customer's telecommunications network.


                                                .2         Customers may not disclose or use information that may be learned as a consequence of access to the Company's Systems, except as may be directly required to insure the proper operation of the Customer's telecommunications network.  Customers must take all reasonable precautions to prevent any other person or entity who does not have a need to know from acquiring such information.


                                                .3         Customers may not in any manner or form disclose, provide, or otherwise make available, in whole or in part, these Systems, documentation, any related material or any other confidential material except to those who have a need to know incident to the operation of the Customer's telecommunications network.  These Systems remain the property of Company and may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise disseminated without the prior written permission of Company.






                                                .4         Customers must take all reasonable precautions to maintain the confidentiality of Systems.  Such precautions shall include the use of Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and passwords selected by and known only to the Customer's individual authorized users.  Telephone numbers and dial‑up access numbers assigned to the Customer by Company, PINs or any aspect of access and sign‑on methodology used to access these Systems may not be posted or shared with others under any circumstances.  Customers must follow normal logoff procedures prior to leaving a terminal unattended.  Customers must report any known or suspected attempt by others to access these Systems without proper authorization.


                                                .5         In the event that a security access device assigned to a Customer for dial‑up access is lost, stolen, or misplaced, the Customer must notify the Company immediately.


                                                .6         Access into the Company’s Systems beyond that authorized by the Company may result in civil and/or criminal penalties.


                        4.14.6              Customer Provided Equipment


                                                Terminating equipment, such as Routers, Bridges, and FRADs, connected to Service shall be provided by the Customer and furnished and maintained at the Customer's expense, except as expressly provided otherwise in writing and set forth in a Service Application accepted by an authorized representative of Company.


                        4.14.7              Application of Nonrecurring and Ancillary Charges


                                                .1         Installation Charges


                                                            Installation charges will apply when the Customer requests new or additional Service.


                                                .2         Expedite Charges


                                                            Expedite charges will apply whenever the Customer requests service availability earlier than the installation norms established by the Company. Such charges will be imposed on the Company by the Local Access Provider and passed through to the Customer.


                                                .3         Change of Requested Service Date


                                                            A change of Requested Service Date charge will apply when a change of such Date is the only requested modification of an original Service order.


                                                            a.         If the first requested change of the Requested Service Date is received by the Company ten or more working days prior to the original Requested Service Date, there will be no charge.


                                                            b.         If the Requested Service Date has been changed at least once, or if the request is made within ten working days of the original Requested Service Date, a charge will apply.


                                                            c.         An ASR charge will apply when a change of the Requested Service Date is requested on a Service order that has been submitted by the Company to the Local Access Providers. This charge will be in addition to any other Requested Service Date change charge imposed by the Company.


                                                            d.         When a Customer requests that a Requested Service Date be delayed, the new Requested Service Date must be within 30 days of the previous Requested Service Date.  If the new Requested Service Date is more than 30 days after the previously Requested Service Date, or if no Date is specified, the Service order will be deemed to be cancelled and will not be reestablished until a new confirmed Requested Service Date is set.


                                                            e.         A charge for a change of Requested Service Date will apply when a customer requests an earlier Requested Service Date that does not require an Expedite Order.  Should an Expedite be required, the Expedite Charge will apply in lieu of the Requested Service Date change charge.


                                                .4         Change of Order Charges


                                                            a.         A charge will apply when a Customer changes information in the Service order, unless the change is only  of the Requested Service Date in which case the charges set forth in Section will apply.


                                                            b.         Administrative Charges


                                                                        If a requested change results in a need to submit an ASR to the Local Access Provider, the Customer will be charged an ASR charge.


                                                            c.         Local Access Service Charges


                                                                        A charge will apply if a requested change requires a modification of the original ASR, or if a new ASR must be submitted.


                                                .5         Order Cancellation Charges


                                                            A charge will apply for any Service order canceled or deemed to be canceled pursuant to Sections 2.5.5, 2.6.3 and 2.7 by the Customer prior to service availability.  This charge will be in addition to any Service Cancellation charges and to standard Installation charges.


                                                .6         Change of Service Charges


                                                            Charges will apply to changes made after service is made available to the Customer.


                                                            a.         Administrative Charges


                                                                        If an ASR must be submitted to the Local Access Provider as a result of a Customer‑requested change in Service, the Customer will be charged an ASR charge.


                                                            b.         Re‑engineering Charges


                                                                        A charge will apply for service that needs to be re‑engineered due to a Customer‑requested change in local Service.  Changes that require only modification of Local Access, but do not affect Metro Frame Relay Access Service, will only be charged for the ASR.  Local Access Provider charges incurred because of the change will be passed through to the Customer.


                                                .7         Application of Ancillary Charges


                                                            a.         Collocation Charges


                                                                        Collocation charges apply when a Customer requests, and is allowed, collocation on Company premises.


                        4.14.8              Local Access Charges


                                                Local Access charges will be imposed in accordance with the rates and charges contained in the tariffs of the relevant Local Exchange Carriers.


4.14.9              Service Rates


.1         Monthly Recurring Port Base Rates (per port)


Port Speed (kbps)





$      86









































































































































2          Monthly Recurring CIR Base Rates


CIR (kbps)





                  $              7.72




























































































































































































.3         Non-Recurring Rates


a.         Port Installation:  The following per-port non-recurring installation charges apply, based on port speed:


Port Speed (kbps)                      Charge


Less than 112                              $ 50

112 through 1472                          100

1536 through 1544                        200

Greater than 1544                         600


.4         Ancillary Charges


Administrative Order Charge                                                        No Charge

Cancellation Charge, per Port

Pre-Engineering                                                                      $    100

Post-Engineering                                                                          250

Date Change Charge, per Port                                                                 100

Expedite Charge, per Port                                                                     1,400

Non-Administrative Order Charge, per Port

Pre-Engineering                                                                            100

Post-Engineering                                                                          250

U.S. DS-0 ASR charges per access                                                          25

U.S. DS-1 ASR charges per access                                                          50


                        4.14.10            MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plans (HPP)


                                                MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay Network Pricing Plans are special discount pricing plans which, when selected, will apply in lieu of all standard tariffed term rates.  Customers who elect to enroll in an HPP will be subject to the following conditions:


                                                a.         Term Commitments:  A Customer must commit to a Term of Service of either one, two, three, four, or five years. The term of the HPP will commence on the first day of the first full calendar month following the Company’s acceptance of the Customer’s enrollment in the HPP.  At any time during a Term of Service the Customer may increase its volume commitment.  The terms and conditions at the new higher volume commitment level will then apply for the remainder of the Term of Service. Unless the Customer provides written notification to renew its HPP, which must be received by the Company no less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the HPP, upon expiration of the Term, the Customer will automatically receive service on a month-to-month basis and will be charged standard tariff rates and charges.  The Company must be provided with at least 30 days written notice to terminate an HPP.  


                                                b.         Volume Commitment: A customer must commit to a Monthly Minimum of $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $7,000, $10,000, $15,000 $25,000, $50,000 or $100,000 for a domestic HPP.  Charges eligible for satisfying the Monthly Minimum include recurring charges for ports, PVCs, CIRs, and local access. Ineligible charges include taxes, tax-related surcharges, access coordination charges, network management, and charges for non-tariffed services and products. The Monthly Minimum commitment must be satisfied by the Customer’s net billing, after the application of HPP discounts


                                                c.         Underutilization Charge:  Beginning with the fourth full monthly billing cycle, if a Customer does not satisfy its Monthly Minimum, the Customer will be billed and required to pay the difference between the committed Monthly Minimum and the customer’s actual recurring PVC, and/or CIR and port charges; and local access.


                                                d.         Early Termination Charge: Customers which elect to discontinue service under an HPP prior to expiration of the committed term will be billed and required to pay a charge in an amount equal to (i) the Underutilization Charge for the monthly period in which the discontinuance occurs, (ii) the Customer's HPP Monthly Minimum for each month remaining in the annual period in which termination occurs, and (iii) 50 percent of the Customer’s HPP Monthly Minimum for each monthly period remaining in the unfulfilled Term of Service. An early termination charge will not apply if the Customer enrolls in a new MCI WORLDCOM Frame Relay HPP with an equal or greater Term and an equal or greater Monthly Minimum commitment. In such case, the original HPP will be deemed to expire with the start of the new HPP.


                                                e.         Discounts: The following discounts apply to monthly recurring CIR and port charges and are based upon the rates set forth in


Sections and


Monthly                                               Term of Service/Years                                          

Minimum                   1                      2                      3                      4                      5


$    100                      1%                   2%                   3%                   4%                   5%

$    250                      1                      2                      3                      4                      5

$    500                      1                      2                      3                      4                      5

$  1,000                     2                      3                      4                      5                      6

$  2,000                     5                      6                      7                      8                      9

$  3,000                     6                      7                      9                    10                    12

$  4,000                     7                      8                    10                    12                    14

$  5,000                     8                    10                    12                    14                    16

$  7,000                     9                    11                    14                    16                    18

$ 10,000                  12                    14                    17                    19                    21

$ 15,000                  13                    15                    18                    20                    22

$ 25,000                  14                    17                    20                    23                    25

$ 50,000                  16                    19                    22                    25                    27

$100,000                 18                    21                    24                    27                    30


4.14.15            Global Frame Relay Service Level Agreement (SLA)


Unless otherwise specified, the Global Frame Relay Service Level Agreement (SLA) applies to Metro Frame Relay Access Service ordered by Customers on or after November 6, 2001, who: (i) commit to a service term of at least one year, and (ii) install service in at least five locations with their initial service order.  Eligible Customers may receive special credit allowances for failure by the Company to satisfy the performance standards specified below.  The SLA for Service Installation Period does not apply to service benefiting from any promotional offering on installation charges pertaining to ports, PVCs or access.


Definitions:  For purposes of this SLA, the following definitions apply:


Business Days:  Mondays through Fridays, excluding national holidays.


Mean Time to Repair (MTTR):  MTTR is the period of time commencing with the date and time the Customer first informs the Company of a Service Outage (i.e. opens a "Trouble Ticket") of a port, PVC or access circuit and ending on the date and time that service is restored.  For this SLA, MTTR will be calculated, and all Service Outages are averaged, on a per-port, -PVC or -access circuit basis during a monthly period.


                                                Network Service Configuration:


                                                            Core Network Circuits constitute the internal Company network infrastructure. These Circuits do not include local access or Customer Premises Equipment (CPE).


                                                            Enterprise Digital Subscriber Line (EDSL) Core Network Circuits constitute the internal Company network infrastructure between the Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) and the network infrastructure ingress port.  EDSL Core Network Circuits do not include local access or CPE.


                                                            Type 1:  Circuits for which local access is furnished wholly via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities or which are collocated with Company facilities.


                                                            Type 2:  Circuits for which local access is furnished in part via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities.


                                                            Type 3:  Circuits for which local access is not furnished via Company or Company‑affiliate facilities.


                                                Network Transit Delay:  Network Transit Delay is the period of time commencing with the transmission of the "ping" packet from an origination port to the "ping" packet at the destination port and ending with the receipt of the returned "ping" packet at the origination port.


                                                Service Availability:  Service Availability is the total number of minutes in a monthly billing period during which service on a port or PVC is available for use by the Customer, divided by the total number of minutes in that monthly billing period.  For this SLA, Service Availability will be calculated by taking into account the time between the initiation and closing of a Trouble Ticket for a Service Outage and reductions in time for factors or conditions that are not the Company's service responsibility.


                                                Service Installation Period:  The span of time commencing on the date the Company accepts a completed Customer order for installation of a port (with associated Company‑provided access at 1.536 Mbps or less and an associated domestic port) located in the U.S. Mainland and ending on the date the Company completes service installation and the service becomes available for Customer use.


                                                Service Outage:  An unscheduled period of time when service is unavailable for use by the Customer.  A Service Outage is defined as 60 or more Unavailable Seconds within a 15‑minute period measured by the Company.  A Service Outage may occur as a result of the Company's failure to meet its performance obligations or as a result of factors or conditions that are not the Company's service responsibility, including those specified in the "Exclusions" section below and must be released to the Company for testing.


                                                Trouble Ticket: The result of reporting by a Customer to the Company of a perceived Service Outage.


                                                Unavailable Seconds (UAS):  Defined in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard T1.231.




                                                To receive an SLA credit for other than a Service Installation Period SLA, an eligible Customer must: (i) initiate a Trouble Ticket within 72 hours of first learning of a Service Outage; and (ii) make a written request for SLA credit to the Company within 15 days of initiating the Trouble Ticket.  When making this credit request, the Customer must provide the Company with the following information: (i) the Trouble Ticket number; (ii) the date and time the Trouble Ticket was initiated; and (iii) the port or PVC ID number for each port or PVC, as applicable, that experienced the Service Outage.


                                                To receive an SLA credit for a Service Installation Period SLA, an eligible Customer must make a written request for credit to the Company within 15 days of completed installation of the qualifying service.  When making this credit request, the Customer must provide the Company with the following information: (i) the date the Service Installation Period commenced; (ii) the date specified for installation in the Customer order; (iii) the date installation was completed; and (iv) the port and access circuit ID numbers of the installed service.


                                                Service Level Agreements:


                                                Service Availability: 100 percent for a Type 1 circuit configuration and 99.8 percent for a Type 2 or Type 3 network circuit configurations, excluding configurations which originate and terminate via Dual Network Service, i.e., where Frame Relay Service in the consists of service provided via two segregated redundant sets of Company facilities, and 100 percent for a Type 2 or Type 3 circuit configurations which originate and terminate via Dual Network Service.


                                                Mean Time to Repair (MTTR):  2 hours for a Type 1 circuit configuration and 4 hours for a Type 2 or Type 3 circuit configurations.


                                                Network Transit Delay:  For domestic frame sizes of 200 bytes or less, the SLA is 120 milliseconds.


                                                Service Installation:  Within 45 consecutive business days.


                                                Credits:  Qualified Customers are eligible to receive the following credits, except that a Customer may not receive credits for: (i) the MTTR and Service Availability SLAs and, in addition to, the Network Transit Delay SLA in any monthly period; and (ii) the Network Transit Delay SLA for more than six monthly periods in any 12-month period.


                                                If in any monthly billing period the Company fails to meet the MTTR SLA, the qualified Customer will receive a credit equal to the following percentages of the monthly recurring charges for the qualified service, based on MTTR duration during that monthly period and access type:


                                                                                                     Access Type             

                        MTTR duration (Hours)                         Type 1             Type 2 and Type 3


                        2 to 4:59                                                        4%                               0%

                        5 +                                                               10                                  4


                                                If in any monthly billing period the Company fails to meet the Network Transit Delay SLA, the Company will provide a credit equal to 20 percent of the qualifying monthly recurring charges for the qualifying PVC, after application of all discounts, except that following the third consecutive monthly period and each subsequent consecutive monthly period thereafter in which the Company fails to satisfy the SLA: (i) the Customer may terminate service for the qualifying port and PVC without incurring termination liability, except for charges incurred prior to service termination, provided that the Customer notifies the Company in writing of its intent to terminate the circuit no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the third month or any consecutive month thereafter; and (ii) the Company, upon written notice to a Customer, may terminate its performance obligations under this SLA, which will result in the application to PVC and or port performance of standard outage credit allowances.


                                                If in any monthly billing period the Company fails to meet the Service Availability SLA, the qualified Customer will receive a credit equal to the following percentages of the monthly recurring charge for the qualified service, based on the number of minutes by which the Company fails to satisfy the SLA and access type:


         Access Type                  

                                                Number of Minutes      Type 1    Type 2 and Type 3


                                                          0   ‑     86                               10%                 0%

                                                        87   ‑   120                               15                   10

                                                      121   ‑   240                               20                   10

                                                      241   ‑   360                               25                   15

                                                      361   +                                       30                   20


                                                If the Company fails to satisfy the Service Installation Period SLA, the Company will provide a credit equal to 300 percent of the total installation charges paid by the Customer for qualifying access service and associated ports and PVC.


                                                Exclusions:  Calculations to determine SLA credits will not include time during which a Service Outage results from, or a Service Installation Period SLA is not satisfied as the result of, any of the following:


                                                For MTTR:


·                     Any act or omission of the Customer, its agent or vendors;


·                     Company‑scheduled service maintenance;


·                     Interruptions of service not caused by the Company;


·                     Interruptions of service resulting from the installation of additional service requested by the Customer;


·                     Performance failures attributable to CPE; or,


·                     Periods of service degradation, such as slow data transmission.


                                                For Network Transit Delay:


·                     EDSL Core Network Circuit failures.


·                     Frames that exceed 200 bytes in size; or,


·                     Periods in which the Company's network is in an emergency reroute configuration.


                                                For Service Availability:


·                     Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency);


·                     For Core Network Circuits, any act or omission of any third party, including local access providers;


·                     For Type 1 circuits, any act or omission of any third party other than a local access provider; or,


·                     Interruptions of service not caused by the Company.


·                     Labor strikes affecting service; or,


·                     Scheduled service maintenance.


                                                For Service Installation Period:


·                     A Customer‑ordered installation date that is within the Service Installation Period;


·                     Any act or omission of the Customer, its agent or vendors, including changing a previously accepted service order;


·                     Delays due to causes beyond the control of the Company;


·                     Delays resulting from an order suspension due to credit issues involving the Customer;


·                     Delays resulting from the extension of the access circuit demarcation point;


·                     Delays resulting from inaccurate or incorrect order information provided by the Customer;


·                     Force majeure events beyond the reasonable control of the Company (including, but not limited to, acts of God, government regulation, and national emergency);


·                     Labor strikes or work stoppages affecting service; or,


·                     Unavailability of Customer's Premises, CPE or facilities required to install service.


4.16     Service Calls


                        When a Customer reports trouble to the Company for clearance and no trouble is found in the MFS facilities, the Customer may be responsible for payment of a charge calculated from the time MFS personnel are dispatched to the Customer Premise until the work is completed, based on Company business hour. 


                        4.16.1              Service Call Charge Rates


1.         Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., excluding Company holidays (Normal MFS business hours):


                        $100.00 for the first 1/2 hour, or portion thereof

                        $50.00 for each additional 1/2 hour, or portion thereof


2.         Monday through Saturday 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., excluding Company holidays (Off-Hour Company business hours):


                        $300.00 for the first 1/2 hour, or portion thereof

                        $75.00 for each additional 1/2 hour, or portion thereof


3.         Sundays and Company Holidays business hours:


                        $500.00 for the first 1/2 hour, or portion thereof

                        $125.00 for each additional 1/2 hour, or portion thereof







From time to time the Company may provide certain special promotional offerings to its Customers.  These offerings may be limited to certain dates, times and locations.  To be eligible for the benefits of certain special promotional offerings, the Customer must call a Company-provided telephone number and subscribe to each specific promotion no later than the end of the month in which a particular promotion is offered in this tariff or the Customer must be called by the Company before that date and subscribe to the promotion.  Any local exchange line used for Company service which is disconnected and then reconnected for the purpose of subscribing to any of the following promotions will not be eligible to receive such promotion.  In addition, the Customer will not receive the benefits of any promotion if there is no outbound usage associated with any ANI (and local exchange line) during the first thirty days of service following the Customer's subscription to service.  Customers who receive the benefits of a promotion involving services or goods of a third party, which benefits are subject to taxation by any authority, will be responsible for payment of said taxes, other than taxes based on net income, by determining the total tax obligation and developing a single rate for application to all Customers who receive the promotional benefits.  The specific rates, terms and conditions applicable to each promotional offering will be described below.


Miscellaneous Promotions Offering Financial Inducements


From time to time, the Company will offer financial inducements to new and/or existing Customers who subscribe to and use new or additional Company service(s) in response to media advertising, direct mail materials, telemarketing programs and/or personal sales presentations, which offer such an inducement.  The benefits offered will be provided: (1) by giving the subscriber a credit against a specified Company invoice for usage of the service(s) in question, or other one-time or recurring charges in connection with such service(s) (this may include offers of specified amounts and kinds of free calling on the Company) or, if the Customer is billed for usage of Company service(s) by a local exchange Company (LEC), the credit may, if so stated, be applied against any charge for telephone service reflected on the LEC's bill; (2) by issuing to the subscriber a check payable to the subscriber, or to the Company, or to a cooperating LEC (such a check will be drawn on a bank in which the Company has funds on deposit and can be cleared or processed through normal banking




(3) by issuing to the subscriber a coupon or certificate which can be tendered to the Company, or to a LEC performing billing functions for the Company, in payment of all or a part of a future Company or LEC bill; (4) by issuing to the subscriber one or more coupons, certificates or other instruments which entitle the subscriber to receive or obtain goods or services from third party suppliers who have entered into marketing arrangements with the Company, or directly from the Company itself, or by having such goods or services delivered to the subscriber.  Coupons and other devices will specify any restrictions regarding applicable services and dates.  Unless otherwise specified, benefits resulting from an arrangement between the Company and a third party participating in any promotional offering will be available only to Customers eligible to receive such benefits, based on their relationship with the third party participant, and such benefits further may be limited to Customers located in specific areas in which the participating third party does business or otherwise elects to offer them in conjunction with the Company.  If for any reason an arrangement between the Company and a third party participating with the Company in any promotional offering is terminated, the Company's obligation to provide benefits resulting from the terminated arrangement will end and the Company shall have no further obligation to Customers to provide the promotional benefits.  Unless otherwise specified, an individual subscriber may receive more than one of the benefits set forth above by reason of a single response to a promotional offer from the Company, and may receive additional benefits for subscribing to additional Company service(s) in response to later promotional offerings.  The


specific promotions are listed below:


            Metro Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion


            Beginning May 1, 1999 and ending March 31, 2000, the


 Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing Customers who become new subscribers to point-to-point Metro Private Line Access Service Type 1 and/or Type 2 and/or Type 3 Digital Data Service, High Capacity Service (DS-1) and/or Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) (New Circuits).


            In order to receive the benefits of this promotion, enrolled Customers must satisfy the following conditions.  The Customer must:


            Subscribe to New Circuits under a one, two, three, four or five year term of service;


                        on a date no later than April 10, 2000, place an order for installation of all service that receives the benefits of this promotion; and,


                        request that all service that receives the benefits of this promotion must be installed on a date no later than April 30, 2000.


            Promotional Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits:


                        For each Type 1 New Circuit installed under this promotion, the Company will waive Company-billed installation charge; and/or,


                        For each Type 1 New Circuit installed under this promotion, Customers will receive a credit, as follows:


·                     Customers who subscribe under a one year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) two times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company‑ billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a two year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) two and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a three year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) three times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a four year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) three and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the installation charge for that circuit; and,


·                     Customers who subscribe under a five year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) four times the monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit.


·                     Customers who subscribe under a one-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;




·                     Customers who subscribe under a two-year term


 commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of: (i) one and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a three-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) two times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a four-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) two and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the installation charge for that circuit; and,


·                     Customers who subscribe under a five year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) three times the monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit.



            Early Termination:  Customers who terminate service of a New


 Circuit prior to the expiration of the term of service for that circuit will be billed and required to repay all credits received for that circuit under this promotion.


            Metro Private Line Competitive Region Promotion I


            Beginning July 1, 1999 and ending September 30, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing Customers. 


            Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, at the time of promotion enrollment, Customers must become new subscribers to point-to-point High Capacity Service (DS-1) or Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service or point-to-multipoint Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service located in Bakersfield, CA, Fresno, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Milpitas, CA, Oakland, CA, Orange County, CA, Palo Alto, CA, Sacramento, CA, San Diego, CA, San Francisco, CA, San Jose, CA, San Mateo, CA, Santa Clara, CA, Stockton, CA and Sunnyvale, CA which the Customer requests to be installed on a date no later than October 31, 1999 (Eligible Circuits).


            Promotional Benefits:  In each monthly period of a Customer's term of service, in addition to all other discounts for which the Customer qualifies, enrolled Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for each Eligible Circuit, based on term commitment:


                        Term Commitment                 Discount


                                  1-Year                                   5%

                                  2-Year                                  10

                                  3-Year                                  15

                                  4-Year                                  20

                                  5-Year                                  25


            Other Conditions:  Customers who terminate service of an Eligible Circuit prior to the expiration of the term of service for that circuit, will be billed and required to repay all discounts received for that circuit under this promotion.


            Metro Private Line Competitive Region Promotion II


            Beginning July 1, 1999 and ending September 30, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing Customers.


            Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, at the time of promotion enrollment, Customers must become new subscribers to point-to-point High Capacity Service (DS-1) or Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service or point-to-multipoint Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service located in Phoenix, AZ, Tucson, AZ, Denver, CO, Minneapolis, MN, St. Paul, MN, Reno, NV, Portland, OR, Ogden, UT, Provo, UT, Salt Lake City, UT and Seattle, WA which the Customer requests to be installed on a date no later than October 31, 1999 (Eligible Circuits).


            Promotional Benefits:  In each monthly period of a Customer's term of service, in addition to all other discounts for which the Customer qualifies, enrolled Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for each Eligible Circuit, based on term commitment and circuit type:



            Term Commitment                 DS-1                DS-3


            1-Year                                           5%                   2%

            2-Year                                         10                      5

            3-Year                                           7                      7

            4-Year                                           7                      7


            Other Conditions:  Customers who terminate service of an Eligible Circuit prior to the expiration of the term of service for that circuit, will be billed and required to repay all discounts received for that circuit under this promotion.


            Metro Private Line Competitive Region Promotion III


            Beginning October 27, 1999 and ending December 26, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing Customers. 


            Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, at the time of promotion enrollment, Customers must become new subscribers to point-to-point High Capacity Service (DS-1) or Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service or point-to-multipoint Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service located in Bakersfield, CA, Fresno, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Milpitas, CA, Oakland, CA, Orange County, CA, Palo Alto, CA, Sacramento, CA, San Diego, CA, San Francisco, CA, San Jose, CA, San Mateo, CA, Santa Clara, CA, Stockton, CA and Sunnyvale, CA which the Customer requests to be installed on a date no later than January 31, 2000 (Eligible Circuits).


            Promotional Benefits:  In each monthly period of a Customer's term of service, in addition to all other discounts for which the Customer qualifies, enrolled Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for each Eligible Circuit, based on term commitment:


                        Term Commitment                 Discount


                                  1-Year                                  5%

                                  2-Year                                 10

                                  3-Year                                 15

                                  4-Year                                 20

                                  5-Year                                 25


            Other Conditions:  Customers who terminate service of an Eligible Circuit prior to the expiration of the term of service for that circuit, will be billed and required to repay all discounts received for that circuit under this promotion.


            Metro Private Line Competitive Region Promotion IV


            Beginning October 27, 1999 and ending December 26, 1999, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing Customers.


            Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, at the time of promotion enrollment, Customers must become new subscribers to point-to-point High Capacity Service (DS-1) or Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service or point-to-multipoint Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service located in Phoenix, AZ, Tucson, AZ, Denver, CO, Minneapolis, MN, St. Paul, MN, Reno, NV, Portland, OR, Ogden, UT, Provo, UT, Salt Lake City, UT and Seattle, WA which the Customer requests to be installed on a date no later than January 31, 2000 (Eligible Circuits).


            Promotional Benefits:  In each monthly period of a Customer's term of service, in addition to all other discounts for which the Customer qualifies, enrolled Customers will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for each Eligible Circuit, based on term commitment and circuit type:



                        Term Commitment                 DS-1                DS-3


1-Year                                       5%                 2%

2-Year                                      10                     5

3-Year                                        7                     7

4-Year                                        7                     7


            Other Conditions:  Customers who terminate service of an Eligible Circuit prior to the expiration of the term of service for that circuit, will be billed and required to repay all discounts received for that circuit under this promotion.


            Metro Private Line Volume/Term Discount Promotion


            Beginning December 1, 1999 and ending February 29, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to Customers who subscribe to new point-to-point High Capacity Service (DS-1) or Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service or point-to-multipoint Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service (New Promotional Circuits).



            Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, at the time of promotion enrollment, the Customer must be:


                        be a new Customer of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company who subscribes to a new term plan for provision of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company with a 1, 2 or 3 year term of service (Promotional Term Plan); or,


                        an existing Customer of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company who extend the term of service of an existing term plan for provision of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company for at least a 1-year period (Promotional Term Plan).


            To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, following promotion enrollment, the Customer must:


                        place an order for installation of all New Promotional Circuits by February 29, 2000; and,


                        request that all New Promotional Circuits be installed by March 31, 2000.


            Promotional Benefits:  In each monthly period of a Customer's Promotional Term Plan term of service, the Customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for each New Promotional Circuit in addition to all other discounts for which the Customer qualifies, based on the Customer's monthly volume commitment and term of service under the Customer's Promotional Term Plan:


                                                                                               Term of Service/Discount           

                   Monthly Volume Commitment                        1 Year              2 Year           3 Year


                   $20,000.00 - $30,000.00                                     1%                    2%                3%

                   $30,000.01 - $40,000.00                                     2                        3                   4

                   $40,000.01 - $50,000.00                                     3                        4                   5

                   $50,000.01 - $70,000.00                                     4                        5                   6


            Metro Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion 2


            Beginning April 1, 2000 and ending September 30, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing Customers who become new subscribers to point-to-point Metro Private Line Access Service Type 1 and/or Type 2 and/or Type 3 Digital Data Service, High Capacity Service (DS-1) and/or Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) (New Circuits).


            In order to receive the benefits of this promotion, enrolled Customers must satisfy the following conditions.  The Customer must:


            subscribe to New Circuits under a one, two, three, four or five year term of service;


                        on a date no later than October 10, 2000, place an order for installation of all service that receives the benefits of this promotion; and,


                        request that all service that receives the benefits of this promotion must be installed on a date no later than


October 31, 2000.


            Promotional Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits:


                        For each Type 1 New Circuit installed under this promotion, the Company will waive Company-billed installation charge; and/or,


                        For each Type 1 New Circuit installed under this promotion, Customers will receive a credit, as follows:


·                     Customers who subscribe under a one year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) two times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company‑ billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a two year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) two and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a three year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) three times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a four year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) three and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the installation charge for that circuit; and,


·                     Customers who subscribe under a five year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) four times the monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit.


·                     Customers who subscribe under a one-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a two-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of: (i) one and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a three-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) two times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a four-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) two and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the installation charge for that circuit; and,


·                     Customers who subscribe under a five year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) three times the monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit.


            Early Termination:  Customers who terminate service of a New Circuit prior to the expiration of the term of service for that circuit will be billed and required to repay all credits received for that circuit under this promotion.

            Metro Private Line Type 1 Volume/Term Discount Promotion 


            Beginning July 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to Customers who subscribe to new Type 1 access service for point-to-point Digital Data Service (DS-0), point-to-point High Capacity Service (DS-1) or point-to-point Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service or point-to-multipoint Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service (New Promotional Circuits);


            Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, at the time of promotion enrollment, the Customer must be:


                        a new Customer of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company who subscribes to a new term plan for provision of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company with a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 year term of service (Promotional Term Plan); or,


                        an existing Customer of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company who extend the term of service of an existing term plan for provision of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company for at least a 1-year period (Promotional Term Plan).


            To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, following promotion enrollment, the Customer must:


                        place an order for installation of all New


Promotional Circuits by December 31, 2000; and,


                        request that all New Promotional Circuits be installed by


January 31, 2001.


            Promotional Benefits:  In each monthly period of a Customer's Promotional Term Plan term of service, the Customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for each New Promotional Circuit in addition to all other discounts for which the Customer qualifies, based on the Customer's monthly volume commitment and access service type:


                                                                                                        Access Service Type             

                   Monthly Volume Commitment                           DS-0                DS-1             DS-3


                              $   15,000.00  -              $   25,000.00          1%                   2%                 3%

                                   25,000.01  -                   50,000.00          2                      5                    6

                                   50,000.01  -                   75,000.00          3                      7                    9

                                   75,000.01  -                 100,000.00          4                      9                  12

                                 100,000.01  -                 150,000.00          5                    11                  15

                                 150,000.01  -                 250,000.00          6                    13                  18

                                 250,000.01  -                 500,000.00          7                    15                  21

                                 500,000.01  -              1,000,000.00          8                    17                  25

                              1,000,000.01  +                                          10                    20                  30




            Metro Private Line Multiple DS-0 Discount Promotion 


            Beginning July 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2000, the Company will offer the following promotion to Customers who subscribe to new Type 1 access service for point-to-point Digital Data Service (DS-0)  Metro Private Line Access Service (New Promotional Circuits);


            Eligibility:  To be eligible to enroll in this promotion, at the time of promotion enrollment, the Customer must be:


                        a new Customer of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company who subscribes to a new term plan for provision of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company with at least a 1 year term of service (Promotional Term Plan); or,


                        an existing Customer of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company who extend the term of service of an existing term plan for provision of MCI WorldCom On-Net Services provided by an affiliate of the Company for at least a 1-year period (Promotional Term Plan).


            To be eligible to receive the benefits of this promotion, following promotion enrollment, the Customer must:


                        place an order for installation of all New


Promotional Circuits by December 31, 2000; and,


                        request that all New Promotional Circuits be installed by


January 31, 2001.


            Promotional Benefits:  In each monthly period of a Customer's Promotional Term Plan term of service, the Customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for each New Promotional Circuit in addition to all other discounts for which the Customer qualifies, based on the Customer's number New Promotional Circuits ordered:


                   Number of New Promotional Circuits               Discount


                                                 2  -    3                                     7.5%

                                                 4  +                                        15


Metro Private Line Digital Ventures Installation Waiver Promotion


            Offer:  A credit equal to Company‑billed non‑recurring installation charges, excluding expedite charges, during the Customer's term of service for Digital Data Service (DS-0), High Capacity Service (DS-1) and Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) Metro Private Line Access Service installed under this promotion (New Service).


            Eligibility:   Customer must:


                        enroll prior between December 15, 2001 and December 14, 2002;

                        have been in business five years or less;

                        be a for‑profit corporation whose stock is not publicly traded;

                        demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that it can satisfy all the Eligibility requirements;

                        subscribe to a one, two or three year term of service; and,

                        have received substantial funding from a venture capital firm or similar entity specializing in venture investments to develop profitable business operations, such that the Company could not operate in any manner without the funding. The venture capital firm or similar entity from which the Customer has received the funding must be in the business of investing in newly created enterprises for the return of equity, preferred shares, royalties and/or some combination thereof.


            Other Conditions:  Customers who terminate New Service prior to the expiration of the Customer's term of service will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.


            Metro Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion 3


            Beginning September 17, 2001 and ending December 31, 2001, the


 Company will offer the following promotion to new and existing Customers who become new subscribers to point-to-point Metro Private Line Access Service Type 1 and/or Type 2 and/or Type 3 Digital Data Service, High Capacity Service (DS-1) and/or Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) (New Circuits).


            In order to receive the benefits of this promotion, enrolled Customers must satisfy the following conditions.  The Customer must:


                        subscribe to New Circuits under a one, two, three, four or five year term of service;


                        on a date no later than January 10, 2002


, place an order for installation of all service that receives the benefits of this promotion; and,


                        request that all service that receives the benefits of this promotion must be installed on a date no later than January 31, 2002




            Promotional Benefits: Customers enrolled in this promotion are eligible to receive the following benefits:


                        For each Type 1 New Circuit installed under this promotion, the Company will waive Company-billed installation charge; and/or,


                        For each Type 1 New Circuit installed under this promotion, Customers will receive a credit, as follows:


·                     Customers who subscribe under a one year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) two times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company‑ billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a two year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) two and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a three year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) three times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a four year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) three and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the installation charge for that circuit; and,


·                     Customers who subscribe under a five year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 2 New Circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) four times the monthly recurring charges for that circuit and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit.


·                     Customers who subscribe under a one-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a two-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of: (i) one and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a three-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) two times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit;


·                     Customers who subscribe under a four-year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) two and one-half times the Company-billed monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the installation charge for that circuit; and,


·                     Customers who subscribe under a five year term commitment will receive a credit for each of the Customer's Type 3 new circuits installed under this promotion in an amount equal to the lesser of:  (i) three times the monthly recurring charges for that circuit; and (ii) the Company-billed installation charge for that circuit.


            Early Termination:  Customers who terminate service of a New Circuit prior to the expiration of the term of service for that circuit will be billed and required to repay all credits received for that circuit under this promotion.


            Metro Frame Relay Digital Ventures Installation Waiver Promotion


            Offer:  A credit equal to Company‑billed non‑recurring installation charges, excluding expedite charges, during the Customer's term of service, for Metro Frame Relay Access Service ports and PVCs installed under this promotion (New Service).


            Eligibility:   Customer must:


                        enroll prior between December 15, 2001 and December 14, 2002;

                        have been in business five years or less;

                        be a for‑profit corporation whose stock is not publicly traded;

                        demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that it can satisfy all the Eligibility requirements;

                        subscribe to a one, two or three year term of service; and,

                        have received substantial funding from a venture capital firm or similar entity specializing in venture investments to develop profitable business operations, such that the Company could not operate in any manner without the funding. The venture capital firm or similar entity from which the Customer has received the funding must be in the business of investing in newly created enterprises for the return of equity, preferred shares, royalties and/or some combination thereof.


            Other Conditions:  Customers who terminate New Service prior to the expiration of the Customer's term of service will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.


            Frame Relay New Customer Installation Waiver Promotion


            Offer:  A credit equal to Company-billed non-recurring installation charges, excluding expedite charges, for New Service.


            Eligibility:  A Customer must:


                        enroll in this promotion between September 18, 2001 and December 31, 2001;


                        commit to request installation of new Metro Frame Relay Access Service ports and PVCs at speeds no greater than 45 Mbps (New Service) under a Frame Relay Service Network Pricing Plan provided by an affiliate of the Company with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year (Term Plan); and,


                        request non-expedited installation of all New Service no later than December 31, 2001 to occur no later than January 31, 2002.


            Other Conditions:  A Customer who terminates New Service (excluding changes in speed to New Service ports) under the Customer's Term Plan prior to the expiration of the term of service of that plan will be billed and required to repay all credits received under this promotion.


            Investment Plan Promotion Option 1


            Offer:  Revised provisions of Company term plans during a Customer's Term Plan term of service, as follows: the term plan will not automatically renew upon expiration of its term; and, in each annual period of the Promotional Commitment Period in which the Customer satisfies the minimum volume requirement under the Term Plan and the following Usage Requirement, underutilization and early termination charges under the Term Plan will not apply.


            Eligibility:  A Customer must:


                        enroll prior to June 30, 2002;

                        have been in business five years or less;

                        be a for‑profit corporation whose stock is not publicly traded;

                        commit to use service under this promotion for a period of 60 months following promotion enrollment (Promotional Commitment Period);

                        demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that it can satisfy all the Eligibility requirements;

                        subscribe to a new Company term plan under a one, two or three year term of service under which the Customer subscribes Metro Private Line Access Service and/or Metro Frame Relay Access Service (Term Plan);

                        have received substantial funding from a venture capital firm or similar entity specializing in venture investments to develop profitable business operations, such that the Company could not operate in any manner without the funding.  The venture capital firm or similar entity from which the Customer has received the funding must be in the business of investing in newly created enterprises for the return of equity, preferred shares, royalties and/or some combination thereof; and,

                        satisfy the following Usage Requirement:


                                    The Company will be Customer's exclusive carrier during the Customer's term of service for 70 percent of all telecommunications services, including, but not limited to IP and hosting services ("Usage Requirement").  Compliance with the Usage Requirement will be measured monthly based on Customer's dollar usage of all telecommunications services. The Usage Requirement will exclude any minimum commitment for telecommunications services Customer is required to meet pursuant to an agreement with another carrier at the time this Agreement is executed; provided that the services so committed to any other carrier(s) will be subject to the Usage Requirement upon the expiration or termination of Customer's agreement with the other carrier(s).  After the effective date of the contract, but not more than once every twelve monthly billing periods, The Company may request, and Customer will provide to the Company in writing, Customer records, data and invoices pertaining to its total telecommunications service usage for the most recent 12‑ month period preceding the request. The Company may review this information for the sole purpose of determining Customer's compliance with the Usage Requirement.  In the event Customer breaches the Usage Requirement, Customer agrees to pay an amount equal to 70 percent of the Customer's Total Service Charges for each month in which Customer fails to meet the Usage Requirement.


            Other Conditions:


            If during a Customer's Term Plan term of service, a Customer's charges for use of Company and Company‑affiliate service (including certain other products and excluding on‑time and non‑recurring charges) equals or exceeds the Customer's total Term Plan volume commitment, the Customer may terminate service under this promotion prior to the expiration of the term of service.


            In each monthly period of a Customer's Term Plan term of service in which the Customer fails to satisfy the Company Usage Requirement, the Customer will be billed and required to pay an amount equal to the difference to the Customer's charges for Company and Company‑affiliate service usage in that monthly period and the, Company Usage Requirement.


            The Customer will not be eligible to receive discounts on Company service based on Company term and volume commitments if the Customer:  (i) fails to use Company service ordered as of the effective date of the contract for at least one annual period following the contract effective date; and (ii) fails to pay the Company at least (a) $3,000 per month during the annual period for Customers who subscribe to service with annual volume commitments of $36,000 to $300,000; (b) $10,000 per month for Customers who subscribe to service with annual volume commitments of $300,001 to $1,200,000; or (c) $25,000 per month for Customers who subscribe to annual volume commitments of $1,200,001 to $2,400,000.


Metro Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion 4




A credit, equal to the Customer’s Company-billed installation charges for Type 1 New Circuits.


A credit, equal to the Customer’s Company-billed installation charges for Type 2 and Type 3 New Circuits, not to exceed the following amounts, based on circuit type:


Circuit Type                  Amount


DDS                                $225

DS-1                                  250

DS-3                                  300


Eligibility: The Customer must:


enroll prior to March 31, 2002;


subscribe to point-to-point Metro Private Line Access Service Digital Data Service (DDS), High Capacity Service (DS-1) and/or Very High Capacity Service (DS-3) (New Circuits) under a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; and,


request that all New Circuits be installed on a date no later than August 31, 2002.


Other Conditions: Customers who discontinue New Circuit service prior to the expiration of the term of service for that circuit will be billed and required to repay all credits received for that circuit under this promotion.


Customer Guarantee:


Offer:  The Company will waive applicable early termination and underutilization charges under a term plan, if the Company, within 180 days of the date the Customer enrolls in this promotion, receives written notification from the Customer that it wishes to discontinue the plan.  For any Customer electing to discontinue service under a plan and timely notifying the Company of its intent, service will terminate under the plan within 60 days after the date of receipt of Customer notification.  Customers who terminate service under this guarantee will be billed and required to repay on a pro rata basis all credits received, and charges waived, under the plan.


Eligibility:  The following Customers who receive Company service provided under a contract entered into between August 1, 2002 and August 31, 2002 and who enroll in this promotion at the same time the contract was entered into: new Customers who enter into a new term plan with a term of service which equals or exceeds one year; and, existing Customers under a term plan with less than three months remaining in the term of service who extend the term for a period which equals or exceeds one year.


Double Your SLA Credits Promotion


Offer:  Through January 15, 2003, credits equal to 200 percent of the credit amounts set forth in Sections 3.4.3, 3.4.4 and 4.14.15, in lieu of the amounts set forth in those Sections, for the Company’s failure to meet a Service Level Agreement, excluding the Service Installation Period SLA, under the Metro Private Line Digital Service Level Agreement, Metro Private Line SONET Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Global Frame Relay Service Level Agreement for (i) New Service for Customers receiving service under a New Term Plan and (ii) Metro Private Line Access Service Level and /or Metro Frame Relay Access Service for Customers receiving service under an Extended Term Plan.


Eligibility: A Customer:


must enroll prior to August 31, 2002;


must be an existing Customer of Company service throughout the 6-month period preceding promotion enrollment;


must order new Metro Private Line Access Service and/or Metro Frame Relay Access Service following promotion enrollment and on or before August 31, 2002 (New Service);


must subscribe to New Service under either (i) a new term commitment with at least a one-year term of service (New Term Plan)or (ii) an extension of the term of service under an existing Company term plan with less than three months remaining in the term of service for a period which equals or exceeds one year (Extended Term Plan); and,


may not subscribe to Company or Company-affiliate service provided under Special Customer Arrangements Guide Types 1, 6, 7 or 8 under the Service Publication and Price Guide found at /business/publications/service_guide.


Loyal Customer Growth Promotion


Offer:  If the Customer’s Service Charges in the (i) First Credit Quarter increases by the following amounts (as measured in percentage) from the Customer’s Service Charges during the Baseline Quarter and/or (ii) Second Credit Quarter increases by the following amounts (as measured in percentage) from the Customer’s Service Charges during the First Credit Quarter, the following credit:


Increase Amount                                     Credit


10% or less                                                   3%

Greater than 10%                                          5


Eligibility: The Customer:


must enroll prior to August 31, 2002;


must be an existing Customer of Company service throughout the 6-month period preceding promotion enrollment;


must be in good standing;


must satisfy all the Customer’s volume requirements or pro rata portions thereof;


must subscribe to new Company service under a term commitment with at least a one year remaining in the term of service at the time of promotion enrollment; and,


may not subscribe to Company or Company-affiliate service provided under Special Customer Arrangements Guide Types 1, 6, 7 or 8 under the Service Publication and Price Guide found at /business/publications/service_guide.


Definitions: For the purposes of this promotion, the following definitions apply:


Baseline Quarter: The three monthly periods reflected on the Customer’s invoices dated in the months of June, July and August or 2002.


First Credit Quarter: The three monthly periods reflected on the Customer’s invoices dated in the months of September, October and November of 2002.


Second Credit Quarter: The three monthly periods reflected on the Customer’s invoices dated in the months of December in 2002 and January and February in 2003.


Service Charges:  Usage charges and monthly recurring charges for: Metro Private Line Access Service Digital Data Service (DS0), Metro Private Line Access Service High Capacity Service (DS-1), Metro Private Line Access Service Very High Capacity Service (DS-3), Metro Private Line Access Services SONET Service and/or Metro Frame Relay Access Service provided under this tariff; service provided under the Service Publication and Price Guide found at; intrastate telecommunications service provided under Company and Company-affiliate tariffs, if applicable; and Company- and/or Company-affiliate-provided ATM, Internet Access Services, on-net Virtual Private Network and WorldCom Connection service.






AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                                  Rate

Number       State        Description                                                                         Package

                                                                                                                  Monthly              Non-Recurring           

000001            MN       High Cap Service                                             $1,740.00                    $1,930.00

000002            MN       High Cap Service                                                $149.00                           $0.00

000003            MN       High Cap Service                                                $240.00                       $800.00

000004            MN       High Cap Service                                             $1,150.00                    $3,300.00

000005            MN       Very High Cap Service                                     $4,700.00                    $2,000.00

000006            MN       High Cap Service                                                $379.00                       $700.00

000007            MN       High Cap Service                                                $628.40                       $800.00

000008            MN       High Cap Service                                                $175.00                       $700.00

000009            MN       High Cap Hub                                                      $870.00                           $0.00

000010            MN       Very High Cap Hub                                          $2,500.00                    $2,500.00

000011            MN       High Cap Service                                             $6,753.00                  $15,850.00

000012            MN       High Cap Hub,

                                      Very High Cap Hub                                        $2,965.00                    $5,450.00

000013            MN       Very High Cap Service                                     $4,000.00                    $1,333.33

000014            MN       Low Speed Service                                          $3,135.00                  $10,715.42

000015            MN       High Cap Service                                             $3,636.86                  $10,865.60

000016            MN       Very High Cap Mux,

                                      High Cap Dacs                                              $2,890.00                    $1,600.00

000017            MN       High Cap Hub,

                                      Very High Cap Hub                                        $6,600.00                    $1,666.66

000018            MN       Very High Cap Service                                     $4,400.00                    $2,000.00

000019            MN       Very High Cap Service                                     $5,700.00                    $2,320.00

000020            MN       Very High Cap Service                                     $6,200.00                    $1,200.00

000021            MN       High Cap Hub                                                   $2,785.92                    $8,945.00

000022            MN       High Cap Service,

                                      Very High Cap Mux                                        $3,250.00                    $2,350.00

000023            MN       High Cap Hub                                                   $1,535.20                    $4,975.00

000024            MN       Very High Cap Service,

                        High Cap Service                                                         $4,680.00                       $600.00

















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                                  Rate

Number       State        Description                                                                         Package

                                                                                                                  Monthly               Non-Recurring


000025            MN       High Cap Service,

                                      Very High Cap Service                                   $5,355.00                    $6,100.00

000026            MN       High Cap Service                                             $1,101.00                    $1,300.00

000027            MN       High Cap Service                                                $335.00                       $800.00

000028            MN       High Cap Service                                             $1,225.00                    $3,200.00

000029            MN       High Cap Service                                                $252.00                    $1,600.00

000030            MN       Low Speed Service                                             $121.00                       $100.00

000031            MN       Very High Cap Mux                                          $1,200.00                       $200.00

000032            MN       High Cap Service                                                $275.00                       $800.00

000033            MN       Digital Bridge                                                       $191.80                       $450.00

000034            MN       High Cap Service,

                                      Very High Cap Service                                   $5,755.00                    $5,400.00

000035            MN       Low Speed Service                                               $76.00                       $475.00

000036            MN       High Cap Service                                                $230.00                       $800.00

000037            MN       Low Speed Service                                          $3,150.00                           $0.00

000038            MN       High Speed Service                                           $600.00                       $750.00

000039            MN       High Speed Service                                         $2,216.40                    $5,077.70

000040            MN       High Speed Service                                            $169.00                       $400.00

000041            MN       Very High Cap Hub,

                                      High Cap Hub                                                 $4,060.00                    $2,750.00

000042            MN       High Cap Service                                                $335.00                       $800.00

000043            MN       Low Speed Service                                             $152.00                       $950.00

000044            MN       High Cap Service                                             $4,534.16                  $10,400.00

000045            MN       High Cap Service                                             $2,961.14                    $4,000.00

000046            MN       High Cap Service,

                                      Very High Cap Service                                   $4,520.00                    $9,000.00

000047            MN       Low Speed Service                                               $59.00                       $100.00

000048            MN       Digital Bridge,

                                      Low Speed Service                                           $290.00                       $500.00

000049            MN       High Cap Service                                                $211.00                           $0.00




















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                                  Rate

Number       State        Description                                                                         Package

                                                                                                                  Monthly               Non-Recurring


000501            CO      High Cap Service                                                $182.38                           $0.00

000502            CO      Very High Cap Service                                      $4900.00                     $3000.00

000503            CO      Very High Cap Hub,

                                      High Cap Mux                                                 $1,063.74                           $0.00

000504            CO      Very High Cap Service                                     $7,350.00                    $4,500.00













































AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                                  Rate

Number       State        Description                                                                         Package

                                                                                                                  Monthly               Non-Recurring


000701            MD       Very High Cap Hub                                          $4,600.00                           $0.00

000702            MD       High Cap Dacs                                                $4,957.02                    $2,000.00

000703            MD       Very High Cap Mux,

                                      High Cap Mux                                                 $4,200.00                    $3,000.00

000704            MD       Low Speed Service                                          $4,110.00                    $4,325.00

000705            MD       High Cap Service                                             $5,160.00                  $12,590.00

000706            MD       Low Speed Service                                          $1,936.00                    $2,950.00

000707            MD       High Cap Service                                             $5,175.00                    $4,560.00

000708            MD       Low Speed Service                                          $2,820.00                    $1,225.00

000709            MD       High Cap Service                                             $4,850.00                    $5,525.00

000710            MD       High Cap Dacs                                                $2,000.00                    $5,300.00

000711            MD       High Cap Service                                             $4,757.00                    $5,300.00

000712            MD       Very High Cap Hub                                          $5,300.00                    $4,000.00

000713            MD       Very High Cap Service                                     $5,900.00                           $0.00

000714            MD       High Cap Service                                             $2,303.00                    $1,350.00

000715            MD       Very High Cap Service,

                                      High Cap Service                                           $3,592.15                    $1,278.00

000716            MD       Very High Cap Service                                     $6,100.00                           $0.00

000717            MD       Low Speed Service,

                                      High Cap Service                                           $2,073.00                    $1,300.00

000718            MD       High Cap Service                                             $4,500.00                    $1,000.00

000719            MD       High Cap Service                                             $3,000.00                    $2,000.00

000720            MD       High Cap Service                                                $337.00                           $0.00

000721            MD       Very High Cap Service,

                                      High Cap Service                                           $4,750.00                    $5,600.00

000722            MD       High Cap Hub                                                      $880.00                    $1,250.00

000723            MD       Very High Cap Hub                                          $4,750.00                    $7,532.00

000724            MD       High Cap Service                                                $440.00                           $0.00

000725            MD       High Cap Service                                                $389.50                           $0.00

















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                                  Rate

Number       State        Description                                                                         Package

                                                                                                                  Monthly               Non-Recurring


000726            MD       High Cap Hub                                                   $2,340.00                    $1,600.00

000727            MD       Low Speed Service

                                      High Cap Service                                           $1,614.00                       $900.00

000728            MD       Low Speed Service                                               $65.00                         $50.00

000729            MD       High Cap Service                                             $2,350.00                       $200.00

000730            MD       Low Speed Service                                          $1,520.61                    $3,898.80

000731            MD       Very High Cap Hub                                          $5,010.00                           $0.00

000732            MD       High Cap Service                                             $2,543.40                           $0.00

000733            MD       High Cap Service                                                $814.28                    $1,000.00

000734            MD       High Cap Service                                                $675.00                    $1,000.00

000735            MD       High Cap Service                                                $478.00                           $0.00

000736            MD       High Cap Service                                                $570.00                    $1,000.00

000737            MD       Very High Cap Hub                                          $5,300.00                    $4,500.00

000738            MD       Very High Cap Service                                     $6,100.00                           $0.00

000739            MD       Very High Cap Hub                                          $4,749.00                    $7,750.00

000740            MD       Low Speed Service                                             $450.00                    $3,200.00

000741            MD       High Cap Service                                                $765.00                       $125.00

000742            MD       High Cap Service                                                $410.00                           $0.00

000743            MD       High Cap Service                                                $800.00                       $900.00

000744            MD       Low Speed Service                                             $300.00                       $250.00

000745            MD       High Cap Service                                                $410.00                           $0.00

000746            MD       High Cap Service                                             $1,455.00                    $2,400.00

000747            MD       High Cap Service                                                $375.00                           $0.00

000748            MD       High Cap Service                                              $5075.00                           $0.00

000749            MD       High Cap Service,

                                      High Cap Mux                                                 $5,100.00                    $5,800.00

000750            MD       High Cap Service                                                $685.00                           $0.00

000751            MD       High Cap Service                                                $335.00                           $0.00

000752            MD       High Cap Service                                             $1,100.00                           $0.00

000753            MD       High Cap Service                                                $600.00                       $900.00

















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                                  Rate

Number       State        Description                                                                         Package   

                                                                                                          Monthly                         Non-Recurring

000754            MD       High Cap Service                                                $650.00                    $1,278.00

000755            MD       Very High Cap Service                                 $6,100.00                               $0.00

000756            MD       Very High Cap Hub                                       $8,750.00                        $5,000.00

000757            MD       Low Speed Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                                        $775.00                    $2,125.00

000758            MD       High Cap Service                                             $4,766.04                    $4,918.32

000759            MD       Low Speed Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                                     $4,476.25                    $3,070.00

000760            MD       High Cap Service                                             $5,083.00                    $9,350.00

000761            MD       Low Speed Service                                             $600.00                           $0.00

000762            MD       High Cap Service                                             $3,314.00                    $2,700.00

000763            MD       High Cap Service                                             $2,130.00                       $900.00

000764            MD       Very High Cap Mux                                        $12,500.00                           $0.00

000765            MD       High Cap Service,

                                    Video Service                                                   $3,350.00                    $3,600.00

000766            MD       High Cap Service                                             $1,050.00                           $0.00

000767            MD       Low Speed Service                                          $1,910.00                    $2,000.00      

000768            MD       Low Speed Service,                                                                                       

                                    High Cap Service                                         $2,125.00                        $1,600.00

000769            MD       Low Speed Service                                               $45.00                       $400.00

000770            MD       Very High Cap Hub                                          $5,300.00                    $4,500.00

000771            MD       High Cap Service                                                $726.00                    $1,278.00

000772            MD       High Cap Service                                                $568.00                           $0.00

000773            MD       Very High Cap Hub                                          $8,750.00                    $5,000.00

000774            MD       High Cap Service                                             $6,590.12                       $900.00

000775            MD       Very High Cap Service                                     $6,000.00                           $0.00

000776            MD       Very High Cap Mux                                          $3,000.00                    $2,000.00

000777            MD       Low Speed Service                                             $130.00                       $600.00

000778            MD       Very High Cap Service                                     $9,000.00                  $12,500.00



















AS OF 4/27/95

Contract                      Service                                                            Rate

Number           State    Description                                                      Package

                                                                                               Monthly                  Non-Recurring

000779            MD       High Cap Service                               $330.00                       $100.00

000780            MD       Low Speed Service                            $130.00                       $200.00

000781            MD       High Cap Service                               $550.00                       $100.00

000782            MD       Low Speed Service                            $165.00                       $100.00















































AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                            Rate

Number           State    Description                                                                      Package

                                                                                                            Monthly                     Non-Recurring

000901            GA       High Cap Service                                                $880.00                  $1,900.00

000902            GA       High Cap Service                                             $1,808.00                         $0.00

000903            GA       High Cap Service                                                $517.00                         $0.00

000904            GA       High Cap Service                                             $3,268.00                  $4,000.00

000905            GA       Very High Cap Service                                     $3,000.00                  $2,000.00

000906            GA       Video Service                                                   $1,296.00                     $500.00

000907            GA       Low Speed Service                                             $117.72                     $638.00

000908            GA       High Cap Service                                             $2,551.00                  $4,468.00

000909            GA       Very High Cap Mux                                          $1,400.00                     $750.00

000910            GA       High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Mux                                          $4,100.00                     $750.00

000911            GA       High Cap Service                                             $1,295.00                  $2,250.00

000912            GA       High Cap Service                                             $1,800.00                  $2,000.00

000913            GA       High Cap Service                                             $6,284.80                  $8,834.00

000914            GA       High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                                     $7,250.00                  $3,246.00

000915            GA       High Cap Service                                            $4.640.00                  $4,000.00

000916            GA       High Cap Hub                                                      $337.00                     $248.00

000917            GA       High Cap Service                                             $2,309.00                  $6,368.00

000918            GA       High Cap Service                                                $800.00                  $1,000.00

000919            GA       Very High Cap Mux                                          $7,850.00                  $2,600.00

000920            GA       Very High Cap Service                                   $12,500.00                  $4,900.00

000921            GA       High Cap Service                                             $9,724.00                $18,208.00

000922            GA       High Cap Service                                                $889.00                  $1,889.00

000923            GA       Low Speed Service                                          $4,200.00                         $0.00

000924            GA       High Cap Service                                                $500.00                     $500.00

000925            GA       High Cap Service                                                $500.00                     $500.00

000926            GA       High Cap Mux                                                      $395.00                     $395.00

000927            GA       High Cap Service                                             $1,134.00                  $3,000.00

















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                         Service                                                            Rate

Number           State       Description                                                      Package

                                                                                                Monthly                        Non-Recurring

000928            GA          High Cap Service                                 $252.00                       $500.00

000929            GA          Very High Cap Mux                            $5,830.00                    $3,108.00

000930            GA          High Cap Service                                 $550.00                    $1,500.00

000931            GA          High Cap Service                              $9,000.00                    $5,500.00

000932            GA          Very High Cap Service

                                       Low Speed Service                           $5,475.72                    $1,580.00

000933            GA          Very High Cap Service                      $9,200.00                           $0.00

000934            GA          Very High Cap Service                      $6,900.00                           $0.00

000935            GA          High Cap Service                              $8,850.00                    $5,800.00

000936            GA          Very High Cap Service                    $10,725.00                           $0.00

000937            GA          Very High Cap Service                      $9,200.00                           $0.00

000938            GA          High Cap Service                                 $614.00                    $1,700.00

000939            GA          Very High Cap Service                      $7,000.00                           $0.00

000940            GA          Very High Cap Hub                            $1,200.00                    $1,200.00

000941            GA          High Cap Service                                 $800.00                    $1,200.00

000942            GA          Very High Cap Service                      $6,625.00                    $1,550.00

000943            GA          Very High Cap Service                      $7,100.00                           $0.00

000944            GA          Very High Cap Service                      $8,400.00                           $0.00

000945            GA          High Cap Service                                 $515.00                           $0.00

000946            GA          High Cap Hub                                    $9,751.00                    $6,050.00

000947            GA          High Cap Service                                 $250.00                       $400.00

000948            GA          High Cap Service                              $5,998.00                    $9,999.98

000949            GA          Low Speed Service                              $763.40                    $1,461.00

000950            GA          High Cap Service                              $9,724.00                    $3,500.00

000951            GA          High Cap Service                              $3,703.00                  $15,711.00

000952            GA          Very High Cap Service                    $10,300.00                           $0.00

000953            GA          Very High Cap Service                      $8,400.00                           $0.00

000954            GA          Very High Cap Service                    $11,500.00                       $950.00

000955            GA          High Cap Service                                 $390.00                       $500.00

000956            GA          High Cap Service                              $5,916.00                    $6,600.00


















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                         Service                                                              Rate

Number         State         Description                                                      Package 

                                                                                                Monthly                        Non-Recurring

000957          GA          Very High Cap Service                         $8,000.00                    $1,400.00

000958          GA          Very High Cap Service                         $3,574.33                       $200.00

000959          GA          High Cap Service                                    $610.00                       $250.00

000960          GA          Analog Bridge,

                                    Digital Bridge                                           $430.00                       $470.00

000961          GA          High Cap Service                                 $3,557.43                    $7,470.00

000962          GA          High Cap Hub                                       $7,936.92                  $26,901.90

000963          GA          High Cap Service                                    $240.00                    $1,050.00

000964          GA          High Cap Service                                    $750.00                       $500.00

000965          GA          High Cap Service                                 $7,275.00                    $5,000.00

000966          GA          Very High Cap Service                         $8,602.00                    $2,700.00

000967          GA          Very High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Mux                              $5,950.00                    $1,800.00

000968          GA          High Cap Service                                 $1,422.00                    $4,000.00

000969          GA          Very High Cap Mux                              $3,800.00                    $7,800.00

000970          GA          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $2,900.00                    $2,505.00

000971          GA          High Speed Mux,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $4,140.00                    $6,560.00

000972          GA          Very High Cap Mux                              $1,375.00                       $975.00

000973          GA          High Cap Service                                    $690.00                    $1,250.00

000974          GA          High Cap Service                                 $3,349.92                    $2,000.04

000975          GA          High Cap Hub                                       $2,538.40                    $6,810.00

000976          GA          Low Speed Service                                 $884.40                    $1,362.07

000977          GA          High Cap Service                                 $7,800.00                  $10,250.00

000978          GA          High Cap Service                                 $8,261.00                    $6,300.00

000979          GA          High Cap Service                                 $8,632.00                    $3,550.00

000980          GA          Low Speed Service                              $2,335.73                    $7,705.00




















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                        Rate 

Number      State        Description                                                                  Package

                                                                                                        Monthly                     Non-Recurring

000981         GA         High Cap Dacs,

                                    Very High Cap Mux,

                                    Very High Cap Service                                $14,107.40                  $7,208.00

000982          GA          High Cap Service                                        $11,808.00                $25,886.04

000983          GA          Very High Cap Service                                $14,084.00                         $0.00

000984          GA          Very High Cap Service,                                           

                                    High Cap Service                                          $8,187.00                  $3,750.00

000985          GA          High Cap Service                                             $655.20                         $0.00

000986          GA          Very High Cap Mux

                                    Very High Cap Service                                  $8,000.00                $40,000.00

000987          GA          Very High Cap Service                                  $7,000.00                  $1,500.00

000988          GA          High Cap Service                                          $3,097.50                  $2,800.00

000989          GA          High Cap Service                                             $510.00                     $400.00

000990          GA          Very High Cap Service                                  $6,400.00                  $1,000.00

000991          GA          High Cap Service                                          $1,193.00                  $2,900.00

000992          GA          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                             $818.00                  $1,518.00

000993          GA          High Cap Service                                          $1,332.00                  $2,500.00

000994          GA          High Speed Service                                         $255.00                  $1,000.00

000995          GA          High Speed Service                                      $1,931.00                  $1,686.00

000996          GA          High Speed Service                                      $1,140.00                     $400.00

000997          GA          Very High Cap Hub,

                                    High Cap Hub                                              $10,394.00                $13,421.50

000998          GA          High Cap Service                                        $12,577.46                $18,547.76

000999          GA          Very High Cap Service                                $11,342.00                  $1,000.00

001000          GA          High Cap Service                                          $1,275.00                  $4,000.00

001001          GA          High Cap Service                                             $490.00                  $1,000.00

001002          GA          High Cap Service                                             $245.00                         $0.00

001003          GA          High Cap Service                                          $9,300.00                $14,550.02



AS OF 4/27/95



Contract                      Service                                                                            Rate

Number         State      Description                                                                  Package

                                                                                                         Monthly               Non-Recurring


001004          GA          High Cap Service                                          $2,075.00                         $3,650.00

001005          GA          High Cap Service                                             $918.00                         $1,200.00

001006          GA          High Cap Service                                          $1,750.00                         $1,000.00

001007          GA          High Cap Service                                             $585.00                         $1,500.00

001008          GA          High Cap Service                                             $614.00                         $1,500.00

001009          GA          High Cap Service                                        $10,008.00                         $5,950.00

001010          GA          Low Speed Service,                                                                        

                                    High Speed Service                                      $1,204.00                            $400.00

001011          GA          Low Speed Service                                          $180.00                            $650.00

001012          GA          Low Speed Service                                          $277.00                            $761.00

001013          GA          Very High Cap Service                                  $9,630.00                         $1,300.00

001014          GA          Very High Cap Service                                $14,084.00                         $1,000.00
































AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                         Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                                   Package

                                                                                                         Monthly               Non-Recurring


001200          PA          High Cap Hub                                                $1,687.50                 $0.00

001201          PA          Very High Cap Service                                  $7,290.00                 $0.00

001202          PA          Low Speed Service                                          $700.00          $4,300.00

001203          PA          High Cap Service                                             $390.00                 $0.00

001204          PA          High Cap Mux                                                   $790.00                 $0.00

001205          PA          Low Speed Service                                          $240.00                 $0.00

001206          PA          High Cap Service                                             $580.00             $600.00

001207          PA          Low Speed Service                                          $140.00                 $0.00

001208          PA          High Cap Service                                          $1,640.00             $800.00

001209          PA          Very High Cap Service                                  $3,000.00          $2,000.00

001210          PA          Low Speed Service                                          $200.00             $950.00

001211          PA          High Cap Service                                             $350.00             $500.00

001212          PA          Low Speed Service                                          $260.00                 $0.00

001213          PA          High Cap Service                                             $375.00             $500.00

001214          PA          Very High Cap Mux                                        $4,000.00          $2,000.00

001215          PA          Low Speed Service                                       $1,350.00                 $0.00

001216          PA          High Cap Service                                             $325.00                 $0.00

001217          PA          High Cap Service                                             $350.00                 $0.00

001218          PA          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                                  $6,181.00          $5,278.00

001219          PA          High Cap Service                                             $770.00                 $0.00

001220          PA          High Cap Service                                             $420.00                 $0.00

001221          PA          Low Speed Service                                            $40.00                 $0.00

001222          PA          High Cap Service                                             $410.00                 $0.00

001223          PA          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                             $405.00             $200.00




















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                        Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                                  Package

                                                                                                           Monthly             Non-Recurring


001224          PA          High Cap Service                                             $375.00                 $0.00

001225          PA          Very High Cap Service                                  $6,000.00                 $0.00

001226          PA          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                                  $3,285.00          $2,100.00

001227          PA          High Cap Hub                                                $3,951.00          $5,810.00

001228          PA          Very High Cap Hub                                        $8,295.00          $9,925.00

001229          PA          High Cap Dacs                                                 $750.00          $3,000.00

001230          PA          Low Speed Service,                                                                                       

                                    High Cap Service                                          $2,321.25          $5,938.00

001231          PA          High Cap Dacs                                                 $910.00          $1,900.00

001232          PA          Very High Cap Service                                  $2,300.00                 $0.00

001233          PA          High Cap Service                                             $390.00                 $0.00

001234          PA          Low Speed Service                                          $275.00                 $0.00

001235          PA          Very High Cap Service                                  $4,000.00          $2,000.00

001236          PA          High Cap Service                                          $1,320.00          $1,140.00































AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                   Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                             Package

                                                                                                       Monthly        Non-Recurring


001500          PA          Very High Cap Service                             $5,960.00                      $0.00

001501          PA          High Cap Hub                                           $5,014.00             $17,425.00

001502          PA          Very High Cap Hub                                   $4,205.00               $1,000.00

001503          PA          High Cap Service                                     $5,805.00               $5,920.00

001504          PA          Very High Cap Service                             $2,250.00               $2,300.00

001505          PA          Very High Cap Hub                                   $5,010.50               $7,221.00

001506          PA          Low Speed Service                                       $50.00                  $500.00

001507          PA          High Cap Service                                     $1,160.00                  $700.00

001508          PA          High Cap Hub                                           $1,091.36                  $320.00

001509          PA          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                        $660.00               $2,950.00

001510          PA          Very High Cap Hub,

                                    Low Speed Service                                  $6,670.00               $3,625.00

001511          PA          High Cap Service                                     $4,165.00               $1,450.00

001512          PA          High Cap Hub                                           $1,554.00               $8,100.00

001513          PA          High Cap Service                                     $1,230.00               $1,600.00

001514          PA          Low Speed Service                                     $200.00                  $800.00

001515          PA          High Cap Mux                                              $966.00                      $0.00

001516          PA          High Cap Hub                                           $2,444.00               $6,350.00

001517          PA          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                        $570.00                  $300.00

001518          PA          Very High Cap Service                                $900.00                      $0.00

001519          PA          Very High Cap Mux                                   $3,815.00               $1,600.00

001520          PA          Very High Cap Service                             $3,450.00               $2,150.00

001521          PA          High Cap Service                                     $1,155.00                      $0.00

001522          PA          Very High Cap Mux                                   $3,950.00                      $0.00

001523          PA          High Cap Service                                        $375.00                  $900.00



















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                   Rate

Number         State      Description                                                             Package

                                                                                                     Monthly                   Non-Recurring


001524          PA          High Cap Service                                     $1,125.00               $1,050.00

001525          PA          Low Speed Service                                     $145.00                      $0.00

001526          PA          Very High Cap Service                             $1,900.00               $2,300.00

001527          PA          High Cap Service                                        $375.00               $1,000.00

001528          PA          Low Speed Service,

                      High Speed Service                                                $1,030.00                  $700.00

001529          PA          High Cap Service,

                      Very High Cap Service                                            $3,425.00                      $0.00

001530          PA          Low Speed Service                                     $190.00                  $300.00

001531          PA          High Cap Service                                        $350.00                      $0.00

001532          PA          Low Speed Service                                     $472.00               $1,324.00

001533          PA          High Cap Service                                     $2,730.00                      $0.00

001534          PA          High Cap Mux                                              $420.00                  $635.00

001535          PA          Low Speed Service                                     $250.00                  $650.00

001536          PA          High Cap Service                                        $588.00                      $0.00

001537          PA          Very High Cap Mux                                   $8,735.13               $4,778.00

001538          PA          High Cap Service                                        $250.00                      $0.00

001539          PA          Very High Cap Hub                                   $4,110.00               $5,060.00

001540          PA          High Cap Service                                     $6,053.90               $6,418.00

001541          PA          Low Speed Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                             $5,211.69               $4,911.00

001542          PA          High Cap Service                                     $5,254.11               $9,506.28

001543          PA          Very High Cap Service                             $6,900.00               $7,600.00

001544          PA          High Cap Hub                                           $3,248.00               $3,250.00

001545          PA          High Cap Service                                     $3,044.00               $2,000.00

001546          PA          Very High Cap Service                             $4,500.00               $1,000.00

001547          PA          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                             $3,070.00                      $0.00


















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                                  Rate

Number         State      Description                                                            Package

                                                                                                   Monthly                        Non-Recurring         


001548          PA          High Cap Service                                    $389.50                                $0.00

001549          PA          Very High Cap Service,                                  

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,750.00                     

001550          PA          High Cap Hub                                       $1,279.25                         $6,015.00

001551          PA          High Cap Service                                 $2,530.00                         $3,475.00

001552          PA          Very High Cap Service                         $4,000.00                         $2,500.00

001553          PA          Very High Cap Mux                              $1,700.00                            $150.00

001554          PA          High Cap Hub                                       $2,933.00                         $3,850.00

001555          PA          High Cap Service                                    $830.00                                $0.00

001556          PA          Very High Cap Service                         $3,790.00                            $800.00

001557          PA          High Cap Service                                 $2,900.00                         $1,700.00

001558          PA          Very High Cap Mux                              $4,250.00                                $0.00

001559          PA          Very High Cap Service                         $4,250.00                                $0.00

001560          PA          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $3,349.00                         $4,930.00

001561          PA          High Cap Service                                 $3,997.00                         $5,112.00

001562          PA          Very High Cap Service                         $4,500.00                                $0.00

001563          PA          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $552.00                                $0.00

001564          PA          High Cap Service                                    $410.00                            $900.00

001565          PA          Very High Cap Mux                              $7,400.00                                $0.00

001566          PA          High Cap Service                                 $4,200.00                                $0.00

001567          PA          Low Speed Service                                 $110.00                            $100.00





















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                        Service                                                                    Rate 

Number         State        Description                                                              Package

                                                                                                        Monthly                        Non-Recurring


001568          PA            High Cap Service                                      $6,940.00                    $4,300.00

001569          PA            Very High Cap Service                             $5,000.00                    $1,000.00

001570          PA            High Cap Service                                      $1,400.00                           $0.00

001571          PA            Low Speed Service                                  $1,541.46                    $2,931.98

001572          PA            High Cap Service                                      $2,120.70                    $2,778.00

001573          PA            Low Speed Service,

                                      High Cap Service                                         $780.00                       $950.00

001574          PA            High Cap Service                                         $375.00                           $0.00

001575          PA            Low Speed Service                                     $350.00                           $0.00

001576          PA            High Cap Service                                         $350.00                       $350.00

001577          PA            Low Speed Service,

                                      High Cap Service                                         $363.25                           $0.00

001578          PA            Very High Cap Mux                                   $2,500.00                           $0.00

001579          PA            Low Speed Service                                     $510.00                           $0.00

001580          PA            High Cap Service                                         $350.00                    $1,278.00

001581          PA            Low Speed Service                                     $153.00                    $1,296.00






























AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                        Service                                                                Rate 

Number         State        Description                                                          Package

                                                                                                  Monthly                        Non-Recurring


001582          PA            Very High Cap Mux                              $4,000.00                    $2,000.00

001583          PA            High Speed Service                                $500.00                    $1,278.00

001584          PA            Low Speed Service                              $5,700.00                    $1,300.00

001585          PA            Low Speed Service                              $7,215.00                         $0.00

001586          PA            Low Speed Service                              $8,320.00                         $0.00

001587          PA            High Cap Service                                    $680.00                       $710.00

001588          PA            High Cap Service                                    $940.00                    $1,350.00

001589          PA            High Cap Service                                    $687.00                           $0.00

001590          PA            High Cap Service                                    $588.00                           $0.00

001591          PA            High Cap Service                                    $610.00                           $0.00

001592          PA            Low Speed Service                                 $748.00                      $355.41

001593          PA            Very High Cap Service,

                                      High Cap Service,

                                      Low Speed Service                              $6,047.00                    $3,758.00

001594          PA            High Cap Service                                    $380.00                       $100.00

001595          PA            High Cap Service                                    $966.00                      $600.00

001596          PA            Very High Cap Service                         $3,000.00                    $3,400.00





























AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                        Service                                                                Rate 

Number         State        Description                                                          Package

                                                                                                  Monthly                       Non-Recurring


001597          PA            High Speed Service                             $5,950.00                        $0.00

001598          PA            High Speed Service                                $540.00                    $710.00

001599          PA            Very High Cap Service                         $4,000.00                    $800.00

001600          PA            Very High Cap Service                         $2,064.00                    $200.00

001601          PA            Low Speed Service                                   300.00                 $1,500.00

001602          PA            High Cap Service                                 $1,390.00                        $0.00

001603          PA            High Cap Service                                    $643.00                 $1,278.00

001604          PA            High Cap Service                                    $380.00                        $0.00

001605          PA            High Cap Service                                 $1,380.00                    $710.00

001606          PA            Low Speed Service                              $6,175.00                 $1,300.00

001607          PA            Low Speed Service,

                                      High Cap Service                                 $1,714.00                    $500.00

001608          PA            High Cap Service                                 $2,170.50                 $2,100.00

001609          PA            High Cap Service                                    $605.00                        $0.00

001610          PA            High Cap Service                                    $410.00                        $0.00

001611          PA            High Cap Service                                    $415.00                        $0.00






























AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                        Service                                                                Rate 

Number         State        Description                                                          Package

                                                                                                   Monthly                     Non-Recurring


001801          FL            Low Speed Service                              $2,700.00                         $0.00

001802          FL            High Cap Service                                    $507.60                  $1,700.95












































AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                        Service                                                              Rate 

Number         State        Description                                                        Package

                                                                                                   Monthly                        Non-Recurring


001901          NJ            High Cap Service                                 $2,345.84                     $2,845.60

001902          NJ            High Cap Service                                    $736.00                        $650.00

001903          NJ            High Cap Hub                                          $432.00                        $800.00

001904          NJ            Very High Cap Hub                              $2,729.00                        $150.00

001905          NJ            Very High Cap Service                         $7,240.00                        $150.00

001906          NJ            Very High Cap Mux                              $1,950.00                            $0.00

001907          NJ            Low Speed Service,

                                      High Cap Service                                    $925.00                     $1,200.00

001908          NJ            Low Speed Service                                 $205.00                        $300.00

001909          NJ            High Cap Service                                    $100.00                        $100.00

001910          NJ            Very High Cap Service                         $4,000.00                            $0.00

001911          NJ            High Cap Hub                                          $671.00                     $1,278.00

001912          NJ            Low Speed Service,

                                      High Cap Service                                 $2,925.00                     $2,150.00

001913          NJ            Very High Cap Service                         $8,500.00                     $2,500.00

001914          NJ            High Cap Service                                    $727.00                        $823.00

001915          NJ            Low Speed Service                              $1,363.00                     $1,600.00

001916          NJ            High Cap Service                                 $7,935.00                     $2,700.00

001917          NJ            Very High Cap Service                         $7,800.00                            $0.00

001918          NJ            High Cap Service                                    $590.00                     $1,250.00

001919          NJ            Low Speed Service                                 $180.00                        $300.00

001920          NJ            Low Speed Service,

                                      High Cap Service                                 $4,650.00                     $5,122.00

001921          NJ            Low Speed Service                                 $224.00                        $100.00               

001922          NJ            High Cap Service                                 $2,370.00                     $2.250.00




















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                        Service                                                             Rate 

Number         State        Description                                                       Package

                                                                                                Monthly                   Non-Recurring


001923          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $280.00                   $750.00

001924          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $731.50                   $125.00

001925          NJ          High Cap Hub                                       $7,532.50                $2,632.00

001926          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $4,372.00                $1,208.00

001927          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $3,148.64                $3,400.00

001928          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $264.00                   $350.00

001929          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $3,800.00                $2,000.00

001930          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $171.00                     200.00

001931          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $3,595.50                $6,000.00

001932          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $4,998.06                $6,751.61

001933          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $3,000.00                       $0.00

001934          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $140.00                   $400.00

001935          NJ          High Cap Hub                                       $4,237.00                $1,890.00

001936          NJ          High Cap Mux                                          $530.00                   $500.00

001937          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $220.00                   $800.00

001938          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $660.00                   $822.00

001939          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $620.00                   $500.00

001940          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $7,980.00                $2,500.00

001941          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $164.00                       $0.00

001942          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,494.85                $1,181.00

001943          NJ          Very High Cap Hub                              $7,410.00                $6,945.72

001944          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,485.00                $2,000.00

001945          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $600.00                   $822.60

001946          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $264.60                   $600.00

001947          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $645.00                   $750.00

001948          NJ          High Cap Hub                                       $6,264.00                $8,347.00

001949          NJ          Very High Cap Hub                              $4,180.00                   $700.00

















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


001950          NJ          Low Speed Service                                   $90.00                     $200.00

001951          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,000.00                     $400.00

001952          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $4,742.00                     $200.00

001953          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $3,740.00                     $250.00

001954          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $385.00                     $950.00

001955          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $754.00                     $150.00

001956          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $396.00                         $0.00

001957          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $177.00                     $470.00

001958          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,010.00                         $0.00

001959          NJ          High Cap Hub                                       $4,273.00                  $7,550.00

001960          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $280.00                     $800.00

001961          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,123.00                     $517.00

001962          NJ          High Cap Service,

                                    High Cap Hub                                       $4,698.00                  $1,900.00

001963          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $220.00                     $800.00

001964          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $681.00                     $500.00

001965          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $244.00                  $1,512.00

001966          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $2,295.00                  $2,905.60

001967          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $125.00                     $200.00

001968          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $657.87                     $700.00

001969          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $765.00                     $750.00

001970          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $6,612.50                         $0.00

001971          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $110.00                     $400.00

001972          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,171.00                     $850.00

001973          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $122.00                     $200.00

001974          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $498.00                         $0.00


















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


001975          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $686.00                         $0.00

001976          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $367.00                     $500.00

001977          NJ          Very High Cap Mux                              $2,505.00                  $1,500.00

001978          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $4,126.00                  $3,289.00

001979          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $122.00                         $0.00

001980          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $840.00                     $750.00

001981          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,391.00                     $300.00

001982          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $100.00                     $788.27

001983          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $570.00                         $0.00

001984          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,656.00                  $1,308.00

001985          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $5,545.00                  $2,957.00

001986          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $6,726.07                  $6,304.96

001987          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $4,989.00                  $6,970.00                     

001988          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $4,600.00                  $4,600.00

001989          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $735.00                     $900.00

001990          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $7,384.50                         $0.00

001991          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $646.00                     $200.00

001992          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $9,722.00                         $0.00                                 
























AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


001993          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $5,120.00                  $1,050.00

001994          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $4,800.00                         $0.00

001995          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $2,335.00                  $2,722.00

001996          NJ          Digital Bridge                                        $1,523.00                  $1,585.00

001997          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $452.40                  $1,528.22

001998          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $5,575.00                  $4,400.00

001999          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $1,200.00                         $0.00

002000          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $500.00                     $200.00

002001          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $125.00                     $125.00

002002          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $762.00                     $850.00

002003          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $614.73                     $860.00

002004          NJ          Digital Bridge                                        $2,083.00                  $5,981.00

002005          NJ          High Cap Hub                                       $4,803.00                  $3,946.00

002006          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $468.00                     $500.00

002007          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $130.00                     $100.00

002008          NJ          Low Speed Service                              $4,510.00                     $700.00                     

002009          NJ          High Cap Service                                   $5,61.00                     $800.00

002010          NJ          Low Speed Service                              $1,145.00                  $2,905.00

002011          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,350.00                     $950.00

002012          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $110.00                     $400.00

002013          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $6,850.00                  $2,300.00

002014          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $7,200.00                         $0.00

002015          NJ          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $5,500.00                     $100.00





















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002016          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $4,500.00                  $1,250.00

002017          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $281.00                     $900.00

002018          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,579.00                     $587.00

002019          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $220.00                         $0.00

002020          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $288.59                  $2,012.85

002021          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $2,203.00                  $1,900.00

002022          NJ          Digital Bridge,

                                    Low Speed Service                                 $459.00                  $1,146.00

002023          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $570.00                  $1,000.00

002024          NJ          Very High Cap Hub                              $6,700.00                         $0.00

002025          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $190.00                     $300.00

002026          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $521.00                     $350.00

002027          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $229.41                  $1,054.82

002028          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $8,100.00                $11,500.00

002029          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $340.00                     $200.00

002030          NJ          High Cap Hub                                       $8,064.00                $16,496.00

002031          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $136.00                         $0.00

002032          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,067.00                  $1,125.00

002033          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $250.00                     $400.00

002034          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $4,400.00                         $0.00

002035          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $180.00                  $1,000.00

002036          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $122.00                         $0.00

002037          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $660.00                     $600.00

002038          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $122.00                     $200.00

002039          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $4,480.00                  $3,700.00

002040          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $110.00                     $400.00


















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002041          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $122.00                         $0.00

002042          NJ          High Cap Hub                                          $830.00                         $0.00

002043          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $167.00                     $400.00

002044          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $895.00                         $0.00

002045          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $450.00                  $1,375.50

002046          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $3,355.00                     $817.00

002047          NJ          Very High Cap Service                       $13,225.00                  $9,166.66

002048          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $366.00                     $300.00

002049          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $725.00                     $750.00

002050          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $122.00                         $0.00

002051          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $8,700.00                         $0.00

002052          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $220.00                     $800.00

002053          NJ          High Cap Hub                                       $2,798.00                  $4,467.00

002054          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $116.00                         $0.00

002055          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,520.00                         $0.00

002056          NJ          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,638.58                  $2,676.00

002057          NJ          Low Speed Service

                                    High Cap Service                                    $695.00                     $550.00

002058          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $140.00                     $925.00

002059          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $6,612.50                  $9,166.66

002060          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $230.00                     $350.00

002061          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $594.00                     $750.00

002062          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $155.00                  $1,296.00

002063          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $509.00                     $750.00

002064          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $626.00                     $823.00

002065          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $555.00                     $600.00

002066          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $700.00                     $720.00

002067          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $710.00                     $350.00

002068          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $122.00                         $0.00















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002069          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $505.00                         $0.00

002070          NJ          Very High Cap Hub                              $4,965.00                     $900.00

002071          NJ          Video Service                                       $7,236.00                         $0.00

002072          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $810.00                  $1,100.00

002073          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $110.00                     $400.00

002074          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $535.00                  $1,428.00

002075          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $110.00                     $400.00

002076          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,450.00                     $432.00

002077          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $530.00                     $400.00

002078          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $578.00                     $500.00

002079          NJ          Very High Cap Service                         $8,071.00                         $0.00

002080          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $710.00                  $1,100.00

002081          NJ          Low Speed Service                                 $122.00                         $0.00

002082          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $5,030.00                  $4,500.00

002083          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,850.00                  $1,000.00

002084          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,070.00                  $1,500.00

002085          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $680.00                     $500.00

002086          NJ          Very High Cap Hub                            $10,550.00                $22,000.00

002087          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $780.00                     $740.00

002088          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,190.00                     $822.00

002089          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $550.00                     $800.00

002090          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $2,730.00                  $2,400.00

002091          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,430.00                  $1,500.00

002092          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $4,645.00                     $400.00

002093          NJ          Video Service                                     $14,800.00                  $5,600.00

002094          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $645.00                         $0.00

002095          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $1,070.00                  $1,644.00

002096          NJ          High Cap Service                                    $540.00                     $850.00

002097          NJ          High Cap Service                                 $5,200.00                  $2,378.00

















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002400          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $2,000.00                     $150.00

002401          TX          High Cap Service                                    $600.00                     $500.00

002402          TX          Low Speed Service                                   $95.00                     $200.00

002403          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,230.00                  $1,950.00

002404          TX          Low Speed Service                              $1,900.00                  $8,400.00

002405          TX          High Cap Hub                                       $2,565.00                  $5,023.00

002406          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $6,881.00                  $6,100.00

002407          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $1,800.00                     $800.00

002408          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $2,000.00                         $0.00

002409          TX          High Cap Service                                    $340.00                  $5,510.00

002410          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $900.00                     $925.00

002411          TX          High Cap Service                                 $7,642.00                  $7,800.00

002412          TX          High Cap Hub                                       $4,477.00                  $4,600.00

002413          TX          Very High Cap Service                       $11,849.00                  $7,406.00

002414          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $1,150.00                     $150.00

002415          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $525.00                  $2,450.00

002416          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,500.00                         $0.00

002417          TX          Video Service                                          $950.00                  $1,400.00

002418          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $458.00                  $1,650.00

002419          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                  $1,000.00

002420          TX          High Cap Service                                    $350.00                  $1,143.00

002421          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,507.00                  $2,300.00

002422          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $125.00                     $500.00

002423          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,080.00                     $300.00















                                                                   APPENDIX H




AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate  

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002424          TX          High Speed Service                                $300.00                  $1,050.00

002425          TX          High Speed Service                                $280.00                  $1,050.00

002426          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $5,050.00                  $1,150.00

002427          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $3,050.00                  $2,050.00

002428          TX          Video Service                                          $900.00                  $1,200.00

002429          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $5,375.00                  $1,000.00

002430          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,193.12                  $2,000.00

002431          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $4,150.00                  $2,800.00

002432          TX          High Cap Hub                                       $4,013.16                  $6,955.00

002433          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $2,400.00                  $1,600.00

002434          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,150.00                     $500.00

002435          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $5,100.00                  $5,900.00

002436          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $3,600.00                         $0.00

002437          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $5,060.00                  $2,300.00

002438          TX          Low Speed Service                                   $50.00                     $175.00

002439          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,836.00                  $1,490.00

002440          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,182.82                  $1,143.00

002441          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $315.00                     $200.00

002442          TX          High Cap Mux,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $4,650.00                  $5,200.00

002443          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $210.00                     $300.00

002444          TX          High Cap Service                                    $330.00                     $200.00

002445          TX          High Cap Mux                                          $602.12                     $247.00




















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002446          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                  $1,050.00

002447          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $1,900.00                         $0.00

002448          TX          High Cap Service                                    $275.00                         $0.00

002449          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $265.00                     $265.00

002450          TX          High Cap Service                                    $600.00                  $1,000.00

002451          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $210.00                         $0.00

002452          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,275.00                     $245.00

002453          TX          High Cap Hub,

                                    High Cap Dacs                                    $5,163.12                  $4,709.00

002454          TX          Low Speed Service                              $1,382.50                     $400.00

002455          TX          High Cap Service                                    $450.00                         $0.00

002456          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,723.50                  $1,100.00

002457          TX          High Cap Hub                                       $2,355.00                  $3,654.00

002458          TX          High Cap Service                                    $355.00                     $100.00

002459          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $182.00                     $402.00                     

002460          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,032.00                         $0.00

002461          TX          High Cap Service                                 $4,375.00                  $4,325.00         

002462          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $5,000.00                         $0.00

002463          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,330.00                     $900.00

002464          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $270.00                     $750.00

002465          TX          High Cap Service                                    $582.00                     $200.00

002466          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $460.00                         $0.00

002467          TX          High Cap Service                                    $200.00                         $0.00

002468          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $3,560.00                  $5,219.00
















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                   Non-Recurring


002469          TX          High Cap Hub                                          $900.00                     $700.00

002470          TX          High Cap Service                                    $406.00                     $450.00

002471          TX          High Cap Service                                    $395.00                     $500.00

002472          TX          High Cap Hub                                       $2,972.25                  $6,973.00

002473          TX          Very High Cap Mux                            $10,500.00                  $1,250.00

002474          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $5,170.00                  $2,150.00

002475          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $4,635.00                  $8,775.00

002476          TX          High Cap Mux                                       $2,000.00                         $0.00

002477          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $9,055.00                  $3,551.00

002478          TX          Very High Cap Mux                            $12,079.62                $13,526.50

002479          TX          High Cap Service                                    $923.00                  $1,450.00

002480          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $115.00                     $200.00

002481          TX          High Cap Service                                 $5,517.46                  $4,460.00         

002482          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $5,517.46                  $4,460.00

002483          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Mux                                          $542.00                       $62.50

002484          TX          High Cap Service                                    $389.50                         $0.00

002485          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $115.00                     $625.00

002486          TX          High Cap Service                                 $4,120.00                  $3,900.00

002487          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $4,800.00                         $0.00

002488          TX          High Cap Service                                    $310.00                         $0.00

002489          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $1,095.00                  $2,455.00

002490          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                  $1,050.00

002491          TX          Low Speed Service                                   $47.75                         $0.00

002492          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $5,375.00                  $1,000.00

002493          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $3,104.00                  $5,104.00


















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                   Non-Recurring


002497          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $3,911.98                  $9,799.00

002498          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $4,840.00                     $950.00

002499          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $4,700.00                $12,900.00

002500          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $2,375.00                  $3,450.00

002501          TX          Low Speed Service,

002502          TX          High Cap Service                                 $4,764.93                  $7,219.50

002503          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $3,800.00                         $0.00

002504    TX Very High Cap Mux                                             $7,400.00                  $1,100.00

002505          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $5,000.00                         $0.00

002506          TX          High Cap Service                                    $510.00                     $950.00

002507          TX          Analog Bridge                                       $6,464.71                $20,169.00

002508          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $7,565.44                $20,249.60

002509          TX          Video Service                                       $1,100.00                  $1,500.00

002510          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $7,675.00                  $3,100.00

002511          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $1,500.00                         $0.00

002512          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $831.04                         $6.00

002513          TX          High Cap Service                                    $280.00                  $1,000.00

002514          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $460.00                  $1,000.00

002515          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $365.00                     $100.00

002516          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,280.00                     $200.00

002517          TX          High Cap Service                                    $400.00                         $0.00

002518          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $343.00                     $730.00




















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                   Non-Recurring


002519          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $998.58                  $1,917.00

002520          TX          High Cap Hub,

                                    High Cap Dacs                                    $2,854.00                  $3,124.00

002521          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $4,856.00                $21,578.00

002522          TX          High Cap Service                                    $297.00                     $500.00

002523          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $1,750.00                     $770.00

002524          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Mux                                 $750.00                     $165.00

002525          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                     $400.00

002526          TX          High Cap Dacs,

                                    Very High Cap Service                            $970.00                  $2,100.00

002527          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $536.00                     $800.00

002528          TX          High Cap Service                                 $4,050.00                         $0.00

002529          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $8,695.00                $11,650.00

002530          TX          High Cap Service                                 $6,230.00                $12,503.50

002531          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $2,400.00                  $1,000.00

002532          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $7,420.00                  $2,057.00

002533          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $9,170.00                     $300.00

002534          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $5,020.00                         $0.00

002535          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $8,614.03                  $6,293.00

002536          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $3,000.00                     $500.00                     

002537          TX          Low Speed Service                              $1,297.93                  $3,627.48

002538          TX          High Cap Service                               $14,933.03                $11,361.60

002539          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $5,420.00                  $1,250.00

002540          TX          High Cap Service                                    $620.00                         $0.00


















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002541          TX          High Cap Service                                    $600.00                         $0.00

002542          TX          High Cap Service                                    $332.50                     $332.50

002543          TX          Video Service                                       $1,050.00                  $1,525.00

002544          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,000.00                  $1,500.00

002545          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $6,500.00                  $2,000.00

002546          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $6,404.00                  $1,550.00

002547          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $8,050.00                         $0.00

002548          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $7,945.00                     $450.00

002549          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $7,950.00                  $1,450.00

002550          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $2,050.00                     $500.00

002551          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $2,850.00                     $500.00                     

002552          TX          High Cap Service                                    $600.00                  $2,050.00

002553          TX          High Cap Service                                    $445.00                         $0.00

002554          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,506.00                         $0.00

002555          TX          High Cap Service                                    $450.00                     $850.00

002556          TX          High Cap Service                                    $360.00                         $0.00

002557          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $3,600.00                         $0.00

02558            TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $5,100.00                         $0.00

002559          TX          High Cap Service                                    $135.00                     $100.00

002560          TX          High Cap Service                                    $900.00                         $0.00

002561          TX          High Cap Service                                    $375.00                  $1,130.40

























AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002562          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $9,075.00                  $5,450.00

002563          TX          High Cap Service                                    $750.00                     $150.00

002564          TX          High Cap Hub                                       $3,132.42                  $5,241.14

002565          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $8,739.00                $12,464.60

002566          TX          High Cap Hub,

                                    Very High Cap Service                            $500.00                  $1,050.00

002567          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $750.00                  $2,625.00

002568          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $6,722.00                  $4,409.00

002569          TX          High Cap Hub                                       $1,456.00                  $3,476.00

002570          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $7,000.00                  $1,750.00

002571          TX          Very High Cap Hub                            $10,585.00                  $5,050.00

002572          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $5,000.00                  $2,200.00

002573          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $780.00                  $1,500.00

002574          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                         $0.00

002575          TX          High Cap Mux                                          $421.00                     $190.00

002576          TX          High Cap Service                                 $3,328.00                  $6,400.00

002577          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $250.00                     $850.00

002578          TX          High Cap Service                                 $7,260.00                  $5,350.00

002579          TX          Very High Cap Service                       $11,035.00                         $0.00

002580          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $6,290.00                  $2,400.00

002581          TX          High Cap Service                                    $620.00                         $0.00

002582          TX          High Cap Hub,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $5,751.00                  $4,600.00

002583          TX          High Cap Service                                    $270.00                     $750.00

002584          TX          Low Speed Service                              $1,504.45                     $755.26




















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002585          TX          High Cap Service                                    $260.00                         $0.00

002586          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,189.00                  $2,130.00

002587          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $784.50                  $1,711.40

002588          TX          High Cap Service                                    $840.00                     $750.00

002589          TX          High Cap Service                                 $2,557.00                  $4,093.00

002590          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $7,450.00                  $3,100.00

002591          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,338.55                         $0.00

002592          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $130.00                         $0.00

002593          TX          Video Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $6,300.00                  $2,400.00

002594          TX          High Cap Service                                 $7,910.00                  $3,630.00

002595          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $242.00                     $200.00

002596          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $460.00                         $0.00

002597          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $9,004.00                  $6,901.00

002598          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $9,000.00                  $1,600.00

002599          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $8,588.12                  $2,524.00

002600          TX          High Cap Service                                 $4,338.94                  $5,776.00

002601          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $192.00                         $0.00

002602          TX          High Cap Service                                    $725.00                  $1,143.00

002603          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $2,250.00                  $1,250.00

002604          TX          High Cap Service                                    $600.00                  $1,825.00

002605          TX          Analog Bridge,

                                    Digital Bridge                                        $3,435.14                  $4,512.50

002606          TX          High Cap Hub                                       $1,102.00                  $2,347.50

002607          TX          High Cap Service                                    $940.00                  $3,150.00

002608          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $334.25                     $150.00

002609          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $2,771.00                  $3,630.00

002610          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $9,500.00                $53,000.00















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                     Non-Recurring


002611          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $1,800.00                     $500.00

002612          TX          Network Management

                                    System                                               $11,059.50                  $2,020.00

002613          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $2,373.84                  $1,854.00

002614          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $715.00                         $0.00

002615          TX          High Cap Service                                    $566.00                  $1,130.00

002616          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    High Cap Hub                                     $10,150.40                $20,611.83

002617          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $7,907.00                  $7,450.00

002618          TX          High Cap Service                                 $4,610.00                  $8,720.00

002619          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $250.00                     $100.00

002620          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $4,475.00                  $2,050.00

002621          TX          Very High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Mux                              $8,719.00                  $3,959.00

002622          TX          High Cap Service                                    $560.00                  $2,100.00

002623          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                  $1,500.00

002624          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $4,099.61                  $8,664.00

002625          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $3,416.00                     $901.00

002626          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Low Speed Service                                 $990.00                  $2,410.00

002627          TX          High Cap Service                                    $475.00                         $0.00

002628          TX          High Cap Service                                 $5,020.50                  $4,400.00

002629          TX          High Cap Mux                                          $300.00                     $500.00

002630          TX          High Cap Service                                    $462.00                     $500.00

002631          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $150.00                         $0.00

002632          TX          High Cap Service,                                          

                                    Low Speed Service                              $2,023.58                  $3,076.60

002633          TX          High Cap Hub                                          $673.59                  $1,100.00

002634          TX          Low Speed Service                                   $50.00                     $200.00

002635          TX          High Cap Service                                 $3,448.00                  $1,750.00













AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                              Non-Recurring


002636          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $126.88                             $311.40

002637          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $8,770.00                          $2,800.00

002638          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,136.00                             $500.00

002639          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $3,830.00                          $6,333.00

002640          TX          Network Management Systems,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $645.00                          $1,518.75

002641          TX          High Cap Service                                 $3,080.00                          $7,910.00

002642          TX          Network Management System,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $325.00                             $970.00

002643          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $3,574.00                          $1,480.00

002644          TX          Network Management Systems,

                                    High Cap Service                                    $757.50                          $1,018.75

002645          TX          High Cap Mux                                          $185.00                             $400.00

002646          TX          Low Speed Service                                   $75.00                                 $0.00

002647          TX          High Cap Service                                    $465.00                          $1,143.00

002648          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $200.00                             $200.00

002649          TX          High Cap Service                                    $380.00                             $628.00

002650          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $145.00                             $500.00

002651          TX          High Cap Service                                 $2,863.50                          $4,075.00

002652          TX          High Cap Hub                                       $2,746.00                          $1,753.00

002653          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $181.76                                 $0.00

002654          TX          High Cap Service                                 $2,570.00                             $750.00

002655          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $2,300.00                             $770.00

002656          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,688.00                          $4,572.00

002657          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,630.00                          $1,900.00

002658          TX          High Cap Service                                    $614.00                          $1,143.00

002659          TX          High Cap Service                                    $659.00                             $600.00

002660          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $4,455.00                          $1,100.00
















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                              Non-Recurring


002663          TX          High Cap Service                                    $852.93                          $1,143.00

002664          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,645.00                          $2,736.00

002665          TX          High Cap Service                                    $450.00                             $565.00

002666          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $178.00                             $550.00

002667          TX          High Cap Service                                    $445.00                                 $0.00

002668          TX          High Cap Service                                 $2,500.00                          $2,000.00

002669          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $6,492.40                        $10,416.00

002670          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $9,800.00                          $3,500.00

002671          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                             $500.00

002672          TX          High Cap Service                                    $567.50                          $1,000.00

002673          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $940.00                          $1,050.00

002674          TX          High Cap Service                                 $3,310.00                          $6,000.00

002675          TX          High Cap Service                                    $469.00                          $1,000.00

002676          TX          High Cap Service                                 $2,100.00                                 $0.00

002677          TX          High Cap Service                                    $600.00                          $1,325.00

002678          TX          High Cap Service                                    $534.00                          $1,143.00

002679          TX          High Cap Service                                    $878.00                          $1,800.00

002680          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $3,700.00                          $2,260.00

002681          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $193.00                             $670.00

002682          TX          High Cap Service                                    $450.00                          $1,130.00

002683          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,890.00                          $1,750.00

002684          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $6,116.00                          $5,600.00

002685          TX          High Cap Service                                    $460.00                             $900.00

002686          TX          High Cap Service                                    $989.00                             $900.00

002687          TX          High Cap Service                                    $500.00                          $1,273.00
















                                                                   APPENDIX H




AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                            Non-Recurring


002688          TX          Very High Cap Service                       $13,170.00                          $2,209.00

002689          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $714.49                          $1,813.00

002690          TX          High Cap Service                                 $8,817.51                             $838.80

002691          TX          High Cap Service                                 $6,345.00                          $4,800.00

002692          TX          High Cap Service                                 $6,576.00                          $5,750.00

002693          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $4,780.00                                 $0.00

002694          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $8,020.43                        $13,616.00

002695          TX          High Cap Service,

                                    Very High Cap Service                         $3,768.00                          $1,000.00

002696          TX          High Cap Service                                 $2,700.00                                 $0.00

002697          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $9,200.00                                 $0.00

002698          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $6,900.00                                 $0.00

002699          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                          $1,440.00

002700          TX          High Cap Hub,

                                    Very High Cap Hub                              $5,375.00                                 $0.00

002701          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $8,400.00                          $3,600.00

002702          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $7,775.00                          $2,900.00

002703          TX          High Cap Service                                 $1,336.00                          $2,700.00

002704          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                                 $0.00

002705          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $784.00                          $1,971.00

002706          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                             $525.00

002707          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $194.00                             $400.00

002708          TX          High Cap Service                                 $7,183.00                        $13,499.94

002709          TX          Very High Cap Service                       $15,610.00                                 $0.00

002710          TX          Very HIgh Cap Mux                            $10,830.00                          $2,400.00

002711          TX          High Cap Service                                    $961.00                          $1,343.00

002712          TX          Very High Cap Service                       $18,000.00                          $1,650.00

002713          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $9,200.00                          $2,300.00


















AS OF 4/27/95


Contract                      Service                                                               Rate 

Number         State      Description                                                         Package

                                                                                                Monthly                              Non-Recurring


002714          TX          High Cap Service                                 $2,362.00                          $3,836.00

002715          TX          High Cap Service                                    $428.00                          $1,100.00

002716          TX          High Cap Service                                 $3,495.00                          $1,800.00

002717          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                          $1,050.00

002718          TX          High Cap Service                                    $900.00                          $3,150.00

002719          TX          Analog Bridge,

                                    Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $1,017.00                             $600.00

002720          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $319.68                             $915.00

002721          TX          High Cap Service                                    $300.00                          $1,050.00

002722          TX          High Cap Service                                 $3,750.00                           $3000.00

002723          TX          Very High Cap Hub                              $6,736.00                          $8,730.00

002724          TX          Very High Cap Mux                              $3,000.00                             $200.00

002725          TX          Very High Cap Service                         $3,000.00                          $1,750.00

002726          TX          High Cap Service                                    $517.00                          $1,388.00

002727          TX          Low Speed Service,

                                    High Cap Service                                 $2,474.53                          $2,419.00

002728          TX          Low Speed Service                                 $646.42                          $1,682.00

002729          TX          High Cap Service                                    $475.00                                 $0.00

002730          TX          High Cap Service                                    $359.00                                 $0.00

002731          TX          Low Speed Service                                   $75.00                                 $0.00

002732          TX          High