Prior to August 1, 2001, service was furnished under WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 2 filed with the Federal Communications Commission and now canceled.  Beginning August 1, 2001, service is being furnished pursuant to this Guide and any underlying written contract between the Company and the Customer.


Please note the following regarding this important change.


·       WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 2 was amended on June 23, 2001 to incorporate new or revised General Definitions and new or revised General Terms and Conditions of Service contained in WorldCom Tariff FCC No. 1.  Like the service in former WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 2, these General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions are now part of this Guide and, therefore, are part of customer service contracts.  Some of the definitions and terms and conditions contained in former WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 2 are reflected in the General Definitions and General Terms and Conditions of Service and, accordingly, were removed from the former tariff at the time of detariffing on July 31, 2001. This explains why there may be omissions or “gaps” in the service information previously found in WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC. No. 2 and currently contained in this Guide.


·       Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, the text of this Guide replicates the information contained in former WorldCom Network Services Tariff FCC No. 2 on July 31, 2001.


·       If there is an inconsistency between a General Definition or a General Term and Condition, a service-specific definition or term and condition, or a definition and term and condition contained in a written contract between the Company and the Customer, the relationship with the Customer will consist of the following, in order of precedence from (1) through (3): (1) the definition or term and condition in the written contract; (2) the service-specific definition or term and condition; and (3) the General Definition or Term and Condition.  An “inconsistency” will be deemed to include any instance in which a service-specific definition or a service-specific term and condition has no counterpart in the General Definitions or the General Terms and Conditions of Service.


·       The Company may change the Guide from time to time and any change made will be binding on customers after fulfillment of the notice period set forth in Section 7.B of the General Terms and Conditions.


·       Any reference to “tariff” within the text of the Guide shall mean “Guide.”






                    Any person, partnership, association, joint stock company, trust corporation, governmental agency, or any other entity that in the ordinary course of its operations, makes telephones available to the public or to transient users of its premises, for international

                    telephone Calls using Company as the provider of its Operator Services.


                    Alternate Access


                    Alternate Access is a form of Local Access except that the provider of the Service is an entity, other than the Local Exchange Carrier, authorized or permitted to provide such Service.  The charges for Alternate Access may be subject to private agreement rather than published or special Tariff if permitted by applicable governmental rules.


                    Annual Commitment


                    The required level of aggregate charges for each consecutive twelve month period in the Service Commitment Period, beginning with the Start of Service Date and each subsequent anniversary.


                    Application for Service


                     A standard Company order formwhich includes all pertinent billing,

                     technical and other descriptive information which will enable Company

                     to provide a communication Service as required.




               ASR (Access Service Request) means an order placed with a Local Access Provider for Local Access.


               Authorization Code


               One or more codes (consisting of 5 or more digits), made available to Metered Use Service Customers to identify themselves as Customers

               entitled to access and use of Company Services.






               Bill Date


               The date on which billing information is compiled and sent to the Customer.




               A completed connection between the Calling and Called Stations.










               Cancellation of Order


               A Customer initiated request to discontinue processing a Service order, either in part or in its entirety, prior to its completion.  Cancellation charges will be assessed for each Circuit‑end or Dedicated Access line canceled from an order prior to its completion by Company, under the following circumstances:  (1) if the Local Access Provider has confirmed in writing to Company that the Circuit‑end or Dedicated Access line will be installed; or (2) if Company has already submitted facilities orders to an interconnecting telephone company; and/or in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section II.  Cancellation of Orders for Service subject to a Minimum Monthly Charge will result in cancellation charges being assessed as provided for in Section II.












Collect Call


               A billing arrangement whereby the Called Station accepts the charges for the Call placed over the Company's Service.  The person at the Called Station who accepts the Call is responsible for all charges and is subject to the provisions of this Tariff.  Collect Calls cannot be placed to a public or semi‑public payphone.









               A person initiating any international telephone Call at an Aggregator location using Operator Services.


               Corporate Bill


               An optional billing feature associated with Measured Service which provides additional information on the Customer location or department making Call(s) on the monthly invoice for Measured Service.




               The person, firm, corporation, governmental unit or other entity which orders Service ‑‑ either for its own use as a resale carrier or as a non‑profit manager of a sharing group ‑‑and which is responsible for the

               payment of charges and for compliance with Company Tariff regulations.

               A Customer is considered to be an account for billing purposes.  If an entity orders Service in more than one city or requests the assignment of multiple account numbers, each such account is a separate Customer for billing purposes.  The term Customer also includes an entity that

               (1) has not presubscribed to Company Service, but accesses Company by

               dialing the access number 10464, or any other Company carrier

               identification code, (2) remains presubscribed to Company Service after

               its account(s) are removed from Company's billing system, subsequently

               continues to use Company's network, and is billed by a local exchange

               carrier for such use, (3) accepts responsibility for the charges associated with an Operator Services Call, or (4) otherwise uses Service for which no other Customer is obligated to compensate Company.  A Consumer may be considered to be a Customer.


               Customer Premises/Customer's Premises


               Locations designated by a Customer where Service is originated/terminated whether for its own communications needs or for the use of its resale customers.







               Due Date


               The Due Date is the date on which payment is due.


               Emergency Service


               Company provides Consumers telephone access to public safety answering

               points in their localities through Company operators.  When Company

               routes a Call to a public safety answering point or a governmental emergency service provider, this Service shall be known as Emergency Service.


               Exemption Certificate


               A written Customer designation which certifies that its dedicated facility should be exempted from the monthly Special Access Surcharge because the Service:


               (a)          terminates on a device incapable of connecting Company's network

                              with the local exchange network; or


               (b)          is associated with a Switched Access Service that is subject to Carrier Common Line charges; or


               (c)          constitutes a Private Line facility used for Telex Service or radio or television transmissions, or,


               (d)          is an open‑end termination in a Local Exchange Carrier's switch of an FX line; or


               (e)          is a termination that could not make use of a Local Exchange Carrier's common lines.










               Federal Communications Commission.


               Hierarchical Billing


               A billing Feature associated with Measured Service approved by Company

               for joint use Service in accordance with Section II.6.02.


               Individual Case Basis (ICB)


               Individual Case Basis (ICB) determinations involve situations where

               complex Customer‑specific Company arrangements are required to

               satisfactorily serve the Customer.  The nature of such Service requirements makes it difficult or impossible to establish general Tariff provisions for such circumstances.  When it becomes possible to determine specific terms and conditions for such offerings, they will be offered pursuant to such terms and conditions.




               The connection of a Circuit, Dedicated Access line, or port for new, changed or an additional Service.









               LEC Card


               The billing arrangement which enables the Consumer to bill Calls to an authorized calling card issued by a Local Exchange Carrier.







               Local Access Provider


               Local Access Provider means an entity providing Local Access.









               Measured Service


               Telecommunications Service furnished to Customer under the terms and conditions of this Tariff based on the within stated and applicable per minute Base Rate charges and any other per minute charges or set-up

               charges for other service set forth in Company tariffs filed at the

               federal and state levels.




               Not available




               No charge


               Nonrecurring Charges


               Nonrecurring Charges are one‑time charges.


               Operator Handling Fee


               A fee which applies to Calls which require the assistance of a Company operator.  This charge may vary depending upon the class of the Call selected by the Consumer or the Customer.



               Operator Services


               Operator Services means any international telecommunications Service initiated from an Aggregator location that includes as a component any automatic or live assistance to a Consumer to arrange for billing or completion of an international telephone Call through a method other than:


(a)          automatic completion with billing to the telephone from which the Call originated; or

               (b)          completion through an access code used by the Consumer with billing to an account previously established with the carrier by the Consumer.


               Payment Method


               The manner which the Customer designates as the means of billing charges for Calls using the Company's Service.




               A Service arrangement where the Consumer specifies to the Company operator a particular person, department, mobile station, extension, or office to be reached.  If the original person, department, mobile station, extension, or office designated by the Caller is unavailable and the Caller requests or agrees to talk to any other party, the Call is still classed as a Person‑to‑Person Call.


               Physical Change


               The modification of an existing Circuit, Dedicated Access line or port, at the request of the Customer, requiring some Physical Change or re-termination.

































               Service Group


               A group of essentially like communication lines that go between the same two geographical points.






















               Third Party Billing


               A billing arrangement by which a Call may be charged to an authorized station other than the Calling or Called Station.  The entity agreeing

               to pay for the Call whether it is an existing Company Customer or not

               is responsible for all charges related to the Call.




               Two‑Way Conversation


               A Two‑Way Conversation is a telephone conversation between or among two or more parties.


               Company Recognized National Holidays


               The following are Company Recognized National Holidays determined at

               the location of the originator of the Call.


               Holidays:             In addition to Valentine's Day, the Company observes the following federally recognized holidays:


               New Year's Day

               Martin Luther King Day

               President's Day

               Memorial Day

               Independence Day, July 4th

               Labor Day

               Columbus Day

               Veteran's Day

               Thanksgiving Day

               Christmas Day


               When a Call begins in one rate period and ends in another, the rate in effect in each rate period applies to the portion of the Call occurring within that rate period.




RULES AND REGULATIONS  Effective June 23, 2001, all Rules and Regulations, as they apply to business customers, are superseded by the General Terms and Conditions contained in WORLDCOM Tariff F.C.C No. 1,


except as otherwise provided for in Section 1.C.01 thereof.


        1.         Description and Limitations of Services


        .01       International Telecommunications Service is the furnishing of Company

                    communication Services contained herein between specified locations under the terms of this Tariff.


        .02       Any member of the general public (including any natural person or legally organized entity such as a corporation, partnership, or governmental body) is entitled to obtain Service under this Tariff,

                    provided that Company reserves the right to deny Service:  (A) to any

                    Customer that, in Company's reasonable opinion, presents an undue risk

                    of nonpayment and refuses to comply with the deposit requirements set

                    forth in Section II.7.03, (B) in circumstances in which Company has

                    reason to believe that the use of the Service would violate the provisions of this Tariff or any applicable law or if any applicable law

                    restricts or prohibits provision of the Service, or (C) if, in Company's

                    sole opinion, insufficient facilities are available to provide the

                    Service (in such cases Company shall take reasonable efforts to

                    accommodate the needs of all potential Customers by means of facility

                    improvements or purchases of capacity, if such efforts will, in Company's

                    opinion, provide Company with a reasonable return on its expenditures).


        .03       Company, when acting at the Customer's request and/or as Customer's

                    authorized agent, will make reasonable efforts to arrange for Service requirements such as special routing, Alternate Access, or Circuit conditioning. Due to the specialized nature of such arrangements, however, such services will be provided, if at all, on an ICB arrangement.


        .04       Service is offered in equal access exchanges subject to the availability

                    of facilities and the provisions of this Tariff.  Company reserves the

                    right to refuse to provide Service to or from any location where the necessary facilities and/or equipment are not available.


        .05       Service may be discontinued upon reasonable notice under the circumstances to the Customer if:


                    a.          the Customer is using the Service in violation of this Tariff; or


                    b.         the Customer is using the Service in violation of the law or Commission regulation.



        .06       Service begins on the Start of Service date and is provided on the basis of a minimum period of at least one month, 24 hours per day.  For the purposes of computing charges and/or credits in this Tariff for periods of less than a calendar month, a month is considered to have 30 days.


        .07       Service will be provided until canceled, by the Customer on not less than thirty (30) days' written notice from the date of postmark on the letter giving notice of cancellation.







        .09       The Company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing Services or billing options, upon written notice, when necessitated by conditions beyond its control.  Conditions beyond the Company's control include, but are not limited to, a Customer's having Call volume or a calling pattern that results, or may result, in network blockage or other Service degradation which adversely affects Service to the calling party, the Customer, or other Customers of the Company. 


        .10       Service may be discontinued by the Company, without notice to the Customer, by blocking traffic to or from certain cities, or NXX exchanges, by blocking calls originating from certain ANI's or by blocking Calls using certain Customer authorization codes such as Calling Card codes, when the Company deems it necessary to take such action to prevent unlawful use of its Service.  The Company will restore Service as soon as it can be provided without undue risk.  Customers of the Company's Voice Card Service will be provided a replacement code in the event their initial code is canceled.  A maximum of 1 replacement

                    code will be issued.  At the request of private payphone owners, Company

                    will arrange to have direct dial Calls blocked from the payphone to all

                    domestic locations.  Company may refuse to accept Voice Card, LEC Card,

                    Collect Calling, or Third Number Calls which it determines to be invalid and/or may limit the use of these billing options to or from certain areas, cities or NXX exchanges in order to control fraud.






        .12       Except as otherwise provided in this Tariff or as specified in writing by the party entitled to receive Service, notices may be given orally or in writing to the persons whose names and business addresses appear on the executed Service order and the effective date of any notice shall be the date of delivery of such notice, not the date of mailing.  By

                    written notice, Company or Customer may change the party to receive

                    notice and/or the address to which such notice is to be delivered.  In

                    the event no Customer or Company address is provided in the executed

                    Service order, notice shall be given to the last known business address

                    of Customer or Company, as appropriate.


        13.       Following the expiration of the Service Commitment Period relevant to a Service, Service will continue to be provided in accordance with this Tariff and the month-to-month rates relevant to the Service in question. In the event the Service to which the Customer originally subscribed is grandfathered by the Company (ie., no longer made available to new  subscribers) during the Customer's applicable Service Commitment Period, upon expiration of the Service Commitment Period the Customer will be provided Service at the monthly rates for similar, current, non- grandfathered Service as contained in this Tariff FCC No. 2.


        2.         Other Terms and Conditions


        .01       The name(s) of the Customer(s) desiring to use the Service must be stipulated in the application for Service.


        .02       The Customer agrees to operate the Company provided equipment in accordance with instructions of the Company or the Company's agent.  Failure to do so will void the Company liability for interruption of Service and may make Customer responsible for damage to equipment pursuant to Section II.2..03 below.


        .03       Customer agrees to return to the Company all Company provided equipment delivered to Customer within five (5) days of termination of the Service in connection with which the equipment was used.  Said equipment shall be in the same condition as when delivered to Customer, normal wear and tear excepted.  Customer shall reimburse the Company, upon demand, for any costs incurred by the Company due to Customer's failure to comply with this provision.







        .05       In the event suit is brought or an attorney is retained by the Company to enforce the terms of this Tariff, the Company shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any other remedy, reimbursement for reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs, costs of investigation and other related expenses incurred in connection therewith.


        .06       The provision of Service will not create a partnership or joint venture between the Company and the Customer nor result in joint Service offerings to their respective Customers.


        .07       The rate or volume discount level applicable to a Customer for a particular Service or Services shall be the rate or volume discount level in effect at the beginning of the monthly billing period applicable to the Customer for the particular Service or Services.  When a Service is subject to a minimum monthly charge, account charge, port charge or other recurring charge or Nonrecurring Charge for both international and

interstate Service, only one such charge shall apply per account and that charge shall be the interstate charge.  In the event that Service was provided for less than a month, monthly recurring charges will be pro‑rated. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in Section III, Non-Measured Service charges, including without limitation charges for Operator Services, Directory Assistance, Ancillary Charges, Optional Features, and Taxes do not contribute, nor are they eligible for, volume and/or term discount.


        .08       Service requested by Customer and to be provided pursuant to this Tariff shall be requested on Company Service order forms in effect from time to time or Customer's forms accepted in writing by an authorized

                    headquarters representative of Company (collectively referred to as ("Service orders").  When the Customer places a Service order for any of the Services contained herein, the Customer must provide the Company with the Customer's name and address for billing purposes and a contact name if different from that of the Customer.  If a Customer places Service orders for multiple premises, the Customer must also provide the Company with the contact name, telephone number, and address at each premises where Service will be installed.  Each Service order shall    reference this Tariff and, when accepted in writing by Company the Service order will be deemed to set forth the final operative obligations between Company and the Customer regarding the Services described therein to the extent that it specifies the type of Service, quantity of Circuits, originating and terminating cities, originating telephone numbers, Requested Service Date, length of Service, if any,





        2.         Other Terms and Conditions


                    changes and other information necessary for Company to process the

                    Service order.  Any other items and conditions that are typed, printed or otherwise included in any Service order shall be deemed to be solely for the convenience of the parties unless noted as an Individual Case

                    Basis (ICB) term or condition.  No action by Company (including, without

                    limitation, provision of Service to Customer pursuant to such Service

                    order) shall be construed as binding or estopping Company with respect

                    to such term or condition, unless the Service order containing said specific term or condition has been signed by an authorized headquarters representative of Company and Customer.  Company shall have no obligation except those as set forth in this Tariff or contained in Service orders and all other representations or agreements, oral or written, shall be of no effect.  In the event the Service orders and this Tariff are inconsistent, this Tariff shall prevail.


        .09       If an entity other than the Company (e.g., another carrier or a supplier) imposes charges on the Company in connection with a Service, that entity's charges will be passed through to the Customer also.









        .11       Unless subject to an ICB arrangement, charges for Dedicated Local Access billing administered by Company and charged to Customer shall be

                    established and fixed as of the date of the relevant Service Order and

                    thereafter subject to adjustment solely at the discretion of Company

                    provided, that no such adjustment shall exceed the then prevailing interstate charges of the relevant Local Exchange Carrier as would otherwise be paid directly by Customer for the relevant Local Access Channel or service.  In the event that Dedicated Access Service is

                    provided for less than a month, monthly recurring charges relevant thereto will be pro‑rated based upon a thirty (30) day month. In the event that Dedicated Access Service is provided to a Tier C city as described in Section IV.16.3. of Tariff FCC No. 4, additional charges may apply.


        .12       Unless subject to an ICB arrangement, Base Rate charges for any Service utilizing any Switched Access facilities (whether on the originating or terminating end of a Call) shall be subject to adjustment at such times

                    as Company shall determine.  In the event such adjustment occurs within

                    a Service Commitment Period of one year or more, Customer shall have the option of canceling the Service directly affected by an upward adjustment to Base Rates relevant to the Service in question.  Customer may only exercise such option without cancellation liability if Customer notifies Company of such cancellation within ninety (90) days of the effect date of the amendment to this Tariff reflecting such upward adjustment.



        .13       Upon the scheduled expiration of a Service Commitment Period for a Service, Service shall automatically be extended subject to written

                    notice of termination by either Company or Customer; such termination

                    shall be effective as of a date not less than thirty (30) days after delivery of said notice to the other party.  The charges for Service during any such extension shall not exceed the then current month-to- month charges set forth in this Tariff and applicable to Service.


        3.         Liability


        .01       Except as provided otherwise in this Tariff, the Company shall not be liable to Customer or any other person, firm or entity for any failure of performance hereunder if such failure is due to any cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of the Company.  Such causes shall include, without limitation, acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism, cable cut, storm or other similar occurrence, any law, order, regulation, direction, action or request of the United States government or of any other government or of any civil or military authority, national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, strikes, lockouts or work stoppages or other labor difficulties, supplier failures, shortages, breaches or delays, or preemption of existing Services to restore Service in compliance with Part 64, Subpart D, Appendix A, of the FCC's Rules and Regulations


        .02       With respect to the Services contained herein and except as otherwise provided herein, the Company's liability shall not exceed an amount equal to the charge applicable to a one minute Call to the Called Station at the time the affected Call was made.  If the initial minute rate is higher than the additional minute rate, the higher rate shall apply.  For those Services with monthly recurring charges, the Company's liability is limited to an amount equal to the proportionate monthly recurring charges for the period during which Service was affected.


        .03       Where the Service is not made available (i.e., Start of Service has not occurred) on the Requested Service Date, or cannot otherwise be made available after the Company's acceptance of the Customer's Service order, or is provided with a number or numbers other than the one(s) committed by the Company to the Customer, and any such failure or failures is due solely to the negligence of the Company, in such case the Company's liability, if any, will be limited to the lesser of (a) the actual monetary damages incurred and proved by the Customer as the direct result of such failure or failures, or (b) the sum of $1,000.00.


.04        The Company shall not be liable for the use or abuse of a Customer's Service by any party including, but not limited to, the Customer's employees or members of the public.  "Use or abuse" includes, but is not limited to, any Calls placed by means of PBX-reorigination or any other legal or illegal equipment, service or device.  In the case of International 800 Service, this also applies to third parties who dial the Customer's 800 number by mistake.  The Company shall not be liable for any action, such as blocking or refusal to accept certain Calls, that it deems necessary to take in order to prevent unlawful use of its Services.  Compensation for any injury the Customer may suffer due to the fault of parties other than the Company must be sought from such other parties. The liability provided for above, shall, in each case, be in addition to any amounts that may otherwise be due the Customer under this Tariff as a credit allowance for the interruption of Service.


        .05       The Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies (including any Company affiliate that is a participating or concurring carrier) furnishing a portion of the Service or facilities, equipment, or Services associated with such Service.


        .06       The Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer from:


                    a.          claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright arising out of the material, data, information, or otherwise arising out of the content transmitted via the Company's Service(s);


                    b.         patent infringement claims arising from combining or connecting the Service with equipment and systems of the Customer or Authorized Users;


                    c.          all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the Customer or Authorized Users in connection with any Service provided by the Company;


                    d.         defacement of, or damage to, the premises of a Customer and Authorized Users resulting from the furnishing Installation, and/or  removal of facilities or the attachment of instruments, equipment and associated wiring on or from the Customer's Premises.  No agents or employees of other participating carriers shall be deemed to be agents or employees of the Company; and


e.             claims arising out of the use of Services or associated equipment in an unsafe manner (such as use in an explosive atmosphere) or the negligent or willful act of any person other than the Company, its agents, or employees.


        .07       The Customer is responsible for taking all necessary steps for interconnecting the Customer provided terminal equipment with the Company facilities including, but not limited to, Dedicated Access. The Customer shall ensure that the signals emitted into the Company's network do not damage Company equipment, injure personnel or degrade Service to other Customers.  The Customer is responsible for securing all licenses, permits, rights‑of‑way, and other arrangements necessary for such interconnection.  In addition, the Customer shall comply with applicable Local Access Provider signal power limitations.


        .08       The Company may rely on Local Access Providers or other third parties  for the performance of other Services such as Local Access.  Upon Customer request and execution and delivery of appropriate authorizing documents, the Company may act as agent for Customer in obtaining such other Services.  Customer's liability for charges hereunder shall not be reduced by untimely Installation or non‑operation of Customer provided facilities and equipment.


        .09       The Customer indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by the Customer or by any other party or persons, for any personal injury to, or death of, any person or persons, and for any loss, damage or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the Installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location or use of such equipment where such Installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, condition, location or use is not the direct result of the Company's negligence or willful action.


        .10       The failure to give notice of default, to enforce or insist upon compliance with any of the terms or conditions herein, the waiver of any term or conditions herein, or the granting of an extension of time for performance by the Company or the Customer shall not constitute the permanent waiver of any term or condition herein.  Each of the provisions shall remain at all time in full force and effect until modified in writing.


        .11       The Company shall not be liable to the Customer or any other person, firm or entity in any respect whatsoever as a result of mistakes, accidents, errors, omissions, interruptions, delays, or defects in Service (collectively "Defects").   Defects caused by or contributed to, directly or indirectly, by act or omission of Customer (including Authorized Users) or Customers, affiliates, agents, representatives, invitees, licensees, successors or assigns or which arise from or are caused by the use of facilities or equipment of Customer or related parties shall not result in the imposition of any liability whatsoever upon the Company, and Customer shall pay to the Company any reasonable costs, expenses, damages, fees or penalties incurred by the Company as a result thereof, including costs of Local Access Providers' labor and materials.  In addition, all or a portion of the Service may be provided over facilities of third parties, and the Company shall not be liable to Customer or any other


                    person, firm or entity in any respect whatsoever arising out of Defects


caused by such third parties. The Company's liability for willful misconduct, if established as a result of judicial or administrative


proceedings, is not limited by this tariff.  The Company shall not be


liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or actual damages, or business interruption, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of any defects or any other cause.  The Company's liability, if any, with regard to defective service (including any delayed installation of the Company's facilities or commencement of service) shall not exceed $1,000.  The foregoing warranty and remedies are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties or remedies, whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  In the event of an interruption in service or any defect in the service whatsoever, neither


the Company nor any affiliated or unaffiliated third party provider or  operator of facilities employed in the provision of the service shall be


liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or actual damages, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature whatsoever.


        .12       With respect to the routing of Calls by Company to public safety

                    answering points or municipal Emergency Service providers, Company's

                    liability, if any, will be limited to the lesser of:  (a) the actual

                    monetary damages incurred and proved by the Customer as the direct

                    result of Company's action, or failure to act, in routing the Call,

                    or (b) the sum of $1,000.00.


        .13       In the event parties other than Customer (e.g., Customer's customers or Authorized Users) shall have use of the Service directly or indirectly through Customer, then Customer agrees to forever indemnify and hold

                    Company and any affiliated or unaffiliated third‑party provider or

                    operator of facilities employed in provision of the Service harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, losses, damages, assessments or payments which may be asserted by said parties arising out of or relating to any Defects or any claims described in Section II.3..03.


        .14       In the event that Company is required to perform a Service redesign due to inaccurate information provided by the Customer; or, circumstances in which such costs and expenses are caused by the Customer or reasonably incurred

                    by Company for the benefit of the Customer, the Customer is

                    responsible for the payment of all such charges.


        .15       If at any time Service is subject to a Defect as specified in Section II.3..11 above for thirty (30) days or less, Service shall not be subject to cancellation, but an appropriate percentage of monthly recurring charges for the directly affected non-usage sensitive Service, if any,  shall be abated for the period of Interruption in accordance with Section II.10..02 and subject to provisions of Section II.3..11.  If Defective Service continues for more than thirty (30) days, then

                    the directly affected Service may be canceled by either Company or

                    Customer without liability other than Customer's liability for payment for the Service in question provided in accordance with the Technical Standards prior to cancellation.


        4.         Cancellation of Service by a Customer


        .01       If a Customer cancels a Service order before the Service begins, before completion of the Service Commitment Period, or before completion of some other period mutually agreed upon by the Customer and the Company, a charge will be levied upon the Customer for the nonrecoverable portions of expenditures or liabilities incurred expressly on behalf of the Customer (e.g., Local Access) by the Company and not fully reimbursed by Installation and other nonrecurring and recurring charges.  In addition, if a Customer cancels Service before the Start of Service  Date, a charge will be levied upon the Customer as appropriate for any Ancillary Charges incurred as defined in Sections III.3.6.5. and III.3.14..06.  If, under a promotional offering, the Company agreed to waive any Ancillary Charges,  and the Customer subsequently cancelled Service before the Start of Service Date, the Customer is liable for any Ancillary Charges incurred prior to the Start of Service Date, the agreement to waive charges notwithstanding. If, based on a Service Order by a Customer, any construction has either begun or been completed, but no Services provided, the non-recoverable costs of such construction shall be borne by the Customer.


        .02       Except as otherwise provided under Section II.3 of this Tariff, if a Service order for Installation is delayed for more than 30 days beyond the Requested Service Date, and such delay is not requested or caused by the Customer, the Customer may cancel the Service affected thereby without incurring cancellation charges.


        .03       The foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, and upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice, either Customer or Company shall have the right, without cancellation charge or other liability, to cancel the

                    affected portion of the Service, if Company is prohibited by governmental authority from furnishing said portion, or if any material rate or term  contained herein and relevant to the affected Service is substantially changed by order of the highest court of competent jurisdiction to which the matter is appealed, the Federal Communications Commission, or



        .04       Unless otherwise specifically provided for in Section III. with respect to a particular Service, Customers who subscribe to Service subject to a Minimum Monthly Charge are subject to the following cancellation charges upon cancellation of Service for the convenience of Customer, i.e., without cause, such as, would be the case for Defective Service.  In either case, the Customer is also liable for any charges, expenses,

                    fees, or penalties incurred by Company or its affiliated companies due to cancellation of Local Access plus any costs, expenses, or additional charges reasonably incurred by Company on behalf of Customer as Customer's



                    a.          If the Service Commitment Period for the canceled Service is one (1) year or less, then the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to the balance of the Minimum Monthly Charge (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for such canceled Service that otherwise would have become due for the unexpired balance of the Service Commitment Period (but in no event less than zero);


                    b.         If the Service Commitment Period for the canceled Service is longer than one (1) year and such cancellation becomes effective prior to completion of the first year of the Service Commitment Period, then the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to the balance of the Minimum Monthly Charge (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for such canceled Service that otherwise would have become due for the unexpired portion of first year of the Service Commitment Period plus fifty percent (50%) of the balance of such Minimum Monthly Charge for the remainder of the Service Commitment Period beyond the first year; and


                    c.          If the Service Commitment Period for the canceled Service is longer than one (1) year and such cancellation becomes effective after completion of the first year of the Service Commitment Period, then the cancellation charge shall be an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the balance of the Minimum Monthly Charge (then in effect at the time of cancellation) for such canceled Service that otherwise would have become due for the unexpired portion of the Service Commitment Period.


                    d.         As Company's damages in the event of a cancellation are difficult

                                 or impossible to ascertain, the foregoing provisions or any provisions set forth in Section III. providing for a cancellation charge are intended to establish liquidated damages in the event of a cancellation of a Service and do not represent a penalty of any kind.



        5.         Cancellation for Cause by the Company


        .01       Upon nonpayment of any sum owing to the Company, or upon a violation of any of the provisions governing the furnishing of Service under this Tariff, the Company may, upon written notification to the Customer, without incurring any liability, immediately discontinue the furnishing of such Service.  Customer shall be deemed to have canceled Service as of the date of such disconnection and shall be liable for any cancellation charges set forth in this Tariff.


        .02       Without incurring any liability, the Company may discontinue the furnishing of Service(s) to a Customer immediately and without notice if the Company deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or Services under the following circumstances:


                    a.          if the Customer refuses to furnish information to the Company regarding the Customer's credit‑worthiness, its past or current use of common carrier communications Services or its planned use of Service(s);


                    b.         if the Customer provides false information to the Company regarding the Customer's identity, address, credit‑worthiness, past or current use of Customer communications Services, or its planned use of the Company Service(s);


                    c.          if the Customer states that it will not comply with a request of the Company for reasonable security for the payment for Service(s);


                    d.         if the Customer has been given written notice by the Company of any past due amount (which remains unpaid in whole or in part) for any of the Company's Services to which the Customer either subscribes or had subscribed or used;


                    e.          immediately upon written notice to the Customer of any sum thirty (30) days past due;


                    f.          immediately upon written notice to the Customer, after failure of the Customer to comply with a request by the Company for reasonable security for the payment of Service;


                    g.          seven (7) days after sending the Customer written notice if noncompliance with the terms and conditions of this Tariff is not corrected within the seven (7) day period; or


                    h.         if the Customer refuses to pay for continued use of Company

                                 Services either via 10464 or another carrier access code once the Customer's account has been canceled.








        .04       If at anytime there is a material change in Customer's creditworthiness, then in addition to any other remedies available to Company pursuant to this Tariff, Company may exercise one or more of the following remedies without incurring any liability: (A) cause Start of Service for Service described in a previously executed Service Order to be withheld; (B) cease providing Service; (C) decline to accept a Service Order from Customer to provide Service which Company may otherwise be obligated to accept and/or (D) Company may condition its provision of Service on     assurance of payment by Customer which shall take the form of a deposit or means to establish reasonable assurance of payment as specified by Company.  A material change in Customer's creditworthiness shall include, but not be limited to: (i) Customer's default of its obligations to Company under this Tariff or any other agreement with Company; (ii) failure of Customer to make full payment of charges due hereunder on or before the Due Date on three or more occasions during any period of twelve or fewer months or Customer's failure to make such payment on or before the Due Date in any two consecutive months; (iii) acquisition of Customer (whether in whole or by majority or controlling interest) by an entity which is insolvent, which is subject to bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, which owes past due amounts to Company or any entity affiliated with Company or which is a materially greater credit risk than Customer; or, (iv) Customer's being subject to or having filed for bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings or the legal insolvency of Customer.


        6.         Use of Service


        .01       The Services offered herein may be used for any lawful purpose, including residential, business, governmental, or other use.  There are no restrictions on sharing or resale of Services.  However, the Customer remains liable for all obligations under this Tariff notwithstanding such sharing or resale and regardless of the Company's knowledge of same.  The Company shall have no liability to any person or entity other than the Customer and only as set forth in Section II.3.  The Customer shall not use nor permit others to use the Service in a manner that could interfere with Services provided to others or that could harm the facilities of the Company or others.


        .02       Service furnished by the Company, excluding Casual Calling and WilPlus IV, may be arranged for joint use or authorized use.  The joint user or authorized user shall be permitted to use such Service in the same manner as the Customer, but subject to the following:


                    a.          One joint user or authorized user must be designated as the Customer.  The designated Customer does not necessarily have to have communications requirements of its own.  The Customer must specifically name all joint users or authorized users in the application for Service.  Service orders which involve the start, rearrangement or discontinuance of joint use or authorized use of Service will be accepted by the Company only from that Customer and will be subject to all regulations of this Tariff.


                    b.         All charges for the Service will be computed as if the Service were to be billed to one Customer.  The Authorized User which has been designated as the Customer will be billed for all components of the Service (including the Minimum Monthly Charge, if any, relevant to the account for the Authorized User) and will be responsible for all payments to the Company.  In the event that the designated Customer or any Authorized User fails to pay the Company, each Authorized User shall be jointly and severally liable to the Company for all charges associated with its Service as well as any other Authorized User's Service.  Each Authorized User must submit to the designated Customer sufficient documentation for the purpose of confirming such Authorized User's acceptance of contingent liability for and guaranty of payment for its portion of all charges billed by the Company for joint use Service to the designated Customer.  This documentation must also specify that the Authorized User understands that the Company will receive a copy of the payment guaranty from the designated Customer.  The Company may also require credit information from Authorized Users as well as the designated Customer.  The designated Customer shall be responsible for allocating charges to each Authorized User of joint use Service, and Company shall have no obligation to seek collection from Authorized Users of joint use Service.


        .03       In addition to the other provisions in this Tariff, Customers reselling Company Services shall be responsible for all interaction and interface with their own subscribers or customers.  The reselling of Service by a Customer or reselling of Service with enhancements provided by Customer    will not create a partnership or joint venture between Company and Customer nor result in a joint communications Service offering to the Customers of either Company or the Customer.


        .04       Service furnished by the Company shall not be used for any unlawful or fraudulent purposes such as:


                    a.          use of electronic devices, invalid numbers, and false credit devices to avoid payment for Services contained in this Tariff either in whole or in part; and


                    b.         to make Calls which might reasonably be expected to frighten, abuse, torment, or harass another.


                    Nor shall Service be used for any purpose for which any payment or other compensation is received by the Customer except when the Customer is a communications common carrier, a resale common carrier, an enhanced or electronic Service provider who has subscribed to the Company's Services.  However, this provision does not preclude an agreement between the Customer, authorized user, or joint user to share the cost of the Service as long as this arrangement generates no profit for anyone participating in a joint use or authorized use arrangement.


                    If, within 90 days of activation, a Customer's 800 number is used by callers only for test Calls, the Company, upon written notice, may make the 800 number unavailable for use.


        .05       A Customer of International 800 Services shall provide not less than ten (10) business days notice prior to implementation of special advertising or other new promotions likely to stimulate usage.


        .06       An 800 Service Call shall begin when Call Termination is received by or passes through Customer Premise equipment.  In instances where the point of connection to 800 Service is a Customer's switching equipment or communication system, the Customer's equipment or system must provide appropriate answer supervision so that the measure of chargeable time begins upon the delivery of the Call to the Customer's switching equipment or communications system and ends upon termination of the Call. If a Customer of the International 800 Services is found to be non‑compliant in passing back appropriate answer supervision, the Company reserves the right to suspend Service temporarily and/or deny requests for additional Service.  The Company shall give the Customer 10 days written notice via certified U.S. Mail of intent to suspend or deny Service due to such non‑compliance.


        .07       A Customer requesting International 800 Services shall supply the following information when requesting Service:  an initial traffic forecast, identification of anticipated busy hour, identification of its geographical marketing target areas, and a schedule of marketing and promotional activities.  A new traffic forecast shall be submitted quarterly after Service is initiated.


        .08       The Customer will be billed directly by the Local Access Provider for the Dedicated Access arrangements selected by the Customer for the provisioning of Dedicated WATS or Dedicated 800 Services.  In those instances where the Company at the Customer's request may act as agent in the ordering of such arrangements, the Company will pass the Local Access Provider charges through to the Customer.


        .09       In the course of furnishing Service Company may pay commissions to the third party marketing entities of up to ten (10) percent of qualifying monthly usage revenues generated by Company Customers to whom the third party has marketed Company Service(s).  The actual level of commission to be paid will be dependent on the nature and extent of activities engaged in by the third party on Company's behalf, including, without limitation, initial sales efforts, order coordination and processing, Customer Service, Service problem determination and resolution, billing coordination, billing dispute resolution, and collection or guarantee of                collection of the amounts billed to Company Customers acquired by the third party.  The commission payments may be remitted by the third party, in whole or in part, and in its sole discretion, to Customers to whom it has marketed Company Service(s).









        11.       The Customer is responsible for the placement of Service Orders for the Service described herein as well as complying with the provisions of this Tariff.  When the Customer places a Service Order for any of the Service contained herein, the Customer must provide the Company with the Customer's name and address for billing purpose and a contact name if different from that of the Customer.  If a Customer places Service Orders for multiple premises, the Customer must also provide the Company with the contact name, telephone number, and address at each premises where Service will be installed.  Customers may be required to execute written Service Orders as described in Section II.2..08, but shall be obligated under the terms of this Tariff even if such Service Orders have not been executed.


























7.    Payment Arrangements


        .01       The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges for Services furnished to the Customer or its joint or authorized users.  This includes payment for Calls or Services specifically requested by the Customer, Collect Calls or Third Party Calls accepted at a Customer's number, Travel Service or LEC Card Calls or Calls originated at a Customer's number.  This responsibility is not changed due to any use, misuse, or abuse of the Customer's Service or Customer provided equipment by third parties, the Customer's employees, or the public.



        .02       Invoices are payable within 30 days of the invoice date.  Amounts not


paid within 30 days from the invoice date will be considered delinquent.  Customers will be assessed a late fee on past due amounts in the amount of the lesser of one and one‑half percent (1 1/2%) per month or the maximum lawful rate under applicable state law.  If a Customer presents an undue risk of nonpayment at any time, the Company may require that Customer to pay its bills within a specified number of days and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash.


        .03       In determining whether a Customer presents an undue risk of nonpayment, the Company shall consider the following factors:  (A) the Customer's payment history (if any) with the Company and its affiliates, (B) Customer's ability to demonstrate adequate ability to pay for the Service, (C) credit and related information provided by Customer, lawfully obtained from third parties or publicly available, and (D) information relating to Customer's management, owners and affiliates (if any).  Customers who present such an undue risk may be required at any time to provide the Company a security deposit, in cash or the equivalent of cash, up to an amount equal to the applicable Installation charges, if any, and/or up to two months' actual or estimated usage charges for the Service to be provided.  Such applicants or Customers may also be required, at any time, whether before or after the commencement of Service, to provide such other assurances of, or security for, the payment of the Company's charges for its Services as the Company may deem necessary, including, without limitation, advance payments for Service, third party guarantees of payment, pledges or other grants of security interests in the Customers' assets, and similar arrangements.  The required deposit or other security may be increased or decreased by the Company as it deems appropriate in the light of changing conditions.  In addition, the Company shall be entitled to require such an applicant or Customer to pay all its bills within a specified period of time, and to make such payments in cash or the equivalent of cash.  In case of a cash deposit, simple interest at the rate of 6% per annum shall be credited or paid to the Customer while the deposit is held by the Company.  At the Company's option, such deposit may be refunded to the Customer's account at any time.







        .05       If a Local Access Provider has established or establishes a Special Access surcharge, the Company will bill the surcharge beginning on the effective date of such surcharge for Special Access arrangements presently in Service.  The Company will cease billing the Special Access surcharge upon receipt of an Exemption Certificate or if the surcharge is removed by the Local Access Provider.


        .06       In the event the Company incurs fees or expenses, including attorney's fees, in collecting, or attempting to collect, any charges owed the Company (including fraudulent use of the Service), the Customer will be liable to the Company for the payment of all such fees and expenses reasonably incurred.


        .07       A Customer of the Company's International 800 Services is responsible for payment for all Calls placed to or via the Customer's 800 number(s) including those placed by the Customer's employees, third parties or other members of the public.


        .08       If a Customer whose account has been closed has a credit balance remaining, the Company will transfer the credit to another account of the Customer, if there is one, or will mail a check for the balance to the Customer promptly following the written request of Customer.  An account maintenance charge of $5.00 per month will be charged to those accounts which do not respond within 30 days to the Company's notification either on the final invoice or by letter of the credit balance or if the post office returns the final invoice or letter as undeliverable.  The Company will continue to assess this charge until the Customer requests a refund or the balance is exhausted.


        .09       Promotional and other credits offered by Company in marketing its

                    Services cannot be assigned.  Such credits must be used by the person to whom they were offered or the person who earned them under the provisions of the offer.


        .10       The Installation charges set forth in this Tariff contemplate installations made in normal locations and under normal working conditions.  Any Installations made under other circumstances are subject to additional charges.


        .11       If a Customer accumulates more than $1,000 of unpaid delinquent 800


Service charges, the Company Responsible Organization reserves the right to not honor the Customer's request for a Responsible Organization change until such unpaid charges are paid in full.










        8.         Assignment


                    The obligations set forth in this Tariff shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors or assigns, provided, however, that the Customer shall not assign or transfer its rights or obligations without the prior written consent of the Company.


























        10.       Allowance for Interruptions


        .01       A credit allowance will be made for that portion of a Call which is interrupted due to poor transmission (e.g., noisy Circuit), one‑way transmission (one party is unable to hear the other), or involuntary disconnection caused by Defects in the Company's Service.  A Customer may also be granted credit for reaching a wrong number.  To receive a credit, the Customer must notify a Company Customer Service Representative and furnish information, including the Called Station, the Service subscribed to, the Defect experienced, and the approximate time the Call was placed.


                    a.       Where a Call has been disconnected, the Customer will be given a credit allowance equivalent to the charge for the initial minute of the Call made to reestablish communications with the other party.  Where a Call has been interrupted by poor transmission or one‑way transmission, the Customer will be given a credit allowance up to an amount equivalent to the charge for the last three minutes of the interrupted Call, or for the entire Call if it lasted less than three minutes.  A Customer who has reached a wrong number will be given a credit allowance equivalent to the charge for the initial minute of the Call to the wrong number if it reports the situation promptly to a Customer Service Representative of the Company.


                    b.       From time to time, the Company will grant credits against usage charges in an amount not to exceed one month's average billing not to exceed $7.00 per Customer or account whenever the Company determines that such a credit is warranted due to considerations involving the delivery of past Service to the Customer or account receiving the credit.


        .02       For all Service which involves Dedicated Access on either the originating or terminating end or both for which monthly recurring charges are applied and which may be interrupted for as much as several days, the Customer will be given a credit allowance for an interruption  of two consecutive hours or more, as follows:


                    a.          When Service is interrupted for a period of less than two hours, no credit allowance will be given.


                    b.       When the Service's Dedicated Access line or lines associated with the Service are interrupted for a period of two to twenty‑four hours, a credit allowance in an amount equal to one thirtieth of the monthly recurring charge or charges will be given.



                    c.       When the Service's Dedicated Access line or lines associated with the Service are interrupted for a period of more than twenty‑four hours, a credit allowance in an amount equal to one thirtieth of the monthly recurring charge or charges will be given for each twenty‑four hour period or fraction thereof.


        .03       No credit allowances will be made for:


                    a.       Interruptions caused by the negligence of the Customer or others authorized by the Customer to use the Customer's Service.


                    b.       Interruptions due to the failure of power, equipment, systems, or Services or Services not provided by the Company.


                    c.       Interruptions during any period which the Company or its agents are not afforded access to the premises where access lines associated with the Customer's Services are terminated.


                    d.       Interruptions during any period when the Customer or user has released the Service to the Company for maintenance or rearrangement purposes, or for the implementation of a Customer Service order.


                    e.       Interruptions during periods when the Customer elects not to release the Service for testing or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis.


                    f.          Interruptions not reported to the Company.


                    g.          Non‑completion of Calls due to network busy conditions.



        04.       An interruption period begins when the Customer reports to the Company's Customer Service Representatives that the Service has been interrupted and releases it for testing and repair.  An interruption period ends when the Service is Restored.  If the Customer reports the Service to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, the Service is deemed to be impaired, but not interrupted, nor subject to corresponding credit as provided in Section II.10..02.


        05.       If the Customer elects to use another means of communication during the period of interruption, the Customer is solely responsible for payment of the charges for the alternate Service used.


        11.       Directory Assistance


                    Directory Assistance is available to Customers of the Company's MTS, WATS and Travel Service.  An undiscounted charge will be applied to each Call for information as to any telephone number within the state.   The Directory Assistance charge applies to each Call regardless of whether the Directory Assistance Bureau is able to furnish the requested telephone number.  The surcharge for Voice Card Calls will not be applied to Directory Assistance Calls. 



        12.       Method for Calculation of Airline Mileage


                    The airline mileage between two cities can be calculated using the Vertical (V) and Horizontal (H) coordinates of the serving wire centers associated with the Company's POP locations.  The method for calculating the airline mileage is obtained by reference to AT&T's Tariff F.C.C. No. 10 according to the following formula:





                    where V1 and H1 correspond to the V&H coordinates of City 1 and V2 and H2 correspond to the V&H coordinates of City 2.



                                             V            H


                    City 1              5004      1406

                    City 2              5987      3424


                    The result is 709.83 miles.  Any fractional miles are rounded to the next higher whole number; therefore, the airline mileage for this example is 710 miles.



        13.       Time of Day Rate Periods


                    Time of Day Rate Periods are determined by the time of day at the location of the Calling Station and the product to which the Customer subscribes.


                    DAY:  From  8:00 AM to 5:00* PM Monday ‑ Friday


                    NON-DAY: Any time other than 8:00 AM to 5:00* PM Monday-Friday.


                    *To but not including.


        14.       Special Customer Arrangements


                    In cases where a Customer requests a special or unique arrangement which may include engineering, conditioning, Installation, construction, facilities, assembly, purchase or lease of facilities and/or other special Services not offered under this Tariff, the Company, at its option, may provide the requested Services.  Appropriate recurring charges and/or Nonrecurring Charges and other terms and conditions will be developed for the Customer for the provisioning of such arrangements.


















































































20.  Interconnection with Other Carriers


        .01       Service furnished by the Company may be connected with Services or facilities of another carrier.  Such interconnection may be made as authorized by the Company at the Company POP or entrance site, at a POP of another carrier, or at the Customer Premises, joint user, or authorized user.  Service furnished by the Company is not part of a joint undertaking with such other carriers.


        .02       Any special interface equipment or facilities necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities of the Company and other participating carriers shall be provided at the Customer's expense.  Upon the Customer's request and acting as its authorized agent, the Company will attempt to make the necessary arrangements for such interconnection.


        22.       Customer Provided Equipment


                    Customer Premises Circuit terminating equipment such as Channel Service units (CSU's) and Multiplexing equipment and any other terminal equipment such as telephone sets or systems shall be provided by the Customer and furnished and maintained at the Customer's expense, except as expressly provided otherwise in writing and set forth in a Service Application accepted by an authorized representative of Company.











        01.       GENERAL CHARGES



      In addition to other service-related charges, FUSF, Administrative Expense Fee and CCRC apply.


        1.         WilPlus I

                     WilPlus I is a product offering comprised of a One Plus service component and Travel Card Service.  Call Duration for all WilPlus I Calls (usage) are expressed in increments of a minute, with a billing minimum of 1 minute per Call.  The Call Duration for all WilPlus I Calls is rounded to the next highest minute.  For instance, a Call lasting 3 minutes and 40 seconds is billed as a 4 minute Call.  The applicable Base Rates for WilPlus I Service will be determined by Time of Day and Company Recognized Holidays.


        01.       Minimum Monthly Usage Requirement:


                    All Customers of WilPlus I are subject to a Minimum Monthly Charge of $8.00 per account.  If the actual monthly Measured Service billing for all services comprising WilPlus I Service (on a per account basis) is less than $8.00, the Customer is billed $8.00.  If the actual monthly Measured Service billing for WilPlus I (on a per account basis) is more than $8.00, the actual usage is billed.


        02.       WilPlus I - One Plus Service Component:


                    The One Plus Service Component of WilPlus I is a distance and time of day sensitive direct dial long distance Service, for calls originating over Switched Access facilities.  WilPlus I Service can be originated within the 48 contiguous United States, with the exception that, WilPlus I Service cannot be originated in LATA 921 (Fisher's Island, NY), LATA 980 (Navajo, UT), and LATA 981 (Navajo, AZ).


                    Base Rates for the One Plus Service Component of WilPlus I are set forth

                    in Section III.3.18.01.

        03.       WilPlus I - Travel Service


                    Travel Service is available to Customers purchasing WilPlus I through

                    Company's Voice Card.  The Measured Service component of Travel Service

                    Calls are billed in 1 minute increments with a 1 minute billing minimum

                    per call.  In addition to the Base Rates set forth in Section III.3.18.,

                    each Call completed using the Company Voice Card will be assessed a call

                    setup charge of $.60.


        04.       WilPlus I - Volume Discounts


                    All Base Rate charges for Measured Service contribute toward the Monthly Aggregate WilPlus I Volume Discount set forth below.  Directory Assistance and Travel Service are not eligible for volume discounts.


                                 Monthly                                                         Monthly Aggregate

                                 Aggregate Volume                                        Discount

                                 Volume Discounts:


                                 $0- $ 99.99                                                    0%

                                 $100.00 - $199.99                                        2%

                                 $200.00+                                                        5%




        2.         WilPlus II and WilPlus III


        .01       WilPlus II1


                    WilPlus II is a product offering comprised of an Outbound Service component, an 800 Inbound Service component and Travel Service.


        A.         Minimum Monthly Usage Requirement


                    All Customers of WilPlus II are subject to a Minimum Monthly Charge of $250.00 per account.*  Both international usage for all Services contained in this Tariff and subscribed to by the International WilPlus II 800 Inbound Customer as well as interstate usage count toward the Minimum Monthly Usage Charge.  If the actual monthly Measured Service billing for all services comprising WilPlus II Service (on a per account basis) is less than $250.00, the Customer is billed $250.00.  If the actual monthly Measured Service billing for WilPlus II (on a per account basis) is more than $250.00, the actual usage is billed.


        *           This Minimum Monthly Charge is applied to Customer's invoice(s) consisting of a full month of Service if the actual usage is less than the Minimum Monthly Charge.


        B.         WilPlus II - Outbound Service Component


                    The Outbound Service Component of WilPlus II is a time of day sensitive direct dial long distance Service for calls originating over Switched Access or Dedicated Access facilities.  WilPlus II service can be originated within the 48 contiguous United States, with the exception that, WilPlus II Switched Access Service cannot be originated in LATA 921 (Fisher's Island, NY), LATA 980 (Navajo, UT), and LATA 981 (Navajo, AZ).


                    Base Rates for the Outbound Service Component of WilPlus II are set        forth in Section III.2.03.


        C.         WilPlus II Travel Service


                    Travel Service is available to Customers purchasing WilPlus II through

                    Company's Voice Card.  The Measured Service component of Travel Service Calls are billed in 1 minute increments with a 1 minute billing minimum per call.  In addition to the Base Rates set forth in Section III.3.6.3, each Call completed using the Company Voice Card will be assessed a call

                    set-up charge of $.60.


          This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of April 1, 1994.



                    D.         WilPlus II 800 Inbound Service


        i.          WilPlus II 800 Inbound Service is the international 800 component of the WilPlus II product offering.  Call Duration for WilPlus II 800 Inbound Calls (usage) is expressed in increments of 6 seconds, with a billing minimum of 30 seconds per call.  The Call Duration for WilPlus II 800 Inbound Service is rounded to the next highest 6 seconds.  For instance, a Call lasting 3 minutes and 40 seconds is billed as a 3 minute 42 second call.  The applicable Base Rates for WilPlus II 800 Inbound Service will be determined by Time of Day and Company Recognized Holidays.


        ii.         Rates


                    The 800 Inbound Service Component of WilPlus II is a time of day sensitive inbound long distance service for 800 calls originating in Canada.


                    Base Rates for the 800 Inbound Service Component of WilPlus II are set forth below and correspond with the applicable Service and Time of Day:


        Base Rate Per Minute

                                                                                                                        Day                       Non-Day

        Switched Access:

        Calls Originating in Canada                                                                $0.5094                $0.4268

        Dedicated Access:

        Calls Originating in Canada                                                                $0.4628                $0.3802



        .02       WilPlus III3


                    WilPlus III is a high volume 800 Inbound, Outbound Service and Travel Service.


        A.         Minimum Monthly Usage Requirement


                    All Customers of WilPlus III are subject to a Minimum Monthly Charge of $2000.00 per account.*  Both international usage for all Services contained in this Tariff and subscribed to by the International WilPlus III 800 Inbound Customer as well as its interstate usage count toward the Minimum Monthly Usage Charge.  If the actual monthly Measured Service billing for all Services comprising WilPlus III Service (on a per account basis) is less than $2000.00, the Customer is billed $2000.00. If the actual monthly Measured Service billing for WilPlus III (on a per account basis) is more than $2000.00, the actual usage is billed.


        *           This Minimum Monthly Charge is applied to Customer's invoice(s) consisting of a full month of Service if the actual usage is less than the Minimum Monthly Charge.


        B.         WilPlus III Outbound Service


                    The WilPlus III Outbound Service is a time of day sensitive direct dial long distance Service for calls originating over Switched Access or Dedicated Access facilities.  WilPlus III service can be originated within the 48 contiguous United States, with the exception that, WilPlus III Switched Access Service cannot be originated in LATA 921 (Fisher's Island, NY), LATA 980 (Navajo, UT), and LATA 981 (Navajo, AZ).


                    Base Rates for the Outbound Service Component for WilPlus III are set forth in Section III.2..03.


        C.         WilPlus III Travel Service


                    Travel Service is available to Customers purchasing WilPlus III through

                    Company's Voice Card.  The Measured Service component of Travel Service

                    Calls are billed in 1 minute increments with a 1 minute billing minimum

                    per call.  In addition to the Base Rates set forth in Section III.3.6.3, each Call completed using the Company Voice Card will be assessed a call set-up charge of $.60.


        D.         WilPlus III 800 Inbound Service


        i.          WilPlus III 800 Inbound Service is the international 800 component of the WilPlus III product offering. Call Duration for WilPlus III 800 Inbound Calls (usage) is expressed in increments of 6 seconds, with a billing minimum of 30 seconds per Call.  The Call Duration for WilPlus III 800 Inbound Service is rounded to the next highest 6 seconds.  For instance, a Call lasting 3 minutes and 40 seconds is billed as a 3 minute 42 second call.  The applicable Base Rates for WilPlus III 800             Inbound Service will be determined by Time of Day and Company Recognized                Holidays.


        ii.         Rates


                    The 800 Inbound Service Component of WilPlus III is a time of day sensitive inbound long distance service for 800 calls originating in Canada.


                    Base Rates for the 800 Inbound Service Component of WilPlus III are set forth below and correspond with the applicable Service and Time of Day:


Base Rate Per Minute

                                                                                                                                                                                    Day                       Non-Day

Switched Access:


Calls Originating in Canada                                                        $0.481                  $0.403

Dedicated Access:

Calls Originating in Canada                                                        $0.437                  $0.359


          4This service is no longer available to new subscribers as of April 1, 1994.


        .03       WilPlus II and WilPlus III Rates5


                    WilPlus II and WilPlus III calls are billed in 6 second increments and are subject to a 30 second minimum per call.  For example, a 5 second call would be billed as 36 seconds.  Base rates apply as follows.  See Section III.2..04 for Hour Code Definitions.

                                             TIME     RATE                   SWITCHED ACCESS       DEDICATED ACCESS

COUNTRY                         CODE    PERIOD First 30                Add'l 6                 First 30                 Add'l 6


Albania                               C            Standard                             $3.0282               $0.2140                $2.9705         $0.2130

                                                            Discount                             $2.5336               $0.2070                $2.4781         $0.2060

                                                            Economy             $2.5336                 $0.2070                              $2.4781         $0.2060

Algeria                                A            Standard                             $2.1345               $0.1356                $2.1339         $0.1345

                                                            Discount                             $1.6099               $0.1015                $1.6097         $0.1004

                                                            Economy             $1.6099                 $0.1015                              $1.6097         $0.1004

American Samoa               P             Standard                             $3.3766               $0.1443                $3.3411         $0.1433

                                                            Discount                             $2.5342               $0.1095                $2.5098         $0.1084

                                                            Economy             $2.5342                 $0.1095                              $2.5098         $0.1084

Andorra                              C            Standard                             $1.2197               $0.1003                $0.9783         $0.0873

                                                            Discount                             $1.0206               $0.0757                $0.8911         $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.0206                 $0.0757                              $0.8911         $0.0713

Angola                                A            Standard                             $2.4834               $0.3463                $2.4595         $0.3415

                                                             Discount                             $2.3086               $0.3092                $2.2848         $0.3045

                                                            Economy             $2.3086                 $0.3092                              $2.2848         $0.3045

Anguilla                              K            Standard                             $1.0640               $0.0986                $1.0431         $0.0975

                                                            Discount                             $0.7810               $0.0747                $0.7678         $0.0736

                                                            Economy             $0.7810                 $0.0747                              $0.7678         $0.0736

Antarctica                           P             Standard                             $3.3464               $0.3334                $3.2372         $0.3320

                                                            Discount                             $2.8735               $0.2977                $2.8848         $0.2961

                                                            Economy             $2.8375                 $0.2977                              $2.8210         $0.2961

Antarctica                           P             Standard                             $3.3464               $0.3334                $3.2372         $0.3320

(Scott Base)                                                      Discount                             $2.8735                              $0.2977         $2.8848                       $0.2961

                                                            Economy             $2.8735                 $0.2977               $2.8848                $0.2961

Antigua                               K            Standard                                             $1.1115               $0.1023                $0.9357        $0.0945

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8260               $0.0773                $0.6951        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $0.8260                 $0.0773               $0.6951                $0.0713

Argentina                            F             Standard                                             $1.9195               $0.1073                $1.6353        $0.0990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5568               $0.0811                $1.3278        $0.0749

                                                            Economy             $1.5568                 $0.0811               $1.3278                $0.0749

Armenia                              H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Aruba                                  K            Standard                                             $1.0640               $0.0986                $1.0431        $0.0975

                                                            Discount                                             $0.7810               $0.0747                $0.7678        $0.0736

                                                            Economy             $0.7810                 $0.0747               $0.7678                $0.0736

Ascension Island               A            Standard                                             $2.1675               $0.1384                $2.1569        $0.1374

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6321               $0.1036                $1.6215        $0.1025

                                                             Economy             $1.6321                 $0.1036               $1.6215                $0.1025

Australia                             J             Standard                                             $2.5288               $0.1183                $1.9501        $0.1005

                                                            Discount                                             $2.0620               $0.0908                $1.8180        $0.0874

                                                            Economy             $2.0620                 $0.0908               $1.8180                $0.0874

Austria                                C            Standard                                             $1.3828               $0.0995                $1.2343        $0.0954

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0352               $0.0724                $0.9268        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.0352                 $0.0724               $0.9268                $0.0713

Azerbaijan                          H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Bahamas                             E             Standard                                             $0.8562               $0.0754                $0.7529        $0.0722

                                                            Discount                                             $0.6506               $0.0589                $0.5525        $0.0535

                                                            Economy             $0.6506                 $0.0589               $0.5525                $0.0535

Bahrain                               G            Standard                                             $2.9816               $0.1220                $2.5520        $0.1126

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2294               $0.0917                $1.9083        $0.0846

                                                            Economy             $2.2294                 $0.0917               $1.9083                $0.0846

Balearic Islands                 C            Standard                                             $1.4370               $0.1031                $1.2184        $0.0952

(Spain)                                               Discount                                             $1.0816               $0.0776                $0.9357        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $1.0816                 $0.0776               $0.9357                $0.0731

Bangladesh                                        S             Standard                                                           $3.6233                $0.1990        $3.6127           $0.1979

                                                            Discount                                             $2.7231               $0.1320                $2.4675        $0.1292

                                                            Economy             $2.7231                 $0.1320               $2.4675                $0.1292

Barbados                            K            Standard                                             $1.1115               $0.1023                $1.1008        $0.1012

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8260               $0.0773                $0.8178        $0.0762

                                                            Economy             $0.8260                 $0.0773               $0.8178                $0.0762

Belarus                                H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Belgium                              C            Standard                                             $1.4370               $0.1031                $1.2059        $0.0943

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0816               $0.0776                $0.9357        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $1.0816                 $0.0776               $0.9357                $0.0731

Belize                                  N            Standard                                             $2.0463               $0.1044                $2.0358        $0.1034

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5349               $0.0788                $1.5244        $0.0778

                                                            Economy             $1.5349                 $0.0788               $1.5244                $0.0778

Benin                                   A            Standard                                             $2.1675               $0.1384                $2.1339        $0.1374

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6321               $0.1036                $1.6097        $0.1025

                                                            Economy             $1.6321                 $0.1036               $1.6097                $0.1025

Bermuda                             E             Standard                                             $0.8944               $0.0821                $0.7531        $0.0758

                                                            Discount                                             $0.6567               $0.0618                $0.5525        $0.0571

                                                            Economy             $0.6567                 $0.0618               $0.5525                $0.0571

Bhutan                                S             Standard                                             $3.2134               $0.3464                $3.1135        $0.3453

                                                            Discount                                             $2.4145               $0.3156                $2.4039        $0.3156

                                                            Economy             $2.4145                 $0.3156               $2.4039                $0.3156

Bolivia                                L             Standard                                             $2.1353               $0.1073                $2.1248        $0.1062

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5979               $0.0811                $1.5874        $0.0801

                                                            Economy             $1.5979                 $0.0811               $1.5874                $0.0801

Bosnia-                               A            Standard                                             $1.4086               $0.1098                $1.3598        $0.1037

Herzegovina                                      Discount                                             $1.0434               $0.0816                $1.0026        $0.0761

                                                            Economy             $1.0434                 $0.0816               $1.0026                $0.0761

Botswana                            F             Standard                                             $2.1675               $0.1384                $2.1339        $0.1374

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6321               $0.1036                $1.2708        $0.0890

                                                            Economy             $1.6321                 $0.1036               $1.2708                $0.0890

Brazil                                  F             Standard                                             $2.0243               $0.0984                $1.6215        $0.0863

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5286               $0.0748                $1.3368        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.5286                 $0.0748               $1.3368                $0.0713

British Virgin                     E             Standard                                             $1.0640               $0.0986                $1.0431        $0.0975

Islands                                                Discount                                             $0.7810               $0.0747                $0.7678        $0.0736

                                                             Economy             $0.7810                 $0.0747               $0.7678                $0.0736

Brunei                                 P             Standard                                             $3.4464               $0.1473                $3.4100        $0.1462

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5878               $0.1115                $2.5628        $0.1105

                                                            Economy             $2.5878                 $0.1115               $2.5628                $0.1105

Bulgaria                              H            Standard                                             $1.7288               $0.1244                $1.7167        $0.1234

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2901               $0.0936                $1.2795        $0.0926

                                                            Economy             $1.2901                 $0.0936               $1.2795                $0.0926

Burkina Faso                      A            Standard                                             $2.1706               $0.2479                $2.1021        $0.2469

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6421               $0.2011                $1.5885        $0.2000

                                                            Economy             $1.6421                 $0.2011               $1.5885                $0.2000

Burundi                               A            Standard                                             $2.4039               $0.3410                $2.3801        $0.3362

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2292               $0.3039                $2.2054        $0.2992

                                                            Economy             $2.2292                 $0.3039               $2.2054                $0.2992

Cambodia                           M           Standard                                             $2.2702               $0.2835                $2.2007        $0.2750

                                                            Discount                                             $2.0647               $0.2629                $2.0837        $0.2637

                                                            Economy             $2.0647                 $0.2629               $2.0837                $0.2637

Cameroon                           A            Standard                                             $2.0702               $0.1324                $2.0386        $0.1313

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5617               $0.0986                $1.5408        $0.0975

                                                            Economy             $1.5617                 $0.0986               $1.5408                $0.0975

Canary Islands                   C            Standard                                             $1.4370               $0.1031                $1.2184        $0.0952

(Spain)                                               Discount                                             $1.0816               $0.0776                $0.9357        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $1.0816                 $0.0776               $0.9357                $0.0731

Cape Verde                                       A             Standard                                                           $1.7394                $0.2147        $1.7050           $0.2136

Islands                                                Discount                                             $1.3172               $0.1600                $1.2920        $0.1590

                                                            Economy             $1.3172                 $0.1600               $1.2920                $0.1590

Carriacou                            K            Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

(Grenada)                                          Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

Cayman Islands                 E             Standard                                             $1.1228               $0.1034                $0.9452        $0.0954

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8344               $0.0780                $0.7021        $0.0720

                                                            Economy             $0.8344                 $0.0780               $0.7021                $0.0720

Central African                  A            Standard                                             $2.3245               $0.3357                $2.3007        $0.3309

Republic                                            Discount                                             $2.1498               $0.2986                $2.1259        $0.2939

                                                            Economy             $2.1498                 $0.2986               $2.1259                $0.2939

Ceuta                                   C            Standard                                             $1.4370               $0.1031                $1.2184        $0.0952

(Spain)                                               Discount                                             $1.0816               $0.0776                $0.9357        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $1.0816                 $0.0776               $0.9357                $0.0731

Chad Republic                   A            Standard                                             $2.4834               $0.3463                $2.4595        $0.3415

                                                            Discount                                             $2.3086               $0.3092                $2.2848        $0.3045

                                                            Economy             $2.3086                 $0.3092               $2.2848                $0.3045

Chile                                    F             Standard                                             $1.8204               $0.1023                $1.6398        $0.0963

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5036               $0.0754                $1.3372        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.5036                 $0.0754               $1.3372                $0.0713

China                                   M           Standard                                             $5.1104               $0.1458                $5.0743        $0.1448

                                                            Discount                                             $3.8200               $0.1103                $3.7952        $0.1094

                                                            Economy             $3.8200                 $0.1103               $3.7952                $0.1094

Christmas/                          P             Standard                                             $3.3464               $0.3334                $3.2372        $0.3320

Coco Island                                                       Discount                                                          $2.8735                $0.2977        $2.8848           $0.2961

                                                            Economy             $2.8735                 $0.2977               $2.8210                $0.2961

Colombia                            L             Standard                                             $1.8805               $0.1051                $1.8700        $0.1040

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5251               $0.0794                $1.5146        $0.0785

                                                            Economy             $1.5251                 $0.0794               $1.5146                $0.0785

Comoros                             A            Standard                                             $2.2967               $0.2778                $2.2186        $0.2767

                                                            Discount                                             $2.1283               $0.2479                $2.0598        $0.2469

                                                            Economy             $2.1283                 $0.2479               $2.0598                $0.2469

Congo                                  A            Standard                                             $2.1957               $0.2624                $2.1551        $0.2614

                                                            Discount                                             $1.9860               $0.2234                $1.9539        $0.2224

                                                            Economy             $1.9860                 $0.2234               $1.9539                $0.2224

Cook Islands                      P             Standard                                             $3.5354               $0.3265                $3.4418        $0.3254

                                                            Discount                                             $2.9995               $0.3066                $2.9123        $0.3055

                                                            Economy             $2.9995                 $0.3066               $2.9123                $0.3055

Costa Rica                          N            Standard                                             $1.7528               $0.0995                $1.5372        $0.0918

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4110               $0.0754                $1.2387        $0.0695

                                                            Economy             $1.4110                 $0.0754               $1.2387                $0.0695

Croatia                                H            Standard                                             $1.4086               $0.1098                $1.3598        $0.1037

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0434               $0.0816                $1.0026        $0.0761

                                                            Economy             $1.0434                 $0.0816               $1.0026                $0.0761

Cuba                                    K            Standard                                             $0.9566               $0.1655                $0.9069        $0.1567

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8673               $0.1501                $0.8222        $0.1423

                                                            Economy             $0.8673                 $0.1501               $0.8222                $0.1423

Cyprus                                C            Standard                                             $1.7047               $0.1220                $1.6997        $0.1209

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2746               $0.0917                $1.2708        $0.0907

                                                            Economy             $1.2746                 $0.0917               $1.2708                $0.0907

Czech Republic                 C            Standard                                             $1.7047               $0.1220                $1.6997        $0.1209

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2216               $0.0878                $1.2179        $0.0867

                                                            Economy             $1.2216                 $0.0878               $1.2179                $0.0867

Denmark                             C            Standard                                             $1.2100               $0.1053                $1.0205        $0.0972

                                                            Discount                                             $0.9910               $0.0791                $0.8377        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $0.9910                 $0.0791               $0.8377                $0.0731

Diego Garcia                      S             Standard                                             $2.7221               $0.2597                $2.6974        $0.2547

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5593               $0.2502                $2.6946        $0.2453

                                                            Economy             $2.5593                 $0.2174               $2.5345                $0.2125

Djibouti                              A            Standard                                             $2.0691               $0.2448                $2.0015        $0.2439

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4975               $0.1961                $1.4455        $0.1951

                                                            Economy             $1.4975                 $0.1961               $1.4455                $0.1951

Dominica                            K            Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

Dominican                          K            Standard                                             $0.9780               $0.1023                $0.9645        $0.1012

Republic                                            Discount                                             $0.8055               $0.0773                $0.7968        $0.0762

                                                            Economy             $0.8055                 $0.0773               $0.7968                $0.0762

Ecuador                              L             Standard                                             $1.9195               $0.1073                $1.9091        $0.1062

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5568               $0.0811                $1.5464        $0.0801

                                                            Economy             $1.5568                 $0.0811               $1.5464                $0.0801

Egypt                                   H            Standard                                             $2.1345               $0.1356                $1.8139        $0.1252

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6099               $0.1015                $1.3682        $0.0936

                                                            Economy             $1.6099                 $0.1015               $1.3682                $0.0936

El Salvador                                        N             Standard                                                           $1.7999                $0.1023        $1.7894           $0.1012

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4630               $0.0773                $1.4206        $0.0762

                                                            Economy             $1.4630                 $0.0773               $1.4206                $0.0762

Equitorial                           A            Standard                                             $2.3245               $0.3357                $2.3007        $0.3309

Guinea                                               Discount                                             $2.1498               $0.2986                $2.1259        $0.2939

                                                            Economy             $2.1498                 $0.2986               $2.1259                $0.2939

Estonia                                H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Ethiopia                              H            Standard                                             $2.4971               $0.1593                $2.4865        $0.1582

                                                            Discount                                             $1.8808               $0.1195                $1.8702        $0.1184

                                                            Economy             $1.8808                 $0.1195               $1.8702                $0.1184

Faeroe Islands                    C            Standard                                             $1.2222               $0.1063                $1.0307        $0.0982

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0011               $0.0800                $0.8461        $0.0738

                                                            Economy             $1.0011                 $0.0800               $0.8461                $0.0738

Falkland Islands                F             Standard                                             $1.7866               $0.2273                $1.7307        $0.2189

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2675               $0.1798                $1.2226        $0.1725

                                                            Economy             $1.2675                 $0.1798               $1.2226                $0.1725

Fiji Islands                          O            Standard                                             $3.4464               $0.1473                $3.4358        $0.1462

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5878               $0.1115                $2.5772        $0.1105

                                                            Economy             $2.5878                 $0.1115               $2.5772                $0.1105

Finland                                C            Standard                                             $1.3630               $0.1179                $1.1495        $0.1088

                                                            Discount                                             $1.1174               $0.0890                $0.9446        $0.0820

                                                            Economy             $1.1174                 $0.0890               $0.9446                $0.0820

French Antilles                  E             Standard                                             $1.1228               $0.1034                $1.1120        $0.1023

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8344               $0.0780                $0.8260        $0.0770

                                                            Economy             $0.8344                 $0.0780               $0.8260                $0.0770

French Guiana                   F             Standard                                             $2.1569               $0.1083                $2.1463        $0.1073

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6140               $0.0820                $1.6034        $0.0809

                                                            Economy             $1.6140                 $0.0820               $1.6034                $0.0809

French                                 P             Standard                                             $3.3194               $0.1415                $3.3088        $0.1404

Polynesia                                           Discount                                             $2.4938               $0.1073                $2.4832        $0.1062

                                                            Economy             $2.4938                 $0.1073               $2.4832                $0.1062

France                                 C            Standard                                             $1.2197               $0.1003                $0.9783        $0.0873

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0206               $0.0757                $0.8911        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.0206                 $0.0757               $0.8911                $0.0713

Gabon                                 A            Standard                                             $2.0702               $0.1324                $2.0386        $0.1313

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5617               $0.0986                $1.5408        $0.0975

                                                            Economy             $1.5617                 $0.0986               $1.5408                $0.0975

Gambia                               A            Standard                                             $2.1675               $0.1384                $2.1339        $0.1374

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5368               $0.1036                $1.6097        $0.1025

                                                            Economy             $1.5368                 $0.1036               $1.6097                $0.1025

Georgia                               H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Germany                             C            Standard                                             $1.2658               $0.1031                $1.0161        $0.0904

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0413               $0.0776                $0.9000        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $1.0413                 $0.0776               $0.9000                $0.0731

Ghana                                  A            Standard                                             $2.0419               $0.1541                $2.0333        $0.1530

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4976               $0.1239                $1.4879        $0.1228

                                                            Economy             $1.4976                 $0.1239               $1.4879                $0.1228

Gibraltar                             C            Standard                                             $1.6802               $0.1215                $1.6520        $0.1204

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2577               $0.0916                $1.2390        $0.0905

                                                            Economy             $1.2577                 $0.0916               $1.2390                $0.0905

Greece                                 C            Standard                                             $1.6405               $0.1179                $1.4110        $0.1103

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2305               $0.0890                $1.0583        $0.0832

                                                            Economy             $1.2305                 $0.0890               $1.0583                $0.0832

Greenland                           C            Standard                                             $1.7047               $0.1220                $1.6997        $0.1209

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2746               $0.0917                $1.2708        $0.0907

                                                            Economy             $1.2746                 $0.0917               $1.2708                $0.0907

Grenada                              K            Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

Guadeloupe                                       E             Standard                                                           $1.1228                $0.1034        $1.1120           $0.1023

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8344               $0.0780                $0.8260        $0.0770

                                                            Economy             $0.8344                 $0.0780               $0.8260                $0.0770

Guam                                   P             Standard                                             $2.8269               $0.1332                $2.4506        $0.1248

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2164               $0.1013                $1.9829        $0.0936

                                                             Economy             $2.2164                 $0.1013               $1.9829                $0.0936

Guantanamo Bay               K            Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

Guatemala                          N            Standard                                             $1.7999               $0.1023                $1.7894        $0.1012

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4630               $0.0773                $1.4525        $0.0762

                                                            Economy             $1.4630                 $0.0773               $1.4525                $0.0762

Guinea                                I              Standard                                             $1.7643               $0.2190                $1.7050        $0.2179

                                                            Discount                                             $1.3335               $0.1633                $1.2920        $0.1622

                                                            Economy             $1.3335                 $0.1633               $1.2920                $0.1622

Guinea Bissau                    A            Standard                                             $2.4622               $0.3421                $2.4516        $0.3410

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2821               $0.3061                $2.2716        $0.3050

                                                            Economy             $2.2821                 $0.3061               $2.2716                $0.3050

Guyana                               F             Standard                                             $2.5187               $0.1274                $2.4887        $0.1263

                                                            Discount                                             $1.8788               $0.0966                $1.8585        $0.0955

                                                            Economy             $1.8788                 $0.0966               $1.8585                $0.0955

Haiti                                    K            Standard                                             $1.1228               $0.1034                $1.1122        $0.1023

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8344               $0.0780                $0.8238        $0.0770

                                                            Economy             $0.8344                 $0.0780               $0.8238                $0.0770

Honduras                            N            Standard                                             $2.0201               $0.1024                $1.7238        $0.0946

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5242               $0.0771                $1.3008        $0.0712

                                                            Economy             $1.5242                 $0.0771               $1.3008                $0.0712

Hong Kong                                        P             Standard                                                           $3.0048                $0.1277        $2.5196           $0.1155

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2504               $0.0974                $1.9651        $0.0918

                                                            Economy             $2.2504                 $0.0974               $1.9651                $0.0918

Hungary                              C            Standard                                             $1.6876               $0.1207                $1.6828        $0.1198

                                                             Discount                                             $1.2619               $0.0908                $1.2581        $0.0897

                                                            Economy             $1.2619                 $0.0908               $1.2581                $0.0897

Iceland                                I              Standard                                             $1.7047               $0.1220                $1.6997        $0.1209

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2746               $0.0917                $1.2708        $0.0907

                                                            Economy             $1.2746                 $0.0917               $1.2708                $0.0907

India                                    S             Standard                                             $3.3301               $0.1970                $2.8622        $0.1818

                                                            Discount                                             $2.4428               $0.1781                $2.1091        $0.1740

                                                            Economy             $2.4428                 $0.1781               $2.1091                $0.1740

Indonesia                            M           Standard                                             $3.4120               $0.1458                $3.3759        $0.1448

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5619               $0.1103                $2.0287        $0.0933

                                                            Economy             $2.5619                 $0.1103               $2.0287                $0.0933

Inmarsat                              D            Standard                                             $5.2897               $1.0579                $5.2897        $1.0579

Atlantic-West                                   Discount                                             $5.2897               $1.0579                $5.2897        $1.0579

                                                            Economy             $5.2897                 $1.0579               $5.2897                $1.0579

Inmarsat                              D            Standard                                             $5.2897               $1.0579                $5.2897        $1.0579

        Indian                                         Discount                                             $5.2897               $1.0579                $5.2897        $1.0579

                                                            Economy             $5.2897                 $1.0579               $5.2897                $1.0579

Inmarsat                              D            Standard                                             $5.2897               $1.0579                $5.2897        $1.0579

        Pacific                                                        Discount                                                          $5.2897                $1.0579        $5.2897           $1.0579

                                                            Economy             $5.2897                 $1.0579               $5.2897                $1.0579

Inmarsat                              D            Standard                                             $5.2897               $1.0579                $5.2897        $1.0579

Atlantic-East                                     Discount                                             $5.2897               $1.0579                $5.2897        $1.0579

                                                            Economy             $5.2897                 $1.0579               $5.2897                $1.0579

Iran                                      H            Standard                                             $3.0314               $0.1244                $3.0208        $0.1234

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2644               $0.0936                $2.2538        $0.0926

                                                            Economy             $2.2644                 $0.0936               $2.2538                $0.0926

Iraq                                      H            Standard                                             $2.6690               $0.1844                $2.6634        $0.1833

                                                            Discount                                             $1.9075               $0.1561                $1.8956        $0.1550

                                                            Economy             $1.9075                 $0.1561               $1.8956                $0.1550

Ireland                                 C            Standard                                             $1.1486               $0.0984                $0.9685        $0.0931

                                                            Discount                                             $0.9500               $0.0757                $0.8377        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $0.9500                 $0.0757               $0.8377                $0.0731

Israel                                   D            Standard                                             $2.4317               $0.1135                $2.4212        $0.1070

                                                            Discount                                             $2.0602               $0.0851                $1.8625        $0.0820

                                                            Economy             $2.0602                 $0.0851               $1.8625                $0.0820

Italy                                                    C             Standard                                                           $1.4002                $0.0984        $1.1548           $0.0887

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0448               $0.0729                $0.9268        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.0448                 $0.0729               $0.9268                $0.0713

Ivory Coast                                        A             Standard                                                           $2.1675                $0.1384        $2.1569           $0.1374

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6321               $0.1036                $1.6215        $0.1025

                                                            Economy             $1.6321                 $0.1036               $1.6215                $0.1025

Jamaica                               K            Standard                                             $1.0640               $0.0986                $1.0431        $0.0975

                                                            Discount                                             $0.7810               $0.0747                $0.7678        $0.0736

                                                            Economy             $0.7810                 $0.0747               $0.7678                $0.0736

Japan                                   J             Standard                                             $2.4831               $0.1173                $1.9606        $0.1011

                                                            Discount                                             $2.1105               $0.0936                $1.8269        $0.0892

                                                            Economy             $2.1105                 $0.0936               $1.8269                $0.0892

Jordan                                 G            Standard                                             $2.9770               $0.1220                $2.1707        $0.1126

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2294               $0.0917                $1.9276        $0.0846

                                                            Economy             $2.2294                 $0.0917               $1.9276                $0.0846

Kazakhstan                                       H             Standard                                                           $1.3717                $0.2000        $1.3611           $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Kenya                                  B            Standard                                             $2.1345               $0.1356                $2.1339        $0.1345

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6099               $0.1015                $1.6097        $0.1004

                                                            Economy             $1.6099                 $0.1015               $1.6097                $0.1004

Kirghizia                             P             Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Kiribati                               H            Standard                                             $3.1634               $0.1892                $3.1529        $0.1882

                                                            Discount                                             $2.3171               $0.1551                $2.3139        $0.1541

                                                            Economy             $2.3171                 $0.1551               $2.3139                $0.1541

Kuwait                                J             Standard                                             $2.7222               $0.1110                $2.3358        $0.1025

                                                            Discount                                             $2.0403               $0.0830                $1.7466        $0.0767

                                                            Economy             $2.0403                 $0.0830               $1.7466                $0.0767

Kyrgyzstan                                        H             Standard                                                           $1.3717                $0.2000        $1.3611           $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Laos                                     B            Standard                                             $2.3246               $0.4649                $2.2925        $0.4585

                                                            Discount                                             $2.3133               $0.4627                $2.2812        $0.4562

                                                            Economy             $2.3133                 $0.4627               $2.2812                $0.4562

Latvia                                  H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Lebanon                              G            Standard                                             $2.2815               $0.2277                $2.2815        $0.2277

                                                            Discount                                             $1.9637               $0.1959                $1.9637        $0.1959

                                                            Economy             $1.9637                 $0.1959               $1.9637                $0.1959

Lesotho                               B            Standard                                             $2.0702               $0.1324                $2.0386        $0.1313

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5617               $0.0986                $1.5408        $0.0975

                                                            Economy             $1.5617                 $0.0986               $1.5408                $0.0975

Liberia                                A            Standard                                             $2.0392               $0.1297                $2.0386        $0.1287

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5408               $0.0966                $1.5408        $0.0955

                                                            Economy             $1.5408                 $0.0966               $1.5408                $0.0955

Libya                                   A            Standard                                             $2.0702               $0.1324                $2.0596        $0.1313

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5617               $0.0986                $1.3336        $0.0928

                                                            Economy             $1.5617                 $0.0986               $1.3336                $0.0928

Liechtenstein                     C            Standard                                             $1.4370               $0.1031                $1.1935        $0.0933

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0816               $0.0776                $0.9357        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $1.0816                 $0.0776               $0.9357                $0.0731

Lithuania                            H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Luxembourg                       C            Standard                                             $1.5753               $0.1099                $1.3998        $0.1090

                                                            Discount                                             $1.1601               $0.0831                $1.0532        $0.0810

                                                            Economy             $1.1601                 $0.0831               $1.0532                $0.0810

Macao                                 M           Standard                                             $3.5613               $0.1512                $3.5507        $0.1502

                                                            Discount                                             $2.6728               $0.1151                $2.6622        $0.1141

                                                            Economy             $2.6728                 $0.1151               $2.6622                $0.1141

Macedonia                                        H             Standard                                                           $1.4086                $0.1098        $1.3598           $0.1037

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0434               $0.0816                $1.0026        $0.0761

                                                            Economy             $1.0434                 $0.0816               $1.0026                $0.0761

Madagascar                                       A             Standard                                                           $2.5628                $0.3304        $2.5390           $0.3256

                                                            Discount                                             $2.3775               $0.2955                $2.3536        $0.2907

                                                            Economy             $2.3775                 $0.2955               $2.3536                $0.2907

Malawi                                A            Standard                                             $2.1345               $0.1356                $2.1339        $0.1345

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6099               $0.1015                $1.6097        $0.1004

                                                            Economy             $1.6099                 $0.1015               $1.6097                $0.1004

Malaysia                             M           Standard                                             $3.3540               $0.1429                $2.8695        $0.1318

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5209               $0.1082                $2.0287        $0.0933

                                                            Economy             $2.5209                 $0.1082               $2.0287                $0.0933

Maldives                             Q            Standard                                             $3.3762               $0.2758                $3.2988        $0.2747

                                                            Discount                                             $2.7665               $0.2070                $2.2133        $0.1758

                                                            Economy             $2.7665                 $0.2070               $2.2133                $0.1758

Mali Republic                    C            Standard                                             $1.7320               $0.2339                $1.6679        $0.2329

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4545               $0.1941                $1.4032        $0.1931

                                                            Economy             $1.4545                 $0.1941               $1.4032                $0.1931

Malta                                   C            Standard                                             $1.7047               $0.1220                $1.6941        $0.1209

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2746               $0.0917                $1.2640        $0.0907

                                                            Economy             $1.2746                 $0.0917               $1.2640                $0.0907

Marshall                             P             Standard                                             $3.4464               $0.1473                $3.4100        $0.1462

Islands                                                Discount                                             $2.5878               $0.1115                $2.5628        $0.1105

                                                            Economy             $2.5878                 $0.1115               $2.5628                $0.1105

Martinique                                        E             Standard                                                           $1.1228                $0.1034        $1.1120           $0.1023

(Fr. Antilles)                                     Discount                                             $0.8344               $0.0780                $0.8260        $0.0770

                                                            Economy             $0.8344                 $0.0780               $0.8260                $0.0770

Mauritania                          A            Standard                                             $2.4901               $0.2369                $2.4251        $0.2358

                                                            Discount                                             $2.4880               $0.1971                $2.4225        $0.1960

                                                            Economy             $2.4880                 $0.1971               $2.4225                $0.1960

Mauritius                            G            Standard                                             $2.3147               $0.2678                $2.2398        $0.2668

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6621               $0.2140                $1.6044        $0.2130

                                                            Economy             $1.6621                 $0.2140               $1.6044                $0.2130

Mayotte Island                   A            Standard                                             $2.2967               $0.2778                $2.2186        $0.2767

                                                            Discount                                             $2.1283               $0.2479                $2.0598        $0.2469

                                                            Economy             $2.1283                 $0.2479               $2.0598                $0.2469

Melilla                                C            Standard                                             $1.4370               $0.1031                $1.2184        $0.0952

(Spain)                                               Discount                                             $1.0816               $0.0776                $0.9357        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $1.0816                 $0.0776               $0.9357                $0.0731

Micronesia                                        P             Standard                                                           $3.4464                $0.1473        $3.4100           $0.1462

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5878               $0.1115                $2.5628        $0.1105

                                                            Economy             $2.5878                 $0.1115               $2.5628                $0.1105

Moldovia                            D            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                 `                          Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Monaco                               H            Standard                                             $1.2197               $0.1003                $0.9783        $0.0873

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0206               $0.0757                $0.8911        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.0206                 $0.0757               $0.8911                $0.0713

Mongolia                            C            Standard                                             $2.7221               $0.2597                $2.6974        $0.2547

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5593               $0.2502                $2.6946        $0.2453

                                                            Economy             $2.5593                 $0.2174               $2.5345                $0.2125

Montserrat                          P             Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

Morocco                             K            Standard                                             $2.0702               $0.1324                $2.0386        $0.1313

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5617               $0.0986                $1.5408        $0.0975

                                                            Economy             $1.5617                 $0.0986               $1.5408                $0.0975

Mozambique                      A            Standard                                             $2.3147               $0.2678                $2.2398        $0.2668

                                                            Discount                                             $1.8603               $0.2380                $1.7950        $0.2369

                                                            Economy             $1.8603                 $0.2380               $1.7950                $0.2369

Mustique                            A            Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

Myanmar                            K            Standard                                             $4.2708               $0.2811                $4.1609        $0.2739

                                                            Discount                                             $3.7390               $0.2290                $3.6427        $0.2229

                                                            Economy             $3.7390                 $0.2290               $3.6427                $0.2229

Nakhodka                           H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Namibia                              A            Standard                                             $1.6920               $0.1085                $1.6814        $0.1075

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2806               $0.0806                $1.2701        $0.0795

                                                            Economy             $1.2806                 $0.0806               $1.2701                $0.0795

Nauru                                  P             Standard                                             $2.9219               $0.2126                $2.9113        $0.2116

                                                            Discount                                             $2.3150               $0.1971                $2.2980        $0.1960

                                                            Economy             $2.3150                 $0.1971               $2.2980                $0.1960

Nepal                                   S             Standard                                             $3.6866               $0.2031                $3.6324        $0.2021

                                                            Discount                                             $2.7681               $0.1346                $2.4675        $0.1292

                                                            Economy             $2.7681                 $0.1346               $2.4675                $0.1292


Netherlands                                       E             Standard                                                           $1.0531                $0.0966        $0.8867           $0.0892

Antilles                                              Discount                                             $0.7758               $0.0732                $0.6527        $0.0676

                                                            Economy             $0.7758                 $0.0732               $0.6527                $0.0676

Netherlands                                       C             Standard                                                           $1.2142                $0.0994        $0.9550           $0.0854

                                                            Discount                                             $0.9803               $0.0757                $0.8466        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $0.9803                 $0.0757               $0.8466                $0.0713

Nevis                                   K            Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

New Caledonia                  P             Standard                                             $3.3878               $0.1443                $3.3773        $0.1433

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5464               $0.1093                $2.5358        $0.1082

                                                            Economy             $2.5464                 $0.1093               $2.5358                $0.1082

New Zealand                      P             Standard                                             $3.2863               $0.1401                $2.8115        $0.1293

                                                            Discount                                             $2.4690               $0.1062                $2.1121        $0.0981

                                                            Economy             $2.4690                 $0.1062               $2.1121                $0.0981

Nicaragua                           N            Standard                                             $2.0463               $0.1044                $2.0358        $0.1034

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5349               $0.0788                $1.5244        $0.0778

                                                            Economy             $1.5349                 $0.0788               $1.5244                $0.0778

Niger                                   A            Standard                                             $1.7643               $0.2190                $1.7050        $0.2179

                                                            Discount                                             $1.3335               $0.1633                $1.2920        $0.1622

                                                            Economy             $1.3335                 $0.1633               $1.2920                $0.1622

Nigeria                                B            Standard                                             $1.6920               $0.1085                $1.6679        $0.1075

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2806               $0.0806                $1.2655        $0.0795

                                                            Economy             $1.2806                 $0.0806               $1.2655                $0.0795

Niue Island                                        P             Standard                                                           $3.7030                $0.3773        $3.6782           $0.3723

                                                            Discount                                             $3.7683               $0.3746                $3.8603        $0.3697

                                                            Economy             $3.7683                 $0.3547               $3.7613                $0.3477

Norfolk Island                   P             Standard                                             $3.3464               $0.3334                $3.2372        $0.3320

                                                            Discount                                             $2.8735               $0.2977                $2.8848        $0.2961

                                                            Economy             $2.8735                 $0.2977               $2.8210                $0.2961

Norway                               C            Standard                                             $1.2100               $0.1053                $1.0205        $0.0972

                                                            Discount                                             $0.9910               $0.0791                $0.8377        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $0.9910                 $0.0791               $0.8377                $0.0731

Oman                                   G            Standard                                             $2.9812               $0.1220                $2.9706        $0.1209

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2294               $0.0917                $2.2188        $0.0907

                                                            Economy             $2.2294                 $0.0917               $2.2188                $0.0907

Pakistan                              S             Standard                                             $3.6233               $0.1990                $3.0875        $0.1833

                                                            Discount                                             $3.0467               $0.1305                $1.9772        $0.1292

                                                            Economy             $3.0467                 $0.1305               $1.9772                $0.1292

Palau                                   P             Standard                                             $2.4092               $0.2510                $2.3854        $0.2462

                                                            Discount                                             $2.3139               $0.2107                $2.2901        $0.2060

                                                            Economy             $2.3139                 $0.2107               $2.2901                $0.2060

Palm Island                         K            Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

Panama                               N            Standard                                             $1.7842               $0.1013                $1.5195        $0.0936

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4473               $0.0764                $1.2343        $0.0694

                                                            Economy             $1.4473                 $0.0764               $1.2343                $0.0694

Papua New                                        P             Standard                                                           $3.3194                $0.1415        $3.3088           $0.1404

Guinea                                               Discount                                             $2.4938               $0.1073                $2.4832        $0.1062

                                                            Economy             $2.4938                 $0.1073               $2.4832                $0.1062

Paraguay                             F             Standard                                             $2.1353               $0.1073                $2.1248        $0.1062

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5979               $0.0811                $1.5874        $0.0801

                                                            Economy             $1.5979                 $0.0811               $1.5874                $0.0801

Peru                                                    L             Standard                                                           $1.9195                $0.1073        $1.9091           $0.1062

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5568               $0.0811                $1.5464        $0.0801

                                                            Economy             $1.5568                 $0.0811               $1.5464                $0.0801

Philippines                                        M            Standard                                                          $2.6087                $0.1324        $2.2724           $0.1248

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2475               $0.1041                $1.9658        $0.0981

                                                            Economy             $2.2475                 $0.1041               $1.9658                $0.0981

Poland                                 C            Standard                                             $1.7116               $0.1232                $1.6828        $0.1221

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2235               $0.0887                $1.2130        $0.0877

                                                            Economy             $1.2235                 $0.0887               $1.2130                $0.0877

Portugal                              I              Standard                                             $1.6876               $0.1207                $1.4304        $0.1114

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2619               $0.0908                $1.0694        $0.0838

                                                            Economy             $1.2619                 $0.0908               $1.0694                $0.0838

Qatar                                   B            Standard                                             $2.9812               $0.1220                $2.9706        $0.1209

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2294               $0.0917                $2.2188        $0.0907

                                                            Economy             $2.2294                 $0.0917               $2.2188                $0.0907

Reunion Island                  A            Standard                                             $2.0691               $0.2448                $2.0015        $0.2438

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4975               $0.1961                $1.4455        $0.1951

                                                            Economy             $1.4975                 $0.1961               $1.4455                $0.1951

Romania                             H            Standard                                             $2.0809               $0.1493                $2.0703        $0.1483

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5450               $0.1125                $1.5344        $0.1114

                                                            Economy             $1.5450                 $0.1125               $1.5344                $0.1114

Rota                                     P             Standard                                             $3.3766               $0.1443                $3.3411        $0.1433

(Saipan)                                             Discount                                             $2.5342               $0.1095                $2.5098        $0.1084

                                                            Economy             $2.5342                 $0.1095               $2.5098                $0.1084

Russia                                 H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Rwanda                               A            Standard                                             $2.3147               $0.2678                $2.2398        $0.2668

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6621               $0.2140                $1.6044        $0.2130

                                                            Economy             $1.6621                 $0.2140               $1.6044                $0.2130

Saipan                                 P             Standard                                             $3.3766               $0.1443                $3.3411        $0.1433

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5342               $0.1095                $2.5098        $0.1084

                                                            Economy             $2.5342                 $0.1095               $2.5098                $0.1084

Sakhalin                              H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

San Marino                                        C             Standard                                                           $1.4002                $0.0984        $1.1548           $0.0887

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0448               $0.0729                $0.9268        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.0448                 $0.0729               $0.9268                $0.0713

Sao Tome                            A            Standard                                             $2.4622               $0.3421                $2.4516        $0.3410

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2821               $0.3061                $2.2716        $0.3050

                                                            Economy             $2.2821                 $0.3061               $2.2716                $0.3050

Saudi Arabia                      B            Standard                                             $2.6667               $0.1089                $2.2721        $0.1000

                                                            Discount                                             $1.9987               $0.0813                $1.7466        $0.0767

                                                            Economy             $1.9987                 $0.0813               $1.7466                $0.0767

Senegal                               A            Standard                                             $2.1345               $0.1356                $2.1239        $0.1345

Republic                                            Discount                                             $1.6099               $0.1015                $1.5993        $0.1004

                                                            Economy             $1.6099                 $0.1015               $1.5993                $0.1004

Seychelles                          A            Standard                                             $3.7341               $0.2703                $3.7224        $0.2692

Island                                                 Discount                                             $2.7260               $0.2166                $2.1604        $0.1906

                                                            Economy             $2.7260                 $0.2166               $2.1604                $0.1906

Sierra Leone                       A            Standard                                             $2.2731               $0.2041                $2.2186        $0.2030

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6817               $0.1593                $1.6415        $0.1582

                                                            Economy             $1.6817                 $0.1593               $1.6415                $0.1582

Singapore                           P             Standard                                             $2.7029               $0.1277                $2.2629        $0.1155

                                                            Discount                                             $2.1900               $0.0974                $1.9116        $0.0918

                                                            Economy             $2.1900                 $0.0974               $1.9116                $0.0918

Slovakia                              C            Standard                                             $1.7047               $0.1220                $1.6997        $0.1209

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2216               $0.0878                $1.2179        $0.0867

                                                            Economy             $1.2216                 $0.0878               $1.2179                $0.0867

Slovenia                              H            Standard                                             $1.4086               $0.1098                $1.3598        $0.1037

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0434               $0.0816                $1.0026        $0.0761

                                                            Economy             $1.0434                 $0.0816               $1.0026                $0.0761

Solomon Island                  P             Standard                                             $2.9849               $0.2312                $2.9705        $0.2301

                                                            Discount                                             $2.9843               $0.1971                $2.9678        $0.1960

                                                            Economy             $2.9843                 $0.1971               $2.9678                $0.1960

South Africa                       A            Standard                                             $1.6517               $0.1053                $1.6513        $0.1042

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2528               $0.0783                $1.2423        $0.0772

                                                            Economy             $1.2528                 $0.0783               $1.2423                $0.0772

South Korea                       J             Standard                                             $3.0559               $0.1296                $2.7804        $0.1284

                                                            Discount                                             $2.3262               $0.0984                $2.0898        $0.0972

                                                            Economy             $2.3262                 $0.0984               $2.0898                $0.0972

Spain                                   C            Standard                                             $1.4370               $0.1031                $1.2184        $0.0952

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0816               $0.0776                $0.9357        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $1.0816                 $0.0776               $0.9357                $0.0731

Sri Lanka                            S             Standard                                             $3.6233               $0.1990                $3.6127        $0.1979

                                                            Discount                                             $2.7231               $0.1320                $2.4675        $0.1292

                                                            Economy             $2.7231                 $0.1320               $2.4675                $0.1292

St. Helena                           A            Standard                                             $2.4307               $0.3091                $2.3977        $0.3033

                                                            Discount                                             $1.9213               $0.2726                $1.8894        $0.2667

                                                            Economy             $1.9213                 $0.2726               $1.8894                $0.2667

St. Kitts                               K            Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

St. Lucia                              K            Standard                                             $1.1228               $0.1034                $1.1120        $0.1023

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8344               $0.0780                $0.8260        $0.0770

                                                            Economy             $0.8344                 $0.0780               $0.8260                $0.0770

St. Pierre/K                                                       Standard                                                           $1.0531                $0.0966        $1.0431           $0.0955

Miquelon                                           Discount                                             $0.7758               $0.0732                $0.7678        $0.0721

                                                            Economy             $0.7758                 $0.0732               $0.7678                $0.0721

St. Vincent/                                       K             Standard                                                           $1.1350                $0.1055        $1.1120           $0.1044

Grenadines                                                       Discount                                                          $0.8408                $0.0796        $0.8260           $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

St. Barthelemy                   E             Standard                                             $1.1228               $0.1034                $1.1120        $0.1023

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8344               $0.0780                $0.8260        $0.0770

                                                            Economy             $0.8344                 $0.0780               $0.8260                $0.0770

St. Martin                            E             Standard                                             $1.1228               $0.1034                $1.1120        $0.1023

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8344               $0.0780                $0.8260        $0.0770

                                                            Economy             $2.8344                 $0.0780               $0.8260                $0.0770

Suriname                            F             Standard                                             $2.5187               $0.1274                $2.4887        $0.1263

                                                            Discount                                             $1.8788               $0.0966                $1.8585        $0.0955

                                                            Economy             $1.8788                 $0.0966               $1.8585                $0.0955

Swaziland                           A            Standard                                             $2.0702               $0.1324                $2.0386        $0.1313

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5617               $0.0986                $1.5408        $0.0975

                                                            Economy             $1.5617                 $0.0986               $1.5408                $0.0975

Sweden                               C            Standard                                             $1.1740               $0.0994                $0.9013        $0.0854

                                                            Discount                                             $0.9697               $0.0734                $0.8199        $0.0695

                                                            Economy             $0.9697                 $0.0734               $0.8199                $0.0695

Switzerland                                       C             Standard                                                           $1.4370                $0.1031        $1.1935           $0.0933

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0816               $0.0776                $0.9357        $0.0731

                                                            Economy             $1.0816                 $0.0776               $0.9357                $0.0731

Syria                                    H            Standard                                             $2.0031               $0.2117                $1.9750        $0.2106

                                                            Discount                                             $1.7184               $0.1814                $1.6944        $0.1803

                                                            Economy             $1.7184                 $0.1814               $1.6944                $0.1803

Tadjikistan                                        H             Standard                                                           $1.3717                $0.2000        $1.3611           $0.1990

                                                            Standard                                             $2.8918               $0.1362                $2.5352        $0.1293

                                                            Discount                                             $2.3428               $0.1031                $2.0497        $0.0981

                                                            Economy             $2.3428                 $0.1031               $2.0497                $0.0981

Tanzania                             H            Standard                                             $2.0392               $0.1297                $2.0386        $0.1287

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5408               $0.0966                $1.5414        $0.0955

                                                            Economy             $1.5408                 $0.0966               $1.5414                $0.0955

Thailand                             M           Standard                                             $3.3540               $0.1429                $2.8695        $0.1318

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5209               $0.1082                $2.0287        $0.0933

                                                            Economy             $2.5209                 $0.1082               $2.0287                $0.0933

Tinian                                  P             Standard                                             $3.3766               $0.1443                $3.3411        $0.1433

(Saipan)                                             Discount                                             $2.5342               $0.1095                $2.5098        $0.1084

                                                            Economy             $2.5342                 $0.1095               $2.5098                $0.1084

Togo                                    A            Standard                                             $2.1675               $0.1384                $2.1569        $0.1374

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6321               $0.1036                $1.6215        $0.1025

                                                            Economy             $1.6321                 $0.1036               $1.6215                $0.1025

Tonga                                  P             Standard                                             $3.2125               $0.1941                $3.1611        $0.1931

                                                            Discount                                             $2.3489               $0.1593                $2.3086        $0.1582

                                                            Economy             $2.3489                 $0.1593               $2.3086                $0.1582

Trinidad/Tobago               K            Standard                                             $1.1115               $0.1023                $1.1008        $0.1012

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8260               $0.0773                $0.8178        $0.0762

                                                            Economy             $0.8260                 $0.0773               $0.8178                $0.0762

Tunisia                                A            Standard                                             $2.1345               $0.1356                $2.1339        $0.1345

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6118               $0.1015                $1.6097        $0.1004

                                                            Economy             $1.6118                 $0.1015               $1.6097                $0.1004

Turkey                                C            Standard                                             $1.0925               $0.1712                $1.0819        $0.1702

Turks/Caicos                      E             Standard                                             $1.1228               $0.1034                $1.1120        $0.1023

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8344               $0.0780                $0.8260        $0.0770

                                                            Economy             $0.8344                 $0.0780               $0.8260                $0.0770

Tuvalu                                 P             Standard                                             $3.7697               $0.3852                $3.7450        $0.3803

                                                            Discount                                             $3.8597               $0.3821                $3.9251        $0.3771

                                                            Economy             $3.8597                 $0.3532               $3.8350                $0.3482

                                             H            Standard                                             $2.0702               $0.1324                $2.0386        $0.1313

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5617               $0.0986                $1.5408        $0.0975

                                                            Economy             $1.5617                 $0.0986               $1.5408                $0.0975

Ukraine                               H            Standard                                             $1.3717               $0.2000                $1.3611        $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Union Island                      K            Standard                                             $1.1350               $0.1055                $1.1120        $0.1044

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8408               $0.0796                $0.8260        $0.0786

                                                            Economy             $0.8408                 $0.0796               $0.8260                $0.0786

United Arab                       G            Standard                                             $2.7222               $0.1110                $2.3304        $0.1025

Emirates                                             Discount                                             $2.0403               $0.0830                $1.7466        $0.0767

                                                            Economy             $2.0403                 $0.0830               $1.7466                $0.0767

United Kingdom                C            Standard                                             $1.0047               $0.0890                $0.8088        $0.0788

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8216               $0.0672                $0.7396        $0.0660

                                                            Economy             $0.8216                 $0.0672               $0.7396                $0.0660

Uruguay     `                        L             Standard                                             $2.1361               $0.1065                $2.1286        $0.1055

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5772               $0.0806                $1.5666        $0.0795

                                                            Economy             $1.5772                 $0.0806               $1.5666                $0.0795

Uzbekistan                                        H             Standard                                                           $1.3717                $0.2000        $1.3611           $0.1990

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0925               $0.1848                $1.0819        $0.1811

                                                            Economy             $1.0925                 $0.1712               $1.0819                $0.1702

Vanuatu                              J             Standard                                             $2.7772               $0.2838                $2.7587        $0.2801

                                                            Discount                                             $2.8395               $0.2810                $2.8848        $0.2772

                                                            Economy             $2.8395                 $0.2602               $2.8210                $0.2565

Vatican City                       C            Standard                                             $1.4002               $0.0948                $1.1548        $0.0887

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0448               $0.0729                $0.9268        $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.0448                 $0.0729               $0.9268                $0.0713

Venezuela                          F             Standard                                             $1.5676               $0.0870                $1.3635        $0.0820

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2692               $0.0663                $1.1051        $0.0624

                                                            Economy             $1.2692                 $0.0663               $1.1051                $0.0624

Vietnam                              M           Standard                                             $1.8747               $0.2229                $1.8134        $0.2138

                                                            Discount                                             $1.7720               $0.2024                $1.7849        $0.2018

                                                            Economy             $1.7720                 $0.2024               $1.7849                $0.2018

Wallis/Futuna                    J             Standard                                             $3.3908               $0.3275                $3.3660        $0.3227

                                                            Discount                                             $3.3893               $0.3180                $3.4800        $0.3130

                                                            Economy             $3.3893                 $0.2903               $3.3647                $0.2854

West Samoa                       P             Standard                                             $3.1876               $0.1991                $3.1346        $0.1980

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2642               $0.1762                $2.2186        $0.1752

                                                            Economy             $2.2642                 $0.1762               $2.2186                $0.1752

Yemen, Rep. of                  G            Standard                                             $2.9812               $0.1220                $2.9706        $0.1209

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2294               $0.0917                $2.2188        $0.0907

                                                            Economy             $2.2294                 $0.0917               $2.2188                $0.0907

Yugoslavia                                        H             Standard                                                           $1.7288                $0.1244        $1.7182           $0.1234

                                                            Discount                                             $1.2901               $0.0936                $1.2795        $0.0926

                                                            Economy             $1.2901                 $0.0936               $1.2795                $0.0926

Zaire                                    A            Standard                                             $2.1675               $0.1384                $2.1339        $0.1374

                                                            Discount                                             $1.6321               $0.1036                $1.6097        $0.1025

                                                            Economy             $1.6321                 $0.1036               $1.6097                $0.1025

Zambia                                A            Standard                                             $2.0392               $0.1297                $2.0386        $0.1287

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5408               $0.0966                $1.5408        $0.0955

                                                            Economy             $1.5408                 $0.0966               $1.5408                $0.0955

Zimbabwe                           A            Standard                                             $2.0702               $0.1324                $2.0386        $0.1313

                                                            Discount                                             $1.5617               $0.0986                $1.5408        $0.0975

                                                            Economy             $1.5617                 $0.0986               $1.5408                $0.0975



        A.         Canada WilPlus II and WilPlus III Service is provided at the rates set  forth below.  All calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to a 30 second minimum charge per call.  See Section V for Canadian NPA- NXX's classed as Metro. This Service is no longer available to new subscribers as of April 1, 1994.




1st 30 sec.




6 seconds



1st 30 sec.




6 seconds






All Other








1st 30 sec.




         6 seconds



1st 30 sec.




6 seconds






All Other






        B.         Mexico WilPlus II and WilPlus III Service is provided at the rates below. All calls are billed in 1 minute increments and subject to a 1 minute minimum per call.  This Service is no longer available to new subscribers as of April 1, 1994.



         Rate Step

               Switched Access Calls

Dedicated Access Calls















































        .04       Hour Code Definitions


                    Hour Codes apply 7 days a week.


                                                          HOUR CODES FOR INTERNATIONAL CALLS

Code                       Standard                                               Discount                                               Economy


   A                           06:00 AM - 11:59 PM                        12:00 PM - 04:59 PM                         05:00 PM - 05:59 AM

   B                           07:00 AM - 04:59 PM                        05:00 PM - 12:59 AM                        01:00 AM - 06:59 AM

   C                           07:00 AM - 12:59 PM                        01:00 PM - 05:59 PM                         06:00 PM - 06:59 AM

   D                           08:00 AM - 04:59 PM                        12:00 AM - 07:59 AM                       05:00 PM - 11:59 AM

   E                            08:00 AM - 04:59 PM                        05:00 PM - 10:59 PM                         11:00 PM - 07:59 AM

   F                            08:00 AM - 05:59 PM                        06:00 PM - 11:59 AM                        12:00 AM - 07:59 AM

   G                           08:00 AM - 02:59 PM                        09:00 PM - 07:59 AM                        03:00 PM - 08:59 PM

   H                           01:00 PM - 01:59 AM                        07:00 AM - 12:59 PM                        02:00 AM - 06:59 AM

   I                             01:00 PM - 07:59 PM                         07:00 AM - 12:59 PM                        08:00 PM - 06:59 AM

   J                            02:00 PM - 07:59 PM                         08:00 PM - 02:59 AM                        03:00 AM - 01:59 PM

   K                           04:00 PM - 09:59 PM                         07:00 AM - 03:59 PM                        10:00 PM - 06:59 AM

   L                            04:00 PM - 11:59 AM                        07:00 AM - 03:59 PM                        12:00 AM - 06:59 AM

   M                          05:00 PM - 01:59 AM                        02:00 AM - 10:59 AM                       11:00 AM - 04:59 PM

   N                           05:00 PM - 10:59 PM                         08:00 AM - 04:59 PM                        11:00 PM - 07:59 AM

   O                           05:00 PM - 01:59 AM                        09:00 AM - 04:59 PM                        02:00 AM - 08:59 AM

   P                            05:00 PM - 10:59 PM                         10:00 AM - 04:59 PM                        11:00 PM - 09:59 AM

   Q                           06:00 PM - 12:59 AM                        01:00 AM - 10:59 AM                       11:00 AM - 05:59 PM

   R                           07:00 AM - 12:59 PM                        01:00 PM - 11:59 AM                        12:00 AM - 06:59 AM

   S                            06:00 AM - 05:59 PM                                                                                      06:00 PM - 05:59 AM


        .05       Discounts


                    Volume Discounts as set forth below are available to those customers whose total monthly combined domestic and international usage including Travel Card is $5,000.00 or more.  Discounts are not applicable to Directory Assistance, Operator Services, local loop charges, installation charges, account set-up fees, ancillary charges, or any Company charges associated with the installation and maintenance of dedicated access.


Monthly Aggregate






       1 Year



      2 Year



       3 Year Discount

$0.00 - $ 4,999.99





$ 5,000.00 - $19,999.99





$20,000.00 - $34,999.99





$35,000.00 - $49,999.99





$50,000.00 - $74,999.99





$75,000.00 - $99,999.99











     3.              International Services


     3.1            International Message Telecommunications Service*


                       International MTS is a distance and time of day sensitive direct dial

                       long distance Service.  Customers may access by dialing direct. Duration of Calls (usage) are expressed in increments of a minute.  All Calls are rounded to the next highest minute.  For instance, a Call lasting 3 minutes and 40 seconds is billed as a 4 minute Call.  The rates shown in Section III.3.6.3 for MTS Service also apply for WilPlus I, II and III Travel Card Service.


     3.2            International Message Telecommunications Service Minimum Monthly Usage



                       All Customers of International MTS are subject to a minimum monthly usage charge of $8.00 per account.  If the total monthly billing for all services contained in this Tariff and subscribed to by the International MTS Customer is less than $8.00 for International MTS, the Customer is billed $8.00.  If the total monthly billing for International MTS is more than $8.00, the actual usage is billed.


*This Service is no longer available to new subscribers as of February 14, 1995.


     3.3            International Switched Access WATS*


                       International Switched WATS is a direct dial long distance Service for Customers whose total monthly billing exceeds $150.00.  Customers may access International Switched WATS by dialing direct. Duration of International Switched WATS Calls (usage) are expressed in 6-second increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 30 seconds.  All Calls are rounded to the next highest 6 seconds.  There are no volume or Time of Day discounts for this Service.  A basic feature of this Service is ASAP, the Account Support Advantage Package.  The package includes Authorization Codes, Accounting Codes, Voice Card Service, and management reports.


     3.4            International Switched Access WATS Minimum Monthly Usage Charge*


                       All Customers of International Switched WATS are subject to a minimum monthly usage charge of $150.00 per account.  Both international usage for all Services contained in this Tariff and subscribed to by the International Switched WATS Customer as well as its interstate usage count toward the Minimum Monthly Usage Charge.  If the total monthly billing is less than $150.00, the Customer is billed $150.00.  If the total monthly billing per account is more than $150.00, the actual amount of usage is billed.


     3.5            International Direct Access WATS*


                       International Direct Access WATS is a long distance Service utilizing Dedicated Access arrangements between the Customer's Premises and

                       Company facilities for Call origination.  Call termination is completed

                       through a combination of Company facilities and available LEC switched

                       access arrangements.  Duration of International Direct Access WATS Calls (usage) are expressed in 6-second increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 6 seconds.  All Calls are rounded to the next highest 6-seconds.  There are no volume or Time of Day discounts for this Service.  A basic feature of this Service is ASAP, the Account Support Advantage Package.  The package includes Authorization Codes, Accounting Codes, Voice Cards, and management reports.


*These Services are no longer available to new subscribers as of February 14, 1995.



        3.6       Rates


        3.6.1    Canada


                    A.         Canada MTS

                                Day              Evening         Night/Weekend

              Mileage      1st    Addt'l     1st    Addt'l      1st    Addt'l

               Range     Minute   Minute    Minute   Minute    Minute   Minute


                                  901-1200            $0.5963        $0.5762           $0.3972       $0.3683           $0.2934                                 $0.2738

                                 1201-1610           $0.6380        $0.6334           $0.4154        $0.3888           $0.3063                                 $0.2876

                                 1611-2220           $0.6686        $0.6685           $0.4425        $0.4093           $0.3193                                 $0.2911

                                 2221+                   $0.6987        $0.6838           $0.4422        $0.4331           $0.3322                                 $0.3163


                    B.         Canada Switched WATS


                                                                           Day                       Evening                Night/Weekend

                                 Mileage             1st                          Addt'l    1st                          Addt'l                   1st        Addt'l

                                 Range                 Minute                 Minute  Minute                 Minute                 Minute        Minute


                                  901-1200            $0.5378        $0.4695           $0.3730        $0.3683           $0.2934                                 $0.2738

                                 1201-1610           $0.5742        $0.5188           $0.3888        $0.3862           $0.3063                                 $0.2876

                                 1611-2220           $0.6017        $0.5536           $0.4154        $0.4093           $0.3193                                 $0.2911

                                 2221+                   $0.6288        $0.5490           $0.4331        $0.4328           $0.3322                                 $0.3163


                    C.         Canada Dedicated WATS


                                             Day                       Evening                Night/Weekend

                                 Mileage             1st           Addt'l    1st           Addt'l    1st           Addt'l

                                 Range                 Minute  Minute  Minute                 Minute  Minute  Minute


                                  901-1200            $0.5051        $0.4382           $0.3240        $0.3185           $0.2934                                 $0.2738

                                 1201-1610           $0.5300        $0.4784           $0.3427        $0.3398           $0.3063                                 $0.2876

                                 1611-2220           $0.5549        $0.5105           $0.3820        $0.3653           $0.3193                                 $0.2911

                                 2221+                   $0.5799        $0.5097           $0.3889        $0.3666           $0.3322                                 $0.3163


                                 Time of Day Definitions


                                 DAY:  From  8:00 AM to  5:00* PM  Monday ‑ Friday


                                 EVENING:  From  5:00 PM to 11:00* PM   Monday ‑ Friday and Sunday


                                 WEEKEND:  From 11:00 PM to  8:00* AM   Everyday

                                                      From  8:00 AM to 11:00* PM   Saturday

                                                      From  8:00 AM to  5:00* PM   Sunday


                                 *To but not including.



        D.         Canadian 800


                                 800 Service is provided from Canada to the United States at the rates and charges set forth below.  Calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to a 30 second minimum.  All calls are rounded to the next highest 6 seconds


                                             Base Rate per Minute

                                             Day        Non-Day


                                 Switched Access             $0.481   $0.403


                                 Dedicated Access           $0.437   $0.359


        3.6.2    Mexico


                    A.         Mexico MTS


                                 Cents Per Minute                           DOMESTIC PORTION

                                                            Standard              Economy

                                                            1st           Addt'l    1st           Addt'l

                                                            Min.       Min.       Min.       Min.


                                                            $0.40     $0.19     $0.32     $0.15


                                 Cents Per Minute:                          MEXICO PORTION

                                 Standard                                                            Economy


                                             1st          Addt'l    1st          Addt'l

                                             Min.       Min        Min.       Min.


                                 1          $0.16     $0.16     $0.10     $0.10

                                 2          $0.21     $0.21     $0.14     $0.14

                                 3          $0.38     $0.38     $0.25     $0.25

                                 4          $0.45     $0.45     $0.30     $0.30

                                 5          $0.64     $0.64     $0.42     $0.42

                                 6          $0.83     $0.83     $0.55     $0.55

                                 7          $1.11     $1.11     $0.75     $0.75

                                 8          $1.18     $1.18     $0.80     $0.80


                                                             Time-of-Day Definitions


                                 Standard            7:00 a.m. -  7:00 p.m Monday - Friday

                                                            5:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Sunday


                                 Economy           7:00 p.m. -  7:00 a.m. Monday - Friday

                                                            12:00 a.m. -  5:00 p.m. Sunday

                                                            All Day Saturday


B.    Mexico Rate Step Definitions


                                 Three                         Three

                                 Dialed          Rate          Dialed          Rate

                                 Digits          Step          Digits          Step


                                 100-119                              7                            379-400                              7

                                 120-122                              6                            401                                      6

                                 123                                      5                            402-418                              7

                                 124-126                              6                            419                                      6

                                 127                                      5                            420-460                              7

                                 128-139                              6                            461-468                              6

                                 140-145                              4                            469-471                              7

                                 146-149                              5                            472-287                              6

                                 150-153                              6                            488                                      6

                                 154                                      5                            489-497                              5

                                 155                                      4                            498                                      5

                                 156                                      5                            499                                      6

                                 157                                      4                            500-608                              7

                                 158-159                              5                            609                                      4

                                 160                                      4                            610-619                              7

                                 161-166                              1                            620                                      6

                                 167-169                              4                            621                                      4

                                 170-179                              5                            622                                      5

                                 180-189                              6                            623                                      4

                                 190-231                              7                            624-630                              5

                                 232                                      8                            631                                      1

                                 233-237                              7                            632-636                              3

                                 238                                      8                            637                                      4

                                 239-270                              7                            638-639                              3

                                 271-272                              8                            640-649                              5

                                 273-282                              7                            650-656                              1

                                 283-289                              8                            657                                      4

                                 290-370                              7                            658-665                              1

                                 371                                      6                            666                                      4

                                 372-377                              7                            667                                      3

                                 378                                      6                            668-669                              1

                                 670-673                              6                            783                                      8

                                 674-679                              7                            784-785                              6

                                 680-683                              6                            786-799                              7

                                 684                                      3                            800-822                              4

                                 685                                      5                            823-824                              3

                                 686-687                              6                            825-826                              4

                                 688-740                              7                            827                                      1

                                 741-743                              8                            828-860                              4

                                 744                                      7                            861                                      3

                                 745-746                              8                            862                                      2

                                 747                                      7                            863-869                              4

                                 748                                      8                            870-894                              1

                                 749-771                              7                            895-899                              2

                                 772                                      6

                                 773-781                              7

                                 782                                      6


        C.  WATS Service


                             Dedicated WATS Service                                                     Switched WATS Service

U.S. Rate

U.S. Rate


Band US

Standard    Add'l    Economy   Add'l

1st Min.    Mins.    1st Min.  Mins.

Standard   Add'l    Economy    Add'l

1st Min.   Mins.    1st Min.   Mins.









0.1974    0.1044     0.1662    0.0910

0.1974    0.1044     0.1662    0.0910

0.1974    0.1044     0.1662    0.0890

0.1974    0.1426     0.1662    0.1080

0.1974    0.1668     0.1662    0.1348

0.1974    0.1866     0.1662    0.1495

0.2108    0.2108     0.1745    0.1745

0.2316    0.2316     0.1866    0.1866

0.2310    0.1380    0.1998    0.1246

0.2310    0.1380    0.1998    0.1246

0.2310    0.1443    0.1998    0.1175

0.2310    0.1693    0.1998    0.1339

0.2310    0.2048    0.1998    0.1590

0.2420    0.2298    0.1998    0.1849

0.2592    0.2592    0.2022    0.2022

0.2730    0.2730    0.2195    0.2195


Standard   Add'l    Economy    Add'l

1st Min.   Mins.    1st Min.   Mins.

Standard   Add'l   Economy    Add'l

1st Min.   Mins.   1st Min.   Mins.









0.1498    0.1498    0.0936    0.0936

0.1966    0.1966    0.1311    0.1311

0.3557    0.3557    0.2341    0.2341

0.4213    0.4213    0.2808    0.2808

0.5991    0.5991    0.3932    0.3932

0.7770    0.7770    0.5149    0.5149

1.0392    1.0392    0.7022    0.7022

1.1046    1.1046    0.7489    0.7489

0.1498    0.1498    0.0936    0.0936

0.1966    0.1966    0.1311    0.1311

0.3557    0.3557    0.2341    0.2341

0.4213    0.4213    0.2808    0.2808

0.5991    0.5991    0.3932    0.3932

0.7770    0.7770    0.5149    0.5149

1.0392    1.0392    0.7022    0.7022

1.1046    1.1046    0.7489    0.7489


                                         US portion billed in 6 second increments with 30 second minimum.

                                         Mexico portion billed in full minutes.


                             Time of Day Definitions


                             STANDARD:   7:00 AM -  7:00 PM  Monday ‑ Friday

                             5:00 PM - 12:00 AM   Sunday


                             ECONOMY:   7:00 PM -  7:00 AM  Monday - Friday

                             12:00 AM - 5:00 PM  Sunday

                             All Day Saturday


        D.         HOTEL OPERATOR PLAN


                    Available to customers of Hotels selecting this option.  Customers can charge their international calls to major credit cards.  Call duration is expressed in 6 second increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 30 seconds.

                                                                                      CPM to USA                                         CPM to ABROAD


                                                                                             $1.75                                                $2.75


        3.6.3    Overseas Locations

                    Switched         Dedicated

                                                                           MTS Service       Access WATS     Access WATS

                                        Hour                                  1st               Add'l           1st               Add'l           1st                                        Add'l

                                        Code*                               Minute       Minute       30 Sec.       6 Sec.          6 Sec.          6 Sec.

Albania                               A          Standard          3.8400        2.1300        2.5897        0.1920        2.3282  0.2032

                                                          Discount         3.3500        2.0600        2.1682        0.1861        1.9422  0.1966

                                                          Economy         2.9500        1.8600        2.0977        0.1764        1.6932  0.1777


Algeria                                C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1180        1.6725  0.1243

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.2616  0.0974

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8300        1.2260        0.0789        0.9960  0.0787


American Samoa               D          Standard          3.8400        1.4400        2.8867        0.1295        2.6187  0.1371

                                                          Discount         2.8900        1.0900        2.1688        0.0982        1.9671  0.1040

                                                          Economy         2.3100        0.8600        1.9223        0.0819        1.5729  0.0823


Andorra                              A          Standard          1.8200        1.0300        1.0374        0.0893        0.8000  0.0700

                                                          Discount         1.3900        0.7800        0.9548        0.0675        0.7055  0.0644

                                                          Economy         1.1500        0.6400        0.8788        0.0594        0.6848  0.0644


Anguilla                              H          Standard          1.4700        0.9800        0.9158        0.0884        0.8176  0.0936

                                                          Discount         1.0900        0.7400        0.6746        0.0670        0.6018  0.0709

                                                          Economy         0.8900        0.6000        0.6084        0.0564        0.4897  0.0567


Antigua                               H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        1.0146        0.0893        0.7408  0.0843

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7534        0.0694        0.5503  0.0704

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6745        0.0618        0.5229  0.0603


Argentina                            I           Standard          2.1480        0.9928        1.7297        0.0933        1.2946  0.0794

                                                          Discount         1.8050        0.7885        1.4133        0.0720        1.0512  0.0660

                                                          Economy         1.4630        0.6270        1.3167        0.0658        1.0085  0.0620


Aruba                                  H          Standard          1.4700        0.9800        0.9158        0.0884        0.8176  0.0936

                                                          Discount         1.0900        0.7400        0.6746        0.0670        0.6018  0.0709

                                                          Economy         0.8800        0.5900        0.6084        0.0564        0.4897  0.0543


Ascension Isl.                    C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1242        1.8062  0.1313

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.3815  0.0983

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8300        1.2260        0.0789        1.0906  0.0794


Australia                             E          Standard          2.8429        1.1552        1.7600        0.0990        1.5439  0.0801

                                                          Discount         2.3660        0.9031        1.5000        0.0900        1.4392  0.0801

                                                          Economy         1.5770        0.7600        1.2000        0.0800        1.1081  0.0756


Austria                                A          Standard          1.7330        0.9787        1.2147        0.0874        0.9772  0.0823

                                                          Discount         1.2645        0.7151        0.9092        0.0670        0.7337  0.0691

                                                          Economy         1.0925        0.6174        0.8737        0.0624        0.6931  0.0608


Bahamas                             R          Standard          1.1900        0.7900        0.7885        0.0665        0.5961  0.0600

                                                          Discount         0.8500        0.5700        0.5985        0.0521        0.4374  0.0512

                                                          Economy         0.7500        0.5000        0.5415        0.0499        0.4192  0.0480


Bahrain                               G          Standard          3.4500        1.3200        2.5925        0.1060        2.0001  0.0961

                                                          Discount         2.5800        1.0000        1.9388        0.0798        1.4957  0.0790

                                                          Economy         2.1100        0.8200        1.6887        0.0690        1.4152  0.0702


Bangladesh                         F          Standard          4.8500        2.0200        3.1508        0.1731        2.8469  0.1843

                                                          Discount         3.6400        2.0000   -    -                   -                   -

                                                          Economy         2.9100        1.2100        2.3681        0.1147        1.9339  0.1153


Barbados                            H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        1.0070        0.0931        0.8715  0.0942

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7410        0.0730        0.6474  0.0747

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6698        0.0608        0.5229  0.0598


Belgium                              A          Standard          1.6606        0.9296        1.3433        0.0893        0.9547  0.0769

                                                          Discount         1.3775        0.7695        1.0118        0.0703        0.7408  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.0925        0.6080        0.8978        0.0632        0.6931  0.0607


Belize                                  B          Standard          2.4400        1.0500        1.7705        0.0946        1.7541  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.8300        0.7900        1.3303        0.0714        1.3179  0.0756

                                                          Economy         1.4700        0.6400        1.1699        0.0602        1.0452  0.0605


Benin                                   C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1242        1.6725  0.1313

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.2616  0.0983

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8300        1.2260        0.0789        0.9960  0.0794


Bermuda                             R          Standard          1.1970        0.7980        0.8170        0.0713        0.5962  0.0631

                                                          Discount         0.9300        0.6300        0.5966        0.0550        0.4374  0.0558

                                                          Economy         0.7500        0.5000        0.5415        0.0475        0.4192  0.0475


Bhutan                                F          Standard          4.6300        3.4500        2.7476        0.3107        2.4402  0.3289

                                                          Discount          -                   -                   -                   -                   -                   -

                                                          Economy         3.7400        2.9500        2.3809        0.2803        1.9007  0.2816


Bolivia                                Q          Standard          2.5700        1.1000        1.8757        0.0941        1.7228  0.1003

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.8300        1.4035        0.0751        1.2890  0.0794

                                                          Economy         1.5400        0.6600        1.2459        0.0630        1.0320  0.0634


Botswana                            C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1242        1.6725  0.1313

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.2616  0.0983

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8300        1.2260        0.0789        0.9960  0.0794


Brazil                                  I           Standard          2.3513        0.9781        1.8650        0.0875        1.2838  0.0698

                                                          Discount         1.7862        0.7416        1.4800        0.0700        1.0583  0.0673

                                                          Economy         1.4725        0.6270        1.3850        0.0650        1.0168  0.0605


British Virgin                     R          Standard          1.3300        0.9800        0.9158        0.0884        0.8176  0.0936

Islands                                             Discount         1.0900        0.7400        0.6746        0.0670        0.6018  0.0709

                                                          Economy         0.8900        0.6000        0.6084        0.0564        0.4897  0.0567


Brunei                                 D          Standard          3.9200        1.4700        2.9461        0.1321        2.6726  0.1399

                                                          Discount         2.9500        1.1100        2.2144        0.1000        2.0086  0.1058

                                                          Economy         2.3600        0.8800        1.9630        0.0838        1.6061  0.0842


Bulgaria                              O          Standard          2.2100        1.2400        1.4824        0.1116        1.3455  0.1182

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.9300        1.1085        0.0840        1.0159  0.0888

                                                          Economy         1.3200        0.7400        0.9781        0.0706        0.8679  0.0709


Burkino Faso                     C          Standard          3.1800        2.4500        1.8589        0.2224        1.6476  0.2329

                                                          Discount         2.4700        1.9800        1.4085        0.1804        1.2450  0.1889

                                                          Economy         1.9700        1.6500        1.2211        0.1580        0.9711  0.1571


Cameroon                           C          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7734        0.1188        1.5978  0.1257

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.2077  0.0936

                                                          Economy         1.5300        0.7900        1.1747        0.0752        0.9545  0.0756


Cape Verde                        C          Standard          2.6800        2.1800        1.5126        0.1867        1.3363  0.1988

Island                                               Discount         2.0200        1.6200        1.1454        0.1465        1.0126  0.1550

                                                          Economy         1.6000        1.3200        0.9118        0.1251        0.7927  0.1257


Cayman Islands                 R          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0899        0.7408  0.0815

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0678        0.5503  0.0708

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


Chile                                    I           Standard          2.1480        1.0018        1.6279        0.0882        1.2981  0.0800

                                                          Discount         1.7294        0.7322        1.3463        0.0668        1.0583  0.0664

                                                          Economy         1.4630        0.6270        1.2825        0.0610        1.0085  0.0625


China                                   M         Standard          5.2915        1.4059        4.6402        0.1321        4.0172  0.1399

                                                          Discount         3.9615        1.0639        3.2974        0.1000        3.0046  0.1058

                                                          Economy         3.1730        0.8359        2.8517        0.0814        2.4112  0.0842


Colombia                            Q          Standard          2.2251        1.0334        1.7433        0.0950        1.5231  0.0978

                                                          Discount         1.8050        0.7885        1.4155        0.0730        1.2367  0.0749

                                                          Economy         1.4630        0.6270        1.2825        0.0608        1.0085  0.0592


Congo, Rep of                    C          Standard          3.3500        2.6600        1.9094        0.2283        1.6891  0.2432

                                                          Discount         2.9600        2.2700        1.7271        0.2045        1.5314  0.2165

                                                          Economy         2.4700        1.8700        1.6027        0.1778        1.2824  0.1787


Cook Islands                      D          Standard          4.8400        3.2500        3.0220        0.2929        2.6975  0.3100

                                                          Discount         4.2500        3.0500        2.8792        0.2750        2.2825  0.2911

                                                          Economy         4.0500        2.5500        2.5653        0.2427        2.2804  0.2438


Costa Rica                          B          Standard          2.2050        1.0388        1.6008        0.0884        1.2170  0.0779

                                                          Discount         1.7900        0.7900        1.2968        0.0656        0.9806  0.0635

                                                          Economy         1.4600        0.6300        1.2113        0.0599        0.9462  0.0598


Cyprus                                A          Standard          2.2100        1.2400        1.4824        0.1060        1.3322  0.1119

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.9300        1.1085        0.0840        0.9960  0.0880

                                                          Economy         1.3400        0.7600        0.9781        0.0706        0.7927  0.0702


Czechoslovakia                 A          Standard          2.2100        1.2400        1.4824        0.1060        1.3322  0.1130

                                                          Discount         1.7000        0.9400        1.0700        0.0804        0.9545  0.0888

                                                          Economy         1.4400        0.8100        1.0623        0.0762        0.8674  0.0709


Denmark                             A          Standard          1.8300        1.0200        1.1058        0.0926        0.8078  0.0800

                                                          Discount         1.3100        0.7300        0.9063        0.0684        0.6632  0.0657

                                                          Economy         1.0900        0.6400        0.8313        0.0599        0.6433  0.0612


Djibouti, Rep of                 C          Standard          3.0700        2.4200        1.7723        0.2196        1.5687  0.2301

                                                          Discount         2.3100        1.9400        1.2853        0.1759        1.1330  0.1842

                                                          Economy         1.8300        1.5700        1.1087        0.1506        0.8798  0.1497


Dominica                            H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


Dominican Rep                  H          Standard          1.3680        1.0023        0.8978        0.0912        0.7636  0.0942

                                                          Discount         1.0925        0.7505  0.7363              0.0720        0.6308  0.0747

                                                          Economy         0.8835        0.5985        0.6508        0.0599        0.5146  0.0593


Ecuador                              Q          Standard          2.2478        1.0440        1.6862        0.0941        1.5231  0.0995

                                                          Discount         1.8430        0.7933        1.3674        0.0751        1.2367  0.0787

                                                          Economy         1.4725        0.6318        1.2359        0.0630        1.0085  0.0626


Egypt                                   P          Standard          2.5650        1.3204        1.8562        0.1180        1.4216  0.1068

                                                          Discount         1.9285        0.9879        1.3999        0.0883        1.0724  0.0885

                                                          Economy         1.5295        0.7979        1.2260        0.0789        0.9960  0.0787


El Salvador                         B          Standard          2.1700        0.9700        1.5810        0.0899        1.4276  0.0880

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.7200        1.2852        0.0678        1.1620  0.0664

                                                          Economy         1.3900        0.6000        1.1153        0.0579        0.9462  0.0531


Ethiopia                              P          Standard          3.0800        1.5900        2.1371        0.1358        2.0411  0.1408

                                                          Discount         2.3200        1.1900        1.6119        0.1018        1.5905  0.1091

                                                          Economy         1.8400        0.9500        1.4051        0.0912        1.2496  0.0881


Faeroe Islands                    A          Standard          1.6400        0.9200        1.0629        0.0925        0.8078  0.0802

                                                          Discount         1.2400        0.6900        0.8706        0.0695        0.6632  0.0599

                                                          Economy         0.9860        0.6370        0.7951        0.0611        0.6433  0.0540


Fiji Islands                          L          Standard          3.8000        1.2900        2.9461        0.1321        2.8330  0.1399

                                                          Discount         2.9500        1.1100        2.2144        0.1000        2.0488  0.1058

                                                          Economy         2.3600        0.8800        1.9630        0.0838        1.7586  0.0842


Finland                                A          Standard          1.8620        1.1950        1.2493        0.1064        0.9101  0.0878

                                                          Discount         1.5000        0.9100        1.0213        0.0784        0.7478  0.0801

                                                          Economy         1.2300        0.7200        0.9453        0.0694        0.7263  0.0681


France                                 A          Standard          1.5162        0.9296        1.0592        0.0912        0.8000  0.0700

                                                          Discount         1.3112        0.7507        0.8240        0.0721        0.7055  0.0644

                                                          Economy         1.0830        0.6080        0.7000        0.0700        0.6848  0.0644


French Antilles                  R          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0899        0.8715  0.0949

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0749

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0599


French Guiana                   I           Standard          2.5700        1.1000        1.8757        0.0941        1.6974  0.0994

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.8300        1.4035        0.0751        1.2699  0.0787

                                                          Economy         1.5400        0.6600        1.2459        0.0630        1.0168  0.0626


French Polynesia               D          Standard          3.9200        1.5000        2.8867        0.1230        2.6187  0.1298

                                                          Discount         2.9400        1.1600        2.1688        0.0982        1.9671  0.1029

                                                          Economy         2.3100        0.8600        1.9223        0.0819        1.5729  0.0814


Gabon Republic                C          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7734        0.1188        1.5978  0.1257

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.2077  0.0936

                                                          Economy         1.5300        0.7900        1.1747        0.0752        0.9545  0.0756


Gambia                               C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1242        1.6725  0.1313

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.2616  0.0983

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8300        1.2260        0.0789        0.9960  0.0794


Germany East                    A          Standard          2.2100        0.1240        1.1733        0.0922        0.8044  0.0724

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.9300        0.9709        0.0715        0.7126  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.3600        0.7900        0.8873        0.0650        0.6848  0.0607


Germany West                   A          Standard          1.5470        0.9527        1.1733        0.0922        0.8044  0.0724

                                                          Discount         1.3395        0.7695        0.9709        0.0679        0.7126  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.0830        0.6080        0.8873        0.0594        0.6848  0.0607


Ghana                                  C          Standard          2.6900        0.1560        1.7756        0.1340        1.5936  0.1428

                                                          Discount         2.0200        0.1250        1.3024        0.1134        1.1662  0.1198

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.1010        1.1366        0.0968        0.9172  0.0971


Gibraltar                             A          Standard          2.1500        0.1210        1.4410        0.1090        1.2948  0.1153

                                                          Discount         1.6100        0.9100        1.0808        0.0822        0.9711  0.0869

                                                          Economy         1.2900        0.7200        0.9575        0.0687        0.7761  0.0690


Greece                                 A          Standard          2.0203        1.1358        1.5029        0.1055        1.1171  0.0896

                                                          Discount         1.5390        0.8645        1.1239        0.0779        0.8378  0.0730

                                                          Economy         1.2255        0.6840        1.0023        0.0679        0.7877  0.0681


Greenland                           A          Standard          2.2100        1.2400        1.4824        0.1060        1.3322  0.1130

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.9300        1.1085        0.0840        0.9960  0.0888

                                                          Economy         1.3200        0.7400        0.9781        0.0706        0.7927  0.0709


Grenada                              H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


Guadeloupe                        R          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0899        0.8715  0.0949

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0749

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0599


Guam                                   D          Standard          3.6500        1.3700        2.5270        0.1169        1.9401  0.1039

                                                          Discount         2.6100        0.9800        2.0710        0.0879        1.5698  0.0873

                                                          Economy         2.3100        0.8600        1.9950        0.0836        1.5646  0.0812


Guantanamo Bay               H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


Guatemala                          B          Standard          2.1280        1.0070        1.6559        0.0893        1.4276  0.0942

                                                          Discount         1.7005        0.7600        1.3424        0.0689        1.1620  0.0719

                                                          Economy         1.3775        0.6080        1.2113        0.0589        0.9462  0.0570


Guinea, Peoples Rep         J           Standard          2.6900        2.1800        1.5126        0.1965        1.3363  0.2077

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.6200        1.1454        0.1465        1.0126  0.1548

                                                          Economy         1.5900        1.3100        0.9955        0.1251        0.7927  0.1255


Guyana                               I           Standard          2.9800        1.2700        2.1556        0.1086        1.9505  0.1062

                                                          Discount         2.2300        0.9600        1.6102        0.0823        1.4567  0.0805

                                                          Economy         1.7800        0.7600        1.4290        0.0724        1.1662  0.0639


Haiti                                    H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0899        0.9238  0.0958

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.7089  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5726  0.0605


Honduras                            B          Standard          2.0500        0.9000        1.7567        0.0891        1.3511  0.0799

                                                          Discount         1.8500        0.7000        1.3255        0.0671        1.0195  0.0635

                                                          Economy         1.3900        0.6800        1.1599        0.0602        0.9462  0.0605


Hong Kong                         D          Standard          3.1046        1.1552        2.5935        0.1093        1.9947  0.0925

                                                          Discount         2.5745        0.9690        2.0853        0.0874        1.5557  0.0807

                                                          Economy         2.0520        0.7600        1.8430        0.0765        1.4650  0.0748


Hungary                              A          Standard          2.2100        1.2400        1.4824        0.1060        1.3322  0.1130

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.9300        1.1085        0.0840        0.9960  0.0888

                                                          Economy         1.3200        0.7400        0.9781        0.0706        0.7927  0.0709


Iceland                                J           Standard          2.2100        1.2400        1.4824        0.1060        1.3322  0.1130

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.9300        1.1085        0.0840        0.9960  0.0888

                                                          Economy         1.3200        0.7400        0.9781        0.0706        0.7927  0.0709


India                                    F          Standard          3.9805        1.9333        2.9251        0.1731        2.2435  0.1567

                                                          Discount         3.9805        1.9333         -                   -                   -                   -

                                                          Economy         2.7645        1.5723        2.1458        0.1565        1.6697  0.1388


Indonesia                            M         Standard          3.7525        1.4059        2.9461        0.1255        2.6726  0.1337

                                                          Discount         2.8215        1.0639        2.2144        0.1000        2.0086  0.1058

                                                          Economy         2.2515        0.8454        1.9732        0.0841        1.6061  0.0842


Iran                                      O          Standard          3.4300        1.2400        2.5925        0.1116        2.4707  0.1182

                                                          Discount         2.5600        0.9300        1.9388        0.0840        1.9268  0.0888

                                                          Economy         2.0600        0.7400        1.7285        0.0706        1.5496  0.0709


Iraq                                      O          Standard          3.4100        1.8600        2.3209        0.1604        2.0875  0.1707

                                                          Discount         2.5500        1.5800        1.6588        0.1429        1.4857  0.1497

                                                          Economy         2.0400        1.3700        1.4229        0.1317        1.1454  0.1310


Ireland                                 A          Standard          1.5500        1.0200        1.0716        0.0884        0.7475  0.0748

                                                          Discount         1.2600        0.7600        0.8873        0.0684        0.6632  0.0682

                                                          Economy         1.1000        0.6800        0.8265        0.0641        0.6433  0.0644


Israel                                   T          Standard          2.8027        1.1286        2.2463        0.0993        1.9825  0.0889

                                                          Discount         2.3375        0.8459        1.9095        0.0741        1.4745  0.0745

                                                          Economy         1.9665        0.7030        1.7765        0.0694        1.4152  0.0700


Italy                                     A          Standard          1.6606        0.9296        1.3034        0.0874        0.9142  0.0707

                                                          Discount         1.3775        0.7695        0.9643        0.0646        0.7337  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.0925        0.6080        0.8978        0.0580        0.6931  0.0607


Ivory Coast                         C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1242        1.8313  0.1313

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.3815  0.0983

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8300        1.2260        0.0789        1.0906  0.0794


Jamaica                               H          Standard          1.4700        0.9800        0.9158        0.0884        0.8176  0.0936

                                                          Discount         1.0900        0.7400        0.6746        0.0670        0.6018  0.0709

                                                          Economy         0.8800        0.5900        0.6084        0.0564        0.4897  0.0567


Japan                                   E          Standard          2.7246        1.1216        1.8000        0.0900        1.6000  0.0806

                                                          Discount         2.4133        0.9314        1.5000        0.0800        1.4463  0.0706

                                                          Economy         2.0425        0.7600        1.5000        0.0700        1.3902  0.0672


Jordan                                 G          Standard          3.4300        1.2400        2.5925        0.1060        2.0001  0.0961

                                                          Discount         2.5600        0.9300        1.9388        0.0798        1.4957  0.0799

                                                          Economy         2.0600        0.7400        1.7285        0.0706        1.4152  0.0702


Kenya                                  N          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1180        1.6725  0.1243

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.2616  0.0974

                                                          Economy         1.6300        0.8500        1.2260        0.0789        0.9960  0.0787


Kiribati                               D          Standard          3.4800        1.4400        2.7510        0.1646        2.4817  0.1610

                                                          Discount         2.7700        1.0900        2.0150        0.1349        1.8136  0.1320

                                                          Economy         1.9800        0.8600        1.7748        0.1213        1.4401  0.1071


Korea, Rep of Sou             E          Standard          3.4610        1.2885        2.7930        0.1130        2.2012  0.1036

                                                          Discount         2.6511        0.9792        2.1185        0.0869        1.6544  0.0888

                                                          Economy         2.2515        0.8360        2.0188        0.0836        1.6061  0.0831


Kuwait                                N          Standard          3.0100        1.0800        2.3912        0.0976        1.8449  0.0875

                                                          Discount         2.1300        0.7700        1.7922        0.0730        1.3828  0.0724

                                                          Economy         1.9000        0.6800        1.5967        0.0649        1.3073  0.0645


Lesotho                               N          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7734        0.1129        1.7500  0.1104

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.2077  0.0936

                                                          Economy         1.5300        0.7900        1.1747        0.0752        0.9545  0.0756


Liberia                                C          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7924        0.1129        1.5978  0.1202

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.2077  0.0926

                                                          Economy         1.5300        0.7900        1.1747        0.0752        0.9545  0.0749


Libya                                   C          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7924        0.1188        1.7496  0.1257

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.3224  0.0936

                                                          Economy         1.5300        0.7900        1.1747        0.0752        1.0452  0.0756


Liechtenstein                     A          Standard          1.7000        0.9600        1.3243        0.0917        0.9449  0.0769

                                                          Discount         1.3500        0.7400        1.0118        0.0655        0.7408  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.1000        0.6000        0.8978        0.0594        0.6931  0.0607


Luxembourg                       A          Standard          2.1500        1.2100        1.3984        0.0976        1.0971  0.0931

                                                          Discount         1.6100        0.9100        1.0298        0.0738        0.8254  0.0752

                                                          Economy         1.2900        0.7200        0.9575        0.0687        0.7761  0.0606


Macao                                 M         Standard          3.9200        1.4700        3.0969        0.1315        2.8096  0.1384

                                                          Discount         2.9500        1.1100        2.3243        0.1001        2.1082  0.1048

                                                          Economy         2.4000        0.9100        2.0642        0.0875        1.6891  0.0833


Malawi                                C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1180        1.6725  0.1243

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.4000        0.0929        1.2616  0.0974

                                                          Economy         1.6300        0.8500        1.2260        0.0789        0.9960  0.0787


Malaysia                             M         Standard          3.6870        1.3994        3.0400        0.1254        2.2717  0.1107

                                                          Discount         2.7740        1.0583        2.2658        0.0936        1.7073  0.0900

                                                          Economy         2.2382        0.8436        2.0264        0.0841        1.6061  0.0842


Maldives                             F          Standard          4.4800        2.7500        2.8863        0.2474        2.5855  0.2615

                                                          Discount         3.5800        2.0600        2.3667        0.1857        2.1248  0.1964

                                                          Economy         2.9000        1.6400        2.1411        0.1562        1.7347  0.1567


Mali Republic                    A          Standard          2.7100        2.3100        1.4850        0.2099        1.3073  0.2198

                                                          Discount         2.2600        1.9200        1.2486        0.1741        1.0998  0.1824

                                                          Economy         1.9600        1.7200        1.1782        0.1646        0.9356  0.1637


Malta                                   A          Standard          2.2100        1.2400        1.4824        0.1060        1.3455  0.1130

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.9300        1.1085        0.0840        1.0458  0.0888

                                                          Economy         1.3200        0.7400        0.9773        0.0706        0.8679  0.0709


Marisat Atl East                             Standard          9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500

                                                          Discount         9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500

                                                          Economy         9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500


Marisat Atl West                            Standard          9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500

                                                          Discount         9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500

                                                          Economy         9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500


Marisat Ind Ocean                         Standard          9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500

                                                          Discount         9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500

                                                          Economy         9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500


Marisat Pac Ocean                         Standard          9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500

                                                          Discount         9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500

                                                          Economy         9.5000        7.9920        4.7500        0.9500        4.7500  0.9500


Marshall Islands                D          Standard          3.9200        1.4700        2.9461        0.1321        2.6726  0.1399

                                                          Discount         2.9500        1.1100        2.2144        0.1000        2.0086  0.1058

                                                          Economy         2.3600        0.8800        1.9630        0.0838        1.6061  0.0842


Mauritania                          C          Standard          3.4500        2.3600        2.1311        0.2125        1.9007  0.2249

                                                          Discount         3.2600        1.9600        2.2389        0.1768        1.8986  0.1871

                                                          Economy         2.9500        1.5600        2.1293        0.1487        1.8177  0.1493


Mauritius                            G          Standard          3.4400        2.6700        1.9816        0.2403        1.7555  0.2540

                                                          Discount         2.5700        2.1300        1.4255        0.1920        1.2575  0.2030

                                                          Economy         2.0600        1.7300        1.2583        0.1646        1.0002  0.1652


Mayotte Island                   C          Standard          3.4600        2.7600        1.9663        0.2492        1.7389  0.2654

                                                          Discount         3.1600        2.4700        1.8228        0.2400        1.6144  0.2622

                                                          Economy         2.8500        2.2700        1.8048        0.2224        1.4401  0.2411


Micronesia                         D          Standard          3.9200        1.4700        2.9461        0.1321        2.6726  0.1399

                                                          Discount         2.9500        1.1100        2.2144        0.1000        2.0086  0.1058

                                                          Economy         2.3600        0.8800        1.9630        0.0838        1.6061  0.0842

Monaco                               A          Standard          1.6500        0.9200        1.0374        0.0893        0.8000  0.0700

                                                          Discount         1.2400        0.6900        0.9548        0.0675        0.7055  0.0644

                                                          Economy         1.1500        0.6400        0.8788        0.0594        0.6848  0.0644


Montserrat                          H          Standard          1.4200        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.0800        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9000        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


Morocco                             C          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7734        0.1188        1.7496  0.1257

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.3224  0.0936

                                                          Economy         1.5300        0.7900        1.1747        0.0752        1.0452  0.0756


Mozambique                      C          Standard          3.4300        2.6600        1.9816        0.2403        1.7555  0.2543

                                                          Discount         2.8600        2.3700        1.7028        0.2135        1.4069  0.2259

                                                          Economy         2.5600        1.8700        1.5945        0.1778        1.3654  0.1787


Mustique                            H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


Namibia                              C          Standard          2.1000        1.0800        1.4509        0.0974        1.4314  0.1031

                                                          Discount         1.5800        0.8000        1.1004        0.0723        1.0861  0.0766

                                                          Economy         1.2600        0.6500        0.9605        0.0621        0.8543  0.0624


Nauru                                  D          Standard          5.0000        3.2900        2.5409        0.1850        2.3655  0.1970

                                                          Discount         5.0000        2.9300        2.1191        0.1804        1.8011  0.2106

                                                          Economy         5.0000        2.7100        1.9452        0.1782        1.5687  0.1877


Nepal                                   F          Standard          4.8500        2.0200        3.1508        0.1822        2.8469  0.1928

                                                          Discount         3.6400        1.5100         -                   -                   -                   -

                                                          Economy         2.9100        1.2100        2.3681        0.1147        1.9339  0.1153


Netherlands                        A          Standard          1.5162        0.9296        1.1253        0.0860        0.7560  0.0700

                                                          Discount         1.2735        0.7507        0.9153        0.0694        0.6702  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.0830        0.6080        0.8797        0.0608        0.6682  0.0607


Netherlands Antl               R          Standard          1.4700        0.9800        0.9158        0.0840        0.6950  0.0761

                                                          Discount         1.0900        0.7400        0.6746        0.0637        0.5115  0.0638

                                                          Economy         0.8800        0.5900        0.6084        0.0564        0.4897  0.0567


Nevis                                   H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


New Caledonia                  D          Standard          3.9200        1.4700        2.9461        0.1255        2.6726  0.1324

                                                          Discount         2.9500        1.1100        2.2144        0.1000        2.0086  0.1048

                                                          Economy         2.3800        0.8900        1.9630        0.0838        1.6061  0.0833


New Zealand                      D          Standard          3.6600        1.3600        2.9688        0.1188        2.2258  0.1033

                                                          Discount         2.6100        0.9800        2.2753        0.0922        1.6720  0.0873

                                                          Economy         2.3000        0.8600        1.9855        0.0827        1.5729  0.0812


Nicaragua                           B          Standard          2.4400        1.0500        1.7705        0.0946        1.6820  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.8300        0.7900        1.3303        0.0714        1.3118  0.0756

                                                          Economy         1.4600        0.6300        1.1699        0.0602        1.0452  0.0605


Niger Republic                  C          Standard          2.6800        2.1800        1.6000        0.2500        1.5583  0.2530

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.6200        1.1454        0.1465        1.0126  0.1550

                                                          Economy         1.6000        1.3200        0.9955        0.1251        0.7927  0.1257


Nigeria                                N          Standard          2.0045        1.0354        1.4509        0.0974        1.3073  0.1031

                                                          Discount         1.5105        0.7694        1.1004        0.0723        0.9919                                             0.0766

                                                          Economy         1.1970        0.6269        0.9605        0.0621        0.7802                                             0.0624


Norway                               A          Standard          1.5734        1.0148        1.0973        0.0936        0.8078                                             0.0800

                                                          Discount         1.2730        0.7695        0.9063        0.0694        0.6632                                             0.0657

                                                          Economy         1.0355        0.6080        0.8218        0.0594        0.6433                                             0.0612


Oman                                   G          Standard          3.3600        1.2100        2.5925        0.1060        2.3531                                             0.1119

                                                          Discount         2.5900        0.9300        1.9388        0.0840        1.7596                                             0.0880

                                                          Economy         2.0900        0.7600        1.7285        0.0706        1.4152                                             0.0702


Pakistan                              F          Standard          3.9000        1.8000        3.1508        0.1731        2.4199                                             0.1567

                                                          Discount         3.2500        1.3300         -                   -                   -               -

                                                          Economy         2.8000        1.3200        2.3403        0.1134        1.9339                                             0.1141


Palm Island                         H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715                                             0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474                                             0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229                                             0.0605


Panama                               B          Standard          2.2800        0.9600        1.5672        0.0891        1.2029  0.0806

                                                          Discount         1.6800        0.7300        1.2714        0.0671        0.9772  0.0672

                                                          Economy         1.4500        0.6700        1.1499        0.0602        0.9379  0.0576


Papua New Guinea            D          Standard          3.6860        1.4400        2.8867        0.1230        2.6187  0.1298

                                                          Discount         2.8030        1.0900        2.1688        0.0982        1.9671  0.1029

                                                          Economy         2.2370        0.8660        1.9223        0.0819        1.5729  0.0814


Paraguay                             I           Standard          2.7200        1.2500        1.8757        0.0941        1.6974  0.1003

                                                          Discount         2.3000        0.9700        1.4035        0.0751        1.2699  0.0794

                                                          Economy         1.7000        0.7600        1.2459        0.0630        1.0168  0.0634


Peru                                     Q          Standard          2.2478        1.0440        1.7518        0.0931        1.5231  0.0978

                                                          Discount         1.7964        0.7900        1.4317        0.0745        1.2367  0.0784

                                                          Economy         1.4578        0.6301        1.2873        0.0608        1.0085  0.0628


Philippines                         M         Standard          3.7400        1.3900        2.3393        0.1188        1.7990  0.1019

                                                          Discount         2.6600        1.0000        2.0153        0.0933        1.5563  0.0900

                                                          Economy         2.3600        0.8800        1.8812        0.0790        1.5563  0.0842


Poland                                 A          Standard          2.1090        1.1874        1.4824        0.1116        1.3322  0.1182

                                                          Discount         1.5770        0.8929        1.0700        0.0890        1.0118  0.0888

                                                          Economy         1.2540        0.7124        1.0623        0.0762        0.9498  0.0736


Portugal                              J           Standard          1.7500        0.9900        1.5438        0.1064        1.1324  0.0935

                                                          Discount         1.3900        0.7400        1.1543        0.0793        0.8466  0.0689

                                                          Economy         1.2500        0.6500        1.0184        0.0689        0.7927  0.0623


Qatar                                   N          Standard          3.1300        1.1400        2.5925        0.1060        2.3531  0.1119

                                                          Discount         2.5600        0.9300        1.9388        0.0840        1.7596  0.0880

                                                          Economy         2.0900        0.7600        1.7285        0.0706        1.4152  0.0702


Reunion Island                  C          Standard          3.7000        3.6000        1.7723        0.2197        1.5687  0.2301

                                                          Discount         3.7000        3.3000        1.2853        0.1759        1.1330  0.1842

                                                          Economy         3.5500        2.8500        1.1087        0.1506        0.8798  0.1497


Romania                             O          Standard          2.2100        1.2400        1.7825        0.1273        1.7301  0.1345

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.9300        1.3257        0.0959        1.3042  0.1027

                                                          Economy         1.3200        0.7400        1.1778        0.0846        1.0452  0.0818


Rwanda                               C          Standard          3.4500        2.6800        1.9816        0.2403        1.7555  0.2540

                                                          Discount         2.5700        2.1400        1.4255        0.1920        1.2575  0.2030

                                                          Economy         2.0600        1.7400        1.2583        0.1646        1.0002  0.1652


St. Kitts                               H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


St. Lucia                              H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


St. Pierre & Miq.                H          Standard          1.4700        0.9800        0.9158        0.0840        0.8176  0.0886

                                                          Discount         1.1200        0.7800        0.6746        0.0670        0.6018  0.0702

                                                          Economy         0.8800        0.5900        0.6084        0.0564        0.4897  0.0562


St. Vincent                          H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


Saipan                                 D          Standard          3.8400        1.4400        2.8867        0.1295        2.6187  0.1371

                                                          Discount         2.8900        1.0900        2.1688        0.0982        1.9671  0.1040

                                                          Economy         2.3100        0.8600        1.9223        0.0819        1.5729  0.0823


San Marino                         A          Standard          1.7410        0.9785        1.3034        0.0874        0.9142  0.0707

                                                          Discount         1.4500        0.8100        0.9643        0.0646        0.7337  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.1500        0.6400        0.8978        0.0580        0.6931  0.0607


Saudi Arabia                      N          Standard          3.0210        1.0924        2.3912        0.0976        1.7988  0.0840

                                                          Discount         2.2610        0.8169        1.7922        0.0730        1.3828  0.0691

                                                          Economy         1.8145        0.6554        1.5587        0.0634        1.3073  0.0653


Senegal Republic              C          Standard          2.6190        1.3390        1.8562        0.1180        1.6975  0.1243

                                                          Discount         1.9690        0.9990        1.3999        0.0929        1.2805  0.0974

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8200        1.2260        0.0789        1.0109  0.0787


Seychelles Island              C          Standard          4.8400        2.7700        3.2473        0.2350        2.9175  0.2503

                                                          Discount         3.6200        2.1800        2.3705        0.1983        2.1248  0.2076

                                                          Economy         2.9000        1.7700        2.0953        0.1693        1.6932  0.1684


Sierra Leone                       C          Standard          3.0700        2.0100        1.9463        0.1831        1.7389  0.1917

                                                          Discount         2.3100        1.5700        1.4422        0.1429        1.2865  0.1497

                                                          Economy         1.8300        1.2200        1.2733        0.1176        1.0251  0.1169


Singapore                           D          Standard          2.8429        1.1552        2.4415        0.1150        1.7915  0.0921

                                                          Discount         2.5175        0.9690        2.0330        0.0865        1.5133  0.0817

                                                          Economy         2.0425        0.7600        1.7765        0.0760        1.4567  0.0756


Solomon Islands                D          Standard          5.0000        3.2900        2.7033        0.2011        2.3282  0.2142

                                                          Discount         5.0000        2.9300        2.6539        0.1872        2.3261  0.2106

                                                          Economy         5.0000        2.7100        2.5957        0.1804        2.1954  0.1970


South Africa                       C          Standard          2.0045        1.0354        1.2600        0.0950        1.3073  0.0975

                                                          Discount         1.5105        0.7694        1.0143        0.0723        0.9919  0.0758

                                                          Economy         1.9000        0.6269        0.9819        0.0635        0.7802  0.0617


Spain                                   A          Standard          1.7480        0.9785        1.3433        0.0940        0.9645  0.0783

                                                          Discount         1.3775        0.7695        1.0023        0.0684        0.7408  0.0657

                                                          Economy         1.0925        0.6080        0.9073        0.0589        0.6931  0.0596


Sri Lanka                            F          Standard          5.0000        2.1800        3.1508        0.1731        2.8469  0.1843

                                                          Discount         3.7500        2.0500         -                   -                   -                   -

                                                          Economy         3.0000        1.3500        2.3681        0.1147        1.9339  0.1141


Suriname                            I           Standard          2.5700        1.1000        2.1556        0.1086        1.9505  0.1062

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.8300        1.6102        0.0823        1.4567  0.0805

                                                          Economy         1.5400        0.6600        1.4290        0.0724        1.1662  0.0639


Swaziland                           C          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7734        0.1188        1.5978  0.1257

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.2077  0.0936

                                                          Economy         1.5300        0.7900        1.1747        0.0752        0.9545  0.0756


Sweden                               A          Standard          1.4260        0.9025        1.0878        0.0879        0.7136  0.0700

                                                          Discount         1.2540        0.7315        0.8978        0.0655        0.6491  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.0165        0.5890        0.8317        0.0589        0.6267  0.0607


Switzerland                        A          Standard          1.6606        0.9296        1.3243        0.0917        0.9449  0.0769

                                                          Discount         1.3775        0.7695        1.0118        0.0655        0.7408  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.0925        0.6080        0.8978        0.0594        0.6931  0.0607


Syrian Arab                        O          Standard          2.9500        2.1700        1.7419        0.1841        1.5480  0.1962

                                                          Discount         2.5300        1.8600        1.4944        0.1661        1.3280  0.1758

                                                          Economy         2.2700        1.6700        1.4861        0.1570        1.1911  0.1578


Taiwan                                D          Standard          3.2761        1.3267        2.6220        0.1216        2.0071  0.1043

                                                          Discount         2.7550        1.0545        2.1565        0.0912        1.6227  0.0834

                                                          Economy         2.2420        0.8360        2.0093        0.0841        1.5978  0.0739


Tanzania                             P          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7734        0.1129        1.5978  0.1202

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.2077  0.1032

                                                          Economy         1.5600        0.8100        1.1747        0.0752        0.9545  0.0749


Thailand                             M         Standard          3.7500        1.3960        2.9925        0.1249        2.2717  0.1086

                                                          Discount         2.9200        1.1000        2.2515        0.0931        1.7073  0.0888

                                                          Economy         2.3700        0.8880        2.0330        0.0845        1.6061  0.0831


Togo, Rep of                      C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1242        1.7059  0.1313

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.3121  0.0983

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8300        1.2260        0.0789        1.0906  0.0794


Tonga Islands                     D          Standard          3.9400        1.9400        2.7467        0.1741        2.4776  0.1841

                                                          Discount         2.9600        1.5900        2.0108        0.1429        1.8094  0.1510

                                                          Economy         2.3600        1.2900        1.7700        0.1223        1.4359  0.1227


Trinidad/Tobago               H          Standard          1.4915        1.0069        0.9763        0.0899        0.8715  0.0958

                                                          Discount         1.1115        0.7599        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.8930        0.6079        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


Tunisia                                C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1180        1.6725  0.1243

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.2616  0.0974

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8300        1.2260        0.0789        0.9960  0.0787


Islands                                 R          Standard          1.4700        0.9800        1.4824        0.1060        0.8176  0.0936

                                                          Discount         1.0900        0.7400        1.1085        0.0798        0.6018  0.0709

                                                          Economy         0.8800        0.5900        0.9824        0.0709        0.4897  0.0567


Turkey                                A          Standard          2.1090        1.1874        1.2900        0.1100        1.3322  0.1118

                                                          Discount         1.5770        0.8929        1.0000        0.0870        0.9960  0.0888

                                                          Economy         1.2540        0.7124        0.8000        0.0700        0.7927  0.0709


Uganda                                P          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7734        0.1188        1.5978  0.1257

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.2077  0.0936

                                                          Economy         1.5300        0.7900        1.1747        0.0752        0.9545  0.0756


Union Island                      H          Standard          1.5600        1.0500        0.9763        0.0946        0.8715  0.1002

                                                          Discount         1.1700        0.7900        0.7256        0.0714        0.6474  0.0756

                                                          Economy         0.9400        0.6300        0.6496        0.0602        0.5229  0.0605


United Arab Emir.             G          Standard          2.9735        1.0830        2.3912        0.0976        1.8449  0.0875

                                                          Discount         2.1755        0.8075        1.7922        0.0730        1.3828  0.0724

                                                          Economy         1.7480        0.6460        1.5837        0.0643        1.3073  0.0645


United Kingdom                A          Standard          0.8800        0.6700        0.7720        0.0620        0.2750  0.0550

                                                          Discount         0.8600        0.6500        0.6448        0.0610        0.2750  0.0550

                                                          Economy         0.8200        0.6000        0.6220        0.0590        0.2750  0.0550


Uruguay                              Q          Standard          2.6500        1.2000        1.8294        0.0908        1.6683  0.0976

                                                          Discount         2.0200        0.8900        1.3531        0.0750        1.2367  0.0794

                                                          Economy         1.6500        0.7100        1.2459        0.0630        1.0168  0.0634


(Moscow Only)                 P          Standard          2.2300        1.9900        1.1780        0.1795        1.1361  0.1897

                                                          Discount         1.8300        1.7000        0.9720        0.1536        0.8998  0.1624

                                                          Economy         1.6800        1.5300        0.9400        0.1457        0.8407  0.1463


Vatican City                       A          Standard          1.6500        0.9200        1.3034        0.0874        0.9142  0.0707

                                                          Discount         1.2500        0.6900        0.9643        0.0646        0.7337  0.0650

                                                          Economy         1.1500        0.6400        0.8978        0.0580        0.6931  0.0607


Venezuela                          I           Standard          1.7870        0.8213        1.4393        0.0770        1.0794  0.0662

                                                          Discount         1.5010        0.6555        1.1818        0.0556        0.8748  0.0554

                                                          Economy         1.2160        0.5225        1.0593        0.0515        0.8383  0.0521


Western Samoa                  D          Standard          5.0000        3.2900        2.7256        0.1786        2.4568  0.1871

                                                          Discount         5.0000        2.9300        1.9387        0.1581        1.7389  0.1656

                                                          Economy         5.0000        2.7100        1.6431        0.1476        1.3239  0.1469


Yemen Arab Rep               G          Standard          3.1000        1.2400        2.5925        0.1060        2.3531  0.1119

                                                          Discount         2.3200        0.9300        1.9388        0.0840        1.7596  0.0880

                                                          Economy         1.7700        0.7400        1.7285        0.0706        1.4152  0.0702


Yugoslavia                         O          Standard          2.2100        1.2400        1.4824        0.1116        1.3588  0.1182

                                                          Discount         1.6500        0.9300        1.1085        0.0840        1.0259  0.0888

                                                          Economy         1.3200        0.7400        0.9781        0.0706        0.8679  0.0709


Zaire                                    C          Standard          2.6800        1.3800        1.8562        0.1242        1.6725  0.1313

                                                          Discount         2.0200        1.0300        1.3999        0.0929        1.2616  0.0983

                                                          Economy         1.6000        0.8300        1.2260        0.0789        0.9960  0.0794


Zambia                                C          Standard          2.6000        1.3800        1.7734        0.1129        1.5978  0.1202

                                                          Discount         1.9800        1.0400        1.3400        0.0884        1.2077  0.0926

                                                          Economy         1.5700        0.8400        1.1747        0.0752        0.9545  0.0749


Zimbabwe                           C          Standard          2.5600        1.3200        1.7734        0.1188        1.5978  0.1257

                                                          Discount         1.9300        0.9800        1.3400        0.0884        1.2077  0.0936

                                                          Economy         1.5300        0.7900        1.1747        0.0752        0.9545  0.0756


        3.6.4    Hour Code Definitions


                                 Rate Periods apply 7 days a week, except for Code Z.


        Code             Standard                             Discount                             Economy


        A                    7AM TO 12:59PM            1PM TO 5:59PM               6PM TO 6:59AM

        B                    5PM TO 10:59PM             8AM TO 4:59PM               11PM TO 7:59AM

        C                    6AM TO 11:59AM            NOON TO 4:59PM            5PM TO 5:59AM

        D                    5PM TO 10:59PM             10AM TO 4:59PM            11PM TO 9:59AM

        E                    2PM TO 7:59PM               8PM TO 2:59AM               3AM TO 1:59PM

        F                    6PM TO 12:59AM            1AM TO 10:59AM            11AM TO 5:59PM

        G                    8AM TO 2:59PM               9PM TO 7:59AM               3PM TO 8:59PM

        H                    4PM TO 9:59PM               7AM TO 3:59PM               10PM TO 6:59PM

        I                     8AM TO 5:59PM               6PM TO 11:59PM             MIDNITE TO 7:59AM

        J                     1PM TO 7:59PM               7AM TO 12:59PM            8PM TO 6:59AM

        L                    5PM TO 1:59AM               9AM TO 4:59PM               2AM TO 8:59AM

        M                   5PM TO 1:59AM               2AM TO 10:59AM            11AM TO 4:59PM

        N                    7AM TO 4:59PM               5PM TO 12:59AM            1AM TO 6:59AM

        O                    1PM TO 1:59AM               7AM TO 12:59PM            2AM TO 6:59AM

        P                    1PM TO 1:59AM               7AM TO 12:59PM            2AM TO 6:59AM

        Q                    4PM TO 11:59PM             7AM TO 3:59PM               MIDNITE TO 6:59AM

        R                    8AM TO 4:59PM               5PM TO 10:59PM             11PM TO 7:59AM

        S                    7AM TO 4:59PM               5PM TO 12:59AM            1AM TO 6:59AM

        T                    8AM TO 4:59PM               MIDNITE TO 7:59AM      5PM TO 11:59PM

        Z                    7AM TO 7:00PM (M‑F)                          7PM TO 7:00AM (M‑F)

                              5PM TO 12:00AM (SUN)                                             ALL DAY SAT & SUN

                              UNTIL 5PM



        3.6.5    Other Charges*


                                 Direct Access WATS:


                    .01       Port Charge       $5.00 per port


                    .02       Order Change   $70.00


                                 This charge applies to activating, deactivating, or moving Voice Cards, DAL's, Channel banks, or T-1's.


                    .03       Magnetic Tapes


                                 Monthly Recurring Charge Per Account: $100.00

                                 Set-Up Charge:                                              $ 50.00


                    .04       Voice Cards (Channel Bank)                      $5.00 per Card


                    .05       Cancellation Charge:                                   $250.00


                                 Applies only if canceled within 36

                                 months of Start of Service Date.


        3.6.6    Directory Assistance*


                                 Directory Assistance is available to Customers of International MTS, International Switched WATS and Voice Card Service.  A charge of $3.00 will be applied to each Call to Directory Assistance information whether or not the requested telephone number can be supplied.  Charges for Directory Assistance do not count toward the Minimum Monthly Usage Charge for the Services noted above.


        3.6.7    Call Forwarding*


                                 Call Forwarding, an exchange Service offered by certain LECs, enables Customers to forward their Calls automatically to a predetermined telephone number.  Where the Company's telecommunications network is used to complete the Call, the rates and charges for the Service to which the Customer subscribes and which is in this Tariff shall apply.


        3.6.8    800 Directory Assistance*


                                 800 Directory Assistance listing is available to Customers of International 800 Service at the following rates. 


                                                            Initial Install or Change    $15.00

                                                            Per Listing Per Month       $15.00


                                 Customers of CustomOne will not incur an Initial Installation or Change Charge, but will incur a monthly Listing Charge of $15.00 per month.


        3.6.9    Voice Card Service*


                                 Voice Card Service allows Customers to access Company's

                                 telecommunications network to complete international Calls and to charge those Calls to an authorized Calling Card issued by the Company to the Customer.  Duration of Voice Card Calls (usage) are expressed in increments of 1 minute and subject to a 3 minute minimum charge per Call.  All Calls are rounded to the next highest minute.  All Calls are subject to a surcharge of $.60 per Call in addition to the per minute usage charges described below.  Calls from Mexico are expressed in increments of 6 seconds subject to a 30 second minimum.



                  CPM TO USA

                           CPM TO ABROAD



                         First    Add'l

                         Min      Min

.01 Canada       $1.36     $0.70

.02 Mexico       $1.90     $1.90

.03 Overseas

Locations    $3.20     $3.20















                                                     * ($0.75 surcharge is added to first minute charge)


*This Service is no longer available to new subscribers as of February 14, 1995.



        3.6.10  Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge


                                 In order to recover the Company's expenses to comply with the FCC's payphone compensation plan adopted October 9, 1997 (FCC 97-371), a Surcharge will apply to all completed interstate and intrastate calls originating from pay telephones and other restricted lines including:


                                 1)         calls billed to a Company-issued access code (e.g., Company

                                             Calling Card, prepaid cards);

                                 2)         "0+" and other calls billed collect, to a third number, to a commercial credit card, or to a calling card issued by a local exchange carrier; and

                                 3)         calls placed via Company toll-free (800 or 888) numbers to any Customer.


                                 No discounts shall apply to Public Payphone and Restricted Line

                                 Surcharges. Pay telephones include coin-operated and coinless phones owned by local telephone companies, independent companies and other interexchange carriers.  The Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge applies to the initial completed call and any reoriginated call (i.e., using the "#" symbol) completed and billed as described above.



                                 Application of Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge

                                 Individual calls which otherwise meet the criteria above will be identified as subject to the Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge when coding digits transmitted to the Company at the time the call is placed indicate that the call originates from a payphone (ANI ii digits 27, 29 or 70) or a restricted line class (ANI ii digits 07) commonly associated with payphones. The Surcharge shall apply to calls originated from all such restricted lines regardless of whether the line is actually associated with a payphone.


                                 Whenever possible, the Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge will appear on the same invoice containing the usage charges for the surcharged call.  The application of the Surcharge to Restricted Lines (ANI 07) shall cease as soon as practicable upon suspension, vacation, or expiration of the Temporary Waiver Order, DA 97-2162, concerning the obligations of local exchange carriers to provide payphone coding digits, issued October 7, 1997 by the Common Carrier Bureau of the Commission in CC Docket 96-128.


                                 At the Company's option, in cases where proper payphone coding digits are not transmitted to the Company prior to completion of a call, the Public Payphone and Restricted Line Surcharge may be billed on a subsequent invoice after the Company has obtained information from a local exchange carrier which confirms that the originating station is an eligible payphone.



                                 Rate Per Completed Call


                                 Calls billed to Company-issued access codes


                                 other than prepaid cards                                                                                         $0.26



                                 "0+" Calls                                                                                                   $0.26



                                 Calls placed via toll-free nos.                                                                 $0.26


                                 Calls billed to Company-issued prepaid cards                                     $0.60*


                                             *for prepaid cards issued in units or minutes, the surcharge shall equal two domestic units.


        3.7       800 Abroad II*


                    International Switched 800 is an inward WATS Service which permits Calls to a Customer's Premises from diverse geographical locations in the United States.  The International Switched 800 Customer, rather than the calling party, is billed for each Call.  Call duration (usage) is expressed in 1 minute increments and subject to a minimum connect time of 3 minutes.  All Calls are rounded to the next highest minute.


                                                                                   Rate Per Minute




        .01       Monthly Account Charge:                        $5.00


        3.8       800 Abroad*


                    800 Abroad is an inward WATS Service which permits Calls to a Customer's Premises in the United States.  The 800 Abroad Customer, rather than the calling party, is billed for each Call.  Call duration (usage) is expressed in 1 minute increments.  All Calls are rounded to the next highest minute increment and subject to a minimum connect time of 3 minutes.


                                                                                   Rate per Minute




        .01       Monthly Account Charge:$5.00


        .02       800 Abroad Services are limited to the following countries:


                    Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua, Argentina, Aruba, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Faeroe Islands, France, French Antilles, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guantanamo Bay, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Monaco, Monserrat, Mustique, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, Nevis, Norway, Palm Island, Portugal, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Pierre/Miquelon, St. Vincent, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad/Tobago, Turks/Caicos Islands, Union Island, United Kingdom, Vatican City and Venezuela.



        3.9       Conference Connection*


                    Conference Connection Calling is the furnishing of telecommunications Service between a single Calling Station and up to 20 Calling Stations.  Conference Connection requires a connection bridge for all Called Stations which is established by the Company Conference Center. A Conference Connection Call is initiated by making a reservation of a date and time for the Call with the Conference Connection operators at 1‑800‑324‑3806.  Reservations can be placed during business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday).  Conferences can be held 365 days a year.  There are no minimum number of parties and no minimum conference lengths applicable to this Service.  This Service is available for use with Voice Card Service.  The three types of Conference Connection are:


                    1.         Dial‑Out


                                 Customer arranges with the Conference Connection operator for the participants to be Called at the requested date and time.


                    2.         Dial‑In


                                 The Customer is provided with a telephone number for the participants to Call at the requested date and time.


                    3.         Combination


                                 A composite of Dial‑Out and Dial‑In, the operator Calls some participants while others are given a telephone number to Call by the Customer at the requested data and time.


        .01       Conference Connection Features Include:


                    1.         Advance Notification


                                 The conference participants can be notified prior to the conference Call by the operator.


                    2.         Conference Recording


                                 A conference can be recorded with the approval of the participants.  The operator will advise all participants that the conference is being recorded prior to the start of the conference.  There is a fee of $10.00 for this feature.



                    3.         Tape Duplication


                                 Additional copies of the recorded tape can be made.  There is a fee of $10.00 per copy for this feature.


                    4.         Lecture Mode


                                 A format which enables a participant to give his presentation uninterrupted while other participants listen.


                    5.         Password Security


                                 Enables a Customer to control access to the conference through a password assigned at the time of the reservations.  Participants must provide the operator with the password before being connected to the conference.


                    6.         Subconferencing


                                 All subsets of conference participants to be separated into groups for separate conversations.


                    7.         Connection Coordinator


                                 A Connection Coordination is available throughout the conference to provide assistance as needed.



                    8.         Music on Hold


                                 A variety of high quality music is provided as a background for participants waiting for the conference to begin.


        .02       Conference Connection Calls are billed in one minute increments.  Fractions of a minute are rounded to the next highest minute.  Each Called Station is timed separately beginning when that station is connected and ending when that station hangs up or is disconnected.  The conference time is the cumulative total of all times for each station.


        .03       Usage Charges:


                    The rates listed below apply for each Calling and Called Station.


                                                                                          First Minute                       Additional Minute

                                                                                          $5.43                                   $1.60


        3.10     Operator Services


                    Operator Services is the furnishing of Services for the completion of Calls by Consumers and Customers presubscribed to International MTS, International Switched WATS, WilPlus I, II, III and IV, CustomOne and Prepaid Calling Card made with the assistance of a Company operator within the state including Aggregator sites and locations.  Aggregators sites include, but are not limited to, hotels/motels, hospitals, businesses, military establishments, and locations of public, semi‑public, or private pay telephones.  There are five classes of operator‑assisted Calls which are described below.


        .01       LEC Card


                    Charges for a long distance Call are charged to a valid LEC Card.  In order to control fraud, the Company may refuse to accept a card that it determines or suspects to be invalid.


        .02       Person‑to‑Person


                    Charges apply when the Consumer specifies to the operator a particular party to be reached.  That party may be a:


                    (a)        a person

                    (b)       a department

                    (c)        a mobile station

                    (d)       an extension

                    (e)        an office


                    If the original person, department, mobile station, extension, or office designated by the Consumer is unavailable and the Consumer requests or agrees to talk to any other party, the Call is still classed as a Person‑to‑Person Call.


        .03       Station‑to‑Station


                    Charges apply when the Consumer specifies to the operator a particular telephone number to be reached.  The only Station‑to‑Station Service offered is Station‑to‑Station Collect.


        .04       Collect


                    The Consumer requests the operator to bill the charges to the Called Station or party who agrees to pay for all charges.  Collect Calls can be either Person‑to‑Person or Station‑to‑Station.


        .05       Third Party


                    The Consumer requests the operator to bill the charges for a Call to a number other than that of the Calling or Called Station.  The party at the number charges are to be billed to agrees to pay for all charges.


                    In addition to the per minute usage rates specified below, an Operator Handling Fee also applies to each type of Call described above.  Operator Handling Fees are set forth in Section III.9.02.  When an operator‑assisted Call includes the elements of more than one class of Call, the Call is charged at the highest rated class.  Coin sent paid Calls are not accepted by the Company.




   3.10 Operator Services


   .06  Per Minute Charges


        The per minute charges billed to the Customer vary depending upon the country Called, the time of day, distance, and duration of the Call.  Operator-assisted international Calls are billed at the applicable rates set forth in Section III.3.13.1, plus the applicable surcharge set forth in Section III.3.13.2.


        3.11     Local Access Charges


                    Local Access charges are based on what the Customer would otherwise pay the LEC pursuant to such Carrier's international access Tariffs for the same interconnection and/or Service.  This rate information is obtained from the applicable Local Access Provider Tariff.


3.12            Legend International WATS6


                    Legend is an outbound customized telecommunications service designed to provide a unified service for single or multi-location companies using multiple local access arrangements.  Customers can select from switched, dedicated, and card origination access arrangements.  The Legend Service Package includes Directory Assistance, Account Codes, Time of Day Discounts, Customized Billing, Travel Card, and Operator Assistance.  All domestic calls are billed in 6 second increments and subject to a 30 second minimum per call.  For example, a 5 second call would be billed as 30 seconds while a 35 second call would be billed as 36 seconds.

                    No term or volume discounts apply for this Service.  See Section III.3.12..03 for Hour Code Definitions.


                                             TIME     RATE                     SWITCHED ACCESS     DEDICATED ACCESS

COUNTRY                         CODE    PERIOD First 30 Add'l 6   First 30  Add'l 6


Albania                               C            Standard                                             $2.7425               $0.2033                $2.4656        $0.2152

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2961               $0.1971                $2.0568        $0.2082

                                                            Economy             $2.2215                 $0.1868               $1.7931                $0.1882

Algeria                                A            Standard                                             $1.9657               $0.1250                $1.7712        $0.1316

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4825               $0.0984                $1.3360        $0.1031

                                                            Economy             $1.2983                 $0.0836               $1.0548                $0.0833

American Samoa               P             Standard                                             $3.0570               $0.1371                $2.7732        $0.1452

                                                            Discount                                             $2.2968               $0.1040                $2.0832        $0.1101

                                                            Economy             $2.0357                 $0.0867               $1.6657                $0.0872

Andorra                              C            Standard                                             $1.1217               $0.0966                $0.8472        $0.0741

                                                            Discount                                             $0.8726               $0.0764                $0.7471        $0.0682

                                                            Economy             $0.7413                 $0.0741               $0.7252                $0.0682

Angola                                A            Standard                                             $2.0583               $0.2871                $1.9957        $0.2772

                                                            Discount                                             $1.8954               $0.2537                $1.8366        $0.2447

                                                            Economy             $1.8954                 $0.2537               $1.8366                $0.2447

Anguilla                              K            Standard                                             $0.9698               $0.0936                $0.8658        $0.0991

                                                            Discount                                             $0.7144               $0.0710                $0.6373        $0.0751

                                                            Economy             $0.6443                 $0.0597               $0.5186                $0.0600

Antarctica                           P             Standard                                             $2.8363               $0.2836                $2.7589        $0.2742

                                                            Discount                                             $2.5082               $0.2509                $2.4379        $0.2421

                                                            Economy             $2.5082                 $0.2509               $2.4379                $0.2421

Antarctica                           P             Standard                                             $2.8363               $0.2836                $2.7589        $0.2742

(Scott Base)                                                      Discount                                                          $2.5082                $0.2509        $2.4379           $0.2421

                                                            Economy             $2.5082                 $0.2509               $2.4379                $0.2421

Antigua                               K            Standard                                             $1.0745               $0.0946                $0.7845        $0.0893

                                                            Discount                                             $0.7979               $0.0735                $0.5828        $0.0746

                                                            Economy             $0.7143                 $0.0654               $0.5538                $0.0639

Argentina                            F             Standard                                             $1.8318               $0.0988                $1.3710        $0.0841

                                                            Discount                                             $1.4967               $0.0762                $1.1132        $0.0699

                                                            Economy             $1.3944                 $0.0697               $1.0680                $0.0657

Armenia                              H            Standard                                             $1.2475               $0.1901                $1.2031        $0.2009

                                                            Discount                                             $1.0293               $0.1627                $0.9529        $0.1720

                                                            Economy             $0.9955                 $0.1543               $0.8903                $0.1549

Aruba                                  K            Standard              $0.9698                 $0.0936               $0.8658                $0.0991

                                                            Discount              $0.7144                 $0.0710               $0.6373                $0.0751

                                                            Economy             $0.6443                 $0.0597               $0.5186                $0.0575

Ascension Island               A            Standard              $1.9657                 $0.1315               $1.9128                $0.1390

                                                            Discount              $1.4825                 $0.0984               $1.4630                $0.1041

                                                            Economy             $1.2983                 $0.0836               $1.1549                $0.0841

Australia                             J             Standard              $1.8638                 $0.1048               $1.6350                $0.0848

                                                            Discount              $1.5885                 $0.0953               $1.5241                $0.0848

                                                            Economy             $1.2708                 $0.0847               $1.1735                $0.0801

Austria                                C            Standard              $1.2864                 $0.0926               $1.0349                $0.0872

                                                            Discount              $0.9628                 $0.0710               $0.7770                $0.0732

                                                            Economy             $0.9252                 $0.0661               $0.7340                $0.0644

Azerbaijan                          H            Standard              $1.0928                 $0.1765               $1.0508                $0.1689

                                                            Discount              $0.8608                 $0.1495               $0.8238                $0.1426

                                                            Economy             $0.8608                 $0.1495               $0.8238                $0.1426

Bahamas                             E             Standard              $0.8350                 $0.0704               $0.6313                $0.0635

                                                            Discount              $0.6338                 $0.0552               $0.4632                $0.0542

                                                            Economy             $0.5734                 $0.0528               $0.4439                $0.0508

Bahrain                               G            Standard              $2.7455                 $0.1123               $2.1181                $0.1018

                                                            Discount              $2.0532                 $0.0845               $1.5839                $0.0837

                                                            Economy             $1.7883                 $0.0731               $1.4987                $0.0743

Balearic Islands                 C            Standard              $1.4226                 $0.0995               $1.0214                $0.0829

(Spain)                                               Discount              $1.0614                 $0.0724               $0.7845                $0.0696

                                                            Economy             $1.0275                 $0.0624               $0.7340                $0.0631

Bangladesh                                        S                           Standard               $3.3367               $0.1833                $3.0149        $0.1952

                                                            Discount              $2.5078                 $0.1215               $2.0480                $0.1221

                                                            Economy             $2.5078                 $0.1215               $2.0480                $0.1221

Barbados                            K            Standard              $1.0664                 $0.0986               $0.9229                $0.0998

                                                            Discount              $0.7847                 $0.0773               $0.6856                $0.0791

                                                            Economy             $0.7093                 $0.0644               $0.5538                $0.0633

Belarus                                H            Standard              $1.2475                 $0.1901               $1.2031                $0.2009

                                                            Discount              $1.0293                 $0.1627               $0.9529                $0.1720

                                                            Economy             $0.9955                 $0.1543               $0.8903                $0.1549

Belgium                              C            Standard              $1.4226                 $0.0946               $1.0110                $0.0814

                                                            Discount              $1.0715                 $0.0744               $0.7845                $0.0688

                                                            Economy             $0.9508                 $0.0669               $0.7340                $0.0643

Belize                                  N            Standard              $1.8750                 $0.1002               $1.8576                $0.1061

                                                            Discount              $1.4088                 $0.0756               $1.3957                $0.0801

                                                            Economy             $1.2389                 $0.0638               $1.1069                $0.0641

Benin                                   A            Standard              $1.9657                 $0.1315               $1.7712                $0.1390

                                                            Discount              $1.4815                 $0.0984               $1.3360                $0.1041

                                                            Economy             $1.2983                 $0.0836               $1.0548                $0.0841

Bermuda                             E             Standard              $0.8652                 $0.0755               $0.6314                $0.0668

                                                            Discount              $0.6318                 $0.0582               $0.4632                $0.0591

                                                            Economy             $0.5734                 $0.0503               $0.4439                $0.0503

Bhutan                                S             Standard              $2.9097                 $0.3290               $2.5842                $0.3483

                                                            Discount              $2.5214                 $0.2968               $2.0128                $0.2982

                                                            Economy             $2.5214                 $0.2968               $2.0128                $0.2982

Bolivia                                L             Standard              $1.9864                 $0.0997               $1.8244                $0.1062

                                                            Discount              $1.4863                 $0.0795               $1.3651                $0.0841

                                                            Economy             $1.3194                 $0.0667               $1.0929                $0.0671

Bosnia-                               A            Standard              $1.4086                 $0.1098               $1.3598                $0.1037

Herzegovina                                      Discount              $1.0434                 $0.0816               $1.0026                $0.0761

                                                            Economy             $1.0434                 $0.0816               $1.0026                $0.0761

Botswana                            F             Standard              $1.9657                 $0.1315               $1.7712                $0.1390

                                                            Discount              $1.4815                 $0.0984               $1.3360                $0.1041

                                                            Economy             $1.2983                 $0.0836               $1.0548                $0.0841

Brazil                                  F             Standard              $1.9750                 $0.0927               $1.3595                $0.0739

                                                            Discount              $1.5673                 $0.0741               $1.1207                $0.0713

                                                            Economy             $1.4667                 $0.0688               $1.0768                $0.0641

British Virgin                     E             Standard              $0.9698                 $0.0936               $0.8658                $0.0991

Islands                                                Discount              $0.7144                 $0.0710               $0.6373                $0.0751

                                                            Economy             $0.6422                 $0.0597               $0.5186                $0.0600

Brunei                                 P             Standard              $3.1199                 $0.1399               $2.8303                $0.1482

                                                            Discount              $2.3450                 $0.1059               $2.1271                $0.1120

                                                            Economy             $2.0788                 $0.0887               $1.7009                $0.0892

Bulgaria                              H            Standard              $1.5699                 $0.1182               $1.4249                $0.1252

                                                            Discount              $1.1739                 $0.0890               $1.0758                $0.0940

                                                            Economy             $1.0358                 $0.0748               $0.9191                $0.0751

Burkina Faso                      A            Standard              $1.9686                 $0.2355               $1.7448                $0.2466

                                                            Discount              $1.4916                 $0.1910               $1.3185                $0.2000

                                                            Economy             $1.2931                 $0.1673               $1.0284                $0.1664

Burundi                               A            Standard              $1.9926                 $0.2826               $1.9314                $0.2729

                                                            Discount              $1.8301                 $0.2494               $1.7726                $0.2405

                                                            Economy             $1.8301                 $0.2494               $1.7726                $0.2405

Cambodia                           H            Standard              $1.4826                 $0.2965               $1.4505                $0.2901

                                                            Discount              $1.4713                 $0.2943               $1.4392                $0.2878

                                                            Economy             $1.4713                 $0.2943               $1.4392                $0.2878

Cameroon                           A            Standard              $1.8780                 $0.1258               $1.6921                $0.1331

                                                            Discount              $1.4191                 $0.0936               $1.2790                $0.0991

                                                            Economy             $1.2440                 $0.0796               $1.0108                $0.0801

Canary Islands                   C            Standard              $1.4226                 $0.0995               $1.0214                $0.0829

(Spain)                                               Discount              $1.0614                 $0.0724               $0.7845                $0.0696