Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) MCIW6 Type 1:


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all SCA Type 1 arrangements.  Unless otherwise noted, all terms and conditions (including pricing) stated elsewhere in this Tariff apply.  The options available for customers who subscribe to service under SCA Type 1 are described in Appendix A.


1.         Service:  The Company will provide Intelenet Service, as described herein in Section 4.5.3, subject to the rules and regulations governing the service in the applicable tariff or tariffs of the Company.


2.         Service Term and Minimum Monthly or Minimum Annual Commitment:  The Customer agrees to a minimum term of service length and minimum volume requirement (MVR) per monthly billing period (or equivalent, as calculated on a quarterly, semi-annual, annual or other basis) as indicated in the appended service options.  The MVR will be based on net charges for service (after discounts have been applied.)   The application of the MVR will commence with the Customer's fourth invoice for monthly commitments, and continue monthly thereafter through the end of the term of service.  The application of the MVR will commence with the Customer's first invoice for annual commitments, and will continue during each 12‑month period thereafter through the end of the term of service.  If the Customer's actual annual service usage charges (Annual Usage Charges) for any 12-month period in the term of service are less than the MVR, the Customer will be required to pay the Company the difference between the Annual Usage Charges and the MVR (Deficiency Charge).  The Deficiency Charge will be due in addition to the charges for all service provided pursuant to this SCA and will be due and payable within 30 days following the end of each 12‑month period. 


If the Customer terminates the SCA prior to the end of the first year of the term of service, the Customer will be liable for a termination charge equal to one-twelfth of the MVR times the number of months remaining in the term of service through the expiration of the first year of the term of service plus, if applicable, 25 percent of the MVR times the number of 12-month periods remaining in the term of service thereafter.  If the Customer's termination of the SCA becomes effective after the completion of the first year of the term of service, then the Customer will be liable for a termination charge equal to 25 percent times one-twelfth of the MVR times the number of months remaining in the term of service.


Net charges for domestic and international long distance, local service, voice mail, and Internet access provided by the Company or an affiliate of the Company contribute towards determining satisfaction of the MVR.


The service term of one, two, or three years shall begin with the first complete billing month after execution of the agreement for service and installation of service by the Company is completed.  Upon expiration of the term of service, unless either party gives written notice to the other party at least 30 days prior to the end of the term, the term will continue on a month-to-month basis until the agreement for service is terminated by either party on at least 30 day prior written notice to the other party.


3.         Charges/Discounts:  Effective upon the next billing cycle following the Company's execution of the agreement for service, Customer's charges for service will be those charges set forth in the tariffs for Intelenet Service with the exceptions shown in the appended service options.  All charges for other services, if any, will be as set forth in the Tariffs applicable to those services at the time they are provided to Customer.


Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) MCIW6 Type 3:


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all SCA Type 3 arrangements.  Unless otherwise noted, all terms and conditions (including pricing) stated elsewhere in this Tariff apply.  The options available for customers who subscribe to service under SCA Type 3 are described in Appendix C.


1.         Service:  The Company will provide WorldCom Advantage Plus II Promotion, as described herein in Section 5.9, subject to the rules and regulations governing the Service in the applicable tariff or tariffs of the Company.


2.         Service Term and Minimum Monthly or Minimum Annual Commitment:  The Customer agrees to a minimum term length and minimum volume requirement (MVR) per monthly billing period (or equivalent, as calculated on a quarterly, semi-annual, annual or other basis) as indicated in the appended service options.


The MVR will be based on net charges for service (i.e., after discounts have been applied) and will be exclusive of taxes.  Charges for OnLine World Calling Card Service, Operator Services and Directory Assistance usage will not count toward determining MVR satisfaction.  The MVR will be applied beginning with the Customer's fourth invoice and will continue monthly thereafter until through the expiration of the term of service.  If the Customer's actual monthly service usage charges for any month during the term of service are less than the MVR, the Customer will pay the Company the difference between the actual monthly service usage charges and the MVR (Deficiency Charge).  The Deficiency Charge will be added to the charge for service actually used and subject to this option and will be due and payable at the same time payment of the invoice is due.


The service term of one, two, or three years will begin following the first complete billing period after the installation of service by the Company is completed.  Upon expiration of the term, the term will continue on a month-to-month basis until the agreement for service is terminated by either party on at least thirty days prior written notice to the other party, unless written notice is given by one party to the other at least thirty days prior to the end of the term.


3.         Charges/Discounts:  Effective upon the first billing cycle following the Company's installation of service, Customer's charges for Service will be those charges set forth in the tariffs for WorldCom Advantage Plus II Promotion with the exceptions shown in the appended service options.  All charges for other services, if any, will be as set forth in the tariffs applicable to those services at the time they are provided to Customer.

Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) MCIW6 Type 4:


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all SCA Type 4 arrangements.  Unless otherwise noted, all terms and conditions (including pricing) stated elsewhere in this Guide apply.  The options available for customers who subscribe to service under SCA Type 4 are described in Part II of this Guide.


An SCA Type 4 is designed to respond to competitive marketplace conditions.  Specifically, an SCA Type 4 is responsive to an offer made by another interexchange carrier to a Company Customer or prospect, when the Customer or prospect can demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that it will accept the competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from the Company to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to, Company service(s).


SCA Type 4 offerings will take into account the following concerning the telecommunications service needs and characteristics of Customers or prospects: access type; network configuration and calling characteristics (e.g., distance or time‑of‑day distribution of traffic); and/or requirements of the Underlying Plan (as defined below).  The provisions of the Underlying Plan apply, except as set forth in this SCA Type 4.


1.         Term and Renewal Options:  The Customer must enroll in an On-Net Voice Services Term Plan (Underlying Plan) with a term of either one, two, three, four or five years. A Customer may have only one SCA Type 4 per Underlying Plan.  The terms and conditions applicable to an SCA Type 4 are separate from, and in addition to, terms and conditions that apply to the Underlying Plan with which an SCA Type 4 is associated. This SCA Type 4 is not available in conjunction with other Special Customer Arrangements (SCAs) set forth in this guide.


2.         Description of Service:  Service under this SCA Type 4 will consist of Feature Options A or B of Long Distance Voice Services as described in Part 1 of this Guide.


3.                  Minimum Volume Requirements:  A customer must elect an On-Net Voice Services Term Plan with: (i) a monthly volume commitment of one of the following amounts, determined after the calculation of all applicable promotional and other discounts: $100; $250; $500; $1,000; $2,000; $3,000; $4,000; $5,000; or $7,000; or (ii) an annual volume commitment of one of the following amounts, determined after the calculation of all applicable promotional and other discounts: $120,000; $180,000; $300,000; $600,000. MVRs associated with an Underlying Plan will be determined prior to the application of SCA Type 4 discounts and/or credits.


4.         Rates and Charges:  Except as set forth in this Section, standard Guide rates apply for service, or in the Guide of companies affiliated with the Company, as these may be amended from time to time.  Unless otherwise specified, the rates set forth for individual options do not include dedicated access and egress charges for such services ordered by the Company on behalf of the Customer.


            4.1       On-Net Service: The following per-minute usage rates will apply to domestic Feature Options A or B On-Net Voice Services usage.


                        4.1.1    Outbound Service:  For outbound Feature Option A usage from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI or from the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii, or for Card usage from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI, the following per-minute rates will apply, based on origination and termination type:


Origination Type

Termination Type

Per-Minute Rate




Local Network Connection

Local Network Connection


Local Network Connection



Local Network Connection




Local Network Connection



Dedicated or Switched



Local Network Connection









                        4.1.2    Outbound Service:  For outbound Feature Options B usage from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI or from the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii, or for Card usage from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, CNMI, the following per-minute rates will apply, based on origination and termination type:


Origination Type

Termination Type

Per-Minute Rate




Local Network Connection

Local Network Connection


Local Network Connection



Local Network Connection




Local Network Connection









Local Network Connection









4.1.3    Inbound Service:  For inbound Feature Options A or B usage from the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Guam, CNMI, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, or from the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii, the following per-minute rates will apply, based on origination and termination type:


Origination Type

Termination Type

Per-Minute Rate




Local Network Connection

Local Network Connection


Local Network Connection



Local Network Connection




Local Network Connection









5.         Volume Discounts:  In addition to the standard guide discounts for which the customer qualifies under the Customer's Underlying Plan, the Customer will receive the following additional discounts on eligible inbound and outbound voice usage, calculated prior to the application of discounts and credits, under the Underlying Plan, based on term and volume commitment:


                Term Commitment / Discount                         

                        Volume Commitment        1 Year         2 Year         3 Year         4 Year         5 Year


                        $          100  /month                 1%            2.0%           0%              0%              0%

                                    250  /month               1                 3.0              0                 0                 0

                                    500  /month               1                 3.0              0                 0                 0

                                 1,000  /month               1                 4.0              0                 0                 0

                                 2,000  /month               1                 4.0              0                 0                 0

                                 3,000  /month               1                 4.0              0                 0                 0

                                 4,000  /month               1                 9.0              0                 0                 0

                                 5,000  /month               1                 8.5              0                 0                 0

                                 7,000  /month               1                 8.0              0                 0                 0

                             120,000  /year                  2                 6.5              0                 0                 0

                             180,000  /year                  2                 6.0              0                 0                 0

                             300,000  /year                  1                 6.0              0                 0                 0

                             600,000  /year                  1                 5.0              0                 0                 0


6.         Underutilization Charges:  The provisions of the Customer's Underlying Plan apply.


7.         Early Termination Charges:  The provisions of the Customer's Underlying Plan apply.


            7.1       Cancellation or Discontinuance Without Liability: The provisions of the Customer's Underlying Plan apply. 


            7.2       Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liability: The provisions of the Customer's Underlying Plan apply.


8.         Promotions:  Customers receiving service under this SCA Type 4 will not receive the benefits of the Regional Checkbook Promotion V, Long Distance Only Promotion, Option RR Interstate Optimizer Promotion or Option RR Mexico Calling Promotion.


9.         Availability:  Service under this SCA Type 4 is available to customer who subscribe to service on or before April 30, 2002.  Service under this SCA Type 4 is not available to customers receiving Company service under an existing term and volume requirement.

Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) MCIW6 Type 5:


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all SCA Type 5 arrangements.  Unless otherwise noted, all terms and conditions (including pricing) stated elsewhere in this Tariff apply.  The options available for customers who subscribe to service under SCA Type 5 are described in Appendix E.


1.         Service:  The Company will provide WorldOne Service Options A through G, as described herein in Section 4.5.1, subject to the rules and regulations governing the service in the applicable tariff or tariffs of the Company.


2.         Service Term and Minimum Monthly or Minimum Annual Commitment:  The Customer agrees to a minimum term length and minimum volume requirement (MVR) per monthly billing period (or equivalent, as calculated on a quarterly, semi-annual, annual or other basis) as indicated in the appended service options.


The MVR will be based on net charges for service (i.e., after discounts have been applied) and will be exclusive of taxes.  Charges for OnLine World Calling Card Service, Operator Services and Directory Assistance usage will not count toward determining MVR satisfaction.  The MVR will be applied beginning with the Customer's fourth invoice and will continue monthly thereafter until through the expiration of the term of service.  If the Customer's actual monthly service usage charges for any month during the term of service are less than the MVR, the Customer will pay the Company the difference between the actual monthly service usage charges and the MVR (Deficiency Charge).  The Deficiency Charge will be added to the charge for service actually used and subject to this option and will be due and payable at the same time payment of the invoice is due.


The service term of one, two, or three years will begin following the first complete billing period after the installation of service by the Company is completed.  Upon expiration of the term, the term will continue on a month-to-month basis until the agreement for service is terminated by either party on at least thirty days prior written notice to the other party, unless written notice is given by one party to the other at least thirty days prior to the end of the term.


3.         Charges/Discounts:  Effective upon the first billing cycle following the Company's installation of service, Customer's charges for service will be those charges set forth in the tariffs for WorldOne Service with the exceptions shown in the appended service options.  All charges for other services, if any, will be as set forth in the tariffs applicable to those services at the time they are provided to Customer.

Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) MCIW6 Type 6:


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all SCA Type 6 arrangements. Unless otherwise noted, all terms and conditions (including pricing) stated elsewhere in this Guide will apply. 


An SCA Type 6 is designed to respond to competitive marketplace conditions.  Specifically, an SCA Type 6 is responsive to an offer made by another interexchange carrier to a Company Customer or prospect, when the Customer or prospect can demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that it will accept the competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from the Company to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to, Company service(s).


SCA Type 6 offerings will take into account the following concerning the telecommunications service needs and characteristics of Customers or prospects: access type; network configuration and calling characteristics (e.g., distance or time‑of‑day distribution of traffic); and/or requirements of the Underlying Plan (as defined below).  The provisions of the Underlying Plan apply, except as set forth in this SCA Type 6.


1.         Term and Renewal Options:  The Customer must enroll in an On-Net Voice Services Term Plan (Underlying Plan) with a term of either one, two, three, four or five years. A Customer may have only one SCA Type 6 per Underlying Plan.  The terms and conditions applicable to an SCA Type 6 are separate from, and in addition to, terms and conditions that apply to the Underlying Plan with which an SCA Type 6 is associated. This SCA Type 6 is not available in conjunction with other Special Customer Arrangements (SCAs) set forth in this guide.


2.         Description of Service:  Service under this SCA Type 6 will consist of Feature Option 1 and Option 2 of On-Net Voice Services, as described in Part 1, Section 1, of this guide.


3.         Minimum Volume Requirements:  A Customer must elect On-Net Voice Services Term Plan with: (i) a monthly volume commitment of one of the following amounts, determined after the calculation of all applicable promotional and other discounts: $100; $250; $500; $1,000; $2,000; $3,000; $4,000; $5,000; or $7,000; or (ii) an annual volume commitment of one of the following amounts, determined after the calculation of all applicable promotional and other discounts: $120,000; $180,000; $300,000; $600,000. MVRs associated with an Underlying Plan will be determined prior to the application of SCA Type 6 discounts and/or credits.


4.         Rates and Charges:  Standard guide rates apply for service or in the Guide of companies affiliated with the Company, as these may be amended from time to time.  Unless otherwise specified, the rates set forth for individual options do not include dedicated access and egress charges for such services ordered by the Company on behalf of the Customer.


5.         Credits:  Customers will receive the following credits applied against interstate usage, equal to the following percentages of the standard guide rates in effect for the Customer's use of intrastate Outbound Service which originates via Switched, Dedicated or Local Network Connection access and Inbound Service usage which terminates via Switched, Dedicated or Local Network Connection access within the following states, based on state and call type:


                           Call Type/Discount                                 

                                                                                                                                   Local Network

State                                                       Switched                    Dedicated                  Connection   


Arizona                                                        12.4%                            6.1%                            7.6%

Arkansas                                                     20.0                             16.0                               0.0

California                                                     18.5                             18.6                               0.0

Connecticut                                                   6.3                             18.5                             17.8

Florida                                                           6.2                             12.3                             12.7

Georgia                                                       18.5                             30.9                             32.5

Illinois                                                          12.3                             24.6                             42.7

Kansas                                                        30.0                             25.0                             25.0

Maine                                                           36.9                             36.9                             37.7

Massachusetts                                           24.7                             37.0                             38.2

Michigan                                                      18.5                             24.7                             26.8

Nebraska                                                     35.0                             15.0                               0.0

North Carolina                                               6.1                             18.5                               2.3

North Dakota                                               13.0                             10.0                               0.0

New Jersey                                                   6.2                             18.6                               0.0

New York                                                       6.2                               6.1                               0.0

Ohio                                                            12.3                             12.3                             12.2

Oklahoma                                                   15.0                             25.0                             25.0

Pennsylvania                                               12.3                               6.2                               6.1

South Carolina                                            15.0                             25.0                               0.0

Virginia                                                        12.4                             30.9                             31.5

Washington                                                 24.7                             14.7                             15.1        


6.         Underutilization Charges:  The provisions of the Customer's Underlying Plan apply.


7.         Early Termination Charges:  The provisions of the Customer's Underlying Plan apply.


            7.1       Cancellation or Discontinuance Without Liability: The provisions of the Customer's Underlying Plan apply.


            7.2       Cancellation or Discontinuance With Liability: The provisions of the Customer's Underlying Plan apply.


8.         Promotions:  Customers receiving service under this SCA Type 6 will not receive the benefits of the Regional Checkbook Promotion V, Long Distance Only Promotion, Option RR Interstate Optimizer Promotion or Option RR Mexico Calling Promotion.


9.         Availability:    Service under this SC Type 6 is available to customers who subscribe to service on or before April 30, 2002.  Service under this SCA Type 6 is not available to customers receiving Company service under an existing term and volume requirement.

Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) MCIW6 Type 7:


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all SCA Type 7 arrangements.  Unless modified by the following, all terms and conditions (including pricing) provided for elsewhere in this Tariff apply.  Available offerings are described in Appendix G.


An SCA Type 7 is designed to respond to competitive marketplace conditions.  Specifically, an SCA Type 7 is responsive to an offer made by another interexchange carrier to a Company Customer or prospect, when the Customer or prospect can demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that it will accept the competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from the Company to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to, the Company's service(s).


SCA Type 7 offerings will take into account the following considerations concerning the telecommunications service characteristics of the Company's Customers or prospects:  access type; network configuration and calling characteristics (e.g., distance or time‑of‑day distribution of traffic); requirements of the Underlying Plan (as defined below); and/or nonparticipation in any Partner Marketing Program.


1.         Term and Renewal Options:  The Customer must enroll in an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan (Underlying Plan) associated with one or more of the services provided pursuant to this option, which Underlying Plan must have a term of service of one, two, three, four, or five years.  A Customer may have only one SCA Type 7 per Underlying Plan.  The terms and conditions applicable to an SCA Type 7 are separate from, and in addition to, terms and conditions that apply to the Underlying Plan with which an SCA Type 7 is associated.


2.         Description of Service:  The SCA will consist of an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 (On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Services) during the term of service.  This SCA Type 7 is not available in conjunction with other Special Customer Arrangements (SCAs) provided for in this Tariff.


3.         Minimum Volume Requirements:  The Customer must commit to a monthly Minimum Volume Requirement (MVR) of $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, or $7,000, or an annual Minimum Volume Requirement (MVR) of $120,000, $180,000, $300,000, or $600,000 (or equivalent, as calculated on a monthly, quarterly, semi‑annual, or other basis) and shall be determined based upon the Customer's use of the service set forth in Item 2, immediately above.  MVRs associated with Underlying Plans will be measured after application of discounts associated with the Underlying Plan and discounts and/or credits associated with SCA Type 7.


4.         Rates and Charges:  Standard tariffed rates apply for the individual service identified in Item 2, above, or in the tariffs of companies affiliated with the Company, as these may be amended from time to time.  Unless otherwise specified, the rates listed for individual options do not include any dedicated access and egress charges for such services ordered by the Company on behalf of the Customer.


5.         Volume Discounts:  The Customer will receive a discount of 5 percent on usage under this option in addition to the discounts associated with the Customer's Underlying Plan.  This discount is in lieu of, and not in addition to, any Partner Marketing discounts to which the Customer is entitled and promotional discounts and/or credits available under other provisions of this Tariff.  Application of the discount schedules contained herein may not result in discounts that exceed total interstate usage charges invoiced during any monthly billing period.  For Customers with existing term plans who enroll in a new Underlying Plan and SCA Type 7, the discounts will be increased based on the difference between the existing term plan's Minimum Volume Requirement and the new Minimum Volume Requirement associated with the Underlying Plan.  SCA Type 7 credits may be applied against interstate usage charges, exclusive of taxes, governmental surcharges, Directory Assistance charges, non‑recurring charges, and access/egress (or related) charges, in addition to any discounts available under the Underlying Plan.


6.         Classifications, Practices, and Regulations:


6.1       Underutilization:  If in any monthly or annual period, as applicable, a Customer does not meet its MVR, the Customer will be billed and required to pay any underutilization charges applicable under its Underlying Plan.


6.2       Early Termination:  If a Customer terminates service under this SCA before the end of its term of service, the Customer will be billed and required to pay the early termination charges equal to all of the MVR or pro rata portion thereof, for each annual period remaining in the term of service, in lieu of the early termination charges applicable under its Underlying Plan.  A Customer that is a member of a Partner Marketing Program, and that terminates service under the program within one year of its enrollment in this SCA  Type 7, will be billed and required to pay any credits received under this SCA Type 7.


6.2.1    Termination without Liability:  If (i) the Customer's use of the Company's service under this option equals or exceeds the Customer's monthly or annual MVR (or a pro rata portion thereof for any partial annual period), ass applicable, and (ii) at the time of termination the Customer is enrolled in a new an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan with a volume commitment which equals or exceeds the Customer's existing volume commitment under this option (an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan), the Customer may terminate service under this option without liability under this option or the Underlying Plan as follows:  (i) the Customer may terminate service at any time during the last three months of the term of service if the Customer's new an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan's term commitment is one year; or, (ii) the Customer may terminate service at any time during the last six months of the term of service if the Customer's an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan's term commitment is equal to or greater than two years.


6.3       Non‑Recurring Credits:  Customers receiving service under SCA Type 7 are not eligible for non-recurring credits.

Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) MCIW6 Type 8:


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all SCA Type 8 arrangements.  Unless modified by the following, all terms and conditions (including pricing) provided for elsewhere in this Tariff apply.  Available offerings are described in Appendix H.


An SCA Type 8 is designed to respond to competitive marketplace conditions.  Specifically, an SCA Type 8 is responsive to an offer made by another interexchange carrier to a Company Customer or prospect, when the Customer or prospect can demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that it will accept the competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from the Company to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to, the Company's service(s).


SCA Type 8 offerings will take into account the following considerations concerning the telecommunications service characteristics of the Company's Customers or prospects:  access type; network configuration and calling characteristics (e.g., distance or time‑of‑day distribution of traffic); requirements of the Underlying Plan (as defined below) and/or nonparticipating in any Partner Marketing Program.


1.         Term and Renewal Options:  The Customer must enroll in an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan (Underlying Plan) associated with one or more of the services provided pursuant to this option, which Underlying Plan must have a term of service of one, two, three, four, or five years.  A Customer may have only one SCA Type 8 per Underlying Plan.  The terms and conditions applicable to an SCA Type 8 are separate from, and in addition to, terms and conditions that apply to the Underlying Plan with which an SCA Type 8 is associated.


2.         Description of Service:  The SCA will consist an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan (an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Services) during the term of service.  This SCA Type 8 is not available in conjunction with other Special Customer Arrangements (SCAs) provided for in this Tariff.


3.         Minimum Volume Requirements:  The Customer must commit to a monthly Minimum Volume Requirement (MVR) of $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, or $7,000, or an annual Minimum Volume Requirement (MVR) of $120,000, $180,000, $300,000, or $600,000 (or equivalent, as calculated on a monthly, quarterly, semi‑annual, or other basis) and shall be determined based upon the Customer's use of the service set forth in Item 2, immediately above.  MVRs associated with Underlying Plans will be measured after application of discounts associated with the Underlying Plan and discounts and/or credits associated with SCA Type 8.


4.         Rates and Charges:  Standard tariffed rates apply for the individual service identified in Item 2, above, or in the tariffs of companies affiliated with the Company, as these may be amended from time to time.  Unless otherwise specified, the rates listed for individual options do not include any dedicated access and egress charges for such services ordered by the Company on behalf of the Customer.


5.         Volume Discounts:  The Customer will receive a discount of 5 percent on usage under this option in addition to the discounts associated with the Customer's Underlying Plan.  This discount is in lieu of, and not in addition to any Partner Marketing discounts to which the Customer is entitled and promotional discounts and/or credits available under other provisions of this Tariff.  Application of the discount schedules contained herein may not result in discounts that exceed total interstate usage charges invoiced during any monthly billing period.  For Customers with existing term plans who enroll in a new Underlying Plan and SCA Type 8, the discounts will be increased based on the difference between the existing term plan's Minimum Volume Requirement and the new Minimum Volume Requirement associated with the Underlying Plan.  SCA Type 8 credits may be applied against interstate usage charges, exclusive of taxes, governmental surcharges, Directory Assistance charges, non‑recurring charges, and access/egress (or related) charges, in addition to any discounts available under the Underlying Plan.


6.         Classifications, Practices, and Regulations:


6.1       Underutilization:  If in any monthly or annual period, as applicable, a Customer does not meet its MVR, the Customer will be billed and required to pay any underutilization charges applicable under its Underlying Plan.


6.2       Early Termination:  If a Customer terminates service under this SCA before the end of its term of service, the Customer will be billed and required to pay the early termination charges equal to all of the MVR or pro rata portion thereof, for each annual period remaining in the term of service, in lieu of the early termination charges applicable under its Underlying Plan.


6.2.1    Termination without Liability:  If (i) the Customer's use of the Company's service under this option equals or exceeds the Customer's monthly or annual MVR (or a pro rata portion thereof for any partial annual period), ass applicable, and (ii) at the time of termination the Customer is enrolled in a new an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan with a volume commitment which equals or exceeds the Customer's existing volume commitment under this option (new an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan), the Customer may terminate service under this option without liability under this option or the Underlying Plan as follows:  (i) the Customer may terminate service at any time during the last three months of the term of service if the Customer's new an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan’s term commitment is one year; or, (ii) the Customer may terminate service at any time during the last six months of the term of service if the Customer's new an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan's term commitment is equal to or greater than two years.


6.3       Recurring Credits:  In each annual period of a customer's term of service, the Company will provide a credit equal to 5 percent of the Customer's total MVR for that annual period, which the Customer may designate that the Company apply as an invoice credit or as a Fund deposit, as defined in Section A of this tariff, which will be applied in the first monthly period following that annual period.

Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) MCIW6 Type 9:


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all SCA Type 9 arrangements.  Unless modified by the following, all terms and conditions (including pricing) provided for elsewhere in this Tariff apply.  Available offerings are described in Appendix I.


An SCA Type 9 is designed to respond to competitive marketplace conditions.  Specifically, an SCA Type 9 is responsive to an offer made by another interexchange carrier to a Company Customer or prospect, when the Customer or prospect can demonstrate to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that it will accept the competitor's offer in the absence of any further inducement from the Company to subscribe to, or remain subscribed to, the Company's service(s).


SCA Type 9 offerings will take into account the following considerations concerning the telecommunications service characteristics of the Company's Customers or prospects:  access type; network configuration and calling characteristics (e.g., distance or time‑of‑day distribution of traffic); requirements of the Underlying Plan (as defined below) and/or nonparticipation in any Partner Marketing Program.


1.         Term and Renewal Options:  The Customer must enroll in an an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan (Underlying Plan) associated with one or more of the services provided pursuant to this option, which Underlying Plan must have a term of service of one, two, three, four, or five years.  A Customer may have only one SCA Type 9 per Underlying Plan.  The terms and conditions applicable to an SCA Type 9 are separate from, and in addition to, terms and conditions that apply to the Underlying Plan with which an SCA Type 9 is associated.


2.         Description of Service:  The SCA will consist of On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan (an On-Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Services) during the term of service.  This SCA Type 9 is not available in conjunction with other Special Customer Arrangements (SCAs) provided for in this Tariff.


3.         Minimum Volume Requirements:  The Customer must commit to a monthly Minimum Volume Requirement (MVR) of $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, or $7,000, or an annual Minimum Volume Requirement (MVR) of $120,000, $180,000, $300,000, or $600,000 (or equivalent, as calculated on a monthly, quarterly, semi‑annual, or other basis) and shall be determined based upon the Customer's use of the service set forth in Item 2, immediately above.  MVRs associated with Underlying Plans will be measured after application of discounts associated with the Underlying Plan and discounts and/or credits associated with SCA Type 9.


4.         Rates and Charges:  Standard tariffed rates apply for the individual service identified in Item 2, above, or in the tariffs of companies affiliated with the Company, as these may be amended from time to time.  Unless otherwise specified, the rates listed for individual options do not include any dedicated access and egress charges for such services ordered by the Company on behalf of the Customer.


5.         Volume Discounts:  The Customer will not receive additional discounts on the service described in Section 2 above under this SCA Type 9.


6.         Classifications, Practices, and Regulations:


6.1       Underutilization:  If in any monthly or annual period, as applicable, a Customer does not meet its MVR, the Customer will be billed and required to pay any underutilization charges applicable under its Underlying Plan.


6.2       Early Termination:  If a Customer terminates service under this SCA before the end of its term of service, the Customer will be billed and required to pay the early termination charges equal to all of the MVR or pro rata portion thereof, for each annual period remaining in the term of service, in lieu of the early termination charges applicable under its Underlying Plan.


6.2.1    Termination without Liability:  If (i) the Customer's use of the Company's service under this option equals or exceeds the Customer's monthly or annual MVR (or a pro rata portion thereof for any partial annual period), as applicable, and (ii) at the time of termination the Customer is enrolled in a new On Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan with a volume commitment which equals or exceeds the Customer's existing volume commitment under this option (new On Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan), the Customer may terminate service under this option without liability under this option or the Underlying Plan as follows:  (i) the Customer may terminate service at any time during the last three months of the term of service if the Customer's new On Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan's term commitment is one year; or, (ii) the Customer may terminate service at any time during the last six months of the term of service if the Customer's new On Net Voice Services Feature Option 1 Term Plan's term commitment is equal to or greater than two years.


6.3       Recurring Credits:  In each annual period of a customer's term of service, the Company will provide a credit equal to 5 percent of the Customer's total MVR for that annual period, which the Customer may designate that the Company apply as an invoice credit or as a Fund deposit, which will be applied in the first monthly period following that annual period.