Free and Open Source Software Portal
Welcome to Verizon’s open source portal! Verizon is committed to the open source community and participates in several open source consortiums. Here you will find source code freely available to download. Please note that the included open source licenses govern each of these downloads and that Verizon makes these available without any warranty. You are also bound by the license terms which may require that you return modifications back to the open source community.
This includes code that was modified by Verizon engineers. For Verizon sponsored open source efforts, please see our Github page at
Subject to the foregoing, please feel free to download the following licenses and/or code for our products below:
Licenses and Disclosures
- Fios Router (G3100) with Firmware Release open source disclosure (PDF)
- Verizon Wi-Fi Extender (CE1000A) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Fios Extender (E3200) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Gizmo Watch 3 and Gizmo Watch 3 - Adventure - open source disclosure (PDF)
- Gizmo Android - open source attributions (PDF)
- Gizmo iOS - open source attributions (PDF)
- Gizmo Tablet - open source attributions (PDF)
- Gizmo Watch - open source disclosure (PDF)
- Verizon Router (CR1000B) with Firmware Release open source disclosure (PDF)
- Verizon Router (CR1000A) with Firmware Release open source disclosure (PDF)
- Verizon Router (CR1000A, CR1000B) and Fios Router (G3100) additional open source disclosures for VZSDK Container (PDF)
- Verizon Mobile Device Management (MDM) Open Source List (PDF)
- Cashierless Checkout (AiFi)
- Verizon Internet Gateway (WNC-CR200A) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Fios Router (G3100) with Firmware Release open source disclosure (PDF)
- Fios Router (G3100) additional open source disclosures for WiFi Motion Sensing Container (PDF)
- Verizon Router (CR1000A) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Verizon Router (CR1000B) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Fios Router (G3100) and Verizon Router (CR1000A, CR1000B) additional open source disclosures for FSAM container (PDF)
- Stream TV Soundbar - open source list (txt)
- MoCA Ethernet Adapter (MAE-340) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Verizon Internet Gateway (XCI55AX) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Fios Router (G3100) open source disclosure (PDF)
- MEC QA DMP - open source attributions (PDF)
- Business Internet Secure - open source attributions (PDF)
- One Talk Side View iOS - open source attributions (PDF)
- One Talk Side View Android - open source attributions (PDF)
- One Talk Side View Windows & Mac - open source attributions (PDF)
- Verizon Internet Gateway (Askey 2021) Open Source Credits (PDF)
- 5G Internet Gateway Open Source Credits (PDF)
- 5G Home Internet Router Open Source Credits (PDF)
- 5G Home Internet Indoor and Outdoor Receiver Open Source Credits (PDF)
- Intelligent Video - Briefcam Video Analytics (PDF)
- Verizon Care Smart - iOS- Open Source Software components (PDF)
- Verizon Care Smart - Android - Open Source Software components (PDF)
- Verizon Push-To-Talk (PTT) plus – open source attributions (PDF)
- Parking Optimization with Signage - open source attributions (PDF)
- Verizon Intelligent Lighting - Light Sense node - open source attributions (PDF)
- One Talk Desktop Client - open source attributions (PDF)
- VZ Navigator - open source attributions (PDF)
- Fios TV - - open source attributions (PDF)
- Verizon Business Internet - open source attributions (PDF)
- Yahoo Small Business WordPress hosting - open source attributions (PDF)
- Yahoo Small Business (YSB) Insights Mobile App - open source attributions (PDF)
- One Talk Desktop Client - open source attributions (PDF)
- Fios Set Top Box UI open source attributions (PDF)
- Verizon Media Server (VMS)VMS1100/IPC1100 open source licenses - Part 1 of 3 (PDF), Part 2 of 3 (PDF), Part 3 of 3 (PDF)
- Verizon Media Server (VMS)VMS4100/IPC4100 open source licenses (PDF)
- ACP (f/k/a LCCP) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Digital Signage open source attributions (PDF)
- VZFLv6 Android app open source attribution list (PDF)
- SmartHub Android app open source disclosures (PDF)
- SmartHub iOS app open source disclosures (PDF)
- Push-To-Talk Plus - Dispatch open source attributions (PDF)
- One Talk open source attributions (PDF)
- Go90 open source disclosures (PDF)
- Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Verizon Media Server (VMS) 1.0B open source licenses (TXT)
- VZCloud Android open source attributions (PDF)
- VZCloud iOS open source attributions (PDF)
- VZCloud MAC open source attributions (PDF)
- VZCloud Windows open source attributions (PDF)
- Verizon Internet Gateway ASK-NCM1100 (PDF)
- Attribution List - Project - Verizon Home Security apps - iOS (PDF)
- Attribution List - Project - Verizon Home Security apps - Android (PDF)
- Matter IoT Controller Open Source List (PDF)
- Verizon Wi-Fi Extender (CE1000A) open source disclosure (PDF)
- Android OSS Attribution List (PDF)
- iOS OSS Attribution List (PDF)
Firmware Downloads
- Verizon Wi-Fi Extender (CE1000A) GPL release (178.5 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Wi-Fi Extender (CE1000A) GPL release (154.2 mb .zip file)
- Actiontec GT784AWNV and Verizon GT784AWNV
- Verizon Router (CR1000A) source code release (201 mb zip file)
- Verizon Router (CR1000B) source code release (401.107 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Internet Gateway ASK-NCM1100 Release (186.748kb zip)
- Fios Extender (E3200) GPL release (574.6 mb .zip file)
- Fios Extender (E3200) GPL release (285.2 mb .zip file)
- Fios Extender (E3200) GPL release (116.6 mb .zip file)
- Fios Extender (E3200) GPL release (105.6 mb .zip file)
- Fios Extender (E3200) GPL release (166.8 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Internet Gateway (WNC-CR200A) GPL release (128.2 mb .zip file)
- Fios Router (G3100) source code release (299.5 mb .zip file)
- StreamTV Soundbar Linux Kernel (180.1 mb .tar.gz file)
- StreamTV Soundbar Junit4-main (1.2 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Router (CR1000A) GPL release (173 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Router (CR1000A) GPL release (128.2 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Router (CR1000B) GPL release (398.6 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Router (CR1000B) GPL release (398.4 mb .zip file)
- MoCA Ethernet Adapter (MAE-340) GPL (14.5 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Internet Gateway (XCI55AX) GPL release (128.2 mb .zip file)
- Fios Router (G3100) GPL release (128.2 mb .zip file)
- MEC QA DMP GPL open source corresponding sourcing code (2.4 mb file)
- Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) release (113.9 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Router (CR1000A) GPL release (156.6 mb .zip file)
- Verizon Wi-Fi Extender Mini (CME1000) GPL release (144.8 mb .zip file)
- Fios Router (G3100) GPL release (131.7 mb .zip file)
- Fios Router (G3100) GPL release (140.4 file)
- Fios Network Extender (WCB6200Q) release 1.1L.04.45 ( 398.9 mb .tar.gz file)
- Fios Network Adapter (ECB5240M) release ( 441.5 mb .tar.gz file)
- Fios Router (G3100) GPL release (166.8 mb .zip file)
- Fios Router (G3100) source code release (
- Fios Home Router (G3100) GPL release (155.8 mb .zip file)
- Fios Home Wi-Fi Extender (E3200) GPL release (120.6 mb .zip file)
- Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) release (110.3 mb .tar file)
- Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) release (102.5 mb .tar file)
- Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) release (102.2 mb .tar file)
- Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) release (101.8 mb .tar file)
- ACP (f/k/a LCCP) Open Source (22.1 mb .zip file)
- Digital Signage Open Source (118 mb .zip file)
- Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) release (101.5 mb .tar file)
- Push-To-Talk Plus - Dispatch source code distributions - (1,954 kb .zip file)
- zlib v1.2.5 modified for Hum (116 kb .zip file)
- Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) release 0.17.51 (150,160 kb .tar file)
- Fios Quantum Gateway (G1100) release 1.3.0 (110,430 KB .tar file)
- Actiontec MI424WR & Verizon MI424WR (Revision A, C, or D)
- Actiontec MI424WR & Verizon MI424WR (Revision E or F)
- Actiontec MI424WR & Verizon MI424WR (Revision G)
- Actiontec MI424WR & Verizon MI424WR (Revision I)
- Actiontec RI408 and Verizon RI408
- Actiontec SG200 & Verizon SG200
- Actiontec GT704WG and Verizon GT704WG
- Actiontec GT704BWGB and Verizon GT704BWGB
- Actiontec GT784WNV and Verizon GT784WNV
- Verizon Wi-Fi Extender (CE1000A) GPL release (178.5mb)
For all products it distributes, Verizon will make corresponding source code available if and as required by the applicable licenses. You can request a copy of such source code by sending a written request that specifically identifies your product to:
ATTN: Open Source Legal
One Verizon Way
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920