Verizon IRS W-9 and California 590 Forms
  Select Form:
Select Legal Entity:
W9 Line 1: Name (as shown on income tax return)

  d/b/a Name (optional):
W9 Line 2: 'Doing Business As' name. Enter the name only, without 'd/b/a'

Tax Identification Number (TIN):
W9 Part I: EIN

W9 Line 5 & 6: Corporate address of record for purposes of information reporting (not the 'Remit To' Address)

  Requester’s name and address (optional):
W9 Requester Name Box: (e.g., originating external customer)

  Remit To Address (optional):
W9 Line 7: Enter a 'remit to' address here if it is different from the entity's address of record above. Enter the address only, without 'Remit To Address:'



Before generating a W-9, please copy the language below.  This paragraph should be included in any e-mail transmissions containing W-9 forms as PDF documents.


To properly view the attached W-9 form, you will need Adobe Reader X or later installed on your computer.  To install Adobe Reader click the following link: .  This link will take you to the Adobe Reader download page.  Once on this page, simply click the “download” button to begin your installation.  If you do not perform this upgrade, you will not be able to see the signature on the W9 form.

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