- Latency query values changed in multiples of 5
- Removed regions US_WEST_1 and US_EAST_2
- Schema change for serviceEndpoints:
- Previous version "serviceProfileID" was optional now is required (mandatory).
- CRUD operation invalid UUID <36 returning a different schema compared to the current production {"status":"fail", "message": "Invalid UUID string: 2d7a8bb1-b779-45bd-9de4-a8185c14544" }
- The response "error":"status" previously returned for incorrect parameters in the API request body changed. The new status notification for this error is "fail". { "status":"fail", "message": "Error details", }
- If an API requiring a service profile or service profile ID is missing the ID, the "data" field in the response body will register the value {"id", "(provided id here)" } {"status": "fail", "message": "Invalid edgeAppServicesID", "data": { "id": "198c5edc-8544-499b-8e55-5add0629dd63"}}
- Providing comibinations of parameters the documentation does not specify will result in the error status:
{"status":"fail", "message": "Invalid parameter combination", "data": { "params_found": ["UEIdentityType", "subscriberDensity", "UEIdentity", "region"],
"combinations_allowed": [ [ "subscriberDensity", "serviceEndpointsIds", "region"],
[ "serviceEndpointsIds", "region"],
["region", "UEIdentityType", "serviceEndpointsIds", "UEIdentity"],
["UEIdentityType", "serviceEndpointsIds", "UEIdentity"],
["UEIdentity", "service EndpointsIds", "UEIdentityType"], ["UEIdentity", "serviceEndppointsIds"] ] } }
{"status": "fail", "message": "Invalid parameter combination", "data": { "params_found": [ "subscriberDensity", "region" ], "combinations_allowed": [ [ "region", "serviceProfileId" ], ["UEIdentity", "UEIdentityType", "region" ] , [ "UEIdentity", "UEIdentityType", "serviceProfileId" ] , [ "subscriberDensity", "serviceProfileId", "region" ] ] } }
- An incorrect region in SED and 5GED API calls will result in a 400 status code and the error message: {"status":"fail", "message": "US_WEST_1: region not found"}
- An incorrect IP address format will result in a 400 status code and the error message: {"status": "fail", "message": "Invalid UE identity"}