API Scope
API requests are separated into the following:
- Multi-access Edge Compute (MEC) Edge discovery - Find optimal 5G Edge platforms for your applications
- MEC service discovery - Find optimal Edge Application Servers for client applications to connect to
- MEC services management - register, retrieve, update and delete Edge Application Servers
- MEC service profile management - register, retrieve, update and delete MEC application service profiles
These terms are used in the API description:
- ERN - An Edge Resource Name is a string identifier for a set of edge resources.
- UEIdentity - A unique identifier for a specific piece of User Equipment, which can be IP address, MSISDN, IMEI, MDN, or GPSI.
- Density - Minimum 4G/5G subscriber density in a geographical area, represented as number of subscribers per square kilometers.
- Region - A string identifier representing a certain geographical or logical area where MEC resources and services are provided.
- Service Profile - Information about the resource requirements and service characteristics of an edge application.
- FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name. This is the entire Universal Resource Locator (URL) including http or https. In EDS service registry APIs, the customer calling the API needs to set FQDN for their edge app server endpoint. If a VESA MEC customer intends to utilize Verizon’s MEC DNS server for traffic steering, they should specify their edge app server URL in the following format (using a gaming app for example). The URL for their edge app server endpoint should be specified as gamingapp.edge.5gedge.verizon.com
- URI - Universal Resource Identifier. The identifier of a specific resource (as opposed to a URL which is how to get to a resource).