After registering the routable endpoints of your deployed application, use service endpoint discovery to find the optimal service endpoints for application clients to connect to for each session.
After registering the routable endpoints of your deployed application, use service endpoint discovery to find the optimal service endpoints for application clients to connect to for each session.
HEADER PARAMETERS: application/json
The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and must set the content-type to JSON. For more information about tokens, see Getting Started
QUERY PARAMETERS: application/json
Note: If a query is sent with all of the parameters, it will fail with a "400" error.
Search with the following combinations:
The Region name of a Multi-access Edge Compute (MEC) region. Current valid regions are US_WEST_2 and US_EAST_1.
Note: using US_WEST_1 or US_EAST_2 will cause a 500 error.
Minimum number of subscribers in a region
Type of User Equipment identifier used in UEIdentity
Note: Currently IPAddress
is the only valid value
The User Equipment identifier used for the query. This can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format for IP Address
A unique identifier for a service endpoint.
PATH PARAMETERS: application/json
REQUEST BODY: application/json
Note: For cases where user input exceeds the boundary values an additional "data" key will be returned with a relevant description. The error response returns an additional data key value beyond the error values listed here.