Register Edge Application Service Endpoints

Registers an application's routable service endpoints to specific 5G Edge platforms.

Through your cloud service provider, you deploy your application's edge services to each of the 5G Edge platforms where you want them to be available. You then use the POST /serviceendpoints request to register all of the endpoints of a service with the Edge Discovery Service. You are telling the Edge Discovery Service, "Service XYZ is deployed to platform A at endpoint 123.23.345.111, and to platform B and endpoint 345.56.567.123".

When a client device needs to connect to the deployed service, the GET /serviceendpoints request identifies the best endpoint for that device to connect to out of all endpoints registered for the service.


Post edge application service endpoints

Register Service Endpoints of a deployed application to specified Muli-access Edge Compute (MEC) Platforms.

HTTP Request




See also:

HEADER PARAMETERS: application/json

The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and must set the content-type to JSON. For more information about tokens, see Getting Started


QUERY PARAMETERS: application/json



PATH PARAMETERS: application/json



REQUEST BODY: application/json

Post edge application server endpoints


  • Example request
                {   "FQDN": "", 
                    "IPv4Address": "", 
                    "IPv6Address": "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:1234", 
                    "port": 1234, 
                    "URI": "http://base_path/some_segment/id"
                "applicationId": "IogspaceFEB040902", 
                "serviceDescription": "ThieIt", 
                "applicationServerProviderId": "AWS", 
                 "ern": "us-east-1-wl1-atl-wlz-1",
                "serviceProfileID" : "Service profile ID"
Request Parameters
Parameter Description
The service profile ID being associated with the service endpoint.
An Edge Resource Name. This is the identifier for an Edge Resource to use as a connection.
URI Universal Resouce Identifier. Not to be confused with Universal Resource Locator (URL), which is how to get to the resource identified.
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name. The entire URL, including http or https. In EDS service registry APIs, the customer calling the API needs to set FQDN for their edge app server endpoint.
IPv4Address The 32-bit IPv4 address of the service endpoint.
IPv6Address The 256-bit IPv6 address of the service endpoint.
port The HTTP port to use for the service endpoint.
The ID of the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) hosting the application. Currently the only accepted value is "AWS".
The assigned name of the application hosted that will be using the service endpoint. Note: The applicationId is unique for every edge hosted service instance.
serviceDescription Details about the service parameters supported by the service endpoint (i.e. latency).

Note: For cases where user input exceeds the boundary values an additional "data" key will be returned with a relevant description. The error response returns an additional data key value beyond the error values listed here. 


RESPONSE BODY SCHEMA: application/json

  • Success response

    "serviceEndpointsId": "string"

RESPONSE BODY SCHEMA: application/json

  • status

    HTTP status code

  • message

    Error details

RESPONSE BODY SCHEMA: application/json

  • status

    HTTP status code

  • message

    Error details

RESPONSE BODY SCHEMA: application/json

  • status

    HTTP status code

  • message

    Error details