Understanding Area codes
The United States of America is divided into regions, known as area codes that correspond with telephone dialing areas. Based on population, some states have only one area code, whereas others may have multiple area codes. The need for more telephone numbers increased and led to the need for additional area codes. By adding new area codes, millions of new numbers became available. The increase of numbers provides usage for wireline, wireless, and other technological advanced services.
Area Code Overlay
An overlay is the addition of another area code to the same geographic area as an existing area code. New area codes are added to the existing area to ensure a continuing supply of phone numbers. An overlay means that more than one area code will now serve the same geographic area. You won't have to change your existing area code or phone number. If there has been an overlay in your area, all calls must be dialed using the area code + telephone number, including calls within the same area code. If you do not use the new dialing procedure, your call will not be completed, and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again.
Here is what is happening in the Verizon region. Detailed information for each is below.
Michigan 313/679 Area Code Overlay Effective November 7, 2025
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Michigan Public Service Commission approved the addition of the new 679 area code to the geographic region served by the 313 area code. This process is known as an area code overlay.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (679) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (313). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code but does require using a new dialing procedure to complete calls.
Who will be affected?
Anyone with the 313 area code telephone number will be affected. The 313 area code covers Detroit and surrounding suburbs located in Wayne County. The new 679 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 313 area code.
What will be the new dialing procedure?
The new dialing procedure will require all calls in the 313 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits, to be dialed using area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers that are assigned in the new 679 area code.
When will the change begin?
Beginning April 7, 2025, you should begin dialing the area code + telephone number whenever you place a call. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed.
Beginning October 7, 2025, you must dial the area code + telephone number on all calls, including calls within the same area code. On and after this date, if you do not dial the area code + telephone number, your calls will not complete and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again, including the area code.
Beginning November 7, 2025, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers with the new 679 area code. If you have a number in the new 679 area code, you must dial the area code + telephone number or the call will not complete.
What will you need to do?
In addition to dialing the area code + telephone number for local calls, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to include the area code. Some examples are life safety systems and medical monitoring devices, fire or burglar alarms and security systems or gates, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, cordless and mobile phone contact lists, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, and similar functions. You should update your websites, personal and business stationery and checks, advertising materials, personal and pet ID tags, and other such items to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your area.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives. You may also visit the Michigan Public Service Commission website at: https://www.michigan.gov/mpsc/regulatory/telecommunications/numbering
Colorado 970/748 Area Code Overlay Effective July 7, 2025
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Colorado Public Utilities Commission has approved an all-services overlay for the 970 area code. Cities in the 970 area code include but are not limited to Aspen, Breckenridge, Durango, Estes Park, Fort Collins, Glenwood Springs, Grand Junction, Greeley, Loveland, Silverthorne, Steamboat Springs, Vail and many other smaller communities. The new 748 area code will serve the same geographic region currently served by the 970 area code.
What is an additional area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (748) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (970). The overlay does not require you to change your existing area code or phone number, or how you dial your calls. You will continue to dial 10 digits (area code + phone number) for all local calls, as you do today, within and between the 970 and 748 area codes. Mobile phone customers will continue to dial either 10 digits or 1+10 digits.
Who is affected and when does the new 748 area code become effective?
Beginning July 7, 2025, customers in the 970 area code region may be assigned a number in the new 748 area code when they request new service or an additional line. Customers receiving the 748 area code will be required to dial 10 digits for all local calls, just as customers with telephone numbers from the 970 area code do today. Mobile phone customers receiving 748 numbers may dial either 10 digits or 1+10 digits.
What will you need to do?
Customers in the overlay region should:
- Continue to dial 10 digits for all local calls, including calls within the same area code.
- Continue to identify your telephone number as a 10-digit number, and include the area code when giving the number to friends, family, business associates, customers, etc.
- Ensure that all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment recognize the new 748 area code as a valid area code and continue to store or program telephone numbers as 10-digit numbers. Some examples are: stored telephone numbers in contact lists in wireless phones, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, medical alert devices, safety alarm security systems and gates, ankle monitors and/or other similar equipment.
- Check items such as your website, personal and business stationery, printed checks, advertising materials, contact information, and your personal or pet ID tags to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including the current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the additional overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call.
- You will continue to dial 10 digits for local calls within and between the overlay area codes, and 1+10 digits for long distance calls.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if those are currently available in your community.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Colorado Public Utilities Commission website at https://puc.colorado.gov/telecommunications.
Washington 206/564 Area Code Overlay Effective June 10, 2025
To ensure a continuing supply of new telephone numbers, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission has approved an all-services overlay for the 206 area code region. The 206 area code serves Bainbridge, Burien, the northern portion of Des Moines, Lake Forest Park, Mercer Island, Seattle, Shoreline, Vashon Island, White Center, and other smaller communities. The 564 area code currently overlays the 360 area code and will be expanded to serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 206 area code.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (564) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (206). The overlay does not require you to change your existing area code or phone number, or how you dial your calls. You will continue to dial the area code and phone number for all local calls, as you do today, within and between the 206 and 564 area codes.
Who is affected and when does the 564 area code become effective?
The 564 area code overlay was introduced initially in the existing 360 area code region, and is expanding into the 206 area code.
Beginning June 10, 2025, customers may be assigned a number in the 564 area code when they request new service or an additional line. Customers receiving the 564 area code will be required to dial 10 digits when placing a local call, just as customers with telephone numbers from the 206 area code do today.
What will you need to do?
Customers in the overlay region should:
- Continue to dial 10 digits for all local calls, including calls within the same area code.
- Continue to identify your telephone number as a 10-digit number, and include the area code when giving the number to friends, family, business associates, customers, etc.
- Ensure that all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment recognize the new 564 area code as a valid area code and continue to store or program telephone numbers as 10-digit numbers. Some examples are: stored telephone numbers in contact lists in wireless phones, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, medical alert devices, safety alarm security systems and gates, ankle monitors and/or other similar equipment.
- Check items such as your website, personal and business stationery, printed checks, advertising materials, contact information, and your personal or pet ID tags to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your current telephone number.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call.
- You will still need to dial 1+ area code + telephone number to place long-distance calls.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if those are currently available in your community.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission website https://www.utc.wa.gov/news/2023/new-area-code-coming-seattle-area.
Louisiana 318/457 Area Code Overlay Effective September 25, 2025
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Louisiana Public Service Commission approved the addition of the new 457 area code to the geographic region served by the 318 area code. This process is known as an area code overlay.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (457) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (318). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code but does require using a new dialing procedure to complete calls.
Who will be affected?
Anyone with the 318 area code telephone number will be affected. The 318 area code covers the northern part of the state, serving communities such as Alexandria, Bossier City, Monroe, Ruston, Shreveport, and many other smaller communities. The new 457 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 318 area code.
What will be the new dialing procedure?
The new dialing procedure will require all calls in the 318 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits, to be dialed using area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers that are assigned in the new 457 area code
When will the change begin?
Beginning February 24, 2025, you should begin dialing the area code + telephone number whenever you place a call. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed.
Beginning August 25, 2025, you must dial the area code + telephone number on all calls, including calls within the same area code. On and after this date, if you do not dial the area code + telephone number, your calls will not complete and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again, including the area code.
Beginning September 25, 2025, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers with the new 457 area code. If you have a number in the new 457 area code, you must dial the area code + telephone number or the call will not complete.
What will you need to do?
In addition to dialing the area code + telephone number for local calls, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to include the area code. Some examples are life safety systems and medical monitoring devices, fire or burglar alarm and security systems or gates, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, cordless and mobile phone contact lists, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, and similar functions. You should update your websites, personal and business stationery and checks, advertising materials, personal and pet ID tags, and other such items to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your area.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Public Utility Commission website at: https://lpsc.louisiana.gov/.
Tennessee 423/729 Area Code Overlay Effective September 5, 2025
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Tennessee Public Utility Commission approved the addition of the new 729 area code to the geographic region served by the 423 area code. This process is known as an area code overlay.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (729) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (423). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code but does require using a new dialing procedure to complete calls.Who will be affected?
Anyone with the 423 area code telephone number will be affected. The 423 area code covers two non-contiguous regions in eastern Tennessee, serving communities such as Athens, Bristol, Chattanooga, Cleveland, East Ridge, Greeneville, Johnson City, Kingsport and Morristown, as well as many other smaller communities. The new 729 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 423 area code.What will be the new dialing procedure?
The new dialing procedure will require all calls in the 423 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits, to be dialed using area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers that are assigned in the new 729 area code.When will the change begin?
Beginning August 5, 2024, you should begin dialing the area code + telephone number whenever you place a call. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed.Beginning August 5, 2025, you must dial the area code + telephone number on all calls, including calls within the same area code. On and after this date, if you do not dial the area code + telephone number, your calls will not complete and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again, including the area code.
Beginning September 5, 2025, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers with the new 729 area code. If you have a number in the new 729 area code, you must dial the area code + telephone number or the call will not complete.
What will you need to do?
In addition to dialing the area code + telephone number for local calls, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to include the area code. Some examples are life safety systems and medical monitoring devices, fire or burglar alarm and security systems or gates, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, cordless and mobile phone contact lists, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, and similar functions. You should update your websites, personal and business stationery and checks, advertising materials, personal and pet ID tags, and other such items to ensure the area code is included.What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your area.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Public Utility Commission website at: https://www.tn.gov/tpuc/news.html. -
California 559/357 Area Code Overlay Effective March 26, 2025
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the California Public Utilities Commission approved the addition of the new 357 area code to the geographic region served by the 559 area code. This process is known as an area code overlay.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (357) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (559). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code but does require using a new dialing procedure to complete calls.
Who will be affected?
Anyone with the 559 area code telephone number will be affected. The 559 area code covers all or portions of Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Tulare, and Kings counties. It serves communities such as Clovis, Coalinga, Fresno, Hanford, Madera, Porterville, Reedley, Selma, Tulare and Visalia, as well as unincorporated areas. The new 357 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 559 area code.
What will be the new dialing procedure?
To complete calls from a wireless phone with a 559 or 357 area code, the new dialing procedure requires you to dial the area code and 7-digit phone number (you may also dial 1+ the area code and 7-digit phone number). To complete calls from a landline phone with a 559 or 357 area code, the new dialing procedure requires you to dial 1+ the area code and 7-digit phone number.
When will the change begin?
Beginning August 26, 2024, you should begin dialing the area code + telephone number or 1+ area code + telephone number whenever you place a call. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed.
Beginning February 26, 2025, you must dial the area code + telephone number or 1+ area code + telephone number on all calls, including calls within the same area code. On and after this date, if you dial just seven digits your calls will not complete, and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again, including the area code.
Beginning March 26, 2025, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers with the new 357 area code. If you receive a number in the new 357 area code, you must use the new dialing procedure.
What will you need to do?
In addition to changing the way you make local calls, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to include the area code. Some examples are life safety systems and medical monitoring devices, fire or burglar alarm and security systems or gates, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, cordless and mobile phone contact lists, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, and other similar services or equipment. You should update your websites, personal and business stationery and checks, advertising materials, personal and pet ID tags, and other such items to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including your current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your area.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Public Utilities Commission website at: www.cpuc.ca.gov/559areacode.
California 530/837 Area Code Overlay Effective January 31, 2025
To ensure a continuing supply of new telephone numbers, the California Public Utilities Commission has approved an all-services area code overlay for the 530 area code region. The 530 area code region serves most of northeastern California, covering all or portions of Alpine, Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lassen, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo and Yuba counties. It serves communities such as Chico, Davis, El Dorado Hills, Oroville, Paradise, Placerville, Red Bluff, Redding, South Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Woodland, and Yuba City, as well as unincorporated areas. The new 837 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the 530 area code.
What is an Area Code Overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (837) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (530). The overlay does not require you to change your existing area code or phone number, or how you dial your calls. You will continue to dial the area code and phone number (or 1+ the area code and phone number) for all local calls, as you do today, within and between the 530 and 837 area codes.
Who will be affected and when does the new 837 area code become effective?
Beginning January 31, 2025, customers in the 530 area code region may be assigned a number in the new 837 area code when they request new service or an additional line. Customers receiving an 837 area code will be required to dial the area code and phone number (or 1+ the area code and phone number) for all local calls, just as customers with telephone numbers from the 530 area code do today.
What will you need to do?
Customers in the overlay region should:
- Continue to dial 10 digits or 1+10 digits for all local calls, including calls within the same area code.
- Continue to identify your telephone number as a 10-digit number, and include the area code when giving the number to friends, family, business associates, customers, etc.
- Ensure that all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment recognize the new 837 area code as a valid area code and continue to store or program telephone numbers as 10-digit numbers. Some examples are: stored telephone numbers in contact lists in wireless phones, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, medical alert devices, safety alarm security systems and gates, ankle monitors and other similar equipment.
- Check items such as your website, personal and business stationery and printed checks, advertising materials, contact information, and your personal or pet ID tags to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call.
- You will continue to dial 10 digits or 1+10 digits for local calls within and between the overlay area codes, and 1+10 digits for long distance calls.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, or 811 if those are currently available in your community.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Commission website at: www.cpuc.ca.gov/530areacode.
Texas 713/281/832/346/621 Area Code Overlay Effective January 23, 2025
To ensure a continuing supply of new telephone numbers, the Public Utility Commission of Texas has approved an additional all-services area code overlay for the existing 713/281/832/346 area code overlay. The 713/281/832/346 area code overlay serves the greater Houston area, and includes communities such as Baytown, League City, Missouri City, Pasadena, Pearland, Sugar Land, and The Woodlands. The new 621 area code will serve the same geographic region currently served by the existing 713, 281, 832 and 346 area codes.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (621) to the same geographic region as existing area codes (713/281/832/346). The overlay does not require you to change your existing area code or phone number, or how you dial your calls. You will continue to dial the area code and phone number for all local calls, as you do today, within and between the 713, 281, 832, 346 and 621 area codes.Who will be affected and when does the new 621 area code become effective?
Beginning January 23, 2025 customers in the 713/281/832/346 area code overlay region may be assigned a number in the new 621 area code when requesting new service or an additional line. Customers receiving a 621 area code will be required to dial the area code and phone number for all local calls, just as customers with telephone numbers from the 713, 281, 832 and 346 area codes do today.What will you need to do?
Customers in the overlay region should:- Continue to dial 10 digits for all local calls, including calls within the same area code.
- Continue to identify your telephone number as a 10-digit number, and include the area code when giving the number to friends, family, business associates, customers, etc.
- Ensure that all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment recognize the new 621 area code as a valid area code and continue to store or program telephone numbers as 10-digit numbers. Some examples are: stored telephone numbers in contact lists in wireless and cordless phones, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, medical alert devices, safety alarm security systems and gates, ankle monitors, and other similar equipment.
- Check items such as your website, personal and business stationery and printed checks, advertising materials, contact information, and your personal or pet ID tags to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call.
- You will continue to dial 10 digits for local calls within and between the overlay area codes, and 1+10 digits for long distance calls.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your community.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Public Utility Commission of Texas website at: https://www.puc.texas.gov/industry/maps/areacodes/txareacodes.aspx.
California 213/323/738 Area Code Overlay Effective November 1, 2024
To ensure a continuing supply of new telephone numbers, the California Public Utilities Commission has approved an additional all-services area code overlay for the 213/323 area code overlay region. The 213/323 area code region serves Los Angeles, Bell, Bell Gardens, Cudahy, Huntington Park, Maywood, Montebello, South Gate, Vernon, West Hollywood, Westmont and unincorporated portions of Los Angeles County. The new 738 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 213 and 323 area codes.
What is an additional Area Code Overlay?
An additional overlay is the addition of another area code (738) to the same geographic region as an existing area code overlay (213/323). The overlay does not require you to change your existing area code or phone number, or how you dial your calls. You will continue to dial the area code and phone number (or 1+ the area code and phone number) for all local calls, as you do today, within and between the 213, 323 and 738 area codes.
Who will be affected and when does the new 738 area code become effective?
Beginning November 1, 2024, customers in the 213/323 area code overlay region may be assigned a number in the new 738 area code when they request new service or an additional line. Customers receiving a 738 area code will be required to dial the area code and phone number (or 1+ the area code and phone number) for all local calls, just as customers with telephone numbers from the 213 and 323 area codes do today.
What will you need to do?
Customers in the overlay region should:
- Continue to dial 10 digits or 1+10 digits for all local calls, including calls within the same area code.
- Continue to identify your telephone number as a 10-digit number, and include the area code when giving the number to friends, family, business associates, customers, etc.
- Ensure that all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment recognize the new 738 area code as a valid area code and continue to store or program telephone numbers as 10-digit numbers. Some examples are: stored telephone numbers in contact lists in wireless phones, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, medical alert devices, safety alarm security systems and gates, ankle monitors and other similar equipment.
- Check items such as your website, personal and business stationery and printed checks, advertising materials, contact information, and your personal or pet ID tags to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call.
- You will continue to dial 10 digits or 1+10 digits for local calls within and between the overlay area codes, and 1+10 digits for long distance calls.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, or 811 if those are currently available in your community.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Commission website at: https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/213_323_areacodes.
Minnesota 507/924 Area Code Overlay Effective August 30, 2024
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission approved the addition of the new 924 area code to the geographic region served by the 507 area code. This process is known as an area code overlay.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (924) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (507). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code but does require using a new dialing procedure to complete calls.
Who will be affected?
Anyone with the 507 area code telephone number will be affected. The 507 area code covers southern Minnesota and communities such as Albert Lea, Austin, Fairmont, Faribault, Mankato, Northfield, Owatonna, Rochester, Winona, and Worthington. The new 924 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 507 area code.
What will be the new dialing procedure?
The new dialing procedure will require all calls in the 507 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits, to be dialed using area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers that are assigned in the new 924 area code.
When will the change begin?
Beginning January 30, 2024, you should begin dialing the area code + telephone number whenever you place a call. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed.
Beginning July 30, 2024, you must dial the area code + telephone number on all calls, including calls within the same area code. On and after this date, if you do not dial the area code + telephone number, your calls will not complete and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again, including the area code.
Beginning August 30, 2024, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers with the new 924 area code. If you have a number in the new 924 area code, you must dial the area code + telephone number or the call will not complete.
What will you need to do?
- Dial the area code + telephone number for local calls.
- All services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to include the area code. Some examples are life safety systems and medical monitoring devices, fire or burglar alarm and security systems or gates, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services and similar functions.
- Update your websites, personal and business stationery and checks, advertising materials, personal and pet ID tags and other such items to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your area.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission at: https://mn.gov/puc/.
South Carolina 864/821 Area Code Overlay Effective August 19, 2024
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Public Service Commission of South Carolina approved the addition of the new 821 area code to the geographic region served by the 864 area code. This process is known as an area code overlay.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (821) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (864). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code but does require using a new dialing procedure to complete calls.
Who will be affected?
Anyone with the 864 area code telephone number will be affected. The 864 area code serves the northern portion of the state, and includes communities such as Anderson, Greenville, Greenwood, Simpsonville, Spartanburg, Taylors and Wade Hampton, as well as other smaller communities. The new 821 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 864 area code.
What will be the new dialing procedure?
The new dialing procedure will require all calls in the 864 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits, to be dialed using area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers that are assigned in the new 821 area code.
When will the change begin?
Beginning January 19, 2024, you should begin dialing the area code + telephone number whenever you place a call. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed.
Beginning July 19, 2024, you must dial the area code + telephone number on all calls, including calls within the same area code. On and after this date, if you do not dial the area code + telephone number, your calls will not complete and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again, including the area code.
Beginning August 19, 2024, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers with the new 821 area code. If you have a number in the new 821 area code, you must dial the area code + telephone number or the call will not complete.
What will you need to do?
In addition to dialing the area code + telephone number for local calls, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to include the area code. Some examples are life safety systems and medical monitoring devices, fire or burglar alarm and security systems or gates, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services and similar functions. You should update your websites, personal and business stationery and checks, advertising materials, personal and pet ID tags and other such items to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your area.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Public Service Commission at: https://psc.sc.gov/consumer-info/public-information-notices.
Missouri 573/235 Area Code Overlay Effective March 24, 2024
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Missouri Public Service Commission approved the addition of the new 235 area code to the geographic region served by the 573 area code. This process is known as an area code overlay.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (235) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (573). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code but does require using a new dialing procedure to complete calls.Who will be affected?
Anyone with a 573 area code telephone number will be affected. The 573 area code serves most of the eastern half of Missouri and includes the state capitol of Jefferson City, as well as other communities such as Cape Girardeau, Columbia, Farmington, Fort Leonard Wood, Hannibal, Poplar Bluff, Rolla, and Sikeston. The new 235 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 573 area code.What will be the new dialing procedure?
The new dialing procedure will require all calls in the 573 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits, to be dialed using area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers that are assigned in the new 235 area code.When will the change begin?
Beginning August 26, 2023, you should begin dialing the area code + telephone number whenever you place a call. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed.Beginning February 24, 2024, you must dial the area code + telephone number on all calls, including calls within the same area code. On and after this date, if you do not dial the area code + telephone number, your calls will not complete and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again, including the area code.
Beginning March 24, 2024, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers with the new 235 area code. If you have a number in the new 235 area code, you must dial the area code + telephone number or the call will not complete.
What will you need to do?
In addition to dialing the area code + telephone number for local calls, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to include the area code. Some examples are life safety systems and medical monitoring devices, fire or burglar alarm and security systems or gates, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services and similar functions. You should update your websites, personal and business stationery and checks, advertising materials, personal and pet ID tags and other such items to ensure the area code is included.What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code, will not change.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your area.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Missouri Public Service Commission at: https://psc.mo.gov/Telecommunications/Telephone_NumbersLocal_Dialing. -
Ohio 440/436 Area Code Overlay Effective March 1, 2024
To ensure a continuing supply of new telephone numbers, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio has approved an all-services area code overlay for the 440 area code region. The 440 area code serves the northern portion of Ohio, which includes all or parts of the southern, western, and eastern suburbs of Cleveland. The 440 area code also serves communities such as Ashtabula, Eastlake, Elyria, Lorain, Mentor, North Olmsted, North Ridgeville, North Royalton, Parma, Parma Heights, Rocky River, Solon, Strongsville, Westlake, and Willoughby. The new 436 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 440 area code.
What is an Area Code Overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (436) to the same geographic region as an existing area code region (440). The overlay does not require you to change your existing area code or phone number, or how you dial your calls. You will continue to dial the area code and phone number for all local calls, as you do today, within and between the 440 and new 436 area codes.
Who will be affected and when does the new 436 area code become effective?
Beginning March 1, 2024, customers in the 440 area code overlay region may be assigned a number in the new 436 area code when they request new service or an additional line. Customers receiving a 436 area code will be required to dial the area code and phone number for all local calls, just as customers with telephone numbers from the 440 area code do today.
What will you need to do?
Customers in the overlay region should:
- Continue to dial 10 digits for all local calls, including calls within the same area code.
- Continue to identify your telephone number as a 10-digit number, and include the area code when giving the number to friends, family, business associates, customers, etc.
- Ensure that all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment recognize the new 436 area code as a valid area code and continue to store or program telephone numbers as 10-digit numbers. Some examples are: stored telephone numbers in contact lists in wireless phones, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, medical alert devices, safety alarm security systems and gates, ankle monitors and other similar equipment.
- Check items such as your website, personal and business stationery and printed checks, advertising materials, contact information, and your personal or pet ID tags to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call.
- You will continue to dial 10 digits for local calls within and between the overlay area codes, and 1+10 digits for long distance calls.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, or 811 if those are currently available in your community.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Commission website at: https://puco.ohio.gov/news/area-code-announced-440-exhaust.
Florida 904/324 Area Code Overlay Effective February 26, 2024
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Florida Public Service Commission approved the addition of the new 324 area code to the geographic region served by the 904 area code. This process is known as an area code overlay.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (324) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (904). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code but does require using a new dialing procedure to complete calls.Who will be affected?
Anyone with a 904 area code telephone number will be affected. The 904 area code serves northeast Florida and includes all or most of Baker, Bradford, Clay, Duval, Nassau, St. Johns, and Union counties. The 904 area code serves communities such as Fernandina Beach, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Middleburg, Orange Park, and Yulee. The new 324 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 904 area code.What will be the new dialing procedure?
The new dialing procedure will require all calls in the 904 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits, to be dialed using area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers that are assigned in the new 324 area code.When will the change begin?
Beginning July 31, 2023, you should begin dialing the area code + telephone number whenever you place a call. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed.Beginning January 29, 2024, you must dial the area code + telephone number on all calls, including calls within the same area code. On and after this date, if you do not dial the area code + telephone number, your calls will not complete and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again, including the area code.
Beginning February 26, 2024, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers with the new 324 area code. If you have a number in the new 324 area code, you must dial the area code + telephone number or the call will not complete.
What will you need to do?
In addition to dialing the area code + telephone number for local calls, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to include the area code. Some examples are life safety systems and medical monitoring devices, fire or burglar alarm and security systems or gates, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services and similar functions, etc. You should update your websites, personal and business stationery and checks, advertising materials, personal and pet ID tags and other such items to ensure the area code is included.What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code, will not change.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your area.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Florida Public Service Commission at: https://www.psc.state.fl.us/area-code-summaries. -
Arkansas 870/327 Area Code Overlay Effective February 20, 2024
To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the Arkansas Public Service Commission approved the addition of the new 327 area code to the geographic region served by the 870 area code. This process is known as an area code overlay.
What is an area code overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (327) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (870). An overlay does not require customers to change their existing area code but does require using a new dialing procedure to complete calls.
Who will be affected?
Anyone with an 870 area code telephone number will be affected. The 870 area code covers the northern, eastern, and southern portions of Arkansas. The 870 area code serves communities including, but not limited to El Dorado, Jonesboro, Magnolia, Monticello, Mountain Home, Paragould, Pine Bluff, Texarkana and West Memphis. The new 327 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 870 area code.
What will be the new dialing procedure?
The new dialing procedure will require that all calls in the 870 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits will need to be dialed using area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers that are assigned in the new 327 area code.
When will the change begin?
Effective July 21, 2023, you should begin dialing the area code + telephone number whenever you place a call. If you forget and dial just seven digits, your call will still be completed.
Beginning January 19, 2024, you must dial the area code + telephone number on all calls, including calls within the same area code. On and after this date, if you do not dial the area code + telephone number, your calls will not complete and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again, including the area code.
Beginning February 20, 2024, new telephone lines or services may be assigned numbers with the new 327 area code. If you have a number in the new 327 area code, you must dial the area code + telephone number or the call will not complete.
What will you need to do?
In addition to dialing the area code + telephone number for local calls, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to include the area code. Some examples are life safety systems and medical monitoring devices, fire or burglar alarm and security systems or gates, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services and similar functions, etc. You should update your websites, personal and business stationery and checks, advertising materials, personal and pet ID tags and other such items to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code, will not change.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 if available in your area.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Arkansas Public Service Commission website at apsc.arkansas.gov/utilities/telephone/.
Virginia 804/686 Area Code Overlay Effective February 1, 2024
To ensure a continuing supply of new telephone numbers, the Virginia State Corporation Commission has approved an all-services area code overlay for the 804 area code region. The 804 area code serves the central portion of eastern Virginia, including Richmond, Ashland, Charles City, Chester, Hague, Hopewell, Mechanicsville, New Kent, Petersburg, Reedville, and Tuckahoe. The new 686 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 804 area code.
What is an Area Code Overlay?
An overlay is the addition of another area code (686) to the same geographic region as an existing area code region (804). The overlay does not require you to change your existing area code or phone number, or how you dial your calls. You will continue to dial the area code and phone number for all local calls, as you do today, within and between the 804 and new 686 area codes.
Who will be affected and when does the new 686 area code become effective?
Beginning February 1, 2024, customers in the 804 area code overlay region may be assigned a number in the new 686 area code when they request new service or an additional line. Customers receiving a 686 area code will be required to dial the area code and phone number for all local calls, just as customers with telephone numbers from the 804 area code do today.
What will you need to do?
Customers in the overlay region should:
- Continue to dial 10 digits for all local calls, including calls within the same area code.
- Continue to identify your telephone number as a 10-digit number, and include the area code when giving the number to friends, family, business associates, customers, etc.
- Ensure that all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment recognize the new 686 area code as a valid area code and continue to store or program telephone numbers as 10-digit numbers. Some examples are: stored telephone numbers in contact lists in wireless phones, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, medical alert devices, safety alarm security systems and gates, ankle monitors and other similar equipment.
- Check items such as your website, personal and business stationery and printed checks, advertising materials, contact information, and your personal or pet ID tags to ensure the area code is included.
What will remain the same?
- Your telephone number, including current area code.
- The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
- What is a local call now will remain a local call.
- You will continue to dial 10 digits for local calls within and between the overlay area codes, and 1+10 digits for long distance calls.
- You can still dial just three digits to reach 911 and 988, as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, or 811 if those are currently available in your community.
Who may you contact with questions?
For more information, please click the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page to contact one of our representatives, or visit the Commission website at: https://www.scc.virginia.gov/pages/Area-Code-Overlays.
Area Code Lookup
With Verizon's area code lookup you can:
- Find the major locations in a certain area code by entering the area code
- Find the area codes that are used in a certain state by entering the state name
Please select from the options below. Calling and local time information by area code or state:
Please enter an area code | or select a state |
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Dialing Instructions
Making local calls
In some areas, a local call can still be completed by dialing the seven-digit telephone number. To make a direct dial local call, depending on your calling area you may have to dial:
- Seven-digit telephone number
- Area code + seven-digit telephone number
- 1 + area code + seven-digit telephone number
To learn more about local calling in your specific area, please refer to the Customer Info Guide in your Verizon DexMedia white pages directory.
Making long-distance calls
To make a direct dial long distance call within the United States, dial:
1 + area code + seven-digit telephone number
To learn more about what is considered local and long distance calling in your specific area, please refer to the Customer Info Guide in your Verizon DexMedia white pages directory.
Making toll free calls
To make a direct dial toll free call, you must dial:
1 + 800 (888, 877, 866, 855, 844, or 833) + seven-digit telephone number
Calling Canada and the Caribbean
To place a direct dial call to Canada or the Caribbean, dial:
1 + area code + seven-digit telephone number
Making international calls
To call direct to other foreign countries, dial:
011 + the country code + the city code + the local number
Preparing for area code change
If your area code is changing:
- Reprogram your automatic dialing equipment (including fax machines, modems, Internet dial up number and speed dialers) with the new area code for outgoing calls
- Update business cards, checks, contracts and legal documents to the new area code
- Update your Call Forwarding
- Update your Voicemail or messaging systems
- Notify family, friends, and business associates of the change in your area code
If your area code is not changing, but you call friends or businesses where the change is taking place:
- Dial the correct area code when calling numbers where the area code has changed
- Reprogram any automatic dialing equipment you have that places calls to friends and businesses where the area code has changed
Home security systems preparation for new area codes
If a new area code is coming to the service area of your home security system company, call to see if your system needs to be modified.
Get the answers to these questions:
- Does my security system dial a preprogrammed telephone number to the security company, in case of an emergency?
- If so, does that preprogrammed number include an area code?
- What must be done to preprogram that number with the new area code?
- Has your programmable equipment been checked to accommodate the area code dialing changes?
Area codes were developed in 1947 to meet the post-World War II surge in demand for telephone services. The first area code to be used was New Jersey's 201 area code in 1951.
The United States of America is divided into regions, known as Area Codes that correspond with telephone dialing areas. Based on population, some states have only one area code, whereas others may have multiple area codes.