You may not register for, access or use the Service if (i) you are under the age of 13 or (ii) you are barred from using the Service under the laws of the United States or the country in which you reside or from which you access the Service.
You agree to use the Service for lawful purposes only. Except as otherwise explicitly permitted in these Terms, you agree not to (i) resell, sublicense, lease, assign, redistribute, transfer or otherwise make the Service available to any third party; (ii) modify, copy, harvest, collect, or create derivative works based on the Service; (iii) copy, frame or mirror any part or content of the Service, other than copying or framing for your own internal business purposes for use as permitted under these Terms; (iv) reverse engineer the Service; (v) attempt to gain unauthorized access to, or disrupt the integrity or performance of, the Service, the Verizon network, or any service provided by or on behalf of Verizon, or any device connected to the Verizon network; (vi) send or store infringing or unlawful material using the Service; (vii) impersonate someone else; (viii) access or use the Service for the purpose of building a competitive product or service or for benchmarking, monitoring availability, comparative analysis or similar purposes; or (ix) remove, alter or destroy any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notice displayed on the Service.
You must not propagate any virus, worms, malware, Trojan horses, or other programming routine that could damage the Service. You may not use spiders, robots, data mining techniques or other automated devices or programs to mine, harvest, collect, store, catalog, download or otherwise reproduce, store or distribute content available on the Service. You may not use any such automated means to manipulate the Service or attempt to exceed the limited authorization and access granted to you under these Terms. You agree to regularly monitor your Devices and Application(s) for any issue that may compromise the security of the Services (“Security Issue”). We may, without obligation, monitor your use of the Service to verify your compliance with these Terms and to identify an actual or potential Security Issue.
We may impose limits on the number or rate of calls made using our APIs. You will not attempt to exceed or bypass these limits, which we may change at any time in our sole discretion.
You will not make any representations, guarantees or commitments to your end users or to anyone else regarding the availability of or functionality supported by the Service.