
Drive enhanced CX with
around-the-clock digital

Make great first impressions.

Your first contact with customers can make or break the experience. With Virtual Agent powered by artificial intelligence, you provide an automated, self-serve customer experience across digital channels that is consistent and personalized. From the first interaction, you can get customers answers quickly using the channel most convenient for them.

What is Virtual Agent?

Virtual Agent is a conversational, digital self-assistant for your customers. Consumers connect with you through their preferred channel 24x7x365 to resolve common inquiries and transactions. You gain an efficient way to manage repetitive tasks, control costs and maintain conversation context throughout the customer experience.

What is Virtual Agent
How does Virtual Agent work

How does Virtual Agent work?

When customers reach out by phone, your website or app or common messaging apps, Virtual Agent automates the interaction, answering questions and performing tasks in a conversational way. It retrieves content from knowledge bases, business systems and trusted external sources, and uses AI to provide the most relevant responses.

Verizon Virtual Agent - available 24x7x365.

Features & benefits

Virtual Agent gives your customers more power to find solutions fast rather than waiting on the phone or sending an email—and gives you a simple way to drive customer experience. 

  •  Conversational. Interact with customers in their language and provide relevant responses
  •  Escalation. Control costs in contact centers; route sensitive issues to live agents
  • Narrow AI. Smart enough to know what it can answer, and learns and improves over time
  • Proactive. Enable push notifications to keep users informed and engaged

Why Verizon Virtual Agent?

  • Market-leading technology and platform for bot solution development, reporting and management
  • Ability to escalate to a live agent when necessary, while retaining context
  • Intent engines make use of machine learning, deep learning, predictive analysis and sentiment analysis
  • Administrators can use an easy drag-and-drop configuration to design and update conversation workflows

How to implement Virtual Agent?

  • Identify a few use cases to start with that are ideal for self-serve automation and can provide a quick win for call deflection to the contact center
  • Our CX design consultants will help identify simple, repeatable inquiries or tasks, such as reset password, check order status, and will answer FAQs for your initial implementation
  • We will build a seamless escalation to human agents, so end-users don’t get frustrated
  • As the business gains insights from analytics on what end-users want to accomplish, Virtual Agent will learn and we can make adjustments to configurations to improve the customer journey

Virtual Agent Professional Services

We can provide you with a portfolio of customer experience-related professional services, including consultation, journey mapping, system integrations, solution performance monitoring, analysis and enhancement recommendations to help improve customer experiences over time and drive measurable results. 

Our “train the trainer” methodology helps you implement your digital transformation strategy. A comprehensive e-learning program along with CX consultation will help put you ahead of the learning curve when deploying and managing a virtual agent solution.