Business Communications Adoption Services


Help employees adapt quickly to new communication and collaboration technology.


Get up and running fast; We can help.

Unified Communication and Collaboration tools help your team succeed by increasing your company’s productivity and allowing communication from virtually anywhere.

Our Adoption Services Specialists are available to ensure your services are not just deployed, but they are actually being used by helping you:

Foster collaboration and innovation

So employees can work from virtually anywhere, securely, and efficiently.

Simplify workflow and improve productivity

By accessing tools directly from the applications they use most often.

Enable mobile workers

To increase staff productivity and responsiveness.

Personalize the experience

With training and resources to enable successful user adoption.

What is Business Communications Adoption Services?


Verizon Adoption Services is a value-added white glove service that focuses attention on the end-user experience and achieving business results for your organization.  Adoption Services allow you to get the most out of your UC&C investment by helping drive faster and more complete adoption among your workforce.

What is Business Adoption Services
How do Business Adoption Services work

How does Business Communications Adoption Services work?


We work with you to identify your specific business objectives.  We then create a plan tailored to your organization to help enable the successful adoption of your unified communications tools through training and other resources, helping to promote user acceptance. This allows you to get the most out of these tools to help achieve your stated goals.

End-user adoption through ongoing engagement

Our Adoption Services helps drive acceptance and use of your unified communications services, be they Webex, audio, video conferencing or telephony. Improving the way they communicate and collaborate on a daily basis, with emphasis on the many benefits to them, will encourage full adoption.

Features & benefits 

Through the Adoption Services program, we can help your users quickly get the most out of your investment in your UC&C services. Regardless of which service you implement, you want fast and complete adoption by your workforce. Good planning leads to success.

  • A dedicated Adoption Specialist is assigned for the life of the contract to the customer
  • Validation of success and results using analytics to drive user experience and adoption
  • Client training includes live and/or on-demand training, digital library assets, videos and quick guides
  • Continuous adoption strategy to make certain adoption continues after deployment
  • Related products

Let's get started.