Component - Introduction - Used to provide a high level summary
1. Intro component purpose.
The introductory paragraph, or opening paragraph, is the first paragraph of your webpage typically used after a Hero (Page Name). It introduces the main idea of the page, captures the interest of your readers, and tells why this topic is important.
The introduction has five important responsibilities: get the audience 's attention, introduce the topic, explain its relevance to the audience, state a thesis or purpose, and outline the main points.
Subheads can be used here, if needed.
The intro component can also be used lower down of the page to introduce a new related topic.
2. Intro component image specs and character counts.
Black background (with white text), white background (with black text) or an image background (with black or white text) can be used.
This example shows a background image with black text. Please select an image that highlights the copy and does not hinder reading. Image specs for the intro component: 1272 x 477px in .jpg format.
The intro component headline is available in 84px (55 char. ct); 64 px (80 char. ct); 48 px (80 char. ct) and 32 px (125 char. ct). 64 or 48px is most common and recommended.
Body text should be limited to 2 to 4 short paragraphs.
3. Other uses for the intro component include using it a CTA for the bottom of a webpage.
This intro component shows a longer headline that is white on a black background, short body text and a button link.
Consider this option to use at the bottom of a webpage as a call to action. The component will contract and expand upto to 477px depth depending on copy length.