Enterprise Technology Spotlight: Disaster response & drones, securing the Internet of Things, public sector networks, wearables
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Our top story this week demonstrates how new technology is changing the way we handle all eventualities. Read about Verizon’s recent participation in a series of emergency response tests using a highly secure pop-up cloud communications network and drones to swiftly coordinate a simulated disaster recovery response effort. Also making headlines this week is an article that examines how the U.S. Department of Defense is modernizing its global networks and IT infrastructure in preparation for the Internet of Everything. Security experts discuss the challenges posed by the Internet of Things, emphasizing the need for security measures to be built into devices. Finally, industry insiders offer their predictions on wearables.
Drones could be Verizon's new disaster response tool
When natural disasters strike, Verizon turns to its Major Emergency Response Incident Team (MERIT) and its fleet which consists of mobile command centers and satellite trucks, to restore basic communications. At times it can be a challenge to reach remote areas. Verizon was recently involved in a drone flight test, which carried a 10-pound payload of units of blood and a field surgical kit. Within an hour, Verizon and its pilot partners had set up a cloud communications network so that everyone on the ground could observe the drone mission as it was happening and send messages to each other, using consumer smartphones, tablets and laptops. (Fortune)
DoD invests to prep networks for Internet of Everything
The U.S. Department of Defense is strengthening its global networks and modernizing its IT infrastructure, in preparation for the Internet of Everything. The first stage of investment has involved awarding a $4.3 billion Global Network Services contract to eight vendors, which will compete to provide the Pentagon with a 100-gigabit-per-second backbone for all varieties of communications, by 2020. (NextGov)
The IoT “time bomb” report
This online report looks at the growing concern over the lack of security on IoT connected devices. Security experts from around the world discuss the scale of the security concerns, look at why many organizations have yet to get to a handle on the security issues and examine possible solutions. (IDG Connect)
Wearables: from function to style #tech2016
Thought leaders offer their insights into the future of the wearables industry, one which is predicted to be worth $14 billion by the end of 2016, with wrist-based devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, continuing to dominate the market. (Flarrio)