Please carefully read the Terms and Conditions for the Auto Pay (AP) option: By enrolling in, using, or paying for Verizon service by AP, you agree to these terms and conditions. If these Terms and Conditions are not acceptable to you, please notify Verizon immediately at 1.800.VERIZON (1.800.837.4966).

1.    AP Enrollment

  1. Each month, I authorize Verizon to automatically charge or debit my designated credit card/debit card or bank account, as applicable, for the amount due on my bill. The AP charge or debit will be made on the date that is specified in my monthly billing notice or my monthly bill, which Verizon will provide at least 10 days in advance of the AP payment date. I understand that when the charge or debit date for my AP payment falls on a weekend or holiday, Verizon will initiate the charge or debit on the next business day.
  2.  I authorize Verizon to treat my electronic signature as evidence of my consent to save my payment information and initiate electronic payment transactions from my designated bank, debit card, or credit card account. My authorization via electronic signature has the same effect as a handwritten signature on a paper-formatted contract.
  3. I agree to pay my Verizon bill until the AP enrollment is established and a message appears on my bill instructing me not to make a payment.
  4. To cancel AP, I understand that I should access my account payment preferences at, contact my local business office, or call 1.800.VERIZON.
  5. I understand my participation in AP is subject to Verizon's approval.
  6. Verizon and participating financial institutions reserve the right to terminate my participation in this payment option at any time, as authorized by applicable law.

2.    Update Bank/Card Information

  1. I understand that if there is a change to my bank or card account information, including expiration date, I must sign in to my account at or call 1.800.VERIZON to update the AP enrollment information.
  2. I understand that Verizon may receive updated card information from the financial institution issuing the card.

3.    Billing Errors

  1. I understand and agree that Verizon is not liable for erroneous bill statements or incorrect debits/charges.
  2. If a billing error occurs, Verizon is responsible for correcting it if and when I notify Verizon of the error.

4.    Returned Payments

  1. I understand that if my payment is rejected, refused, returned, disputed, or reversed by my financial institution or card issuer for any reason, then Verizon has the right to charge a returned item fee and to cancel my account from the AP option.
  2. If my financial institution ever declines my automatic payment for any reason then Verizon will contact me and retry the transaction.

5.    Fees

  1. I understand that Verizon does not impose a fee for participating in the AP option.
  2. I understand that I should verify with my financial institution to determine if additional charges apply.

6.    Changes and Updates

  1. From time to time, Verizon may revise these Terms and Conditions. Verizon will provide notice of such revisions by posting revisions to the website Announcements page or to the Account Manager. Material revisions to the Terms and Conditions shall be effective no sooner than 30 days after posting on the Verizon website at If you do not agree to Verizon’s revision(s), you must terminate your AP enrollment immediately in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. By continuing to use Auto Pay after revisions are in effect, you accept and agree to all revisions.