5 trends for enterprise business leader to watch for in 2023

By: Massimo Peselli , Sowmyanarayan Sampath
Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer Global Enterprise & Public Sector,

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The global business landscape and customer demand are changing rapidly. For business leaders, having insight into this demand evolution is only one piece of the puzzle. How they turn knowledge into action is the key to staying ahead of the curve. Below are five trends enterprise business leaders should watch heading into 2023.

  1. Need for global connectivity 

    As technology advances, the shift to digital will increase, driving a change in customer demands. Enterprises will continue to search for ways to broaden their reach globally, and with that expansion, the need for reliable, secure connectivity will be front and center. The perimeter of connectivity will be broader. Not only sites and remote employees but multicloud, SaaS and Data Center providers. Moving data and applications seamlessly and securely will become a compelling need for every enterprise. Enterprises will need to invest time and funds towards their network and cybersecurity architectures and identify a partner that has capabilities that span geographies which will create a seamless experience across multiple geographies and technology platforms.

  2. The rise of private networking

    For the global enterprise business community, in 2023, Private 5G Networks will not just be a nice-to-have. Keeping data, processing, devices, resources all on-premise on a private secure network will be a game-changer. If business leaders aren’t thinking about the power and benefits of private networking today, it should be top-of-mind in 2023.

  3. Agility is still top priority for enterprise operations

    For most enterprise IT leaders business agility was always in their plans, but maybe buried behind other priorities. The pandemic and rapid shift in workforce operations brought agility to the forefront. Heading into 2023, the way we work and operate will continue to evolve, so having the tools, solutions and plans to remain ahead of the curve will be vital to prolonged prosperity.

  4. Trust less, secure more

    There are a few constants in life, the sun will rise in the morning and set in the evening, time will continue to tick on and cyberthreat actors will look to find ways to breach your security infrastructure and steal sensitive information. CISO’s and IT leaders cannot take their attention away from protecting their business and customer data. Cyberthreat actors will continue to double down on their attacks, so for enterprises globally, you have to meet and exceed those efforts to protect your business and customers.

  5. Broadband for all

    For business and consumers alike, high-speed, reliable, secure connectivity is the backbone of how we live, work and play. For enterprise customers, the uptick in connected devices is not a flash in the pan, it’s a trend that will keep rising. A simple, effective way to keep businesses connected will be a must-have.

About the author:

Massimo Peselli is the Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer, Global Enterprise and Public Sector for Verizon Business. He leads a global team focused on delivering innovative technologies like 5G, mobile edge computing (MEC), cloud, security, and software-defined networking, to enable enterprise and public sector clients to win in the marketplace today while laying the groundwork for their digital transformation journeys.

Sowmyanarayan Sampath (Sampath) is Chief Executive Officer for Verizon Consumer Group, serving the largest consumer customer base in the United States with over 101.6B in total revenue (2023). Sampath is a globally recognized leader in the telecom industry with experience spanning consumer, enterprise, security and critical infrastructure. His distinct tenure at Verizon includes transformative work on Verizon’s consumer operating model and empowering its customer-facing organization. Sampath is a proud father and enjoys spending his free time with his family.

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