Enterprise Technology Spotlight: telehealth, channel sales and security

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Remote Health Monitoring

It’s easy to overstate the impact technology – and technology vendors – has on peoples’ lives. Most technology enables “nice-to-have” services, like remote working or faster customer service. However, there are times when technology saves lives. The Houston (Texas) fire department uses a telehealth solution to correctly identify and route emergency and non-emergency patients during 911 response calls. This increases their efficiency in treating non-critical patients, meaning emergency rooms stay clear to focus on the most needy patients. In a situation where prompt care can be the difference between life and death, this solution saves lives. Read more below.

Switching gears, Verizon is committed to the channel and newly appointed vice president of global channels, Janet Schijns, wants to help Verizon’s channel partners grow their business through increased support, new programs and more products added to the portfolio.

Finally, with the 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) due out soon, we thought it was good to include an interesting article on security, including testing and certification.

Hope you enjoy the below:

Telehealth helps Houston FD improve 911 efficiency

Approximately eighty percent of 911 calls in Houston have been resolved without a costly trip to hospitals, under project Ethan. Telehealth is helping free up Houston’s ninety plus ambulances, three hundred plus fire vehicles and three thousand plus paramedics and firefighters from spending extra time and making unnecessary trip to hospitals. (mHealth Intelligence)

We have big plans for partners

This article delves into the top priorities, products and programmes Verizon is set to launch for its Channel Partner Programme. This includes an increase in marketing development funds, tactical training for partners and the introduction of a new premier level. (CRN)

Providing security certification in a world of cyber threats

ICSA Labs chat with IT Pro Portal on current developments in the security and vulnerability landscape. The discussion centers around the work of the labs, information security testing and certification, and security within IoT. (IT Pro Portal)

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