V Teamers Connected by Pride

By: Ewa Iwinski

LGBTQ+ V Team members share what’s it like to work for Verizon.

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V Teamers Connected by Pride

Frankie Pierce is on the Customer Service V Team in Charlotte, NC, and supports our wireless customers and other V Teamers every day.

Frankie Pierce is on the Customer Service V Team

From an early age, Frankie knew she was different from others. As she got older, she started to question who she truly was and began a journey to become her best true self that lasted two decades. The support of her family and lifelong friends had given her strength to push through the hardest times.

“Going through everything to become who I am today was overwhelming and there were times I felt like I might drown in it all. You have the right to be who you are. You have the obligation to yourself to be who you are. And it’s worth it. I believe that when you are living your best authentic life, a potential unlocks that allows you to really give the best parts of yourself and receive the best parts of others.”

Frankie wouldn’t trade working for Verizon for anything. She got a chance to meet hundreds of different people and learn about who they are uniquely and what they bring to the table to strengthen Verizon.

“Knowing that I will always have a safe, caring and accepting place to come every day allows me to focus on what we are here for, loving and serving our customers and pushing into the future with the promise of the digital age.”

As we’re celebrating Pride this month, we’ve asked other LGBTQ+V Teamers to share what it means to them to work for a company that celebrates its diverse workforce. Here are their stories.



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About the author:

Ewa Iwinski is a member of the Verizon Corporate Communications team. She supports culture and employee communications for Verizon Consumer Group and Corporate functions. Originally from Poland, she lived in several countries and is currently based in New Jersey. She is an avid traveler and a dark chocolate junkie.


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