‘When I got that email from VtoV, I was like, God bless’

By: Verizon Up To Speed

When Hurricane Florence battered the Wilmington, NC, area in September 2018, the VtoV Employee Relief Fund was there to help. Watch the employee stories.

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When Hurricane Florence battered the Wilmington, NC, area in September 2018, many employees had to evacuate and some lost their homes due to flooding and wind damage.

The VtoV Employee Relief Fund was there to help, with much-needed grants for employees in need. Watch the video to see their stories.

We couldn't have done it without your help. VtoV is funded by employees for employees, and 100% of your donations help those in need. It's hurricane season once again, so please give today.

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About the author:

Up To Speed is a daily video shared with Verizon employees. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for all the latest from the Verizon Employee Communications Team.


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The VtoV Employee Relief Fund is a charity that provides aid for Verizon employees displaced from their homes due to a natural or personal emergency.


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