Solving social issues through innovation

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The Global Goals

Nearly half of the world's population — more than 3 billion people — live at the poverty line on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty on less than $1.25 a day. Hunger, lack of water, lack of access to electricity and shortages of medicines and vaccines make life even harder. Globally, a billion of those in poverty are children: 22,000 of them die every day from the effects of poverty, according to UNICEF

Poverty is a world-wide scourge and the challenge that Global Citizen is dedicated to addressing. If you don’t know about them and what they do, here’s your chance to find out more. 

“We’re proud to highlight the important work Global Citizen is doing to meet the challenges of poverty,” says Verizon Chairman and CEO Lowell McAdam.

Global Citizen is making a difference in several key areas, many of which share common ground with Verizon dedicated programs. By focusing on education and gender equality, health, environmental sustainability, citizenship and innovation, Global Citizen and Verizon are part of a bigger philanthropic mission to measurably move the needle on social change for underserved communities, wherever they may be.  McAdam added, “It’s important that we succeed, and we will do that through innovative programs that produce measurable results.”

A good example of the innovative ways that Global Citizen uses to raise awareness and affect change is the day-long Global Citizen Festival, which took place at the end of September in New York City’s Central Park. By harnessing the performing talents of Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, Coldplay and Pearl Jam – and staging the free event during the United Nations General Assembly session, the Festival is creating real action. To earn tickets, festival-goers completed specific actions to support education, health care or any number of program activities.

Another way that Global Citizen and Verizon work from the same playbook is to share the stories of those who are making a difference, and of those whose lives are being changed through our programs. Whether it's education advocate Malala Yousafzai putting a spotlight on Pakistani girls, talking about five ways the world tells girls they’re bad, or global health, these stories are inspiring and can motivate real action.

“Global Citizen is using social networks to drive volunteer action – an approach that parallels how Verizon uses technology to solve social issues,” continued McAdam. “We believe that these innovative approaches can help underserved communities, reduce social inequality and bring about a brighter future for people around the world.”

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