Changes 5G is bringing that you didn’t expect

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5G is here to bring big changes in wireless technology. Perhaps the biggest change that is talked about the most is the speed, as 5G can offer speeds considerably faster than what we’re used to with 4G LTE. When we think of higher wireless speeds, we think of quicker internet, faster downloads and more streaming on our mobile devices. But there are many more possibilities, as 5G is preparing to bring changes beyond what we expected.

Looking back at 4G

Consider how much wireless communication has evolved over the years. Since the previous generations of wireless communication, technology has evolved in ways that we only imagined would be possible. The very first generation of wireless communication was only able to support phone calls, and 4G is able to support video conferencing and high-quality streaming. Smartphones have evolved to the point where almost everything you need is right at your fingertips, and cars have started to develop with smarter capabilities. Unexpected changes have come to reality as wireless communication has evolved, and 5G is bound to bring changes that we never expected as well.

Changing public safety with 5G

One area where 5G could eventually make an impact is in public safety. What’s so important about the changes to public safety is that first response times could be cut shorter with the speeds of 5G. First responders could gather information and provide necessary assistance to those in need of it before they can arrive on the scene. With lower latency and high connection speeds, faster response times can be realized. Verizon is making developments with 5G and public safety through the launch of Verizon Frontline and with Verizon’s 5G First Responder Lab.

Changing automobiles with 5G

Another area where 5G could make a difference is with automated vehicles. With the help of the power and speed available with 5G, automated vehicles could eventually become a reality in the future. 

Changes in public safety and automated vehicles are two of many changes we might expect as 5G begins to expand. As we get more familiarized with faster speeds, there may even be changes that 5G will bring that have not yet been discovered.

Explore more about changes that 5G will bring and 5G technology, and stay up to date on all things Verizon 5G.

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