A collection of 9/11 archives

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Hand reaching out to help

Interning for a popular morning show in Times Square on 9/11 I had the opportunity to meet many of the first responders and hear their stories. Some stories were too much for broadcast.

To this day, the actions of such a variety of first responders and other people in the immediate aftermath moves me when I think about what I saw and who came on the show to share their stories.

Each of us has our story about how that day and the days after came together.

Bob Varettoni, director of corporate communications, was recently asked to review and comment on a publishers proof of history of Verizon. He was with the company on 9/11.

Bob shares, “I was lost in the details of my own experience while safely in Midtown Manhattan, and so I was astounded and moved to read the detailed story of the extraordinary bravery and commitment to service by workers at Ground Zero who miraculously reopened the New York Stock Exchange just days later.

“I’ve been archiving materials I’ve come across about these efforts. I’ve posted them on a Pinterest page. The most amazing artifact is a 38-minute video of the key participants who led efforts to restore service, in their own words.”

View the archive of images and stories.

For related media inquiries, please contact story.inquiry@one.verizon.com

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