From Cradles to Crayons: Waltham Lab Lending a Helping Hand

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Tis the season for giving and as the cold weather arrives that’s exactly what some 50 Verizon employees in Massachusetts did by volunteering to assemble “winter warmth packages”  for Cradles to Crayons, a local charity that offers clothing and other items for children in need.

Cradles To Crayons Group Shot

The Product Strategy and Product Development employees who work at the Verizon Innovation Center in Waltham, Massachusetts, spent time sorting, inspecting, and packaging new and like-new items including winter clothing, shoes, coats, and accessories in Boston at Cradles to Crayons, a Massachusetts non-profit organization that assists homeless children and their families who are in need of warm winter clothes and other necessities..

 “We all feel responsible to give back to our community.” said Stu Elby, Verizon’s chief technology officer and one of the volunteers on hand last week. Many of us have donated clothing to various organizations, but volunteering at Cradles to Crayons let us experience what happens behind the scenes to get donated clothing and other items into the hands of less fortunate children.  It was incredibly rewarding to work shoulder-to-shoulder with my co-workers in helping provide this service” said Elby.

To learn more about Cradles to Crayons, please visit their website.


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