Enterprise Technology Spotlight: Digital transformation, cyber security and protected health info, women in tech

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We live in an era of rapid innovation and transformation, where technology and society are evolving faster than businesses can adapt. In this week’s spotlight, industry experts give their views on digital transformation, with the underlining message: disrupt or be disrupted. Additionally, experts share their cyber predictions as we head into 2016, and also showcase new research into protected health information data breaches and what this means for all industries across the world. Lastly, we take a look at the growing challenge of keeping women in technology roles.

How to disrupt before you get disrupted

Recent research shows that large organizations are squandering approximately £258 billion a year on digital and analytic business transformations, with more than two-thirds of projects failing to meet expectations. However, organizations with successful digital transformation strategies are benefiting from double the revenue growth. Industry experts give their views on digital transformation and the changing business environment. (Information Age)

What cyber trends to expect in 2016

In 2015, technology underwent rapid transformation. We saw changes in wearable technology, Internet of Things, big data, network based end point security and cloud services. All of which have created new landscapes for cybercriminals, who are getting smarter and better at what they do. What does this mean for 2016? Thirteen key industry experts provide insights into what 2016 may hold for the world of cybersecurity. (Digital Forensic Science)

Hospitals aren't the only ones bleeding stolen health records

2015 saw many high profile cyberattacks targeting personal health information from healthcare companies, in the US. Verizon’s newly launched Protected Health Information Data Breach Report shows that it’s just not the healthcare companies suffering from PHI breaches. 90 percent of industries—from retail and finance, to construction and mining—have experienced a breach of personal health information. (The Atlantic)

We need to work harder to keep women in technology

The technology industry faces a growing problem of keeping women in technology roles. This article looks at things like dropout rates, the talent gap, workplace growth, the gender gap and STEM activity. (CRN)

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