Enterprise Technology Spotlight: IoT security, healthcare and agriculture

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Gartner recently predicted by 2020, more than 25 percent of identified attacks in enterprises will involve the Internet of Things (IoT)—yet IoT will account for less than 10 percent of IT security budgets. Currently very little exists in the form of organized security testing and/or standards to ensure IoT devices and the data exchanged is protected, therefore IoT security continues to be of high concern to consumers and enterprises.

In other IoT news, we take a look at how the technology is helping address some of the pharmaceutical industry’s biggest issues, such as theft, channel diversion, counterfeiting and safe handling. The World Health Organization estimates 10 to 15 percent of the world’s drug supply is counterfeit, with counterfeit drugs in the US approximately 1 percent and in some countries, the estimate is as high as 50 percent.

Finally, farming is one of the oldest industries in the world however times are changing for the traditional farmer who can now use data from GPS and sensors on fields and farming equipment to optimise efficiency and maximise productivity.

Read this week’s top IoT-related stories here:

IoT security is getting its own crash tests

On Wednesday, Verizon’s ICSA Labs announced a new program to test the security features of IoT devices and sensors, with the aim to improve overall standards of security. The new program will test alerts and logging, authentication, communications, cryptography, physical security, and platform security. (Network World)

Verizon partners with RfXcel to protect pharmaceutical supply chain

This article looks at how IoT is helping to solve real world issues by focusing on the recently announced partnership between Verizon and rfXcel to deliver the newly available Verizon Intelligent Track and Trace solution. The solution helps monitor and trace pharmaceutical products in the supply chain and improve overall patient safety. (Pharma Asia)

IoT in agriculture — sowing seeds of innovation

Tony Judd, managing director for Verizon, UK&I and Nordics argues that agriculture is one of the first sectors to take advantage of the opportunities offered by IoT. IoT, combined with big data, provides farmers with a wealth of information they can use to optimise efficiency, maximise productivity, and ensure the quality of food in the supply chain — from field to fork. (Internet Of Business UK)

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