Galaxy Note 3 on the Marquette University Campus

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This is a guest post from Eric Decker, a Marquette University student.

Hello, everyone! My name is Eric Decker, and I am a student at Marquette University studying public relations and marketing. When I’m not churning out papers or hitting the books, I enjoy keeping in touch with the latest technology trends. Verizon Wireless made keeping up with technology as easy as it gets by hooking me up with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

Recently, I’ve noticed smartphones have become more visually dynamic than ever. This has provided us the bold colors of the iPhone 5c, the sleek-backed iPhone 5s and the nice contrast of black and white with the HTC One.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is no exception.

This phone has a soft leather back that is not only elegant, but easy to grip and use with one hand. Despite the large screen, I had no problem fitting the phone in my pocket.

Studying in the field of communications, I keep up with the news daily. I found myself putting down my personal phone (iPhone 5c) and craving the big screen of the Note 3 to scan for and read articles. There’s no need to squint your eyes or pinch and zoom to read on the Note 3. Texting on the Note 3 was also a breath of fresh air. The big screen meant fewer typos from tapping the wrong keys.

Eric Decker

Reading an article using Pocket app.

I often used the Google Search widget on my home screen to voice search definitions of words while I was reading articles on the phone or even a book for fun. Searching was lightning fast and the voice recognition is surprisingly accurate.

Running around all day from class to extracurricular activities, I never had to worry about the Note 3’s battery life. It was rare I had less than 50 percent left at the end of the day.

By far, my favorite app to use on the Note 3 was NFL Mobile. Watching the NFL on a mobile screen this big is awesome. In the midst of getting homework done, this was one distraction I didn’t mind so much.

And the absolute best part of demoing the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has been all the times when my classmates would ask me, “Whoa, Eric, what kind of phone is that?!” Showing this phone off to my friends was probably more entertaining than using the phone itself.

So big thanks to Verizon Wireless and Samsung for letting me try out an impressive phone, and making me seem a bit more hip and cool these past few weeks.

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