Week in review. Samsung Galaxy S9 launch, Women’s History Month and an update from an event at WiTNY

By: Jeremy Godwin

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First, we talk about the new Samsung Galaxy S9 release; some of its features include 4K slow-mo and Augmented Reality. Second, we showcase our latest Best for a Good Reason video. Jim Johnson shows how we boosted service in a desert to keep customers connected during the annual Bakers to Vegas race. Next, we discuss our new podcast that was released this week featuring Rima Quershi; highlight Brit Morin founder of Lifestyle Company Brit + Co., and give an update from WiTNY — which stands for Women in Technology and Entrepreneurship in New York.

The stories.

Samsung S9+ review

You probably don’t need a 4,000-word review to tell you that the Galaxy S9+ is a good phone. Now that everyone’s got all of the Note 7 jokes mostly out of their system, we can mostly agree that Samsung makes good phones. The S8 was great, and the S9 builds on that success in a number of ways.

Our Network story is being told through the lens of our Network Engineers.

Here's the latest chapter of our Network Story: Best for a Good Reason.

Podcast: Powerful Women in Tech: Meet Rima Qureshi

As part of Women's History Month, Verizon's Chief Strategy Officer Rima Qureshi sits down with Marie McGehee to share her story. Their wide-ranging conversation covers Rima’s family’s emigration from Pakistan to Canada, the pressure to conform to perceived cultural norms, how her upbringing influenced her career path, how 5G will change the tech industry and the importance of mentorship today.


WiTNY women

Up To Speed is a daily video shared with Verizon employees. You can follow us on Instagram and Twitter for all the latest from the Verizon Employee Communications Team.

About the author:

Jeremy Godwin is a member of the Verizon Corporate Communications team and a regular host of Up to Speed. He's the team's resident tech geek and media junkie.

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