Women in Tech: Start Valuating Your Potential

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Maitreyi Krishnaswamy issued a call to action to the women who filled a West Side Manhattan theater one evening in late February:  “Be more confident.”

Krishnaswamy , the product director for Verizon FiOS, was joined by Rebecca Garcia, co-founder of CoderDojo NYC and and Cassidy Williams, software engineer and evangelist at Venmo, at a panel discussion on how women are transforming technology. The event was hosted by Tech in Motion.

“Every day we’re learning how to build better technology skills, we’re learning new leadership technology style, learning how to communicate more effectively and to lead with empathy and passion.” -- Maitreyi Krishnaswamy

As the three women shared stories about their trials and triumphs, messages of courage, confidence, and risk-taking captured the room. “Risk-taking doesn’t have to mean quitting everything and joining tech because that’s the big thing right now,” Garcia said. “Taking risk is following what you’re interested in and what you’re passionate about.”

Women make up half of this country’s workforce, but hold just 25 percent of the jobs in technology fields. Something else to think about is that in a room of 25 engineers, only three will be women.

“Every day we’re learning how to build better technology skills, we’re learning new leadership technology style, learning how to communicate more effectively, and to lead with empathy and passion.” said Krishnaswamy.

When women from many fields join to voice anxieties, share successes, and network, you can feel a certain confidence and assurance building. As women, we need to valuate ourselves by our potential, not by our past success.  By challenging ourselves to confidently network, build each other up, and continue the dialogue, we can encourage other women to enter the field of technology with excitement to make an impact.

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