2012 Summer Olympics - Get Your Phone Ready For Global Travel

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The Daily Mail estimates that 5.3 million people will travel to London for the 2012 summer Olympic Games.

Summer travel season is well underway, so we want to offer some wireless device tips for people who plan to join the Olympic excitement in London or do any other global traveling. Here are some common questions our customers ask when prepping for a trip abroad:

Will my wireless device work at my destination? Verizon Wireless offers a number of global-ready phones, including smartphones, that work in more than 220 countries worldwide. Most Verizon Wireless phones will work while traveling outside of the U.S. in more than 40 countries—including Mexico and Canada—or on many popular cruise ships.

How do I plan to use my device abroad? Will you be simply using your phone to make calls, or will you also be accessing email, using apps and browsing the Web while abroad? We recently introduced a new Global Data Package that offers our U.S.-based customers the best global roaming data rate on the market. For $25 per month for 100 MB of data, when added to a domestic data package, customers can access email, browse the Web and update social networks while traveling in 120 popular overseas destinations. For customers who plan to use only voice service, Verizon offers a Global Value plan, which reduces per minute voice rates in more than 150 countries. This plan is available for $4.99 per month.

How do I avoid unexpected roaming charges? Global roaming voice and data packages can be added as needed before traveling and removed upon the customer’s return. Additionally, for customers with the $25 data plan, if the customer uses all 100 MB of data on the package, a text message quickly notifies the customer that an additional 100 MB of data for $25 has been automatically made available.

If you want to stay updated on all the Olympic action from your smartphone or tablet, download these apps:

- London 2012 Results

- 2012 Team USA Road to London

- London 2012: Official App

Enjoy your travels abroad this summer, and always feel free to reach out to the Verizon Midwest team or @VWZsupport on Twitter if you have questions about our devices or network.

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