Enterprise Technology Spotlight: Supply chain, IP theft, hospitality industry security

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As we leave the summer holidays behind us and enter the final months of the year, many businesses have already started to implement plans for the holiday shopping season. Our first spotlight article this week offers four best practices to manage the supply chain as customer demands increase.

Our second spotlight article addresses how cybersecurity and intellectual property (IP) efforts should be integrated. Cyber espionage and phishing are at the forefront of security discussions regarding IP protection.

Staying with the security theme, our final article this week discusses security in the hospitality industry. Specifically, this article addresses the biggest threat to hoteliers, how to mitigate security risks and current trends in the hospitality space.

More below and through the links…

Managing supply chain by leveraging technology

Verizon’s Annette Lee delves into four best practices to help businesses leveraging the best of their IT systems to manage the supply chain as customer demands increase. Network health checks, testing application performance, cloud computing and data security should be considered. (Logistic Insight Asia)

Cybersecurity is key to IP strategy

Verizon’s Rob Le Busque examines the IP landscape across Asia, discusses the importance of having a combined cybersecurity and IP strategy, and offers best practices to defend against attacks on IP. (InnovationAus)

Commoditization and cyberattacks

In this virtual Q&A with top industry leaders, the discussion focuses on the current and future security landscape of the hospitality industry. (HOTELS Magazine)

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