Bell Atlantic NYNEX Mobile Wireless Data Technology Leads to Bridgewater Arrest/Safe Return

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October 18, 1995

NYNEX CONTACT: Media Relations,
(212) 395-0500

Bell Atlantic NYNEX Mobile Wireless Data Technology

Leads to Bridgewater Arrest/Safe Return


When Bridgewater Police Officer Michael Sommers stopped a Ford

Bronco at 9:50 p.m. on Route 22 East in Bridgewater recently,

he approached the vehicle armed and ready -- armed with key criminal

information alerting him to an outstanding warrant for the driver's

arrest and ready to deal with more than a routine traffic stop.

Elsewhere in the Township, Officer Dennis Powers was able to access

key Motor Vehicles information instantly when he arrived at the

scene where an elderly gentleman had crashed his car into a pole.

Powers learned that the man was an Alzheimer's patient whose

had disappeared and been listed by his family a "missing

person" less than 24 hours earlier.

The information, critical in both these incidents, was in the

officers' hands within 5-10 seconds, thanks to Bell Atlantic

NYNEX Mobile's cellular digital packet data (CDPD) technology.

Each Bridgewater Township Police vehicle now is equipped with

a mobile data terminal and CDPD, providing officers on the street

with information they need to protect themselves and to enhance

community safety. In these particular cases, the wanted man was

returned to the Union County Sheriff's office to face criminal

charges, and the elderly man was reunited with his concerned family.


-- Bridgewater Police Department was first in the state to equip


police cars with mobile computers using CDPD wireless data


-- Because the wireless data service, known as Bell Atlantic(R)

Airbridge(SM) Packet service, uses the company's existing

cellular network, Bell Atlantic NYNEX Mobile

is able to provide

the police department with a more reliable and affordable

alternative to traditional radio transmission.

-- The department estimates that the new system will save more


15 man-hours each day, freeing up officers to spend more

time on

community policing and youth-related programs.


Bridgewater Police Officers Sommers and Powers on recent incidents,

and Captain Robert Szkodny on how Bell Atlantic NYNEX

Mobile's technology is arming officers with valuable information

needed to best serve the community.

Michael Anderson of Bell Atlantic NYNEX Mobile

will discuss CDPD technology, the details of the Bridgewater Police

application and how CDPD is meeting the needs of the law enforcement



The Bridgewater officers will demonstrate mobile data terminals

using CDPD technology.

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