Bell Atlantic Video Services to Offer Programming in Dover Township, NJ

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September 25, 1996

Bell Atlantic Video Services to Offer Programming in
Dover Township, NJ

Company Plans To Acquire FutureVision's New Jersey Assets
To Facilitate Market Entry

DOVER TOWNSHIP, NJ -- Bell Atlantic announced today that
it intends to
begin offering video programming in Dover Township, NJ, before the end
of the year over Bell Atlantic-New Jersey's full service network.
Bell Atlantic-New Jersey's full service network is expected eventually
to reach about 38,000 homes in the area. In connection with this
move, Bell Atlantic Video
Services (BVS)
has signed a letter of intent
to acquire certain assets of FutureVision, a division of Digital
Broadband Applications Corporation (DBAC). FutureVision currently
provides programming in Dover Township, and more than 5,300 households
have responded favorably to the company's offer since it began
marketing in February 1996.

Under the terms of the deal, which both parties plan to conclude
within a couple of months, Bell Atlantic Video Services will
acquire FutureVision's Neptune, NJ digital integration center, which
is used to receive and digitize off-air broadcast and satellite video
signals. BVS will license DBAC's subscriber management system, SAGA,
and receive software support services from DBAC's technology division,
Broadband Applications Development Company (BADco). Additionally,
FutureVision will seek to assign its programming agreements to BVS
insofar as they apply to distribution over the Bell Atlantic network
in Dover Township.

"As an affiliate of Bell Atlantic-New Jersey, BVS has always
to be a video programmer in this market sooner or later," said Frank
, president-Bell Atlantic Video Services. "Through this
transaction, we will get into the market earlier and gain first-hand
experience delivering video service over an optical fiber-based network
similar to what Bell Atlantic will deploy next year."

Bell Atlantic anticipates that FutureVision customers will continue to
receive the same programming they do today, offered under the
FutureVision brand, for the near term. Bell Atlantic also anticipates
that current FutureVision Toms River employees will be offered
employment with BVS, following standard screening. Bell Atlantic will
evaluate all aspects of the business over the next several months with
the goal of offering an even better value to Dover Township customers
in the near future. Bell Atlantic will be supported by TELE-TV, as
well as by FutureVision, as it begins operations in Dover Township.
TELE-TV is a video programming and technology company equally owned by
Bell Atlantic, Pacific Telesis and NYNEX.

"Since May, our primary focus has been on developing content,
technology and infrastructure for our expansion to national
distribution by means of hybrid DBS & MMDS," said Bob Schena,
president of Digital Broadband Applications Corp. "The infusion of
capital we'll receive from this transaction will help ensure the
success of that effort." [Note to Editors: DBS stands for
Broadcast by Satellite;" MMDS stands for "Multichannel,
Distribution System," which uses terrestrial microwaves to
multichannel video services.]

In a related development, Bell Atlantic also announced today that it
intends to convert the Dover Township video network to an Open Video
System (OVS) under rules recently adopted by the FCC. Under OVS,
companies either affiliated or unaffiliated with Bell Atlantic can
offer programming to consumers using Bell Atlantic's video network.
The company intends to declare formally in the next few weeks the
regulatory structure under which the Dover Township system will

FutureVision, a reseller of
digital broadband content and services, is
a wholly owned unit of Digital Broadband
Applications Corp.
, based in
W. Conshohocken, PA.

Bell Atlantic Corporation (NYSE:
BEL) is at the forefront of the new
communications, entertainment and information industry. In the
mid-Atlantic region, the company is the premier provider of local
telecommunications and advanced services. Globally, it is one of the
largest investors in the high-growth wireless communication
marketplace. Bell Atlantic also owns a substantial interest in Telecom
Corporation of New Zealand and is actively developing high-growth
national and international business opportunities in all phases of the


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