'Hands On Detroit Day' Goes Wireless For 2001; Additional Companies Asked To 'Join In'

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'Hands On Detroit Day' Goes Wireless For 2001; Additional Companies Asked To 'Join In'

Volunteer Impact Receives 25 Phones and Free Airtime from Verizon Wireless

May 3, 2001



For the first time, "Hands on Detroit Day," one of the largest volunteer clean-up efforts in the city, will feature the latest in communication technology. Verizon Wireless has donated 25 wireless phones and free airtime, which will be utilized by organizers to keep in constant contact with volunteer team leaders.

The 10th annual "Hands on Detroit Day" will be held on Saturday, May 12. More than 1,000 volunteers are being recruited to clean up neighborhoods, pack food boxes, tutor students, and more, in this comprehensive effort to improve Metro Detroit through hands-on volunteerism.

"Volunteer Impact is a highly respected organization that serves a very important need in our community," said Wayne White, president - Michigan Region, Verizon Wireless. "Having these wireless phones will help the volunteers work even more effectively and efficiently in their efforts to spruce up our city."

Volunteer Impact Executive Director Kathy Milberg added, "As you can imagine, the logistics of coordinating an event such as this are complex. The wireless phones will enable everything to run more smoothly at each of the 15 volunteer sites and help ensure the event's success."

"Hands on Detroit Day" is also Volunteer Impact's largest fundraising event, providing the financial support to maintain and expand the services of this non-profit organization. As the event draws near, "Hands on Detroit Day" organizers are encouraging contributions and volunteers from additional companies across the area. To get involved and for more information, interested businesses are asked to contact the Volunteer Impact offices in Southfield at 248-559-4950.

About Verizon Wireless

Verizon Wireless is the largest wireless communications provider in the U.S. with more than 27 million wireless voice and data customers. The coast-to-coast wireless provider was formed by the combination of the U.S. wireless businesses of Verizon Communications (NYSE:VZ) and Vodafone (NYSE and LSE: VOD), including Bell Atlantic Mobile, AirTouch Cellular, GTE Wireless and PrimeCo Personal Communications. Verizon Wireless has a footprint covering more than 90 percent of the U.S. population, 49 of the top 50 and 96 of the top 100 U.S. markets. The company, headquartered in Bedminster, NJ, is 40,000 employees strong. Reporters and editors can find more information about the company on the Web at http://www.verizonwireless.com.

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