Verizon SuperPages - Publisher of Sun Community Directories - Introduces Minneapolis SuperPages as Part of Nationwide Expansion
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MINNEAPOLIS - The Minneapolis area was chosen as one of more than 20 competitive markets Verizon Information Services, the world's largest publisher of telephone directories, has selected to introduce its yellow pages directories - branded SuperPages.
Verizon SuperPages, the publisher of 1.2 million Sun Community Directories in the Twin Cities area, is currently distributing more than 779,000 directories to area residents and businesses. In January, Verizon will distribute its St. Paul second year edition SuperPages.
"Based on the success of the Sun Community Directories, Verizon recognized a need for comprehensive yellow pages directories for St. Paul and Minneapolis," said local Verizon general sales manager Eric Robison.
"Our local residents are smart shoppers who seek reliable, up-to-date information. Verizon's SuperPages directories and the country's #1 Internet directory make finding local and national information easier."
Local Content and Features
The Minneapolis SuperPages have a localized cover featuring the Mall of America, the Minneapolis skyline at night and a statue of Mary Tyler Moore. Included are a Community Magazine and Dining Your Way! Restaurant Guide spotlighting 56 area restaurants. The restaurant guide includes an A-Z index, menus and maps. "Area residents and visitors love to eat out and the 'Dining Your Way!' guide is a very helpful, easy-to-use feature," said Robison.
Area shoppers and businesses also have access to Verizon's leading online directory and shopping resource,, as well as the most comprehensive national Spanish-language online directory - en Español ( Both sites have local and national content. A new, online university search feature, Campus Area Yellow Pages, provides college-specific information ranging from local merchants to campus maps for more than 700 colleges, including the University of Minnesota.
If you do not receive a copy of your Minneapolis SuperPages by the end of October, please call 1-800-888-8448.
Verizon Information Services and
Verizon Information Services is the world's largest print and online directory publisher, a content provider for communications products and services, and the largest publisher of Hispanic directories in the U.S. With operations in seven countries and a U.S. Commonwealth and annual revenues of more than $4.3 billion, Verizon Information Services publishes nearly 1,200 U.S. Verizon
SuperPages directories and 200 international directories with a total circulation of approximately 135 million copies worldwide.
Based in the Dallas area, Verizon Information Services produces and markets, the Internet's #1 online directory and shopping resource. receives as many as 16 million visits and nine million unique visitors a month and powers directory services on MSN, InfoSpace, Excite, Lycos,,,, Ask Jeeves, HotBot, BigFoot, Tripod and Angelfire as well as more than 2,500 affiliate Web sites.
The company supports computer literacy with philanthropic programs and through the Enlighten Me and Internet Learning Tutor sites on Enlighten Me is a fun site where children and their caregivers go to read, learn and explore. The Internet Learning Tutor is specifically designed for adults who are just learning their way around the Internet.
Verizon Information Services is a unit of Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE:VZ), one of the world's leading providers of communications services. Verizon Foundation last year awarded 22,000 grants totaling more than $70 million to nonprofit agencies that focus on improving basic and computer literacy, enriching communities through technology, and creating a skilled work force.