09/08/2020 Updated on  09/08/2020|Public Safety|Emergency Response

Verizon Response: Update following Hurricane Laura’s Landfall

Media contact
Karen Schulz

For media: we have b-roll, images and additional information on our emergency response equipment available at our Emergency Resource Center - verizon.com/emergency


What you need to know:

  • The environment continues to be very dynamic and our engineers are responding in real time to changes. As sites using satellite links are moved back over to permanent fiber connections, many of those satellite links have been or are in the process of being redeployed to bring up additional sites or add redundancy and reliability.

  • For our consumer and small business customers in the Louisiana parishes of Cameron and Calcasieu, where significant power outages remain an issue, Verizon is extending unlimited calling, texting and data through Tuesday, September 15.

  • Our Wireless Emergency Communications Centers (WECCs) located at the Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office (10090 Gulf Highway, Lake Charles, LA 70607) and the Dequincy Market Basket (505 E 4th St, Dequincy, LA 70633) are open for those who need access to free wireless device charging and Internet, regardless of carrier, from 10 am-6 pm today through Saturday September 12.

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September 8 Update

Network status:

All sites in the path of Hurricane Laura have been restored and are providing service to customers in East Texas and Louisiana using a variety of connections to the sites – fiber, satellite links, and microwave. While the customer experience may vary slightly from what customers experienced pre-storm, our engineers are working to fortify connections, add capacity to sites and repair the final antennas which will enhance wireless coverage.

It is important to remember the environment continues to be very dynamic. Power crews continue with power restoration efforts which can potentially cause fiber breaks. Debris removal, clearing roads, and residential property clearing can all also impact the infrastructure in storm-impacted areas as well. This can cause cell sites to temporarily lose service again.

Our engineers are monitoring for changes 24x7 through our virtual command center and are dispatching field teams to respond in real time to changes. As sites using satellite or microwave links are moved back over to permanent fiber connections, in many instances we are keeping the satellite and microwave deployments as back-up connections until the instability in the fiber network is fully resolved. In other cases, some of the satellite links have been or are in the process of being redeployed to bring up additional sites or add redundancy and reliability where needed most.

We will continue to use our mobile assets including our portable generators, mobile satellite-linked cell sites, mobile satellite links on trailers, temporary towers, and flying cell site in the market until the regional infrastructure stabilizes and first responders working recovery efforts are no longer in need of those assets. 

Refueling operations needed to keep our cell sites and switch locations in service for our customers continue as we await restoration of commercial power to many of our cell sites.

Unlimited calling, texting and data extended for two Louisiana parishes:

For our consumer and small business customers in the Louisiana parishes of Cameron and Calcasieu, where significant power outages remain an issue, Verizon is extending unlimited calling, texting and data through Tuesday, September 15.

Customers can verify eligibility for call/text/data relief here:

Postpaid: https://www.verizonwireless.com/featured/relief/

Prepaid: https://www.verizonwireless.com/featured/relief/?type=prepaid

FREE wireless device charging and Internet, regardless of carrier

To assist the community in recovery efforts, today Verizon has deployed two Wireless Emergency Communications Centers (WECCs) to Lake Charles and Dequincy. These generator-powered mobile units have device charging, computer workstations, and wireless phones, tablets and other devices to communicate with friends, family and other important contacts.

The WECCs are located at the Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office (10090 Gulf Highway, Lake Charles, LA 70607) and the Dequincy Market Basket (505 E 4th St, Dequincy, LA 70633) and will be open for those who need access to free wireless device charging and Internet, regardless of carrier, from 10 am-6 pm today through Saturday September 12.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open for business. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/. All residents regardless of carrier are invited to come in to charge their devices at these locations.

September 7 Update

Network status:

All sites in East Texas are now carrying traffic and all but a final few cell sites in Louisiana are back online as well using a variety of connections to the sites – fiber, satellite links, and microwave. While the customer experience may vary slightly from what customers experienced pre-storm, our engineers are working to add capacity to sites and repair antennas which will enhance wireless coverage.

It is important to remember the environment continues to be very dynamic. Power crews continue with power restoration efforts which can potentially cause fiber cuts debris removal, clearing roads, and residential property clearing can all impact the infrastructure in storm-impacted areas as well.

Our engineers are monitoring for changes 24x7 through our virtual command center and are dispatching field teams to respond in real time to changes. As sites using satellite or microwave links are moved back over to permanent fiber connections, in many instances we are keeping these satellite and microwave assets as back-up connections until the instability in the fiber network is fully resolved. In other cases, some satellite links have been or are in the process of being redeployed to bring up additional sites or add redundancy and reliability where needed most.

To date, we have 16 satellite-linked cell sites and 30 satellite links on trailers deployed throughout the market. They will remain until our engineers are confident in the reliability and performance of the network.

Additionally today, Verizon will again fly the tethered drone that will provide coverage from the sky in Bell City.

FREE wireless device charging and Internet, regardless of carrier

To assist the community in recovery efforts, today Verizon has deployed two Wireless Emergency Communications Centers (WECCs) to Lake Charles and Dequincy. These generator-powered mobile units have device charging, computer workstations, and wireless phones, tablets and other devices to communicate with friends, family and other important contacts.

The WECCs are located at the Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office (10090 Gulf Highway, Lake Charles, LA 70607) and the Dequincy Market Basket (505 E 4th St, Dequincy, LA 70633) and will be open for those who need access to free wireless device charging and the Internet, regardless of carrier, from 10 am-6 pm today through Saturday, September 12.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open for business. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/. All residents regardless of carrier are invited to come in to charge their devices at these locations.

September 6 Update

Network status:

Severe lightning storms have moved out of Louisiana and numerous satellite links that were temporarily impacted by the weather are back online providing service to our cell sites, with a few additional links expected to come back online quickly. However, as has happened before, we had fiber repaired and sites back on air, only to have those go back down when we experienced new cuts resulting from other restoration efforts happening in the community such as clearing roads, residential property clearing, and replacing electric poles. We continue to deploy satellite links and microwave links to serve as alternatives to the fiber until the fiber connections are repaired and stabilized.

The satellite trailers that were brought in from the west coast wildfires have arrived and are actively providing additional connections. The tethered drone will be deployed in Bell City again today to process calls and data sessions throughout the day.

To date, we have deployed 16 satellite-linked cell sites, 27 satellite links on trailers for macro cell site connections, and 24 portable generators. Teams continue to dynamically move these resources around as power and fiber status change.

The environment continues to be very dynamic and our engineers are responding in real time to changes. As sites using satellite links are moved back over to permanent fiber connections, many of those satellite links have been or are in the process of being redeployed to bring up additional sites or add redundancy and reliability.

Refueling operations needed to keep our cell sites and switch locations in service for our customers continue as we await restoral of commercial power to many of our cell sites

FREE wireless device charging and Internet, regardless of carrier

To assist the community in recovery efforts, today Verizon has deployed two Wireless Emergency Communications Centers (WECCs) to Lake Charles and Dequincy. These generator-powered mobile units have device charging, computer workstations, and wireless phones, tablets and other devices to communicate with friends, family and other important contacts.

The WECCs are located at the Cameron Parish Sheriff's Office (10090 Gulf Hwy, Lake Charles, LA 70607) and the Dequincy Market Basket (505 E 4th St, Dequincy, LA 70633) and will be open for those who need access to free wireless device charging and Internet, regardless of carrier, from 10am-6pm today through Saturday September 12.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open for business. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/. All residents regardless of carrier are invited to come in to charge their devices at these locations.

September 5 Update

Network status:

Verizon engineers continued to recover cell sites overnight using microwave and satellite links while we wait for fiber restoral. Fiber vendors have begun work to restore fiber lines, following the power company as they replace poles and restore power. Our engineers’ focus remains on the final few sites out of service and are urgently working those recovery plans.

To date, Verizon has deployed 24 satellite links, 15 satellite cell sites, three towers on wheels and 25 portable generators to help with recovery issues. Verizon has also deployed a Hawk today – a flying cell site – in Bell City. This Hawk is a tethered drone hovering 150’ above the ground and provides service from the sky.

FREE Wireless Charging and Internet, regardless of carrier

To assist the community in recovery efforts, today Verizon is deploying two Wireless Emergency Communications Centers (WECC). These generator-powered mobile units have device charging, computer workstations, and wireless phones, tablets and other devices to communicate with friends, family and other important contacts. One WECC is being deployed in Dequincy, where power restoral is not expected for a couple of weeks. The other will be deployed in Lake Charles.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open for business. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/. All residents regardless of carrier are invited to come in to charge their devices at these locations.

September 4 Update

Network status:

Verizon engineers and vendor partners have made significant progress in restoring cell sites, with only a handful of sites remaining out of service post-Laura.

Significant progress has been made in repairing and replacing damaged or misaligned antennas on cell sites leading to greater capacity and better performance. Progress is also being made deploying microwave paths to temporarily replace fiber while we await fiber restoral, and continuing refueling operations on the final sites and mobile assets without access to commercial power.

We continue to move mobile cell sites and satellite link assets into the market. Several assets were released from the wildfire recovery efforts on the West Coast and are making their way towards the Louisiana area. Yesterday a satellite-linked cell site was deployed to Lake Charles Fire Department to provide coverage for their community outreach and support efforts. Later today a tethered drone will be sent up in Bell City to provide coverage from the sky for customers in that area.

Engineering teams are watching the weather carefully as storms are possible in the area this weekend. With many satellite links providing temporary connection for cell sites, storms could potentially impact signals for short periods of time.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open for business. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/. All residents regardless of carrier are invited to come in to charge their devices at these locations.

September 3 Update

Network status:

Along the coast in Cameron, the majority of cell sites have been restored, and engineers continue to maintain mobile cell sites to supplement coverage for first responders. We have also seen significant progress in restoring cell sites in Lake Charles and along the I-10 corridor.

Site surveys for all cell sites continue, and as they do, our engineers are uncovering numerous antennas that are broken or misdirected as a result of hurricane force winds. If an antenna is not working or is pointing towards the ground or sky as opposed to towards customers, even if the cell site is on air it will not carry optimized levels of wireless traffic. Verizon has teams of repair crews focused on fixing the damage to antennas to optimize coverage and capacity at each of our sites.

Additionally today, Verizon is working with our vendor partners to put up a tethered drone that will provide coverage from the sky in Bell City. 

Refueling efforts continue, and engineers continue to deploy alternate connections to fiber including microwave paths between cell sites to bring up the remaining cell sites out of service throughout the storm-impacted area.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open for business. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/. All residents regardless of carrier are invited to come in to charge their devices at these locations.

September 2 Update

Network Status:

Restoration efforts continue in the Lake Charles, Shreveport and Vernon areas with additional cell sites coming back in service over the past 24 hours. We continue the additional deployment of satellite and microwave assets to temporarily replace broken fiber in the network and while there is still lots of work to do, customers should see an improvement in service in much of that area. Refueling operations also continue throughout the day and night, providing fuel to generators while we wait for commercial power to be restored.

As the coastal area becomes more accessible to emergency operations and first responders, Verizon has installed three satellite-linked cell sites to provide service to first responders and customers. Additional satellite-linked cell sites are being deployed along the coast today to help with restoration efforts in that area.

This effort continues to be one of the largest mobilizations of satellite assets in the company’s history. To date, engineers have deployed 21 satellite links on trailers to cell towers without fiber connection and 14 mobile satellite-linked cell sites for emergency responders and customers.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open for business. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/. All residents regardless of carrier are invited to come in to charge their devices at these locations.

September 1 Update

Network status:

Our Network engineers continue to make strong progress with restoration efforts. They have brought multiple cell sites back into service since yesterday, including in Lake Charles, Cameron Parish, Vernon Parish, Shreveport and Beauregard.

Restoring fiber, which carries data throughout the network to cell sites, remains a major area of focus. The team continues to make progress in repairing breaks in the primary rings of fiber impacting the Lake Charles and East Texas areas, but there is still more work to do.

As temporary alternatives to fiber, multiple satellite portable assets and microwave connections are already in service with more scheduled for deployment to impacted cell sites in Lake Charles and Sulphur. In addition, we continue to bring additional assets into the hardest hit areas to expedite service restoration and have deployed the most mobile equipment to help with the restoration of service for our customers in Verizon’s 20-year history.

The Network team has completed 100 site surveys to complete damage assessment, with more to do as the final few inaccessible locations become accessible. Drones are being used to help inspect cell sites and identify potential damage caused by wind or flooding. We also are using a tethered drone to provide wireless coverage in Lake Charles.

Massive refueling operations needed to keep our cell sites and switch locations in service for our customers continue as we await restoral of commercial power.

For towers that have been restored with temporary connections using fiber or microwave, the engineering team is working to optimize their performance by adding capacity and adjusting key performance operations. These optimization efforts on permanent cell sites with temporary connections and on temporary cell sites deployed in the area will provide better capacity and coverage for customers.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open for business. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/. All residents regardless of carrier are invited to come in to charge their devices at these locations.

August 31 Update

Network status:

The Verizon engineering team and vendors continue to make strong progress in restoration efforts. The areas of greatest challenge remain in Lake Charles, Sulphur, Shreveport, and the coastal markets.

Using satellite and microwave technology as a temporary alternative to fiber carrying data throughout the network to cell sites, the Verizon Network team was able to get 27 cell sites back in service since yesterday morning, including 11 sites in Lake Charles, five in Leesville, and 11 others spread throughout the impacted areas, including Iowa, Alexandria, West Lake and more. Multiple microwave connections are already on air with more scheduled for deployment today to impacted cell sites.

In parallel, work continues to restore fiber connections to the remaining sites out of service.

With roads to some coastal communities still highly inaccessible, the Verizon team completed an initial survey of network equipment by helicopter. Subsequently, we were able to transport a satellite-linked mobile cell tower down to the coast, using heavy-debris moving vehicles to clear the way to areas that were previously inaccessible by vehicle. That mobile cell site is active and providing limited service to some coastal communities.

We continue a massive refueling operation to keep our generators running until commercial power is restored to run our cell sites and network facilities for our customers. We are also using our generators to help power some fiber companies in the area. Our engineers are confident we have the fuel and crews we need to keep that operation running 24x7 until commercial power is restored to the area.

Engineers supporting Operation BBQ Relief, which began this weekend in Lake Charles, have deployed an aerial cell site via a drone to provide additional coverage to community members gathered there. This “flying cell site” is tethered 100 feet above a Verizon vehicle and provides voice calling and texting. Weather permitting, the drone will remain in service today.

Unlimited calling, texting and data expanded:

For our consumer and small business customers in Louisiana and Texas most impacted by Hurricane Laura, Verizon is extending unlimited calling, texting and data through Tuesday, September 8. Those parishes and counties include:

Louisiana: Acadia, Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Caldwell, Cameron, DeSoto, Evangeline, Grant, Jackson, Jefferson Davis, LaSalle, Lincoln, Natchitoches, Ouachita, Rapides, Red River, Sabine, Union, Vermilion, Vernon, Winn

Texas: Orange

Customers can verify eligibility for call/text/data relief here:

Postpaid: https://www.verizonwireless.com/featured/relief/

Prepaid: https://www.verizonwireless.com/featured/relief/?type=prepaid


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open for business. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/. All residents regardless of carrier are invited to come in to charge their devices at these locations.

August 30 Update

Network status:

We continue to work around the clock on network restoration efforts and have seen some positive movement, although power outages and fiber connections needed for cell sites and some mobile assets to work still pose a significant challenge.

Alternatives to fiber:

To date, our engineers have deployed nine satellite links to cell sites in the most impacted areas as a substitute for fiber connections to restore service at those sites. More satellite assets are in the process of being deployed today. In fact, we have deployed more satellite links in this emergency than ever before in the history of our company.

We are also working towards deploying microwave connections at impacted cell sites. Microwave is a second alternative to fiber for carrying data throughout the network A significant amount of microwave assets are moving into the market and designs are being built to restore connections to cell sites until fiber can be restored.

Alternatives to commercial power:

We continue a massive refueling operation to keep our generators running as we await the return of commercial power to our cell sites and network facilities. We are also using our generators to help power some fiber companies in the area. Our engineers are confident we have the fuel and crews we need to keep that operation running 24x7 until commercial power is restored to the area.

Support for first responders:

We continue to deploy mobile satellite-linked cell sites in support of first responders and are providing service to numerous police departments, fire departments and Emergency Operation Centers. To date we have mobilized satellite-linked cell sites to

  • Jefferson Parish PD

  • Lake Charles PD

  • the LA Fire Marshal's office

  • Sulphur City Hall to support the Sulphur PD and FD

  • Calcasieu Emergency Management 

  • the LA State National Guard

The National Guard will arrive today in Lake Charles and we have coverage ready for them at their main staging area.

We have completed site surveys for all sites we can access. The areas of Lake Charles, LA, Vernon Parish, Manny, TX and the coastal markets (which are not yet accessible) remain the most challenging areas from a service perspective.

In accordance with recommended social distancing policies, Verizon has activated virtual command centers in Louisiana and Texas and our employees are using additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as they engage in recovery efforts. We have deployed accommodation and comfort trailers with showers and beds for our field teams working on the restoration.

Community support:

We are deploying several portable network assets to support the efforts of Operation BBQ Relief which began this weekend in Lake Charles. Those include a Gooseneck trailer with inflatable shelter that will provide WiFi communications using the Verizon Satellite Network.

Additional assets will be deployed today, including a FEMA Type One command trailer which is a mobile office on wheels with 11 workstations and a large conference room for the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury. A Wireless Emergency Communications Center (WECC) is also being deployed to support the Jena Band of Choctaw Indians in Trout, LA.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

August 29 Update

Network status:

While there is still a lot of recovery work to do in the aftermath of Hurricane Laura, Verizon engineering crews and vendor partners have made good progress working throughout the night on restoration efforts in Louisiana and East Texas. They’ve been able to bring many cell sites back on air, deploy multiple mobile assets for temporary relief, and engage in massive refueling operations to keep generators running in the wake of commercial power outages.

Lake Charles and Sulphur areas:

Specifically in the Lake Charles and Sulphur areas, in addition to restoring some macro cell sites, crews have deployed 21 portable generators and provided seven satellite-connected cell sites to support first responders and public safety. There are significant impacts to fiber connections in the area (fiber transports data from our cell sites to network switch and core locations), so teams set up four satellite backhaul trailers to provide temporary connection to macro towers until fiber is restored. Engineers have also added significant capacity on cell sites that are back in service to handle a portion of the data and voice traffic from sites not yet restored.

Vernon area:

One satellite backhaul trailer has been deployed in Vernon to bring up service in that area.

Today’s focus:

Today crews are using multiple means of transportation - including air boats and planes - to complete site survey work in inaccessible areas. They will continue to deploy mobile assets as needed, work with our fiber vendors to repair broken fiber, and resume massive refueling operations to keep generators running until commercial power is restored.

In accordance with recommended social distancing policies, Verizon has activated virtual command centers in Louisiana and Texas and our employees are using additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as they engage in recovery efforts.

Additionally, our Verizon Response team is deployed in the impacted areas and working 24/7 to coordinate with first responders. We are in contact with federal, state and local emergency management teams and are coordinating communication needs and efforts with them. First responder customers with wireless priority service should utilize *272 when placing calls.

Community support:

We are deploying several portable network assets to support the efforts of Operation BBQ Relief beginning this weekend in Lake Charles. Those include a Gooseneck trailer with inflatable shelter that will provide WiFi communications using the Verizon Satellite Network.


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store operations

All Verizon retail stores in storm-impacted areas are open with the exception of our store in Lake Charles. You can find the nearest store by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/.

August 28 Update

Network status:

Our teams are working around the clock in continuing recovery efforts following Hurricane Laura's landfall to provide service for customers and first responders in Louisiana and Eastern Texas.

Verizon engineers worked throughout the night to deploy mobile network assets to support first responders. This was while work began to restore service to the hardest hit areas in Sulphur and Lake Charles. There are significant impacts to fiber connections in the area (fiber transports data from our cell sites to network switch and core locations), so our engineers mobilized satellite links on trailers to provide temporary connection to cell sites affected in downtown Lake Charles. While widespread commercial power outages continue, our engineers have deployed numerous portable generators to restore power to cell sites. They also deployed two mobile satellite-connected cell sites to support police and fire department operations.

As roads are cleared and it is safe to move around, teams today are continuing site assessments and restoration, including repairing broken or displaced antennas, mobilizing additional portable generators and temporary cell sites, coordinating with power and fiber restoral teams, and responding to the needs of first responders.

In accordance with recommended social distancing policies, we have activated our virtual command centers in Louisiana and Texas (in accordance with recommended social distancing policies) and our employees are using additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as they engage in recovery efforts. 

Community support:

Yesterday the Verizon Foundation announced a $1 million donation to support immediate relief efforts across communities in Louisiana and Texas impacted by Hurricane Laura. The funds will be donated to the American Red Cross and the Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana, with each charity receiving $500,000 to aid in their emergency response and recovery.

We are deploying several portable network assets to support the efforts of Operation BBQ Relief beginning this weekend in Lake Charles. Those include a Gooseneck trailer with inflatable shelter that will provide WiFi communications using the Verizon Satellite Network.

Additionally, our Verizon Response team is deployed in the impacted areas and working 24/7 to coordinate with first responders. We are in contact with federal, state and local emergency management teams and are coordinating communication needs and efforts with them. First responder customers with wireless priority service should utilize *272 when placing calls.

Unlimited calling, texting and data expanded:

For our consumer and small business customers in eight additional parishes in Louisiana most impacted by Hurricane Laura, beginning Friday, August 28, through September 1, Verizon is providing unlimited calling, texting and data:

Louisiana: Caldwell, Grant, Jackson, La Salle, Lincoln, Ouachita, Union, Winn

Customers can verify eligibility for call/text/data relief here:

Postpaid: https://www.verizonwireless.com/featured/relief/

Prepaid: https://www.verizonwireless.com/featured/relief/?type=prepaid


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Retail store closures:

Verizon retail stores may be closed or have reduced hours due to the storm. You can find the nearest one that’s open by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/.


August 27

BATON ROUGE, LA As Hurricane Laura continues inland, it has left commercial power outages and significant structural damage throughout the area in its wake. Despite all of this, Verizon’s network remains resilient. While we are seeing some sites out of service in the heaviest hit areas – primarily in and around Lake Charles - our network has backup generators and batteries running to keep our cell sites in service throughout the area to allow our customers to remain connected as clean up begins.

Once the storm subsides and it is safe to do so, our crews will begin site assessments and repairs, move mobile assets into place as needed, and activate a massive refueling operation to keep sites running until commercial power is restored.

Our Network teams and vendor partners are staffing our 24x7 virtual wireless command center and we are in contact with federal, state and local emergency management teams and are coordinating communication needs and efforts with them.

Unlimited calling, texting and data expanded:

For our consumer and small business customers in nine additional parishes and counties in Louisiana and Texas in the path of Hurricane Laura, beginning Thursday, August 26 through September 1, Verizon is providing unlimited calling, texting and data:

Louisiana: De Soto, Natchitoches, Red River, Sabine

Texas: Angelina, Nacogdoches, Sabine, San Augustine, and Shelby

Customers can verify eligibility for call/text/data relief here:

Postpaid: https://www.verizonwireless.com/featured/relief/

Prepaid: https://www.verizonwireless.com/featured/relief/?type=prepaid


Verizon customers can help the American Red Cross or World Central Kitchen in their disaster relief efforts by texting the word LAURA to 90999 for American Red Cross, or FOOD to 80100 for World Central Kitchen, and $10 will be added to their Verizon Wireless bill upon confirmation of the billing zip code.

Verizon Response Team deployed:

Our Verizon Response team is deployed in the impacted areas and working 24/7 to coordinate with first responders. We are mobilizing charging stations, devices, special equipment, emergency vehicles and more to support local, state and federal agencies in the impacted areas of Louisiana and Texas. First responder customers with wireless priority service should utilize *272 when placing calls.

Retail store closures:

Verizon retail stores may be closed or have reduced hours due to the storm. You can find the nearest one that’s open by visiting: https://www.verizonwireless.com/stores/.

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These additional funds are provided on top of the $1 Million announced earlier this month — $500k to the American Red Cross and $500k to the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation


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