Wireless Phones Help Protect Victims Of Domestic Violence in Westchester County, New York

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PLEASANTVILLE, NY — Continuing its commitment to domestic violence prevention and awareness, Verizon Wireless recently donated 15 wireless phones to the Northern Westchester Shelter, a leading domestic violence agency serving Westchester County women and their families.

The donation was made possible through the company's HopeLineSM Phone Recycling Program. No longer used wireless phones collected through the HopeLine recycling program are refurbished, recycled or sold. Phones that cannot be refurbished are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Proceeds are donated to domestic violence advocacy groups or used to purchase new phones for victims.

The Northern Westchester Shelter will lend the phones to women at risk to carry with them to call for help in an emergency. The phones are pre-programmed to dial 9-1-1 and the shelter's crisis hotline, 914-238-2800.

"Having wireless phones in hand will allow women to go about their day-to-day lives with less fear," said Carla Horton, executive director, Northern Westchester Shelter. "They can go to work and take their children to school secure in the knowledge that if the abuser appears, they can call for help."

Domestic violence prevention and education is Verizon Wireless' chief community focus. "No offense shakes individual security more than violence in the home," said Charles Hand, president of Verizon Wireless' New York Metro Region. "At Verizon Wireless, we continue to be humbled by the strength of domestic violence survivors and proud to provide them with resources that can help them rebuild their lives."

As a result of HopeLine and related phone recycling programs the company has organized since 1995, Verizon Wireless has collected two million used wireless phones for the benefit of domestic violence victims and advocacy groups, including more than 90,000 wireless handsets in the New York metro area. Donations are accepted at all 70 Verizon Wireless Communications Stores in the New York Metro area, and in all 1,200 company retail locations across the country. All wireless phone models, batteries and chargers from any carrier are accepted. For store locations and additional information, visit www.verizonwireless.com/hopeline.  

About Verizon Wireless
Verizon Wireless is the nation's leading provider of wireless communications. The company has the largest nationwide wireless voice and data network and 39 million customers. Headquartered in Bedminster, NJ, Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ) and Vodafone (NYSE and LSE: VOD). Find more information on the Web at www.verizonwireless.com. To receive broadcast-quality video footage of Verizon Wireless operations, log onto www.thenewsmarket.com/verizonwireless.


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