WilTel completes connections with NYNEX

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TULSA, Okla. (March 21, 1995)-- WilTel, a wholly owned subsidiary of LDDS Communications, has established frame relay network-to-network (NNI) connections with NYNEX. With these connections in place, WilTel customers will be able to interconnect with NYNEX's frame relay network via the WilTel WilPak frame relay network.

Customers benefiting from this service are those with multi-LATA (Local Access Transport Area), multi-state or multi-LEC (Local Exchange Carrier) locations. Commercial availability is expected in April. "The NNI agreement between NYNEX and WilTel is part of WilTel's effort to establish NNI connections with each of the Regional Bell Operating Companies," said Dawn Honeyman, product manager for WilTel.

WilTel currently has NNI connectivity with Bell Atlantic, BellSouth, Southern New England Telephone (SNET), GTE in Tampa, Fla., and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (SWBT) and U S West. Private lines will connect the two networks since WilTel and NYNEX switches are not collocated. WilTel offers CIRs (Committed Information Rates) at 16 Kbps, 32 Kbps, 48 Kbps, 56 Kbps or any increment of 64 Kbps up to a maximum of 1.024 Mbps. CIRs reach port speed on all port sizes of NYNEX's network.

Port speeds on both networks reach T-1. WilTel's platform is vendor independent with NYNEX using Newbridge and Northern Telecom LPP switches. Both networks support bursting. NYNEX provides a full range of communications services in the northeastern United States and selected markets around the world, including the United Kingdom, Thailand, Gibraltar, Greece, Indonesia and the Czech Republic. The company has expertise in telecommunications, cable television, directory publishing, video entertainment and information network and delivery services. NYNEX has assets of $29.5 billion and revenues of $13.4 billion.

WilTel is a full-service telecommunications company that offers domestic and international data, voice and video products and services to carriers and large business customers. WilTel operates a nationwide digital fiber-optic network for its parent company, LDDS, which is one of the four largest U.S.-based long-distance carriers. The shares of LDDS Communications Inc., trade on The NASDAQ Stock Market under the symbol LDDS.


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