Students Step Up to Talk About Healthy Relationships

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With more than a decade of supporting domestic violence prevention efforts through the Verizon HopeLine® program and the Verizon Foundation, we are always looking for ways to get more people involved in this important cause and encourage healthy relationships. Recently, we partnered with the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) and Illinois Lt. Governor Sheila Simon to recognize Teen Dating Violence Awareness month across high schools in Illinois.

The Coalition hosted the “No More Dating Abuse” video competition, sponsored by the Verizon Foundation, asking students to create a 30-second public service announcement promoting healthy relationships. The competition started last October and more than 20 PSA entries were collected from high schools across the state. After careful consideration of all of the submissions, the winning video was selected last week and a special assembly was held to celebrate the students’ efforts.


The winning video was created by a group of four students at Lake Zurich High School. On Friday, the students received a special visit from Lt. Governor Simon and were each awarded an iPad. Additionally, the school received a donation of $1,000 in honor of the achievement.

“I believe the enthusiastic response we received from teens throughout the state indicates this type of project can help raise awareness of the issue and provides teens with a fun and exciting way to use technology to help others learn about and speak out against dating violence. ICADV is thrilled to be working with Lt. Governor Simon and grateful to Verizon to help get these teens involved,” shared Vickie Smith, chief executive officer of ICADV.

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