Introducing: Straight Talk Home Internet.

By: Jennifer Marin
Communications Strategist/Writer

Our new prepaid wireless home internet service.

On today’s edition of Up To Speed, host Jennifer Marin was live from Walmart in Rogers, Arkansas where we introduced Straight Talk Home Internet, exclusively at Walmart.

Straight Talk Home Internet is powered by Verizon’s award-winning 5G and 4G LTE networks, and it’s available exclusively at Walmart for just $45 a month. The router, which can connect multiple devices, costs $99 and can be self-installed.

Jennifer was joined by Angie Klein, Chief Revenue Officer of TracFone and Verizon Prepaid and CEO of Visible, and Walmart Vice President, DMM Wireless Services, Mehrdad Akbar who shared details regarding this announcement and their excitement for the evolution of the ongoing partnership between Straight Talk and Walmart.

Angie shared that the new product is a testament to Verizon’s partnership with Walmart, as well as the amazing teams across TracFone, Verizon and Walmart who worked collaboratively to bring it to market, helping to deliver coverage and access for all.

Mehrdad emphasized Walmart’s commitment to make wireless products and services more accessible and how Straight Talk Home Internet is a perfect example of this commitment, allowing customers to have access to resources and opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach without high-speed internet.

Straight Talk Home Internet will be available exclusively at nearly 2,000 Walmart stores across the country in the coming weeks, as well as and Straight Talk will make high-speed broadband even more accessible with no credit checks or contracts, and unlimited data at just $45 per month; plus, consumers participating in the FCC’s Affordable Connectivity Program or ACP can leverage their benefits for this service.

Angie encouraged V Teamers and TRACkies to please get out there and tell everyone about Straight Talk Home Internet. As this launch is something that is hard not to be excited about!

Click here for a transcript of the webcast.

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About the author:

Jennifer Marin is a former local news reporter/anchor. She was born in Colombia but raised in Northern New Jersey. She loves to craft new recipes, create videos, and spend time with her pug, Sweetie.

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