My Fios TV Test Drive promotion
Explore the best of Fios TV with our Fios TV Test Drive for 60 days and discover the TV package that is right for you. Try 425 TV channels, including popular premium channels. Find new shows or stick with your favorites. Our digital tool will analyze what you watch and recommend the perfect TV package.
Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible for Fios TV Test Drive?
- Test Drive is available to new Fios customers choosing a TV package.
- If you choose TV packages, Local TV, Mundo or Mundo Total anytime during your Test Drive trial, you wilI be unenrolled from TV Test Drive immediately and placed into the new TV package.
- Test drive is not required. However, if you choose to not take advantage of this special offer at the time you place your order, you will not have the opportunity to enroll at a later time.
Still have a question? Please call 1.800.verizon (1.800.837.4966) and a representative will be happy to assist you.
What can I expect during Fios TV Test Drive?
Track what you watch
- Get comfortable and explore the best of Fios TV for 60 days.
- With our digital tool, you can track the channels you watch anytime to help make your final TV package selection easier.
- We’ll send you an email after installation is completed to let you know when your viewing history is available.
Take Action: Choose Your Plan
- We’ll make a recommendation based on the channels you watch the most.
- We’ll send a notification, around day 30, when your recommendation is ready.
- Simply sign into My Fios/My Verizon to review our recommendation.
- Make the choice that’s best for you – accept our recommendation OR choose a TV line up you prefer.
- We’ll send you reminders when it’s time to take action – between day 30 and 50 after install.
- In case you forget to select the TV package you want when test drive ends, we’ll move you to our recommended TV plan.
- No need to worry, you always have the flexibility to change your TV plan at any time.
Move to your new plan
- When your Test Drive period ends, your selected TV plan will go into effect.
- Your billing will be updated to reflect your newly selected plan.
- Your new charges will take effect on your third bill. We’ll notify you of your new tv package costs, including any increase, before the change takes effect.
How is my TV Plan recommendation calculated?
Your recommendation is based on your household and Fios TV Mobile app activity beginning with the date of service installation. The recommendation shown includes all of the channels that your household spent 95% of the overall time tuned into or recording. This includes live TV, DVR recordings, OnDemand programs, and Fios TV Mobile app usage. Please note that recommendations may not include the most recent activity and that information is not updated after Day 50 of your Test Drive.
What if I forget to choose a new TV plan?
- We will send a notification around Day 40 to remind you of choosing a TV plan. If no action is taken, you will be placed into the recommended TV plan around Day 50, but you can still change your plan until Day 60. The new plan will begin after Test Drive ends.
- You always have the flexibility to change your TV plan after Test Drive ends.
Can I keep Fios TV Test Drive after 60 days?
Test Drive is a limited-duration, 60-day plan that cannot be retained beyond the 60 day Test Drive period.
Can I discontinue Fios TV Test Drive before it’s over?
- Absolutely. Participation in Test Drive is completely optional. You can unenroll at any time and for any reason.
- Please note, by unenrolling from Test Drive before the end date, you cannot re-enroll. All Test Drive discounts will end and your channel lineup will be updated to reflect that of your selected TV package. Prorated charges will apply on your next bill.
Does my bill increase at the end of Fios TV Test Drive?
Depending on my new TV Plan, your bill may increase at the end of the Test Drive period. You will be notified of the new plan costs, including any increase, before the change takes effect.
Can I take advantage of other offers if I enroll in Fios TV Test Drive?
Yes, participation in Test Drive would make you eligible for any new customer offers for the Fios Test Drive plan, but once the trial period ends, you are no longer eligible for promotional offers on the permanent plan you select. You would still be eligible for offers on Fios Internet and Voice products if not already signed up for those products.