‘I can't be more grateful’

By: Jessica Bonardi

V Teamer Terrell Starkey shares his journey as a new father and how Verizon helped make the transition smoother.

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On today’s edition of Up To Speed we meet Terrell Starkey, a retail specialist based in Tustin, CA.

Terrell started with Verizon as a part time employee in November 2022, and was recently promoted to a full time position.

He shared that what he loves most about the job is how it’s so easy flowing.

“Everybody is a team player, everybody is here to win, here to succeed, and they’ll help you on that journey as well,” said Terrell.

Terrell is a proud father to a 3 month old baby girl named Gianna. He shared how happy he was to be working for a company that allowed him access to all his benefits starting on day one. He was especially grateful for the opportunity to enjoy his paternity leave benefits.

“I took the opportunity to kind of build a bond, learn who my daughter is and then grow as a man,” said Terrell.

Terrell shared that being a dad has changed him in ways he can’t even explain.

“I get to not only see somebody grow but I can also give her a life that I never had for myself,” said Terrell. “That’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, I can’t be more grateful that I have this opportunity.”

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