When close enough isn’t good enough.
New RTK technology provides centimeter-level location accuracy. Nicki Palmer explains what it is and why it matters.
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On today’s episode of Up To Speed, Katie was joined by Nicki Palmer, who leads our Technology and Product Development team. Highlights included:
Real Time Kinematics (RTK) produced at scale
If you haven’t heard of Hyper Precise Location with Real Time Kinematics (RTK), you’re not alone.
Nicki explained how this technology represents the next evolution in mass market GPS solutions. It provides centimeter-level location accuracy -- in comparison to an accuracy level of three to nine meters with GPS alone -- and ultimately can help reduce the costs and risks associated with inaccurate location data.
Nicki shared how we’re deploying and building RTK technology and reference stations to our network across the United States. Along with the rollout of 5G and Mobile Edge Compute (MEC), the expanded bandwidth and speed, low latency and cloud processing powe will help support emerging technologies like unmanned vehicles, future railways, precision ag-tech, high-value shipping, next-gen mapping, infrastructure monitoring, critical rapid response and more.
Meet a Build The Future challenge winner - Kaitlynn Davis
We had over 1,400 great submissions in our Build The Future challenge. The three winners have presented to senior leadership and are moving on to the prototype stage.
We caught up with Kaitlynn Davis, Enterprise Solutions Professional Services Integration Consultant, to learn about the inspiration behind her team’s submission. “Imagine you’re in charge of a business or emergency service getting flooded with robocalls and you need to respond quickly,” she said. “I work in voice protection and analytics where we see these problems every day. My team came up with a network solution: Voice Defense+. This will ensure that critical channels for communication are safer on our networks than anywhere else.”
Inside Verizon on LinkedIn
To read more about Kaitlynn’s story on how her winning idea came to life, check out this interview on LinkedIn. And while you’re there, be sure to follow our Inside Verizon page to stay up on all the news, helpful career tips and stories that make you go, “Hmmmm.” Share an opinion and be part of the conversation with your fellow V Teamers.
Virtual hackathon
Nicki gave a shout out to the V Teamers who recently spent their weekend participating in a virtual hackathon. The solution they came up with deals with how we detect and analyze devices in the IoT space, allowing us to provide better tools to customers. As this great idea moves forward to prototyping, it proves once again that innovation is alive and well here at Verizon.
If you have any questions, email them to live@verizon.com.
Click here for a transcript of the webcast.
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Reminder, tune in to Up To Speed Live tomorrow at 12 PM ET/9 AM PT.