A message from our Chief Privacy Officer
Verizon is committed to protecting your privacy. Verizon delivers the promise of the digital world to our customers. Our services transform how people, businesses and things connect with each other. We know that we have a responsibility to protect the privacy of your information and our goal is to earn your trust through the privacy decisions we make each day.
We provide you with clear and transparent notice about the information we collect and how we use it. And, unless the data we collect is necessary to deliver and maintain the best services and experiences with Verizon, we provide you with choices about how we use your information.
You can read about our privacy practices in our full Privacy Policy. Our privacy center will guide you to useful information about different privacy-related topics, quick answers to immediate questions about our privacy practices, information about additional privacy practices that apply to the specific Verizon apps and services you use and information about our affiliate companies’ privacy policies.
We update our privacy policies when we introduce new products, services or practices and when we think that providing additional detail will help clarify our practices. Our “recent changes” page describes the newest changes.
Please let us know if you have any input or questions. You can contact us by submitting a privacy inquiry form.
Sue Vinci
Chief Privacy Officer
June, 2024