We offer strategic technology solutions designed to meet federal directives and mandates. Contract prices, terms, and conditions have been negotiated, dramatically reducing the lead time required to obtain services. Through the Cooperative Purchasing Program, eligible state and local governments can take advantage of Verizon’s GSA MAS IT program to conveniently procure services and products at the same negotiated rates.
S70 Verizon Enterprise Center
Customer Support Options
S70 Repairs
Phone: 1-888-624-7730 | Option 1 | Option 1
Hours: 8am-8pm ET
S70 Portal Support
Phone: 1-888-624-7730 | Option 1 | Option 2
Hours: 8am-5pm ET
S70 Portal Registration/User Administration
Group (UAG)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-888-624-7730 | Option 1 | Option 3
Hours: 8am-5pm ET
Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) (previously IT Schedule 70)
General Services Administration (GSA)
5 years plus 4 options (through 6/10/2040 with all option years)
Verizon holds the following Special Item Number (SIN) on GSA MAS:
MCI Communications Services, Inc. dba Verizon Business Services (formerly Cybertrust)
Verizon holds the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) on GSA MAS IT: