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How to use Verizon Cloud

Verizon Cloud is a service that offers secure cloud storage to wirelessly back up and sync content between your phone, tablet, computer and other devices.

    Get started

      Sign up for Verizon Cloud

      If you're the Account Owner or Account Manager, you can go to the Services & Perks  page in My Verizon to add Verizon Cloud to any line(s) on your account. Or you can sign up through the Verizon Cloud app to add Verizon Cloud to your individual line.

      Note: A certain amount of Verizon Cloud storage is included at no extra charge with Get More Unlimited, Do More Unlimited and Above Unlimited plans, if you already are subscribed to these plans.

      Prepaid accounts – To sign up for Verizon Cloud, follow the steps to get a new service in the My Verizon app. You must be the Account Owner to add Verizon Cloud to one or more lines on your account.

      Download the Verizon Cloud app

      Verizon Cloud may already be installed on your mobile device. If it isn't, you can download it from your device's app store:

      Set up the Verizon Cloud mobile app

      Set up the Verizon Cloud app on your computer

      Verify the computer app is working

      To check the status of the Verizon Cloud app on your computer:

      1. Click the Cloud icon:
        • Mac – In the top right
        • Windows – In the bottom right
      2. Click the Menu icon (3 horizontal dots).
      3. Click Settings.

      Note: When you install Verizon Cloud on a Mac computer with Big Sur, you’re required to set permissions manually.

    Back up & sync content

      Import contact list

      Import contact list — Learn how to import a contact list to Verizon Cloud.

      Upload content

      You can upload content to Verizon Cloud from:

      • Learn how to upload content using the My Verizon website.
      • Your smartphone: You can upload content to the Verizon Cloud app on your phone using the upload or share option in other apps. E.g., in your Photos or Gallery app, select the photos you want to upload, then tap the Share or Upload icon. Verizon Cloud is listed in the sharing options. Tap Verizon Cloud and follow the onscreen prompts to upload the photos.
      • Your basic phone:
        1. Select a photo or video you want to upload.
        2. Select Options.
        3. Select To PIX Place or To Online Album.
      • Your computer: Make sure the Verizon Cloud app is running on your computer. New content automatically uploads.

      Manually back up media

      Media backup functionality is automatic for both Android and iOS devices.

      Navigate to the top of the Home screen to view the:

      • Number of local files to upload to the Cloud
      • Progress of files that have been uploaded from the queue
      • Option to start or cancel the operation. Both buttons are on the right:
        • Click the orange button to start
        • Click the blue button to cancel
      • To manually sync your contacts, ensure that the "Contacts option" is enabled by:
        • Going to view your settings
        • Ensure you're connected to Wi-FI. Uploads still occur in the background and existing settings are maintained.

      On the computer: Follow the steps for uploading content from your computer to upload your media.

      View and change your backup settings

      You can view and change your backup settings in the Verizon Cloud mobile app:

      Archive files on your computer

      Archiving your files lets you keep a copy of deleted files in Cloud so you can free up space on your devices. They'll be there to use on any device until you delete them from your Cloud.

      Archive files — Learn how to archive files.

    Download content

      Download content to your phone or tablet

      1. Tap the Menu icon in the top left corner.
      2. Tap Photos & Videos.
      3. Touch and hold on a photo or video you want to download.

        Note: A check mark will appear on the photo, showing it’s been selected. Then, you can tap on additional photos or videos if you’d like to download more than one file at the same time.
      4. Tap the Download icon (down arrow) on the bottom navigation bar.

      Once the download is complete, the content will be in a newly created folder named Vault.

      Download from Verizon Cloud to your computer

      Download through your Browser — photos, music or documents from your browser:

      Download from the Verizon Cloud app on your computer.

    Restore content

      Restore deleted files and contacts

      Deleted files are stored in the trash for 30 days before being permanently deleted. If you accidentally deleted a contact or file that had previously been uploaded to Verizon Cloud, you may be able to find it on the Verizon Cloud Trash page in the My Verizon website or in the Verizon Cloud app:

      1. Tap the Library Menu icon on the bottom navigation bar.
      2. Tap Trash on the library main menu.
      3. Tap and hold the file you want to restore to Verizon Cloud.

        Note: Photos will be highlighted red or a check mark will appear on the photo, showing it's been selected. Then, you can tap on additional files if you'd like to manage more than one file at a time.
      4. Tap the More options icon in the top right corner.
      5. Tap Recover item(s).
      6. Tap RECOVER.

      Your file(s) will be restored to your Verizon Cloud account.

    Manage content

      Manage documents

      You can manage your documents on the My Verizon website, Verizon Cloud mobile app or Verizon Cloud desktop app.

      To manage your documents on your desktop app, follow these steps:

      1. Open Verizon Cloud by clicking the Cloud icon in the system tray (Windows) or menu (Mac) or by typing Verizon Cloud into the search bar of the computer's application list to access the toolbar.
      2. Select the Cloud home icon in the toolbar or click the Verizon Cloud app from your desktop (Windows) / dock (Mac).
      3. Select the Library menu and then Documents.
      4. Click a document that you want to manage.
      5. Select an option (e.g., download, delete, favorite, etc.) and follow the on screen prompts to complete the action.

      Manage music

      You can manage your music on the My Verizon website, Verizon Cloud mobile app, or Verizon Cloud app on your computer.

      To manage your music on your desktop app, follow these steps:

      1. Open Verizon Cloud by clicking the Cloud icon in the system tray (Windows) or menu (Mac) or by typing Verizon Cloud into the search bar of the computer's application list to access the toolbar.
      2. Select the Cloud home icon in the toolbar or click the Verizon Cloud app from your desktop (Windows) / dock (Mac).
      3. Select the Library menu and then Audio.
      4. Click a song that you want to manage.
      5. Select an action (e.g., Add to Playlist dialog [+], favorite, delete, etc.) and follow the on screen prompts to complete the action.

      Create a playlist

      To create a playlist on your mobile app, follow these steps:

      1. Tap the Library Menu icon on the bottom navigation bar.
      2. Tap the Audio on the library main menu.
      3. Tap Playlists.
      4. Tap New Playlist.
      5. Enter a name for the playlist and tap Add Songs.
      6. Select the songs you want to add to the playlist and tap the Checkmark icon in the top left corner.

      Your new playlist will be created. You also can upload an album, playlist or folder saved on your computer.

      Create Playlist — Learn how to create a playlist from the Verizon Cloud app on your computer.

      Play a video from Cloud library

      To play a video from the library, just choose a video from the video section. The video plays automatically. Pause and resume the video as desired.

      Note: The video player doesn't support all file types. If you get an error message, download the file to your desktop to play the video.

      File formats supported when on both Windows and Mac devices: 3GPP, MPEG, MPG, etc.

      Not supported file formats: WMV, MKV, VLC, etc.

      File Format Windows Mac
      3GPP Yes Yes
      MPEG Yes Yes
      WMV No No
      MKV No No
      VLC No No
      MPG Yes Yes
      WMV No No
      AVI No No
      MP4 Yes Yes
      FLV No No
      MOV Yes Yes
      WebM Yes No

      Manage contacts

      You can manage your contacts on the My Verizon website. You can also print and/or sort your contacts from this page.

      You can also manage your contacts right in the Contacts app on your phone. If you delete, add or edit a contact in your Contacts app, that change will also be made immediately in Verizon Cloud.

    Use Private Folder


      Enable — Learn how to enable and engage your Private Folder.


      Manage Private Folder - Learn how to move content to/from the Private Folder in the Verizon Cloud desktop app

      Security Settings

      Security and Settings — Learn how to manage security and settings  for your Private Folder.

    Share & print

      Share media

      You can share your photos, videos and other files on the My Verizon website or in the Verizon Cloud app:

      Print pictures

      You can print pictures through the Verizon Cloud Print Shop website or the Verizon Cloud app.

    View and upgrade storage

      View storage

      You can view your current Verizon Cloud storage plan and how much you've used in the mobile app and computer app.

      Mobile app:

    Manage Verizon Cloud account

      Manage app permissions

      You can see a list of apps that can access your content in Verizon Cloud through the My Verizon website or the Verizon Cloud app:

      1. On the main screen, tap the Settings icon (gear).
      2. Tap Connected Apps Using Cloud.

      You can tap Remove next to any app that you don’t want to have access to your Verizon Cloud content.

      Complete your profile

      You can complete your profile in the Verizon Cloud app, which will allow you to continue using your Verizon Cloud account, even if you no longer have Verizon service.

      It's important that you complete your profile before you disconnect from Verizon service, otherwise you won’t be able to access the content you had stored in your Cloud account while you were on the Verizon network.

      Learn more about using Verizon Cloud without Verizon service. At this time, business and government accounts aren't eligible to continue using the Verizon Cloud service after they disconnect their Verizon service.

      To complete your profile:

      1. On the main screen, tap the Settings icon (gear).
      2. Tap Edit profile
      3. Tap My Account.
      4. Tap Complete My Profile.
      5. Enter or update your email address and tap Continue.
      6. Enter the PIN that was sent to your email address and tap Continue.
      7. Enter your greeting name.
      8. Enter a password that's between 8-20 characters. It must include at least 1 letter and 1 number.
      9. Re-enter your password to verify it.
      10. Tap Done.

      You've successfully completed your profile.

      Find your PIN

      You may be asked for your PIN when you set up Verizon Cloud on a new device. You can find your Verizon Cloud PIN on the My Verizon website.

      Access a different Verizon Cloud account

      If you brought an existing Verizon Cloud account with you that you set up when you didn't have Verizon service, you can sign in to that account through the Verizon Cloud app:

      1. Open the Verizon Cloud app on your new Verizon mobile device.
      2. Tap Log into Other Account.
      3. Enter your email address or User ID and password to sign in to your existing Verizon Cloud account.

      Once signed in, you can access all the content for that Verizon Cloud account.

      Note: If you can't use the Verizon Cloud app to access the cloud for another line on your account. You can only access Verizon Cloud for a different line through the My Verizon website.

      Merge Verizon Cloud accounts

      You can combine 2 Verizon Cloud accounts (including a Fios Verizon Cloud account) into a single account. Then you'll only need to sign in once to see all of your content.

      Note: Once you merge 2 accounts, you can't unmerge them.

      To merge Verizon Cloud accounts:

      1. Tap the More tab in bottom navigation.
      2. Tap Account & Content Tools.
      3. Tap Merge Content.
      4. Tap Log Into Other Cloud Account.
      5. Enter the My Verizon User ID and Password for your other Verizon Cloud account, and tap Sign in.
      6. Tap Yes, Merge Content.

      It may take up to 48 hours to fully merge all the content in both accounts, depending on the amount of content.

      Cancel Verizon Cloud subscription

      If you cancel your Verizon Cloud subscription, only your contacts will continue to sync with Verizon Cloud. All other content stored in your Verizon Cloud account will be immediately archived and no longer available to you. If you decide to cancel your subscription to Verizon Cloud, you should first download all your files to your computer or a portable storage device. You can start a new plan within 30 days to restore your account, otherwise we cannot guarantee your files can be recovered.

      You can cancel your Verizon Cloud subscription on the Services & Perks page in My Verizon or through the Verizon Cloud app.

      Note: Deleting the Verizon Cloud app from your phone does not cancel your subscription. You will continue to be charged monthly for your account until you cancel your account through My Verizon or delete your account through the Verizon Cloud app. Once canceled, all access to saved content is terminated. Save all content before canceling.

      Mobile app

      Cloud Version 23.2 and older:

      1. On the mains screen, tap the Settings icon (gear).
      2. Tap My Account
      3. Tap Delete My Account.
      4. Tap NEXT.
      5. Tap CONFIRM.

      Cloud Version 23.3 and newer:

      1. On the mains screen, tap the More at the bottom right.
      2. Tap Account & Content Tools
      3. Tap Delete My Account.
      4. Tap NEXT.
      5. Tap CONFIRM.

      Computer app

      1. Click the Cloud icon:
        1. Mac - At the top right
        2. Windows - At the bottom right
      2. Click the Menu icon (3 dots).
      3. Click Settings.
      4. Click My Account.
      5. Click Cancel my plan at the bottom.

      If you are not a Verizon customer, cancellation of your Cloud plan is done from the Cloud home page

    Manage users on a shared Verizon Cloud plan

      Add, invite or remove users on shared plan

      Only the owner of the Verizon Cloud storage shareable plan (Verizon Cloud 2 TB or Verizon Cloud Unlimited Group) may add users to a Verizon Cloud shared plan.

      To learn how to add, invite, or remove users from a shared plan, read these articles:

      An invitation will be emailed to the recipient.

      The removed user(s) will be immediately locked out. They must sign up for their own Verizon Cloud storage account within 30 days, otherwise we cannot guarantee their files can be recovered. If you decide to remove a user from a shareable plan, you should first ensure the user downloads all their files to a computer or a portable storage device.

      Note: If they have a Verizon wireless account, their contacts will remain backed up at no charge.

      Accept an invite to a shared plan

      To accept an invitation to join a shared Verizon Cloud plan:

      1. Click on the link in the email you received.
      2. Sign up or sign in to Verizon Cloud.
      3. Once authentication is complete, tap Join new plan and wait for a confirmation screen that the invite was accepted.

    Business accounts

      Block Verizon Cloud in My Business

      To block Verizon Cloud for individual lines on your business account:

      1. Go to My Business, and sign in, if prompted.
      2. Click Manage Account.
      3. In the Service section, click Manage Wireless Numbers.
      4. Select the phone number you want to manage.
      5. In the Actions dropdown, click Add or Remove Features.
      6. In the Verizon Safeguard section of the Add/Remove Features page, click Block Verizon Cloud.

        Note: This will turn the slider green, and “Currently enrolled” will appear on the screen.
      7. Click Continue in the top right corner.
      8. Click Submit on the Order Confirmation page.

      You'll receive an email confirming the change.

      Note: You can also block Verizon Cloud by either:

      • Contacting your Global Enterprise Advisor.
      • Clicking the Chat with us button at the bottom right corner of this page for help from a representative.

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