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Trusted Connection Service Attachment

This Trusted Connection Service Attachment to the Agreement between Customer and Verizon Wireless (“Verizon”) sets forth the terms and conditions for Trusted Connection as described below to be provided by Verizon to Customer hereunder.

1. Description.

Trusted Connection is a security service that combines Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) and next-gen firewall functions that allows Customer to secure Customer’s networks, devices and applications Customers will select either Trusted Connection or Trusted Connection Plus as described below.

2. Service Features

3.  Customer Obligations

3.1. Customer is required to separately purchase a Verizon mobility services plan e.g., Business Unlimited, or a Verizon fixed wireless plan, but Customer may use Customer-provided devices if such use is available under the Verizon mobility services or fixed wireless plans chosen by Customer.

3.2. Customer is solely responsible for determining their own content filtering configuration settings used and applied to the Customer’s end users. Verizon takes no responsibility for Customerselections.

3.3. Trusted Connection uses Light Weight Access Protocol (“LDAP”) with Active Directory o Security Assertion Markup Language (“SAML”) authentication to set up Customer user identities. Verizon only supports certain identity providers. Customer must ensure that its identity provider is supported by Verizon with a list available at

3.4. Customer is responsible for deploying the Trusted Connection agent to all end user devices that are in scope for the use of this service. The Trusted Connection agent is available in the Apple App store and the Google Play store in addition to being able to be downloaded from a link included in the welcome kit provided to Customer.

4. Verizon Support. Customer may request support from Verizon by calling the Verizon support number included in the welcome kit provided to Customer.

5. Charges. Customer will pay Verizon the charges for Trusted Connection as specified below.


SFO NumberNameSubscription model per cellular enabled deviceMRC
90365TRUSTED CONNECTION MOBBy Mobile Telephone Number (MTN)/ Line$5.00
90366TRUSTED CONNECTION PLUS MOBBy Mobile Telephone Number (MTN)/ Line$7.00

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